Re: Smoking Pot and Cycling

In article <[email protected]>, posted Sat, 18 Mar
2006 18:08:34 GMT, Little Meow [email protected] says...

>[Seeing as how Mr. Dolan is snecking groups, I
>thought I would help him get in touch with you.]

Silly of him to respond to me and snip out the groups I read.

Thanks for forwarding.

>Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in news:[email protected]:
>> "Kali" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> In article <[email protected]>, posted Fri, 17 Mar
>>> 2006 03:35:51 GMT, Little Meow [email protected] says...
>>>>Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>>>news:[email protected]:

>> Newsgroups trimmed.
>> [...]
>>>>> It is the same with male sexuality. If you want to know what it is
>>>>> really
>>>>> like unconstrained by females, then have a look at male homosexuality.
>>>>> There
>>>>> you will see it unconstrained in all its disgusting shamefulness.
>>> Male sexuality "unconstrained" by females -> homosexuality?

>> Men are very much influenced in how they behave sexually by women. Women in
>> fact constrain men from the worst excesses of sex.

Perhaps you believe that the women in your life have played such
a role, but there is no support for this argument in the
scholarly literature.

> However, homos do not

**** sapiens?

>> have this constraint acting on them, and so they behave like swine.

This is beyond false; it is flat out ridiculous.

> You
>> really need to visit a bath house to know just how swinish men can be when
>> it comes to sex.


>> [...]
>>>>> You are into nothing but political correctness and are therefore not a
>>>>> serious person. In short, you are an idiot!
>>> {political correctness --> not a serious person} = idiot.

>> Yes, that is exactly right.

It is utterly illogical.

> If you are into political correctness, then you
>> are not a thinking person

Here's the first problem. Political correctness is a sign that a
person is educated and understands why disparaging labels are
not only irrational, but destructive.

> and I can't be bothered with you.

You can't be bothered with education, or educated people?

>All that crapola
>> played out decades ago and is now reserved for the terminally stupid - in
>> other words, idiots!

Here's something you'll enjoy:

>> [...]
>>> It doesn't look like he's capable of an intelligent response.

>> I made every point I wanted to make. Who even knows what you and Meow are
>> talking about?

An intelligent, educated person would know. The people you quite
ironically call "idiots".

>> [...]
>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>> aka
>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Reason can answer questions, but imagination has to ask them.
- Ralph Gerard
In article <[email protected]>, posted Sat, 18 Mar
2006 01:54:58 GMT, Little Meow [email protected] says...

>Kali [email protected] wrote in news:[email protected]:
>> In article <[email protected]>, posted Fri, 17 Mar
>> 2006 03:35:51 GMT, Little Meow [email protected] says...
>>>Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in news:[email protected]:


>>>> It is the same with male sexuality. If you want to know what it is really
>>>> like unconstrained by females, then have a look at male homosexuality. There
>>>> you will see it unconstrained in all its disgusting shamefulness.

>> Male sexuality "unconstrained" by females -> homosexuality?

>Mr. Dolan is very knowledgeable about these matters.
>As an altar boy was taught what it meant by an old priest:
>"I was an altar boy in my youth and got along just fine with the
>old preist. He would rush through the mass so as to get it over
>with as quickly as possible. His sermons were all about how
>sinful everyone was."

Apparently Father Slipshod was a role model to young Edward. I
wonder if he introduced him to the bathhouses?

>"As I said before, only celibates like myself and Catholic priests
>know anything about women worth knowing."

Of course, not "knowing" in the biblical sense.


>>>> Why is that? Is it because you are a coward. You should hear what they say
>>>> about you and your ilk when you aren't around. You only post pabulum like
>>>> all your kind. Here's hoping you choke on it before you have it stuffed down
>>>> your throat by an "African-American."
>>>My "ilk"?
>>>My "kind"?

>> The cat people?

>(Jung Jbhyq Syhssl Qb?)

Fghss RQ shyy bs pngavc naq fjng uvz nebhaq.

>>>What do you think "they" say about my "ilk" when I'm not around.
>>>I think you've lived longer than I, so I am genuinely interested
>>>in what one of my elders has to say.
>>>> I have
>>>>> every confidence that you would be similarly be unafraid to
>>>>> voice your opinions in a frank manner. The next time you are in
>>>>> the company of African-Americans,
>>>> Surely you mean Blacks or Negroes and if they are from the criminal
>>>> subculture of our innner cites and are colored black, then you mean
>>>> ****ers - right?
>>>If someone is a criminal, it is sufficient to call them such without
>>>adding terms that are commonly used to denigrate an entire race in
>>>an attempt to associate criminal behaviour with that race.
>>> "OJ is a murderer."
>>> "Edmo is a fraud."
>>> "Chuckles writes pedo poems."

>> "ED is a bigoted closet homosexual?"

>"ED is a sexist?"

<[email protected]>
"These women cyclists are especially destructive to the likes of
Larry Varney who lose all perspective and go nuts at the sight
of them in their skimpy cycling outfits. I myself am horrified
at the sight of them and avert my eyes as I pray to the Blessed
Virgin Mary."
7 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, which is
the nakedness of your mother; she is your mother, you shall not
uncover her nakedness.

