need advice in new bike purchase


New Member
May 2, 2011
Hi I am looking for a bicycle (mainly mountain bike)and with limited budget i have now, i found these types : Oscar Backfire 300 - front absorbers - shimano revolshift 21 speed - disk break - alloy double wall rim - size 16.5" Oscar FS Steel - front / back absorbers (full suspension) - shimano revoshift TZ 21 speed - disk brake - alloy double wall rim Oscar Mountain Bike Alloy SE Edition Spec : 1) SE Alloy Edition Frame 16". 2) 7 Speed Shimano Revoshift gear 3) Disk brake Front Back 4) Easy Front Tyre Remove. 5) Shimano Tourney derailleur. 6) Easy Seat post remove. All 3 of them are having more or less similar budget. Just wondering : - what's the difference between (shimano revolshift 21 speed) and (shimano revoshift TZ 21 speed) and (7 Speed Shimano Revoshift gear) ? - i saw this bike, there are 2 types : steel and alloy... Should alloy better as steel has been used in old days of bicycle and now they are replaced by lighter alloy / durable too ? - Will this sufficient for me to get it ? i mean i wanted to get one just for leisure cycling on the road.... maybe axx km of cycling around part of the city ? Many thanks
The Shimano Revoshift is the same for all three bikes. You have just listed three different ways of referring to the same item. Concerning your question about steel and alloy, the alloy frames will be a little lighter than the steel frames and they are as durable as steel frames too. If you are going to be riding on the road, you don't need a full suspension bicycle so you should eliminate the Oscar FS Steel bicycle right from the start. The other two bikes are good for your recreational riding. They seem to be pretty equal so you are going to have to decide which of these two bicycles appeals most to you. I like the Oscar Mountain Bike Alloy SE Edition a little better than the Backfire 300. As always though, mlke sure that the bike fits you correctly and make sure that you get a bicycling helmet with the bike. Good luck.