OT: Osama & Huckleberry win?

On Jan 7, 4:02 pm, Tim McNamara <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article
> <0b42d22e-dd75-48ea-80e9-029ba6ff1...@z17g2000hsg.googlegroups.com>,
>  Ed Pirrero <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Jan 6, 6:03 pm, Ozark Bicycle
> > <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > On Jan 6, 7:43 pm, [email protected] wrote:

> > > <snipped for clarity>

> > > > I hope people respond without being rude and accept that people
> > > > have different perspectives, just as they do on bicycle
> > > > components.

> > > Lead the way, Jobst. Show us how it's done.

> > Bravo.

> > When Jobst Brandt practices civility, then the temperature of Hades
> > will be approaching zero degrees Kelvin.

> So, you know, good old Ole he dies out on the farm one afternoon.  Turns
> out that he wasn't so good as he thought he was, doncha know, and he
> ends up in the bad place.  Well, it's pretty hot and Old Nick comes
> around to check up on Ole.  He finds Ole whistling away.  "Oh ya," he
> says to the devil, "just like a day in June out on the tractor."  So the
> old rascal turns up the heat a bit and goes back to see how Ole likes
> that.  "Oh, it's fine" says the old bachelor Norwegian farmer.  "Just
> like the Fourth of July back in Olmstead County."  Getting miffed, the
> devil turns up the heat some more.  This time Ole has his shirt off and
> says "yup, this reminds me of the hay barn in August" and keeps on
> whistling.  The devil thinks a bit and hits on a great idea.  He cranks
> the temperature all the way down and then, grinning slyly, heads back to
> see Ole.  He finds him dancing and singing on a snowdrift.  "Hurray!"
> shouts Ole.  "The Vikings just won the Super Bowl!"- Hide quoted text -

LOL. The old stand-bys are really the best. Good for mixed company,
and appropriate for everyone except elderly Norwegians.

SMS aka Steven M. Scharf wrote:
> Tim McNamara wrote:
>> I think that is indeed likely. President Huckabee, anyone?

> Highly unlikely.
> I predict a McCain-Clinton or McCain-Obama contest with McCain the
> winner. Only Edwards can beat McCain, and he looks to be fading.
> It's going to come down to Ohio and Florida again. If Kerry could not
> win Ohio or Florida against W, then what chance do Clinton or Obama have
> against McCain, who, for whatever reason, still seems to retain some
> cross-over appeal.
> I just hope that some of McCain's earlier fire is still there, just
> simmering under what the neocons have forced upon him.

Will people in the US really vote for a person who promises to INCREASE
US military involvement in Iraq? If so, they deserve what "blow back"
occurs - not to mention the bankrupting of the country.

If I were running the Democrat's campaign and McCain was the Republican
nominee, I would run advertisements showing US flag draped body bags,
dead Iraqis and cost of the Iraqi Occupation, and ask, Four More Years?
Of course, the Democrats will not, since their corporate funders really
do not want them to win the election.

One thing for certain in 2008 - neither major party will offer a
candidate that represents the interests of the majority of the people.

Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people." A. Derleth
Comrade Andrew Muzi wrote:
> Tom Sherman wrote:
>> Gratuitous insult counter (since OB declared I was the main offender):
>> Ozark Bicycle: 5
>> Me : 0

>>> On Jan 4, 8:02 pm, Tom Sherman <[email protected]> whined:
>>>> NB: The NY Times and practically every other daily newspaper in the
>>>> county have a "business" section, but how many have a "labor" section?

>> Comrade Ozark Bicycle wrote:
>>> Here is a newspaper more to your liking, Komrade:
>>> http://www.pww.org

> Tom Sherman wrote:
>> All wealth is created from two things and two things only: natural
>> resources and labor. Playing games with capital (what the mainstream
>> media reports) only shifts wealth around, but does not create it.

> That is not true at all. As Romer succinctly quantified, knowledge is
> the essential component of wealth creation.

That knowledge is part of (skilled) labor.