Guvf bar unf zber guna n srj "zbz vffhrf"


>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>>>> aka
>>>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
>>>> PS. Watch out there Little Meow or a big black Negro

>> A "big black negro"?

>...lest one would think he meant a "small white negro".

Mr. Dolan may be afraid of "big black negroes"

>> What backwoods pumpkin truck did Mr. Dolan fall off of?

>His quaint opinions harken back to a time when backwood
>pumpkins were hauled by carts and oxen, perhaps driven
>by those mythical "small white negroes".

Yes, back in the day when Mom spent her days in a burka,
barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, baking pumpkin pies.

>>> is going to get you and
>>>> have you for his supper. Be sure to always refer to him as an
>>>> "African-American". Maybe that way he won't screw with you.
>>>Is it really necessary to compare African-Americans with cannibals?

>> Education: it's not just for women and minorities.
>>>[auk and restored]

>> Quite appropriate. Thanks for introducing Mr. Dolan.

>You're quite welcome. Mr. Dolan has expressed a desire
>to reinvigorate arbr by expanding its reader base.
>Considering Mr. Dolan's strong opinions on a variety of
>subjects, I thought it appropriate that I introduce him
>to a wider audience that could appreciate his views.

I love my bicycle. :)

Zoooom, zooom!

Reason can answer questions, but imagination has to ask them.
- Ralph Gerard
"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
> news:[email protected]:

Newsgroups trimmed.

>> FreakingMeow ought to know enough not be be taking things out of context.
>> However, it is ever the way of the scoundrel to do so. By the way, an old
>> priest is going know a thousand and one things that a young priest is not
>> going to know. Just as an older person like me is infinitely wiser than a
>> dumb cluck like you.

> And I appreciate that you take the time to share your wisdom with all us
> young people.
> [auk and added]

F*** those groups! You are either cycling oriented or you aren't. If your
aren't, then get the hell out of here you freaking nincompoop!

>> Nope, only a big black Negro will do. I do not want any small white
>> Negroes.
>> Those types tend to be more civilized.

> Are you saying that the white ones are more civilised than the black ones?

Yes, and Whites are altogether more civilized than any Negro I have ever
encountered (except for one anthropology professor I had at the University
of Minnesota). But I really appreciate your freaking questions. Keep them
coming you moron!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Kali" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, posted Sat, 18 Mar
> 2006 01:54:58 GMT, Little Meow [email protected] says...
>>>>Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>>>news:[email protected]:


>>> "ED is a bigoted closet homosexual?"

>>"ED is a sexist?"

Maybe Kali and FreakingMeow could get together and have a good old fashion
f***. That is no doubt the only thing that will clear his brain however

> Yes, back in the day when Mom spent her days in a burka,
> barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, baking pumpkin pies.

Yes, women would be better off staying at home and caring for their
children. But effeminate men like Kali and FreakingMeow think women should
be in the world for some odd reason. It is no doubt because they can no
longer support then like our parents and grandparents could.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Kali" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, posted Sat, 18 Mar

>>> Men are very much influenced in how they behave sexually by women. Women
>>> in
>>> fact constrain men from the worst excesses of sex.

> Perhaps you believe that the women in your life have played such
> a role, but there is no support for this argument in the
> scholarly literature.

Take your scholarly literature and shove it up your ass. No one knows
anything about women except Catholic priests and other celibates and Great
Saints like myself.

>> However, homos do not

> **** sapiens?

Homos you freaking idiot!

>>> have this constraint acting on them, and so they behave like swine.

> This is beyond false; it is flat out ridiculous.

No, it is absolutely true. Men behave better around women than they do
around men. It is because men are slightly in awe of the opposite sex - as
they well should be.

>> You
>>> really need to visit a bath house to know just how swinish men can be
>>> when
>>> it comes to sex.

> Why?

"You really need to visit a bath house to know just how swinish men can be
it comes to sex." - Ed Dolan the Great

>>>>>> You are into nothing but political correctness and are therefore not
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> serious person. In short, you are an idiot!
>>>> {political correctness --> not a serious person} = idiot.
>>> Yes, that is exactly right.

> It is utterly illogical.

You are a moron!

>> If you are into political correctness, then you
>>> are not a thinking person

> Here's the first problem. Political correctness is a sign that a
> person is educated and understands why disparaging labels are
> not only irrational, but destructive.

Nope, just the opposite of that. It is nothing but a mantra for every failed
program of the past 50 years. If you can't succeed in reality, then you can
succeed in propaganda. That is all liberals and their g.d. political
correctness is good for anymore. Screw them all the way to hell and back!

> You can't be bothered with education, or educated people?

Liberals are be definition not educated and are altogether stupid as hell.
They stopped thinking several generations ago. All they know are their
political correctness formulations.

>>All that crapola
>>> played out decades ago and is now reserved for the terminally stupid -
>>> in
>>> other words, idiots!

