Sebrango cycling lessons

Van de Wille said:

... Ediot ... spanked yet again.

My goodness it's gotta hurt - especially when your own tactics are used against you. Tough keeping those lies straight Edvain - isn't it?

You know, the truth is always better.
Van de Wille said:
Uh, earth to Ed: you posted it on the thread "Pedalmag forum: caput, too!" on this forum, in April. That's where I pulled the quotes. Link is here.
Patrick, you are really digging aren't you! Nice attempt at smoke and mirrors through sheer volume. You REALLY want to disprove this stalking on your part, don't you!Why not post all of BCVOICE? It is obvious you have been studying it closely for a long while.

The link you posted does not mention anything about a theatre. It only says I was "Employee of the Year". There was no mention of the theatre on this web site prior to you doing so last July. How did you know where it was unless you were checking me out back then as usual?

You are a liar Patrick and no matter how many links and quotes you try to use to cover it up will change that. You are a cyberstalker obsessed with interfering with me.

It is obvious to anyone who reads this stuff. You are more acquainted with my writing than I am myself. Only somebody really obsessed would go to the length you did posting all the BCVOICE stuff.

Everybody is welcome to go to BCVOICE and read it for themselves, my quotes are easy to find I use my own name.

Stalk on , Paddy, you obsessive little worm.

sub55 said:
... Ediot ... spanked yet again.

My goodness it's gotta hurt - especially when your own tactics are used against you. Tough keeping those lies straight Edvain - isn't it?

You know, the truth is always better.
The truth is better. It doesn't hurt at all.

Van de Wille is lying.

Try it for yourself.

search for "theatre" and "Eddie Arzouian" no matches on this site.

Try "theatre" and "Fausto Coppied" (a username which came only in mid- August) and you get three matches.

Van de Wille is lying, that's what he does. He has been caught once again. He was on BCVOICE long before his most recent searches in August.

He followed the entire Binghamton Mayoral campaign last year via BCVOICE even though he lives a 1000 miles away!

Van de Wille stalks me through cyberspace.
Fausto Coppied said:
Patrick, you are really digging aren't you! Nice attempt at smoke and mirrors through sheer volume. You REALLY want to disprove this stalking on your part, don't you!Why not post all of BCVOICE? It is obvious you have been studying it closely for a long while.
Uh, Ed, I didn't post the BCVoice stuff. And I would think that you'd be in a poor position accuse others of "sheer volume".

Fausto Coppied said:
The link you posted does not mention anything about a theatre. It only says I was "Employee of the Year". There was no mention of the theatre on this web site prior to you doing so last July. How did you know where it was unless you were checking me out back then as usual?
Uh, Ed, up the dose, dude. You asked readers of this forum to search for a mention of your employment and employee of the year thing. So I search Arzouian and Binghamton and it's the seventh link, a picture of you alongside a particularly well-fed woman. On the first page. Not exactly deep digging.

In the words of Monty Python: "You're a loony!"
Fausto Coppied said:
It is obvious to anyone who reads this stuff. You are more acquainted with my writing than I am myself. Only somebody really obsessed would go to the length you did posting all the BCVOICE stuff.
Uh, I think only one thing is obvious to "anyone who reads this stuff." :eek:
Van de Wille said:
I search Arzouian and Binghamton and it's the seventh link, a picture of you alongside a particularly well-fed woman. On the first page. Not exactly deep digging.
Patrick, as I stated you have been Googling me.

We know that was not the first time. I can prove it if you want to deny it again. You had knowledge of the mayoral campaign that could not be had by one visit.

I do have to apologize because I see it was Uboat, not you, that posted the BCVOICE stuff. I guess he has been there, too. I must have been scrolling too quickly to find the edn and missed his name.

I find it very amusing how you people follow me from one completely different web site to another.

PeeininNepean admits that she follows me from Media in Montreal to Pedal to Cycling Forum just to harass me. It is remarkable how real people get so annoyed with me.
You get your rocks off thinking I'm cyber-stalking you, then be my guest. It's no more unrealistic than the other set of delusions that occupy your idle hours.
Don't you guys have anything better to do that this? Time to grow up fellas.
Yojimbo_ said:
Don't you guys have anything better to do that this? Time to grow up fellas.
Like using spell checker on your posts so you do not come across as a retard?
Ed starts everything. He started this too:

CCA follows my lead again
So once again the CCA is following my suggestions. After my earlier suggestions of finally selling national team jerseys to raise funds and promote the sport, re-instating the National Crit Championships, getting rid of Hutsebaut and Kinash, the CCA is now splitting off Elite Men and Women National championships from Juniors and ParaOlympic categories. Granted this is only being done for Track National sbut it is a start.

The same thing should happen at Road Nationals.

Who knows, if the CCA keeps listening to me they could be back in shape in a few more years.

Next step, hire me, fire Kim Sebrango. She has failed to do anything in more thna a year.

Should I send a consulting fee to the CCA?

Vélodrome Caise populaire Dieppe ready to host Tim Hortons Track National Championships

August 30, 2006,Dieppe, NB – The Tim Hortons Track National Championships will be hosted from September 7 to 10, 2006 by the Vélodrome Caisse populaire Dieppe, which has been totally revamped to welcome the cream of the crop of Canadian Elite cyclists.

