The Johnny NoCom Book??? ... Eamil SPAM from Johnny NoCom

FLASH ... just receive this SPAM email from Nick Vega...

From: "Nick Vega" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: New item available at the Johnny NoCom Superstore
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 16:17:00 -0800 (PST)

The recently published "How to Win Friends and Influence People in the
Recumbent Community" booklet by Ed Gin with introduction by none other
than Johnny NoCom is now available. The price? $FREE ... yep, $FREE.
At the most recent Johnny NoCom Enterprises(r) board meeting, the price
of the booklet was put to a vote. It was unanimous that no one would
waste a nickel on it, so it was decided to just distribute it for free.
"An opportunity for self- aggrandizement shouldn't have a price tag",
the author was heard to remark. Then he removed his Ed Gin cap and
replaced it with his Johnny NoCom cap and, patting himself on the back,
remarked, "I'm in complete agreement with Ed here". Look for this
enlightening text to soon be made available as a download in PDF format
(Adobe Acrobat Reader required). If you'd prefer the booklet, you can
place your order now at the Johnny NoCom web Superstore (Item # 3098).
Shipping is $FREE. The booklet is printed on toilet paper so you can
put it to appropriate use. Yep, we encourage recycling here at Johnny
NoCom Enterprises®.

Nick Vega VP marketing
Johnny NoCom Enterprises®