> Here's something you'll enjoy:

I NEVER go to links from degenerate slobs like you that I don't trust.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
> news:D[email protected]:
>> "Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>> news:[email protected]:

>> Newsgroups trimmed.
>> [...]
>>>>>> Freaking Meow should spend a bit of time in any of our state prisons.
>>>>>> He
>>>>>> would quickly gain an understanding of what race is all about,
>>>>>> provided
>>>>>> he
>>>>>> had enough brains to survive there. I understand that most prisons
>>>>>> now
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> segregated according to race because of all the gang activity. In
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> words, if you are black you are going to hang out with the blacks,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> you are white you are going to hang out with the whites. Maybe
>>>>>> freaking
>>>>>> Meow
>>>>>> would like to explain this phenomenon.
>>>>> A prison is a rather extreme example for examining
>>>>> racial dynamics.
>>>> You have got that exactly backwards. Prison is the perfect place to
>>>> examine
>>>> racial dynamics. There it is reduced to its essential elements without
>>>> any
>>>> camouflage or hiding places.
>>> Prison distills the most aberrant elements of society. It
>>> is not a very good model for the interactions of common people.

>> You get the lowest common denominator in prisons - and that is pretty
>> much
>> what we all reduce to when the chips are down. You can learn an awful lot
>> about human nature by studying prison behavior. The military is another
>> good
>> place to learn about human nature. Civil society protects most of us from
>> the harsher elements of our natures.

> So, without the proscriptions dictated by civil society, Ed Dolan would
> revert to his true nature: a homosexual criminal?

Wow ... that is the kind of thinking that just impresses the hell out of me.
You are unable to follow any train of thought whatsoever. I would advise
that you just keep pedaling your bike and leave the intellectual stuff to
those of us who are capable of it.

>>>> It is the same with male sexuality. If you want to know what it is
>>>> really
>>>> like unconstrained by females, then have a look at male homosexuality.
>>>> There
>>>> you will see it unconstrained in all its disgusting shamefulness.
>>> When did this discussion expand to sexual preference?
>>> Do you have any special terms for homosexuals with which I
>>> may not be familiar?

>> I am using an example which will not have occurred to most like you. It
>> is
>> just another example of my Greatness and my largess of sprit. The average
>> person, especially the average women, knows absolutely nothing about male
>> sexuality. All most people know is that political correctness **** - you
>> know, the nonsense about men and women being essentially the same. I used
>> it
>> as an attack on your idiotic notions of political correctness. The Black
>> culture of the inner city creates a different human being than you and I.
>> People are not all the same just as men and women are not the same.

> So, because I used a term like "African-American", you assume that I
> am "into nothing but political correctness". My discussions with Mr.
> Baka began due to my concern that his use of the term "spear chucker"
> would result in him being tagged as a racist. My point is that the use
> of certain "hot button" words will get one labelled. You have proven
> my point. Thank you.

Nope, you are wrong on all counts. Bill Baka can use any term he likes to
refer to anyone he likes. And so can I and so can you. Take your g.d.
sensitivity and your political correctness shove it up your ass, why don't
you! Hot button words, indeed! Well, I have got you labeled, that is for

>>>>> It would be more interesting to examine how your sentiments,
>>>>> as expressed above, would be accepted by African-Americans.
>>>>> I would not hesitate to discuss what I have posted here, with
>>>>> a member of any race, in a face-to-face conversation.
>>>> Why is that? Is it because you are a coward. You should hear what they
>>>> say
>>>> about you and your ilk when you aren't around. You only post pabulum
>>>> like
>>>> all your kind. Here's hoping you choke on it before you have it stuffed
>>>> down
>>>> your throat by an "African-American."
>>> My "ilk"?
>>> My "kind"?
>>> What do you think "they" say about my "ilk" when I'm not around.
>>> I think you've lived longer than I, so I am genuinely interested
>>> in what one of my elders has to say.

>> You are a liberal nut case who only knows what is politically correct.
>> You
>> have been brain washed. Only morons talk about "African-Americans." The
>> American Negro knows absolutely nothing about Africa and he would perish
>> if
>> he were foolish enough to emigrate to that continent.

> You assume I am liberal, when I am but a participant in civil society,
> which, according to you, protects us from your homosexual criminal
> nature. You're welcome.

Civil society protects us all from our worst natures, sexual and otherwise.
This is so elementary that I can't be bothered explaining it to a liberal
nincompoop like you.

>> The "African-American" that you blather about hates your guts if you want
>> to
>> know the truth. He has names for you that that would make your hair stand
>> on
>> end.

> Projection noted.

Hey look, Ma - no brains!

>>>> I have
>>>>> every confidence that you would be similarly be unafraid to
>>>>> voice your opinions in a frank manner. The next time you are in
>>>>> the company of African-Americans,
>>>> Surely you mean Blacks or Negroes and if they are from the criminal
>>>> subculture of our innner cites and are colored black, then you mean
>>>> ****ers - right?

>>> If someone is a criminal, it is sufficient to call them such without
>>> adding terms that are commonly used to denigrate an entire race in
>>> an attempt to associate criminal behaviour with that race.

>> Why is it that every time I turn on my TV and I see a lot of young people
>> behaving like apes, they invariably are Blacks from the inner city. Let's
>> identify them and call them what they are - black criminals, thugs and
>> hooligans. I don't know about you, but the very first thing I notice
>> about a
>> person is his skin color.
>> [...]

> Intense racism noted.

Intense stupidity noted indeed! You are a liar to others and to yourself for
not recognizing the importance that race plays in the affairs of men.

