Long hair and cycling

I went the other way...when I was young (teens to early 20s), I always had short hair, would get it cut every month at the salon. EVERY boyfriend I had told me, in one way or another, that I "should let your hair grow".

It was not until I hit 25 or so that I let my hair grow, and its been long ever since. I find it very attractive, and its one of the things I love most about myself!
Yeah.. I had nice flowing curly golden locks..

But Im too much of a dyke to give a hoot about my hair.... ::shrugs:::D

I need my hair or lack thereof to be more utilitarian.. riding 8+ hours day... helmets get uncomfortable, sweat starts to accumulate, its a wet mess from either that or rain.. eeek! :eek: lol

And I like my brain to breath....:p

I like it somewhere in between. I have just enough to make a pony tail through a baseball hat and not touch my collar.
i have long hair and i have a helmet (a giro) that allows me to pull my ponytail through. And to the other i rinse my hair after a ride and wash it every other day.
jessmcph said:
i have long hair and i have a helmet (a giro) that allows me to pull my ponytail through. And to the other i rinse my hair after a ride and wash it every other day.
you mean wash it
I've had both short hair and long hair since I've been cycling. At the moment it's long, and I think I like it better at this length. It's about level with maybe the second rib from the bottom (? I think that's the best way to describe.. :rolleyes: ).

When I ride I tie it back in a lowish ponytail (but not low and loose). I have a MET stradivarius helmet which doesn't have a ponytail hole, but it's no problem I just can't have a ponytail too high. Or I plait it in one (sometimes two, depending on how cheesy I feel!) plait.

I don't like to wash my hair too frequently, pretty much every second day is about as frequent as I go unless I go swimming or surfing or something, but even then sometimes I'll just rinse it through and wait to the next day to wash it. As my hair is blonde, sometimes it can start to look a bit greasy at the roots (especially near me temples) so if it's looking that way it gets a wash. But yeh, usually every 2nd day is right for me. I ride 6-7 days a week (when in peak training mode, that includes twice a day).

I'm very much low-key when it comes to what I actually do with my hair, and I've got the worst type of hair to be low key with (not quite curly, not quite straight! I'm sure others can agree...) So I either need to try & straighten it (hmm my trusty straightening iron blew up this morning... I swear it wasn't from overuse!) or ramp up the waves/curls. But I've found curly hair isn't so great for under the helmet.

Hmmm what else can I add... (it's my second post on this forum, so I'm getting maximum value!)

I don't dye or colour my hair at all, so to those blonde comments from before, such as:
Too much peroxide has dulled their senses.
don't apply to me.

I just use blondeness to my advantage if I need a cop out excuse :p :D
I had long hair for many years, cut it all off and swore I'd never go back...... then I started cycling a lot again. It sounds a little backwards but now my hair is back to being long and I have to say putting it back in a pony tail lets me take my helmet off and keep my dignity. As with the last poster I have that sort of semi curly hair and it can get a bit ummm poufy and unchecked at times- even if it is relatively short and 5 minutes under a helmet used to make it look like I hadn't washed it in a week.
Just accept it. Long hair is best. My hair is long and very curly, and no matter what colour it has been (and it's been most colours available) I've had compliments. Even after wearing a helmet!
I realiuze that I am coming to this thread late, and I am also aa "Dude" but I have long hair and hav to deal with all of these issues....As if the leg shaving wasn't enough!
I just wear my hair is aa tight bun whenever I'm riding. I tie it down close to my neck so it doesn't interfere with my helmet and it dosn't give me a problem. It probably isn't thh most "hair-healthy" way to go but it works.
As for washing, I wash my hair when (or before if I'm particularly alert) it gets shiny :D That's the other nice thing about a bun is that you don't have to look at your hair too much. Then again, when my brother wore is hair up for tow years told him he was just in denial and needed to cut it. He did. I think I should too....


Hi all, late to thread:)

Long hair, plait it back for riding, if really distance, sort of bunch up braid into a bun...lets wind on neck:)

Wash it if sweaty, if not, meh, I find at 38, and multiple pregnancies of hair altering later, I wash every three days, or it dries out.

Interesting, a woman in the US hasnt washed her hair in years, she said first few months are hardest, it gets greasy as. But then natural oils reassert themselves. Think she lets it get wet sometimes, but never uses any product in it.