> p.s. you can't be serious when you deny NYT is hard left.
> [old quip: NYT headline "Fate of Women, Minorities Uncertain", paragraph
> 17, inside, "Nuclear blast levels LA"]

Please be serious. Compare the publication from 409 East Main Street (a
5 minute bicycle ride from Yellow Jersey?) to the NYT and tell me that
the NYT is not comparatively FAR to right. The NYT is only hard left by
Heritage Foundation/American Enterprise Institute/Richard Mellon
Scaife/Rupert Murdoch/Erik Prince/Pat Robertson/James Dobson et al

Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people." A. Derleth
Jay Bollyn wrote:
> "A Muzi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Tom Sherman wrote:
>>> Gratuitous insult counter (since OB declared I was the main offender):
>>> Ozark Bicycle: 5
>>> Me : 0
>>>> On Jan 4, 8:02 pm, Tom Sherman <[email protected]> whined:
>>>>> NB: The NY Times and practically every other daily newspaper in the
>>>>> county have a "business" section, but how many have a "labor" section?
>>> Comrade Ozark Bicycle wrote:
>>>> Here is a newspaper more to your liking, Komrade:
>>>> http://www.pww.org

>> Tom Sherman wrote:
>>> All wealth is created from two things and two things only: natural
>>> resources and labor. Playing games with capital (what the mainstream
>>> media reports) only shifts wealth around, but does not create it.

>> That is not true at all. As Romer succinctly quantified, knowledge is the
>> essential component of wealth creation.
>> p.s. you can't be serious when you deny NYT is hard left.
>> [old quip: NYT headline "Fate of Women, Minorities Uncertain", paragraph
>> 17, inside, "Nuclear blast levels LA"]
>> --
>> Andrew Muzi
>> www.yellowjersey.org
>> Open every day since 1 April, 1971

> OK, Judge Jay will rule on this difference of opinion:
> Andrew is correct. Tom is flat wrong.
> Case closed. It is so ordered.
> (The sound of a gavel is heard.)

Impeach Judge J!

Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people." A. Derleth
In article <[email protected]>,
"Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Tim McNamara wrote:
> > In article <[email protected]>, "Jay"
> > <[email protected]> wrote:

> >> I did not think there was any serious doubt, that the NYT sets the
> >> agenda, for the far left.
> >>
> >> Just pick an issue. Gay rights? Same sex marriage? Abortion?
> >>
> >> I rest my case.

> > You *are* a case if you think there is an agenda for the far left.
> > Put six of us in a room and you'll get seven opinions on any issue.

> Abortion, education, regulation, gay marriage, socialized health
> care, illegal immigration, global warming, taxes, entitlements and
> mandates, terrorism. Six "far leftists" (term already in play) will
> disagree on ANY of those? Highly doubtful.

Then you haven't got a clue about liberals, Bill. Stop listening to
what Rush and Coulter and O'Reilly tell you the liberals think, 'cuz
they're lying to you. The Republicans have an agenda, not the liberals.

Now, my take on those things may or may not fit your stereotypes for a

abortion = none of my business (same as the Libertarians);
education = a good idea (I think almost everyone agrees);
regulation = depends on the situation (even some Republicans agree);
gay marriage = none of my business (same as the Libertarians);
socialized health care = single payer system is inevitable;
illegal immigration = need an intelligent guest worker system;
global warming = a generally bad thing (even Bush agrees);
taxes = shouldn't be any higher than necessary;
entitlements and mandates = a problem when they are un-funded;
terrorism = stop creating new enemies.
On Jan 7, 4:22 pm, Tim McNamara <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
>  "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Tim McNamara wrote:
> > > In article <[email protected]>, "Jay"
> > > <[email protected]> wrote:

> > >> I did not think there was any serious doubt, that the NYT sets the
> > >> agenda, for the far left.

> > >> Just pick an issue. Gay rights? Same sex marriage? Abortion?

> > >> I rest my case.

> > > You *are* a case if you think there is an agenda for the far left.
> > > Put six of us in a room and you'll get seven opinions on any issue.

> > Abortion, education, regulation, gay marriage, socialized health
> > care, illegal immigration, global warming, taxes, entitlements and
> > mandates, terrorism.  Six "far leftists" (term already in play) will
> > disagree on ANY of those?  Highly doubtful.

> Then you haven't got a clue about liberals, Bill.  Stop listening to
> what Rush and Coulter and O'Reilly tell you the liberals think, 'cuz
> they're lying to you.  The Republicans have an agenda, not the liberals.
> Now, my take on those things may or may not fit your stereotypes for a
> liberal:  
> abortion = none of my business (same as the Libertarians);
> education = a good idea (I think almost everyone agrees);
> regulation = depends on the situation (even some Republicans agree);
> gay marriage = none of my business (same as the Libertarians);
> socialized health care = single payer system is inevitable;
> illegal immigration = need an intelligent guest worker system;
> global warming = a generally bad thing (even Bush agrees);
> taxes = shouldn't be any higher than necessary;
> entitlements and mandates = a problem when they are un-funded;
> terrorism = stop creating new enemies.