>>> Yet another personal insult. I note that you are no longer able to
>>> refute
>>> any of my points. All that is left is for you to annouce that I am
>>> plonked.

>> I never plonk anybody - ever!

> Forgetfulness, are you lying now, or were you lying then?:
> Message-ID: <[email protected]>

"I never plonk anybody - ever!" - Ed Dolan the Great

> "<Plonk> to the lot of you."
>> I am calling you an idiot because you refuse to think honestly about
>> anything. I do not come to Usenet to have the NY Times crapola thrown in
>> my
>> face. Either say something honest or get lost.
>> [...]

> Please point out where I quoted the New York Times.

You ARE the freaking NY Times!

>>>> Get a user name that is less stupid. In fact, why not use your real
>>>> name
>>>> like I do. No guts? Christ, what are you doing on Usenet in the first
>>>> place.
>>>> I suggest a moderated forum for a gutless wonder like yourself.
>>> Here, we see Mr. Dolan attempting to deflect attention from his apparent
>>> surrender by attacking my user name. Shame on him for such childish
>>> behaviour.

>> I do not like your user name. It is the sort of name a woman would
>> choose,
>> not a man.

> That is unfortunate for you, that you should be so troubled by 2 common
> words.

No, they are silly goofy words and only fitting for a feminine namby-pamby.
Just what kind of freak are you anyway? Men do not willingly take on
feminine characteristics unless they are so constituted by nature or willful


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
> news:p[email protected]:

>> For Christ's sakes, you nitwit, learn how to edit a post. How did you get
>> to
>> be so stupid? Did you have to learn it or were you just born that way?

> You post the way that suits you,
> I post the way that suits me.

It doesn't take much intelligence to learn how to properly edit a post to
Usenet. But I can see that it is clearly beyond you. However, you have
plenty of company. Usenet is just full of idiots like you. I will shortly
leave you to yourselves as I can only take so many morons. A regular diet of
your types would rot my brain and I would become as stupid as you are.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 00:53:22 -0600, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>

>"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>> news:p[email protected]:

>>> For Christ's sakes, you nitwit, learn how to edit a post. How did you get
>>> to
>>> be so stupid? Did you have to learn it or were you just born that way?

>> You post the way that suits you,
>> I post the way that suits me.

>It doesn't take much intelligence to learn how to properly edit a post to
>Usenet. But I can see that it is clearly beyond you. However, you have
>plenty of company. Usenet is just full of idiots like you. I will shortly
>leave you to yourselves as I can only take so many morons. A regular diet of
>your types would rot my brain and I would become as stupid as you are.

Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked and need to run away.

>Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota


Ya know
something? I should wait six days to respond to your inane comments.
That way, they'll be removed and there won't be anything to respond to.

Chuck demonstrates his Usenet knowledge in Message-ID: <[email protected]>
"Fred Hall" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 00:53:22 -0600, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>news:[email protected]...
>>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>> news:p[email protected]:

>>>> For Christ's sakes, you nitwit, learn how to edit a post. How did you
>>>> get
>>>> to
>>>> be so stupid? Did you have to learn it or were you just born that way?
>>> You post the way that suits you,
>>> I post the way that suits me.

>>It doesn't take much intelligence to learn how to properly edit a post to
>>Usenet. But I can see that it is clearly beyond you. However, you have
>>plenty of company. Usenet is just full of idiots like you. I will shortly
>>leave you to yourselves as I can only take so many morons. A regular diet
>>your types would rot my brain and I would become as stupid as you are.

> Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked and need to run away.

The Great Ed Dolan has taken numerous stormy final farewells from ARBR with
much cussing and swearing and slamming of doors. I do not go quietly into
that good night. I believe I have now taken at least 6 final farewells from
ARBR. I will shortly began taking my first of many final farewells from RBM.
It always gives me great pleasure to tell all the slobs what I think of
them. Frankly, I don't understand folks who just quietly leave a group. That
is not for the likes of the Great Ed Dolan. Nay, I go out with a flourish,
in fact, many flourishes.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 01:18:10 -0600, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>

>"Fred Hall" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 00:53:22 -0600, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>>"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>news:[email protected]...
>>>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>>> news:p[email protected]:
>>>>> For Christ's sakes, you nitwit, learn how to edit a post. How did you
>>>>> get
>>>>> to
>>>>> be so stupid? Did you have to learn it or were you just born that way?
>>>> You post the way that suits you,
>>>> I post the way that suits me.
>>>It doesn't take much intelligence to learn how to properly edit a post to
>>>Usenet. But I can see that it is clearly beyond you. However, you have
>>>plenty of company. Usenet is just full of idiots like you. I will shortly
>>>leave you to yourselves as I can only take so many morons. A regular diet
>>>your types would rot my brain and I would become as stupid as you are.

>> Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked and need to run away.

>The Great Ed Dolan has taken numerous stormy final farewells from ARBR with
>much cussing and swearing and slamming of doors. I do not go quietly into
>that good night. I believe I have now taken at least 6 final farewells from
>ARBR. I will shortly began taking my first of many final farewells from RBM.
>It always gives me great pleasure to tell all the slobs what I think of
>them. Frankly, I don't understand folks who just quietly leave a group. That
>is not for the likes of the Great Ed Dolan. Nay, I go out with a flourish,
>in fact, many flourishes.

