Love this bike review.

kanangara said:
Check out the review date ;-)


Ha! Didn't catch that. I knew it was a joke but didn't notice the date :eek:

"Obviously engineered for reliability, the bike is surprisingly agile, and one can reach 0-15 km/h in a matter of minutes in favourable conditions. " what a pisser.
Daniel S wrote:
> jazmo wrote:
>> Didn't expect to see this bike on
>> 'Belgian MTB commuter'
>> (
>> Classic!

> I saw that too. You'll note the date on there is 1st of April i believe :)

That's an April 1 article in that it's light-hearted, but it's
completely factual - well, more or less. That really is the beat-up El
Cheapo MTB Jeff uses to pootle to the shops. It's a classic!