I live in a pretty liberal community, and I don't think even one of
the ones I know agrees completely with you. Or with each other, oddly

This idea that "Liberals" in the U.S. (which the far right wing
equates with communists/socialists) are monolithic in their ideas is
just as stupid as saying that conservatives are monolithic in their
ideas. On the idea of immigration, fer instance.

That's one place I disagree with you. I would work very hard on
enforcement/deportation. And that would come from fining the bejeezus
out of companies that hire illegals, willfully or not.

If you came here illegally, back you go. If you want back in, pay a
fine, and no chance at citizenship.

Jay Bollyn wrote:
> "Tim McNamara" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> In article <[email protected]>,
>> A Muzi <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> p.s. you can't be serious when you deny NYT is hard left.

>> I am. The NYT has been nonconfrontational with regards to the Bush
>> Administration since he was running for office in 1999. Bush's
>> unfitness for the job was on display for all to see throughout his
>> campaign, but no major media service bothered to do due diligence. The
>> only thing he's ever actually been successful at was as essentially a PR
>> guy for a baseball team. Their content generally favors capital over
>> labor throughout their pages. They uncritically accept the "America
>> uber alles" cant that dominates the media and they ignore our
>> accelerating slide to join Great Britain in the League of Formerly
>> Important Nations.
>> To me that is plenty of evidence as to where the NYT really stands:
>> right of center. They also have IMHO the best conservative columnist in
>> any medium (David Brooks; George F. Will has become a shadow of his
>> former acumen).

> I did not think there was any serious doubt, that the NYT sets the agenda,
> for the far left.
> Just pick an issue. Gay rights? Same sex marriage? Abortion?
> I rest my case.

At least civil unions for homosexuals, first trimester abortions and
non-discrimination against homosexuals are positions with majority
support overall, especially among the younger demographic. If past
elections have shown differently, it is because a greater percentage of
evangelicals and old people voted.

The reactionaries have been losing the cultural wars, with their
"victories" being merely partial regression of gains. If you doubt that,
look at what ends up in the mainstream media today in terms of sexual
content compared to 50 years ago. Note that the "conservative" Supreme
Court threw out all the (horribly misguided) sodomy laws in Lawrence vs.
Texas [1].

Therefore, the NYT is merely centrist on these social issues, while
remaining right wing on foreign policy and capital versus labor.

[1] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_v._Texas>.

Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people." A. Derleth
Ed Pirrero wrote:
> ...
> This idea that "Liberals" in the U.S. (which the far right wing
> equates with communists/socialists) are monolithic in their ideas is
> just as stupid as saying that conservatives are monolithic in their
> ideas. On the idea of immigration, fer instance.
> That's one place I disagree with you. I would work very hard on
> enforcement/deportation. And that would come from fining the bejeezus
> out of companies that hire illegals, willfully or not.
> If you came here illegally, back you go. If you want back in, pay a
> fine, and no chance at citizenship.

Does that apply to the descendants of those who stole land from the
American Indians?

Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people." A. Derleth
"Pat in TX" wrote:
>> My issue with NYT is their announced editorial positions tend to bleed
>> into their news coverage. Both by the way events are covered, and by the
>> way events are selected to be covered in the first place. So extreme
>> far-left issues like same sex marriage get a lot of ink, but that issue is
>> way down the list of importance for most Americans.
>> J.

> I think you'll find you are incorrect on the same sex marriage stuff being
> "way down the list of importance." I saw a poll on the religious right and
> that topic is one on which younger evangelists split from the older
> folks--both in importance and sinfulness. Younger people--younger than, say,
> 35---simply do not think same sex marriage is that big a deal. Why? Because
> they all know someone who is gay. One of my sons has a close friend who is
> gay and the other son works out at a known gay gym. He just jokes about it
> and makes a point to talk to women so the gays won't ask him for dates.
> However, neither of my sons thinks anything of being gay to the point that
> it would be characterized as a "extreme far-left issue." They just accept
> gays as part of the landscape, so to speak.