Attention *****, are you?

>Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota


Ya know
something? I should wait six days to respond to your inane comments.
That way, they'll be removed and there won't be anything to respond to.

Chuck demonstrates his Usenet knowledge in Message-ID: <[email protected]>
"Fred Hall" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 01:18:10 -0600, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
> wrote:

>>>>It doesn't take much intelligence to learn how to properly edit a post
>>>>Usenet. But I can see that it is clearly beyond you. However, you have
>>>>plenty of company. Usenet is just full of idiots like you. I will
>>>>leave you to yourselves as I can only take so many morons. A regular
>>>>your types would rot my brain and I would become as stupid as you are.
>>> Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked and need to run away.

>>The Great Ed Dolan has taken numerous stormy final farewells from ARBR
>>much cussing and swearing and slamming of doors. I do not go quietly into
>>that good night. I believe I have now taken at least 6 final farewells
>>ARBR. I will shortly began taking my first of many final farewells from
>>It always gives me great pleasure to tell all the slobs what I think of
>>them. Frankly, I don't understand folks who just quietly leave a group.
>>is not for the likes of the Great Ed Dolan. Nay, I go out with a flourish,
>>in fact, many flourishes.

> Attention *****, are you?

Yeah, I especially like to make an impression on wimps and ciphers like you.
I mean, what else are you good for?

Jesus, I hadn't thought anyone in this world still had a name like Fred?
Just how retrograde can you get!

But hey, keep those freaking comments coming. Those of us on these honorable
newsgroups, otherwise known as ARBR and RBM, always like to know what the
peanut gallery is up to.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:

> Yes, and Whites are altogether more civilized than any Negro I have ever
> encountered (except for one anthropology professor I had at the University
> of Minnesota). But I really appreciate your freaking questions. Keep them
> coming you moron!
In article <[email protected]>,
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> writes:

> The Great Ed Dolan has taken numerous stormy final farewells from ARBR with
> much cussing and swearing and slamming of doors. I do not go quietly into
> that good night. I believe I have now taken at least 6 final farewells from
> ARBR. I will shortly began taking my first of many final farewells from RBM.
> It always gives me great pleasure to tell all the slobs what I think of
> them. Frankly, I don't understand folks who just quietly leave a group. That
> is not for the likes of the Great Ed Dolan. Nay, I go out with a flourish,
> in fact, many flourishes.
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

-- Nothing is safe from me.
Above address is just a spam midden.
I'm really at: tkeats [curlicue] vcn [point] bc [point] ca
Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in news:[email protected]:

> "Kali" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> In article <[email protected]>, posted Sat, 18 Mar
>> 2006 01:54:58 GMT, Little Meow [email protected] says...
>>>>>Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>>>>news:[email protected]:

> [...]
>>>> "ED is a bigoted closet homosexual?"
>>>"ED is a sexist?"

> Maybe Kali and FreakingMeow could get together and have a good old fashion
> f***. That is no doubt the only thing that will clear his brain however
> temporarily.
> [...]

I am shocked and outraged that you would suggest fornication for
purposes other than creating new life!
[auk restored]

Sir, have you no shame? It was you who wrote:

Message-ID: <[email protected]>
"There is nothing wrong with fornication for the
purpose of creating new life. If you are doing it for
any other reason then you are a scum bag."

As you consider Kali and I to be effeminate men, are you
now advocating what you refer to as "deviant and evil behavior"?
( Message-ID: <[email protected]> )
[ restored]

>> Yes, back in the day when Mom spent her days in a burka,
>> barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, baking pumpkin pies.

> Yes, women would be better off staying at home and caring for their
> children. But effeminate men like Kali and FreakingMeow think women should
> be in the world for some odd reason. It is no doubt because they can no
> longer support then like our parents and grandparents could.
> [...]

Do you also believe that African-Americans would be better off sent back
to the plantations, or sent back to Africa?

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in news:[email protected]:

> "Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>> news:[email protected]:

> [...]
> Newsgroups trimmed.
>>> FreakingMeow ought to know enough not be be taking things out of context.
>>> However, it is ever the way of the scoundrel to do so. By the way, an old
>>> priest is going know a thousand and one things that a young priest is not
>>> going to know. Just as an older person like me is infinitely wiser than a
>>> dumb cluck like you.

>> And I appreciate that you take the time to share your wisdom with all us
>> young people.
>> [auk and added]

> F*** those groups! You are either cycling oriented or you aren't. If your
> aren't, then get the hell out of here you freaking nincompoop!
> [...]

I commute by bike.
I see some men commuting by bike.
[ added]
When commuting, I see some unusual people.
[alt.usenet.kooks added]

>>> Nope, only a big black Negro will do. I do not want any small white
>>> Negroes.
>>> Those types tend to be more civilized.

>> Are you saying that the white ones are more civilised than the black ones?

> Yes, and Whites are altogether more civilized than any Negro I have ever
> encountered (except for one anthropology professor I had at the University
> of Minnesota). But I really appreciate your freaking questions. Keep them
> coming you moron!
> [...]