Elite Tim Hortons Track National Championships

The event, organized in a partnership with the Mike’s Bike Shop Cycling Club, will take place from September 7 to 10 and will run events from 10 am to 4 pm everyday. Most qualifiers will take place in the morning with the major finals later in the afternoon. Spectators will be more than welcome to witness these very spectacular events at a rate of $2 a day, or a small 5$ for the whole event. “Track racing is always very spectacular and fun to watch. Imagine Canada’s top riders coming to the finish line at over 60 km/h shoulder to shoulder: how much better can it get?” says National Cycling Centre – Atlantic Canada’s head coach, Luc Arseneau. “Spectators will also have the chance to witness local talent. Among them, Sacha Leblanc (Moncton, NB), Ryan Belliveau (Campbellton, NB), Dustin MacBurnie (Truro, NS) and Craig de Gier (Sackville, NS) will battle it out and represent our region very well.”

This year’s Tim Hortons Championships are run under a new format. With increasing participation, a decision was recently taken by the Canadian Cycling Association to split the junior, master and paralympic categories up from the elite.This being the reason why the Dieppe event will showcase the elite men and women exclusively.

Face-lift given to the Vélodrome Caisse populaire Dieppe

Thanks to the great contribution of the City of Dieppe, incredible support of the volunteers and the cycling community, the Vélodrome Caisse populaire Dieppe has been totally revamped during the summer. Local cyclists are now glad to hop on the 250 m track once again to do their final preparation for the event.

According to the organizing committee, this was a major need to ensure the success of the event: “The last couple of weeks have been a few stressful, but it’s now looking really great. We are ready to welcome the best elite riders in the country” says event organizer Andrew Scott. Among those riders, we can count on the presence of number one scratch rider in the world, Gina Grain (Victoria, BC). Commonwealth Games’ silver and bronze medalist Travis Smith (Calgary, AB) will also be present.

For further information on the event and results, please visit the official web site at
Fausto Coppied said:
Should I send a consulting fee to the CCA?

Yes! invoice them. If they're such an organizational abortion, it just might slip through payables. Give it a whirl! You've got nothing to lose.​
BillyBlass said:
Like using spell checker on your posts so you do not come across as a retard?
A spell checker? who's the retard?

I think you mean a grammar checker - the spell checker would never find that typo.
Yojimbo_ said:
A spell checker? who's the retard?

I think you mean a grammar checker - the spell checker would never find that typo.
No, a spell checker. I was not referring to you, although, you are trying very hard to prove yourself as being a bit slow on the uptake.
BillyBlass said:
No, a spell checker. I was not referring to you, although, you are trying very hard to prove yourself as being a bit slow on the uptake.
Your post was very ambiguous, and I therefore accept your apology.
World Cup Downhill Final standings are in but I don't see Mike Dumaresq's name anywhere?

Where is the tranny in the standings?

Final 2006 UCI World Cup DH Standings


1. Tracy Moseley (GBR)
2. Sabrina Jonnier (Fra)
3. Rachel Atherton (GBR)
13. Claire Buchar (Can) 19. Danika Schroeter (Can)

22. Katrina Strand (Can) 28. Adrienne Miller (Can) 33. Brook Baker (Can)
Fausto Coppied said:
Gord Singleton, one of the winning cyclists in Canadian history, a World Record holder and World Champ had this to say about the Canadian Cycling association in an interview with Fixed Gear Fever (FGF Bicycle Racing) :

FGF: Canadians have produced some good sprinters over the years. Yourself, Kirk Harnett, Lori Ann Munzer. Is this due to the Canadian cycling program or the individual efforts of these riders?

Gord Singleton: Without a doubt, 100% individual efforts. The CCA will flame me for this but it needs to said, " They are so far behind, that they think they are winning". Canada has had plenty of success's but these are all in spite of rather than because of. I've been doing this for over 30 years now, I think that I have some experience.

You just watch what will come out of Forest City (London On velodrome where Singleton volunteers) over the next 2-3 years. If this group that we have now follow our program they are going to maximize their potentials. And RG, aka Rob Good is a real stand up guy, no messing. I feel honored to be working with him and his volunteers.

You can read the whole interview here:

So, don’t take my word for it, you have that of a multi-time World Champion and CBC sports commentator.

Gord Singleton joins Eric Van den Eynde, former CCA national team coach who was with Lori Ann Meunzer in Athens when she won her gold medal. Eric quit last week because he said he would if the CCA changed his promised goals and methods. Eric wonders why the CCA has abandoned all hope for the Olympics in 2008 or even 2012, the CCA is talking about 2016.

There is no hope with the CCA and no plan. The Association has been ruined by Bill Kinash and Pierre Hutsebaut (Pedal Magazine and Canadian Cyclist Magazine, won't do their jobs and tell you that). It will take ten years to rebuild and that only if they put somebody in charge from the sport, with a proven record, innovativeness and the balls to make the difficult changes necessary.

A complete house cleaning is in order.

Ask yourselves why guys with the talent and experience like Singleton are volunteering on their own, on the fringes of the sport and not part of the CCA? Why do guys like Van den Eynde and almost every cycling coach Canada has had over a decade quit in disgust? ? Curt Harnett was voted off the CCA Board of Directors. Brian Walton works in the sport in the US. Martin Barras has been in Australia for 15 years. Many other riders have just left the sport completely.

The sport is rotten from the top down.
double post but you all got emailed to visit....
The Raving Gnome has been banned from Canadian Cyclist. We can continue the discussion with Gord Singleton here, if you like since it would not have existed without The Gnome asking permission from Gord to post it. When someone else mentioned Gord's interview on CC, the thread just died.

The Gnome is too dangerous to be allowed to express an opinion.

The Editors at CC, too petty.

There part of the what ails Canadian cycling, petty-minded hanger-ons like Rob Jones.

The lack of mainstream media coverage in Canadian cycling is directly porportional to he rise of Canadian Cyclist Magazine.