As much as the evangelicals rant about controlling sexual behavior, they
will eventually be on the losing end of that argument, since they are
acting in opposition to INSTINCTIVE BEHAVIOR, and not learned behavior.

If society survives, the repression of normal childhood sexuality
advocated by the "social conservatives" will become to be considered as
child abuse.

Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people." A. Derleth
On Jan 7, 4:34 pm, Tom Sherman <[email protected]>
> Ed Pirrero wrote:
> > ...
> > This idea that "Liberals" in the U.S. (which the far right wing
> > equates with communists/socialists) are monolithic in their ideas is
> > just as stupid as saying that conservatives are monolithic in their
> > ideas.  On the idea of immigration, fer instance.

> > That's one place I disagree with you.  I would work very hard on
> > enforcement/deportation.  And that would come from fining the bejeezus
> > out of companies that hire illegals, willfully or not.

> > If you came here illegally, back you go.  If you want back in, pay a
> > fine, and no chance at citizenship.

> Does that apply to the descendants of those who stole land from the
> American Indians?

No, no - that genocide was done fair and square.

still just me wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 20:34:24 -0600, "Pat" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>> I think you'll find you are incorrect on the same sex marriage stuff being
>> "way down the list of importance." I saw a poll on the religious right and
>> that topic is one on which younger evangelists split from the older
>> folks--both in importance and sinfulness. Younger people--younger than, say,
>> 35---simply do not think same sex marriage is that big a deal. Why? Because
>> they all know someone who is gay. One of my sons has a close friend who is
>> gay and the other son works out at a known gay gym. He just jokes about it
>> and makes a point to talk to women so the gays won't ask him for dates.
>> However, neither of my sons thinks anything of being gay to the point that
>> it would be characterized as a "extreme far-left issue." They just accept
>> gays as part of the landscape, so to speak.

> I don't know about your young/old theory. If the Priests support gay
> marriage, they can all get married to their lovers (except for the
> ones with underage "partners", they have to do it clandestinely until
> they get caught and suffer the ultimate penalty - job transfer!

Do not some become priests in a futile attempt to repress their
genetically inherent homosexuality?

Never forget that the cause of fetishisms is repression of normal
sexuality. When you try to enforce an abnormal non-sexuality on children
until at least legal age, you may well be creating a sexual predator.

Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people." A. Derleth
Tim McNamara wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "(PeteCresswell)" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Per Jay:
>>> Why does he hate our president so much?

>> He might be living on a fixed pension - that he's worked all his life
>> to earn - and not exactly looking forward to the inflationary
>> consequences of a massive deficit.

> The biggest problem in this regard is not the year-to-year deficit,
> which has recently been reduced due to increased tax revenues, but the
> ballooning national debt: $9,199,106,644,207.59 as of a few minutes
> ago. Every American citizen in this newsgroup owns $30,259.45 of that
> debt, so subtract that from your net worth. That deficit was about $5.7
> trillion near the end of the Clinton Administration, which began buying
> down the national debt in 1999 for the first time in 25 years. Since
> GWB took office, reckless policies regarding tax policies and
> expenditures (with the collusion of a Republican controlled Congress)
> have increased the national debt by an astonishing $3.5 trillion
> dollars! That's an average of $500 billion per year added to the debt.
> And who owns that debt, and what are the implications of that for the
> future of America and our security?
> This president and this administration is the biggest pack of idiots I
> have ever seen hold public office. And that's saying something.

I think Mr. McNamara attributes to idiocy what should be attributed to

Think for a moment who hold the US debt and earns interest on it (for
the most part, the very rich) and who will pay it off (the working
middle class). Therefore, running a deficit is a way to transfer wealth
from the middle class to the rich.

Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people." A. Derleth
[email protected] aka Jobst Brandt wrote:
> Oh forbid! All this on wreck.bike? Where is the complaining Ron
> Wallenfang who wants to see only bicycles discussed here and says so
> repeatedly?
> There wasn't even an "OT" to warn me that there were no bicycles in
> this thread. Boohoo!...

I was expecting bicycle race results with the winners being named
"Osama" and "Huckleberry".

> I think what gets missed is that discussions are from "voices" we
> recognize and not some politicos on some other newsgroup. There is
> reason for non bicycle subjects in these newsgroups and I find it
> better than sneaking politics into bicycle threads. On the other
> hand, I hope people respond without being rude and accept that people
> have different perspectives, just as they do on bicycle components.

butbutbut, we can be rude disagreeing about bicycle components also (not
to mention bicycle configurations).