Where do you encounter these supposedly less civilised individuals?
You mentioned prison and rape in other posts. Were you a victim?

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in news:[email protected]:

> "Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>> news:D[email protected]:
>>> "Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>>> news:[email protected]:
>>> Newsgroups trimmed.

There are some in who would agree with your views and
could add to the discussion.
{ added]

>>> [...]
>>>>>>> Freaking Meow should spend a bit of time in any of our state prisons.
>>>>>>> He
>>>>>>> would quickly gain an understanding of what race is all about,
>>>>>>> provided
>>>>>>> he
>>>>>>> had enough brains to survive there. I understand that most prisons
>>>>>>> now
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> segregated according to race because of all the gang activity. In
>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>> words, if you are black you are going to hang out with the blacks,
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>> you are white you are going to hang out with the whites. Maybe
>>>>>>> freaking
>>>>>>> Meow
>>>>>>> would like to explain this phenomenon.
>>>>>> A prison is a rather extreme example for examining
>>>>>> racial dynamics.
>>>>> You have got that exactly backwards. Prison is the perfect place to
>>>>> examine
>>>>> racial dynamics. There it is reduced to its essential elements without
>>>>> any
>>>>> camouflage or hiding places.
>>>> Prison distills the most aberrant elements of society. It
>>>> is not a very good model for the interactions of common people.
>>> You get the lowest common denominator in prisons - and that is pretty
>>> much
>>> what we all reduce to when the chips are down. You can learn an awful lot
>>> about human nature by studying prison behavior. The military is another
>>> good
>>> place to learn about human nature. Civil society protects most of us from
>>> the harsher elements of our natures.

>> So, without the proscriptions dictated by civil society, Ed Dolan would
>> revert to his true nature: a homosexual criminal?

> Wow ... that is the kind of thinking that just impresses the hell out of me.
> You are unable to follow any train of thought whatsoever. I would advise
> that you just keep pedaling your bike and leave the intellectual stuff to
> those of us who are capable of it.

Reminder: you wrote above and below:
"the lowest common denominator in prisons"
"that is pretty much what we all reduce to"
"Civil society protects most of us from the harsher elements of our natures."
"It is the same with male sexuality."

Ergo, by your own words, without the proscriptions dictated by civil
society, Ed Dolan would revert to his true nature: a homosexual criminal.

Could that be the real reason for your professed celibacy?

>>>>> It is the same with male sexuality. If you want to know what it is
>>>>> really
>>>>> like unconstrained by females, then have a look at male homosexuality.
>>>>> There
>>>>> you will see it unconstrained in all its disgusting shamefulness.
>>>> When did this discussion expand to sexual preference?
>>>> Do you have any special terms for homosexuals with which I
>>>> may not be familiar?
>>> I am using an example which will not have occurred to most like you. It
>>> is
>>> just another example of my Greatness and my largess of sprit. The average
>>> person, especially the average women, knows absolutely nothing about male
>>> sexuality. All most people know is that political correctness **** - you
>>> know, the nonsense about men and women being essentially the same. I used
>>> it
>>> as an attack on your idiotic notions of political correctness. The Black
>>> culture of the inner city creates a different human being than you and I.
>>> People are not all the same just as men and women are not the same.

>> So, because I used a term like "African-American", you assume that I
>> am "into nothing but political correctness". My discussions with Mr.
>> Baka began due to my concern that his use of the term "spear chucker"
>> would result in him being tagged as a racist. My point is that the use
>> of certain "hot button" words will get one labelled. You have proven
>> my point. Thank you.

> Nope, you are wrong on all counts. Bill Baka can use any term he likes to
> refer to anyone he likes.

Please point out where I told Mr. Baka he can't say anything he wants.

> And so can I and so can you. Take your g.d.
> sensitivity and your political correctness shove it up your ass, why don't
> you! Hot button words, indeed! Well, I have got you labeled, that is for
> sure.

By labelling me based on my words, you prove my point.
Thank you, sir.

>>>>>> It would be more interesting to examine how your sentiments,
>>>>>> as expressed above, would be accepted by African-Americans.
>>>>>> I would not hesitate to discuss what I have posted here, with
>>>>>> a member of any race, in a face-to-face conversation.
>>>>> Why is that? Is it because you are a coward. You should hear what they
>>>>> say
>>>>> about you and your ilk when you aren't around. You only post pabulum
>>>>> like
>>>>> all your kind. Here's hoping you choke on it before you have it stuffed
>>>>> down
>>>>> your throat by an "African-American."
>>>> My "ilk"?
>>>> My "kind"?
>>>> What do you think "they" say about my "ilk" when I'm not around.
>>>> I think you've lived longer than I, so I am genuinely interested
>>>> in what one of my elders has to say.
>>> You are a liberal nut case who only knows what is politically correct.
>>> You
>>> have been brain washed. Only morons talk about "African-Americans." The
>>> American Negro knows absolutely nothing about Africa and he would perish
>>> if
>>> he were foolish enough to emigrate to that continent.

>> You assume I am liberal, when I am but a participant in civil society,
>> which, according to you, protects us from your homosexual criminal
>> nature. You're welcome.

> Civil society protects us all from our worst natures, sexual and otherwise.
> This is so elementary that I can't be bothered explaining it to a liberal
> nincompoop like you.

