Riding while sick -yes or no.

Catching a flu or colds is my body telling me to slowdown and take some rest. You know how your body works and you have an idea when to stop and have some rest. I do understand your point and I believe it too, if you keep it going then it has the ability to warm up and fight whatever it is that causes the sickness. It still depends on you
I'd suggest staying at home and drinking as much hot tea as you can consume. Surely, this ride will only aggravate your disease. So, stay away from the activities like that and get better ASAP!
I would not advise cycling when you get a fever or a cold. I know whenever I am down with fever and visit a doctor, what they would suggest is that you keep yourself low, be in bed, and drink a lot of water and teas, no stress, no walking, no cycling, no going out if it is cold, just stay low and keep yourself warm. A good intake of vitamins, fluit and vegetable is advised, too.

I am afraid you could make it worse if you go on a ride with a fever. Try to get rid of it, cure yourself, and make sure you can withstand cold wind on your face, throat and neck, because if you are sick, and you ride, you also sweat a lot, and being so cold outside, it is not good for your body, warm body exposed to cold wind...plus fever.
I would skip cycling if I were sick. :)
I happen to be one of those crazy people that will ride when I'm sick. Fortunately, I don't get sick all that often so it's not a major issue for me. But I would recommend that folks that are sick stay in bed in order to recover. The last thing anyone wants to do is worsen and prolong their cold or flu.
I always avoid any kind of exercise if I feel even little bit sick since it may cause some serious consequences for your health. A friend of mine got into hospital for two weeks after playing hockey in a fever.
Personally I don't ride if I'm not well but that's just me. I see it that cycling takes a lot of energy out of the body and I'd rather my body use that energy to fight the illness, even if it is just a cold.
No. One time I rode with a cold and the whole ride I was coughing up a fit and it was just bad on my breathing.
Cycling does affect your whole body and not only is it a cardio exercise, it also impacts on your muscles aswell so if you do have any sort of illness, even just a cold it can really take it out of you, and that's why even though a lot of people do still ride, I prefer to put the bike away until I'm fully recovered.
I'm a wimp, I never really cycle when I'm feeling sick unless it's either just a minor cold, or I have no choice but to go out. I don't get sick very often but when I do it usually hits me pretty hard and I feel like it takes me longer to recover when I don't take the time to rest.

I'm more of a 'lay around on the couch watching trashy TV' type sick person anyway :D