Tom Sherman - Holstein-Friesland Bovinia
"And never forget, life ultimately makes failures of all people." A. Derleth
"Ed Pirrero" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
On Jan 7, 4:34 pm, Tom Sherman <[email protected]>
> Ed Pirrero wrote:
> > ...
> > This idea that "Liberals" in the U.S. (which the far right wing
> > equates with communists/socialists) are monolithic in their ideas is
> > just as stupid as saying that conservatives are monolithic in their
> > ideas. On the idea of immigration, fer instance.

> > That's one place I disagree with you. I would work very hard on
> > enforcement/deportation. And that would come from fining the bejeezus
> > out of companies that hire illegals, willfully or not.

> > If you came here illegally, back you go. If you want back in, pay a
> > fine, and no chance at citizenship.

> Does that apply to the descendants of those who stole land from the
> American Indians?

No, no - that genocide was done fair and square.


Ed is, of course, absolutely correct. A brief world history:

Wars are fought. Brave men on both sides die. 'To the victor go the spoils.'

If this were a real war, Ed would scalp Tom, while Tom was hugging a tree.

Did I really say that?!

Comedian J.
Tim McNamara wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Tim McNamara wrote:
>>> In article <[email protected]>, "Jay"
>>> <[email protected]> wrote:

>>>> I did not think there was any serious doubt, that the NYT sets the
>>>> agenda, for the far left.
>>>> Just pick an issue. Gay rights? Same sex marriage? Abortion?
>>>> I rest my case.

>>> You *are* a case if you think there is an agenda for the far left.
>>> Put six of us in a room and you'll get seven opinions on any issue.

>> Abortion, education, regulation, gay marriage, socialized health
>> care, illegal immigration, global warming, taxes, entitlements and
>> mandates, terrorism. Six "far leftists" (term already in play) will
>> disagree on ANY of those? Highly doubtful.

> Then you haven't got a clue about liberals, Bill. Stop listening to
> what Rush and Coulter and O'Reilly tell you the liberals think, 'cuz
> they're lying to you. The Republicans have an agenda, not the
> liberals.

You and a previous poster said "the far left", not "liberals". HTH
On Jan 7, 10:01 pm, "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Tim McNamara wrote:
> > In article <[email protected]>,
> > "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:

> >> Tim McNamara wrote:
> >>> In article <[email protected]>, "Jay"
> >>> <[email protected]> wrote:

> >>>> I did not think there was any serious doubt, that the NYT sets the
> >>>> agenda, for the far left.

> >>>> Just pick an issue. Gay rights? Same sex marriage? Abortion?

> >>>> I rest my case.

> >>> You *are* a case if you think there is an agenda for the far left.
> >>> Put six of us in a room and you'll get seven opinions on any issue.

> >> Abortion, education, regulation, gay marriage, socialized health
> >> care, illegal immigration, global warming, taxes, entitlements and
> >> mandates, terrorism.  Six "far leftists" (term already in play) will
> >> disagree on ANY of those?  Highly doubtful.

> > Then you haven't got a clue about liberals, Bill.  Stop listening to
> > what Rush and Coulter and O'Reilly tell you the liberals think, 'cuz
> > they're lying to you.  The Republicans have an agenda, not the
> > liberals.

> You and a previous poster said "the far left", not "liberals".  HTH- Hide quoted text -

I thought you GOPers equated the two.

What am I missing here?

In article <[email protected]>,
"Jay" <[email protected]> wrote:

> "Ed Pirrero" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected].
> .. On Jan 7, 4:34 pm, Tom Sherman <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> > Ed Pirrero wrote:
> > > ... This idea that "Liberals" in the U.S. (which the far right
> > > wing equates with communists/socialists) are monolithic in their
> > > ideas is just as stupid as saying that conservatives are
> > > monolithic in their ideas. On the idea of immigration, fer
> > > instance.

> >
> > > That's one place I disagree with you. I would work very hard on
> > > enforcement/deportation. And that would come from fining the
> > > bejeezus out of companies that hire illegals, willfully or not.

> >
> > > If you came here illegally, back you go. If you want back in, pay
> > > a fine, and no chance at citizenship.