I have no homosexual criminal desires that require proscription.
Do you?

>>> The "African-American" that you blather about hates your guts if you want
>>> to
>>> know the truth. He has names for you that that would make your hair stand
>>> on
>>> end.

>> Projection noted.

> Hey look, Ma - no brains!

Why would you make such an admission?

>>>>> I have
>>>>>> every confidence that you would be similarly be unafraid to
>>>>>> voice your opinions in a frank manner. The next time you are in
>>>>>> the company of African-Americans,
>>>>> Surely you mean Blacks or Negroes and if they are from the criminal
>>>>> subculture of our innner cites and are colored black, then you mean
>>>>> ****ers - right?
>>>> If someone is a criminal, it is sufficient to call them such without
>>>> adding terms that are commonly used to denigrate an entire race in
>>>> an attempt to associate criminal behaviour with that race.
>>> Why is it that every time I turn on my TV and I see a lot of young people
>>> behaving like apes, they invariably are Blacks from the inner city. Let's
>>> identify them and call them what they are - black criminals, thugs and
>>> hooligans. I don't know about you, but the very first thing I notice
>>> about a
>>> person is his skin color.
>>> [...]

>> Intense racism noted.

> Intense stupidity noted indeed! You are a liar to others and to yourself for
> not recognizing the importance that race plays in the affairs of men.

What makes you jump to that conclusion, Mr. Dolan. I have said no such thing.
I would say that racism continues to play too much importance in the affairs
of some men.

>>>> Yet another personal insult. I note that you are no longer able to
>>>> refute
>>>> any of my points. All that is left is for you to annouce that I am
>>>> plonked.
>>> I never plonk anybody - ever!

>> Forgetfulness, are you lying now, or were you lying then?:
>> Message-ID: <[email protected]>

> "I never plonk anybody - ever!" - Ed Dolan the Great

Message-ID: <[email protected]>

"<Plonk> to the lot of you."

>> "<Plonk> to the lot of you."
>>> I am calling you an idiot because you refuse to think honestly about
>>> anything. I do not come to Usenet to have the NY Times crapola thrown in
>>> my
>>> face. Either say something honest or get lost.
>>> [...]

>> Please point out where I quoted the New York Times.

> You ARE the freaking NY Times!

Delusion noted.
No, Mr. Dolan, I am not a newspaper, nor do I represent any newspaper

>>>>> Get a user name that is less stupid. In fact, why not use your real
>>>>> name
>>>>> like I do. No guts? Christ, what are you doing on Usenet in the first
>>>>> place.
>>>>> I suggest a moderated forum for a gutless wonder like yourself.
>>>> Here, we see Mr. Dolan attempting to deflect attention from his apparent
>>>> surrender by attacking my user name. Shame on him for such childish
>>>> behaviour.
>>> I do not like your user name. It is the sort of name a woman would
>>> choose,
>>> not a man.

>> That is unfortunate for you, that you should be so troubled by 2 common
>> words.

> No, they are silly goofy words and only fitting for a feminine namby-pamby.
> Just what kind of freak are you anyway? Men do not willingly take on
> feminine characteristics unless they are so constituted by nature or willful
> perversion.

I'm but a little meow in the great cascade that is usenet.
[auk added, because Ed thinks I'm a freak]

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in news:[email protected]:

> "Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>> news:p[email protected]:

> [...]
>>> For Christ's sakes, you nitwit, learn how to edit a post. How did you get
>>> to
>>> be so stupid? Did you have to learn it or were you just born that way?

>> You post the way that suits you,
>> I post the way that suits me.

> It doesn't take much intelligence to learn how to properly edit a post to
> Usenet. But I can see that it is clearly beyond you. However, you have
> plenty of company. Usenet is just full of idiots like you. I will shortly
> leave you to yourselves as I can only take so many morons.

Do you not take any satisfaction in putting me in my place?
I enjoy reading your wisdom and learning from the Great Saint.
It's like an exercise in the Socratic method.
How will you sate your desire for spirited discussion?

> A regular diet of
> your types would rot my brain and I would become as stupid as you are.

You should look upon this as an opportunity to hone your skills and
steel your resolve to hold on to your convictions.

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

[ auk and added ]
Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in news:[email protected]:

> "Fred Hall" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 00:53:22 -0600, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>>"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>news:[email protected]...
>>>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>>> news:p[email protected]:
>>>>> For Christ's sakes, you nitwit, learn how to edit a post. How did you
>>>>> get
>>>>> to
>>>>> be so stupid? Did you have to learn it or were you just born that way?
>>>> You post the way that suits you,
>>>> I post the way that suits me.
>>>It doesn't take much intelligence to learn how to properly edit a post to
>>>Usenet. But I can see that it is clearly beyond you. However, you have
>>>plenty of company. Usenet is just full of idiots like you. I will shortly
>>>leave you to yourselves as I can only take so many morons. A regular diet
>>>your types would rot my brain and I would become as stupid as you are.

>> Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked and need to run away.

> The Great Ed Dolan has taken numerous stormy final farewells from ARBR with
> much cussing and swearing and slamming of doors. I do not go quietly into
> that good night. I believe I have now taken at least 6 final farewells from
> ARBR. I will shortly began taking my first of many final farewells from RBM.
> It always gives me great pleasure to tell all the slobs what I think of
> them.