Not in mood to try this though;)
HellonWheels said:
Most female cyclists have shorter hair, it seems.....in my case I have very long hair and don't want to cut it. Is anyone else out there with long hair, who can tell me what they do re: washing, keeping it away from your face while riding, etc? Terry has a helmet just for those of us with long hair, for putting the ponytail through, etc

But how about washing? I don't like washing every day, just every other day, too often dries out the hair. What to do?
I put it in a ponytail through the back of my helmet or roll it up and put a claw clip in it at the base of my helmet.
tinajoy said:
I have long hair as well. I, like you don't like to wash every day..........my hair is all ready dry. I put my hair totally up during work-outs but it is still wet when I'm done. What I do is wash every other day...........but on the days I don't wash I just rinse my hair out. My hairdresser said it is the shampoo that drys the hair. I still am not happy about it cause I have to blow dry still and stuff...............but i can't go to work with sweaty hair! YUCK
The advice of my hairdresser was to put conditioner only in it on the days I don't wash it. It seems to keep it soft. Try to keep yourself away from the blow dryer also. I wash my hair last thing before I go to sleep and let it air dry. It looks nice in the morning and is far more softer and shinier for not blowing it out. If I work out during the day and really need a shower I put a clip in it and take a body shower.
Mouse Potato said:
What? Did he say why? (Sounds dumb to me... as if every woman over 30 has the same general lifestyle, approximate appearance, etc. Hah! Or maybe the hairdresser's guild/union/whatever was paying him a comission?)
What an idiot! Why does he feel he has the right to tell anyone what their appearance ought to be! I would have told him to shave bald or get hair plugs in reply. Don't give people like that an inch, they'll continue walking over you.
closesupport said:
no just passing the time, weights are still in the garage, gathering dust and extra weight from corrossion. thinking about when they where used last!

just making a point, red headed (Ginger) females kick ass! :D i wish i could pursuade my brunette partner to go ginger, then i'd probably be thinking more about sex opposed to cycling more often ;)
I had that color some time last December. I hated the color the woman did on me and tried to tone it a bit with some clarifying shampoo. Instead of going lighter it turned a nice brownish red color that shone beautifully in the sun. I was so sad I could never reproduce it. The hairdresser had made a mistake mixing colors and didn't write it down. I go elsewhere now. They also tried the color I described but it didn't work out. I now have my natural haircolor which was what I originally wanted before I went red. It's very light brown and very natural looking.
Short hair 4 me = less stuffing round,more time to ride! Besides have you ever had to remove the stuff from your rear cassette! :eek:
Im 16 and ive got waist lenght blonde hair. I just tie it up in to two plaits and wear a bananda to hold it back un my helmet. I find it works every well but one thing i cant figure out is why so many people are dying there hair. I can under stand if you have gray hairs and all but out of 7 girls in the cycle team two dont dye their hair. One is me and sometimes ill dye my hair BRIGHT pink. And the other wont dye her hair because of her religion. All the other five have dyed there hair. Three had blonde hair and all looked good with it. I think one dyed her hair because of peer presser. But im not sure about the others
Meeba said:
Short hair 4 me = less stuffing round,more time to ride! Besides have you ever had to remove the stuff from your rear cassette! :eek:
I really like my hair long and it really takes no time at all to stuff it into my helmet. I think it probably is cooler than if my hair were short also as I have absolutely no hair coming out of my helmet.
I french braid my hair, which keeps all the wisps of hair out of my face and is comfortable under the helmet. A neat trick is to spray your hair with a silicone shine spray prior to braiding it; it makes it easier to braid, fewer wisps stick out, and when you unbraid it after the ride, your hair's all wavy and shiny.

I agree that long hair is a lot easier than short. With short hair, I had to pretty much wash it every day and style it. I only wash my long hair every other day, and if I don't feel like fiddling with it, I put it up.

My hair started turning grey at 18. It's blonde now, as white roots are less obvious under blonde hair than brown. At work, if I'm wanting to look "professional", I'll put my hair up and wear a pair of severe black eyeglasses. I don't worry too much about the "blonde" stereotype. People who seriously believe hair color has any bearing on intelligence are probably intellectually challenged themselves.
Being a guy, my hair isn't as long as some of yours, but is down to between my shoulder blades. I put it in a ponytail very close to my neck, and have never had a problem with it. It's about a foot long past the ponytail holder.

I have to wash my hair every day though. If I don't, it gets greasy as hell.