> >
> > Does that apply to the descendants of those who stole land from the
> > American Indians?

> No, no - that genocide was done fair and square.
> E.P.
> >

> Ed is, of course, absolutely correct. A brief world history:
> Wars are fought. Brave men on both sides die. 'To the victor go the
> spoils.'

Genocide is not a war fought by brave men.
In article
<[email protected]>,
Ed Pirrero <[email protected]> wrote:

> On Jan 7, 4:02 pm, Tim McNamara <[email protected]> wrote:
> > In article
> > <0b42d22e-dd75-48ea-80e9-029ba6ff1...@z17g2000hsg.googlegroups.com>,
> >  Ed Pirrero <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Jan 6, 6:03 pm, Ozark Bicycle
> > > <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > On Jan 6, 7:43 pm, [email protected] wrote:

> >
> > > > <snipped for clarity>

> >
> > > > > I hope people respond without being rude and accept that
> > > > > people have different perspectives, just as they do on
> > > > > bicycle components.

> >
> > > > Lead the way, Jobst. Show us how it's done.

> >
> > > Bravo.

> >
> > > When Jobst Brandt practices civility, then the temperature of
> > > Hades will be approaching zero degrees Kelvin.

> >
> > So, you know, good old Ole he dies out on the farm one afternoon.
> >  Turns out that he wasn't so good as he thought he was, doncha
> > know, and he ends up in the bad place.  Well, it's pretty hot and
> > Old Nick comes around to check up on Ole.  He finds Ole whistling
> > away.  "Oh ya," he says to the devil, "just like a day in June out
> > on the tractor."  So the old rascal turns up the heat a bit and
> > goes back to see how Ole likes that.  "Oh, it's fine" says the old
> > bachelor Norwegian farmer.  "Just like the Fourth of July back in
> > Olmstead County."  Getting miffed, the devil turns up the heat some
> > more.  This time Ole has his shirt off and says "yup, this reminds
> > me of the hay barn in August" and keeps on whistling.  The devil
> > thinks a bit and hits on a great idea.  He cranks the temperature
> > all the way down and then, grinning slyly, heads back to see Ole.
> >  He finds him dancing and singing on a snowdrift.  "Hurray!" shouts
> > Ole.  "The Vikings just won the Super Bowl!"- Hide quoted text -

> LOL. The old stand-bys are really the best. Good for mixed company,
> and appropriate for everyone except elderly Norwegians.

Heck, around here it's the old Norwegians telling those!
On Jan 8, 5:40 pm, Tim McNamara <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "Jay" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Ed Pirrero" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:[email protected].
> > .. On Jan 7, 4:34 pm, Tom Sherman <[email protected]>
> > wrote:
> > > Ed Pirrero wrote:
> > > > ... This idea that "Liberals" in the U.S. (which the far right
> > > > wing equates with communists/socialists) are monolithic in their
> > > > ideas is just as stupid as saying that conservatives are
> > > > monolithic in their ideas. On the idea of immigration, fer
> > > > instance.

> > > > That's one place I disagree with you. I would work very hard on
> > > > enforcement/deportation. And that would come from fining the
> > > > bejeezus out of companies that hire illegals, willfully or not.

> > > > If you came here illegally, back you go. If you want back in, pay
> > > > a fine, and no chance at citizenship.

> > > Does that apply to the descendants of those who stole land from the
> > > American Indians?

> > No, no - that genocide was done fair and square.

> > E.P.

> > Ed is, of course, absolutely correct. A brief world history:

> > Wars are fought. Brave men on both sides die. 'To the victor go the
> > spoils.'

> Genocide is not a war fought by brave men.

No. It isn't. No wars are fought by brave men. They will all tell
you they were scared shitless, but had a job to do. All of them.

War has it's own rules, no matter how civilized men may wish to impose
order. Which is really why war should be avoided if at all possible.
It draws out our essential evil...

On Tue, 8 Jan 2008 21:21:21 -0800 (PST), Ed Pirrero
<[email protected]> wrote:

>No. It isn't. No wars are fought by brave men. They will all tell
>you they were scared shitless, but had a job to do. All of them.

No kidding. I think some folks need to talk with a few heros first.

>War has it's own rules, no matter how civilized men may wish to impose
>order. Which is really why war should be avoided if at all possible.
>It draws out our essential evil...

War is the evil.