If you are soon to go on hiatus, then I'll take this opportunity to say:
Mr. Dolan, I thank you for your opinions and your time, and I hope that
you are not too long away. May your days be filled with pleasant encounters
with your "big black negroes", and may society continue to protect us from
the harsher elements of your nature.

> Frankly, I don't understand folks who just quietly leave a group. That
> is not for the likes of the Great Ed Dolan. Nay, I go out with a flourish,
> in fact, many flourishes.
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

[auk and added]
Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in news:D[email protected]:

> "Kali" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> In article <[email protected]>, posted Sat, 18 Mar

> [...]
>>>> Men are very much influenced in how they behave sexually by women. Women
>>>> in
>>>> fact constrain men from the worst excesses of sex.

>> Perhaps you believe that the women in your life have played such
>> a role, but there is no support for this argument in the
>> scholarly literature.

> Take your scholarly literature and shove it up your ass. No one knows
> anything about women except Catholic priests and other celibates and Great
> Saints like myself.

Mr. Kali knows a lot more about women than you think.
[ added]

>>> However, homos do not

>> **** sapiens?

> Homos you freaking idiot!

**** sapiens?
**** erecti?
**** genized?

>>>> have this constraint acting on them, and so they behave like swine.

>> This is beyond false; it is flat out ridiculous.

> No, it is absolutely true. Men behave better around women than they do
> around men. It is because men are slightly in awe of the opposite sex - as
> they well should be.

Then we no longer need "sexual harassment" units included in
compliance training sessions?

>>> You
>>>> really need to visit a bath house to know just how swinish men can be
>>>> when
>>>> it comes to sex.

>> Why?

> "You really need to visit a bath house to know just how swinish men can be
> when
> it comes to sex." - Ed Dolan the Great
> [...]

Men have swinish sex with each other in bath houses?

>>>>>>> You are into nothing but political correctness and are therefore not
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> serious person. In short, you are an idiot!
>>>>> {political correctness --> not a serious person} = idiot.
>>>> Yes, that is exactly right.

>> It is utterly illogical.

> You are a moron!

It is illogical to assume that someone who finds your
statements illogical is a moron.

>>> If you are into political correctness, then you
>>>> are not a thinking person

>> Here's the first problem. Political correctness is a sign that a
>> person is educated and understands why disparaging labels are
>> not only irrational, but destructive.

> Nope, just the opposite of that. It is nothing but a mantra for every failed
> program of the past 50 years. If you can't succeed in reality, then you can
> succeed in propaganda.

So that is why you use it as a mantra. You can't succeed in a discussion,
so you resort to:

"If you are into political correctness, then you
are not a thinking person"

> That is all liberals and their g.d. political
> correctness is good for anymore. Screw them all the way to hell and back!

It seems that is all you are good for when logic fails you.

>> You can't be bothered with education, or educated people?

> Liberals are be definition not educated and are altogether stupid as hell.
> They stopped thinking several generations ago. All they know are their
> political correctness formulations.

That definition is not in any of the standard dictionaries.

>>>All that crapola
>>>> played out decades ago and is now reserved for the terminally stupid -
>>>> in
>>>> other words, idiots!

>> Here's something you'll enjoy:

> I NEVER go to links from degenerate slobs like you that I don't trust.
> [...]

Relax, no one is going to trick you into clicking the link

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

[froups restored]
"Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> "Little Meow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> Edward Dolan [email protected] wrote in
>>> news:[email protected]:

>> [...]
>> Newsgroups trimmed.
>>>> FreakingMeow ought to know enough not be be taking things out of
>>>> context.
>>>> However, it is ever the way of the scoundrel to do so. By the way, an
>>>> old
>>>> priest is going know a thousand and one things that a young priest is
>>>> not
>>>> going to know. Just as an older person like me is infinitely wiser than
>>>> a
>>>> dumb cluck like you.
>>> And I appreciate that you take the time to share your wisdom with all us
>>> young people.
>>> [auk and added]

>> F*** those groups! You are either cycling oriented or you aren't. If your
>> aren't, then get the hell out of here you freaking nincompoop!
>> [...]

> I commute by bike.
> I see some men commuting by bike.
> [ added]

We need to know far more about this group than you have so far provided.

> When commuting, I see some unusual people.
> [alt.usenet.kooks added]

We need to know far more about this group than you have so far provided.

>>>> Nope, only a big black Negro will do. I do not want any small white
>>>> Negroes.
>>>> Those types tend to be more civilized.
>>> Are you saying that the white ones are more civilised than the black
>>> ones?

>> Yes, and Whites are altogether more civilized than any Negro I have ever
>> encountered (except for one anthropology professor I had at the
>> University
>> of Minnesota). But I really appreciate your freaking questions. Keep them
>> coming you moron!
>> [...]

> Where do you encounter these supposedly less civilised individuals?
> You mentioned prison and rape in other posts. Were you a victim?

You encounter them everyday on the streets of any large city. You see them
on the TV rampaging like gorillas. And you see them in court and in prison
pleading ignorance and stupidity.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota