Snot filled inner tubes - whats the secret ?

In news:[email protected],
Pete Biggs <[email protected]> tweaked the
Babbage-Engine to tell us:
> Coyoteboy wrote:
>> Not sure im following. The idea of the snot is you dont have to pump
>> up at all, its constantly in your tube and it seals as a leak
>> appears, meaning you never really had a leak. Or at least thats how
>> it is meant to work. A large split, however, will never re-seal.

> A medium-sized puncture can cause partial/full deflation before the
> sealant has time to work.

And, adding insult to injury, if it's on the front wheel of a recumbent
trike, you get a faceful of bogeys into the bargain.

Do not ask me how I know this :-(

Dave Larrington
The best way to confuse a Daily Mail reader is to tell it that
paedophiles form the staple diet of asylum seekers.

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