Should Greg LeMond be Slamming Lance?


New Member
Jul 11, 2004
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What do you think about Greg Lemond's going after Lance Armstrong over supposed doping? Does it matter that it's coming during the Tour? LeMond bitter that Lance has one-upped him in every way? Thinking about trading in my LeMond Beunos Aires.
I don't know Greg so I can't comment on his character, I don't know Lance, so I can't comment on his either, but I can comment on the actions that I see, just like everyone else, and from the actions:

I see Lance vehemently denying the accusations and as being one of the most tested riders in the world and never coming up short, and Lemond firing off his accusations right in the middle of the Tour with no hard evidence other than recountings of conversations and his recollections.

I could say things about Lance like; the pressure for in the Tour is IMMENSE and would drive a hard charging competitor to do questionable things sometimes.., and about Lemond, here is a public figure, why would he destroy the rest of his fame and credibility over completely false accusations...

But such philosophizing serves no purpose other then to whip up more speculation...

The one thing that I think applies to situation though is that relationship axiom that when person A says something negative about person B you learn far more about person A than about person B...

Have a good one!

Feanor said:
I don't know Greg so I can't comment on his character, I don't know Lance, so I can't comment on his either, but I can comment on the actions that I see, just like everyone else, and from the actions:

I see Lance vehemently denying the accusations and as being one of the most tested riders in the world and never coming up short, and Lemond firing off his accusations right in the middle of the Tour with no hard evidence other than recountings of conversations and his recollections.

I could say things about Lance like; the pressure for in the Tour is IMMENSE and would drive a hard charging competitor to do questionable things sometimes.., and about Lemond, here is a public figure, why would he destroy the rest of his fame and credibility over completely false accusations...

But such philosophizing serves no purpose other then to whip up more speculation...

The one thing that I think applies to situation though is that relationship axiom that when person A says something negative about person B you learn far more about person A than about person B...

Have a good one!

Well said Feanor. If anything these accusations hurt Greg more than Lance.

By the way check out this picture. Oh how times change.
I honestly have no idea what LeMond has to gain by making these accusations other than pub. Are his bikes not selling as well as they used to? Who knows? I find it difficult to believe that his interest is only "the integrity of cycling" or some **** like that. The integrity of cycling would be better served by examining actual evidence and letting the chips fall where they may. Right now, he's working with evidence that is anecdotal at best. And making claims like "miracles just don't happen" call into question his own career as much as Armstrong's. And saying "What about Millar?" implicates everyone who ever tested negative. Completely ignored in his analysis of the situation is Armstrong's devotion to training (unquestioned), his relationship with Carmichael Training (which basically made its name through the advances made in LA's training) and the fact that greater TDF champions than he (Merckxx, Hinault, Indurain, who all stand to lose a record to Lance) take no issue with LA's status as a champion. I doubt the attacks are mean-spirited, I think he might think he's doing the right thing, but he probably hasn't thought things through. What's he accomplishing? Motivating the organizers to test LA twice as much and really catch him? It's kinda laughable, really.
I just think it shows a total lack of class on Greg Le Mond's part. The timing is bad..........the whole thing bad, bad, bad.