Where will you be touring this summer?

byfred said:
The "Touring Season" for North America is quickly approaching. Have you planned your summer tour yet, and if our "paths" do happen to cross, how will I be able to recognize you? In all likelyhood, my wife and I will be in Atlantic Canada for July & August. We have RED Ortlieb Panniers, front & back and it would be really cool to meet someone from this network......byfred
the touring season certainly is approaching...and i will be doing my first tour..i am going to ride across the US from San Francisco to Washington DC. I feel a little guilty because we have a support vehicle, but I figure Im going all the way across the country for my first time, so i might as well cheat a little.

Im going with a program called Bike_aid. There are 25 of us riding. We are going to pedal 70 miles a day 6 days a week, for nine weeks. Once a week we are stopping to do community projects and educational stuff...

it should be a pretty epic adventure...
I plan on doing my first tour this summer of the Loire valley in southwestern France as well as the Massif Central. Still trying to figure out the details. A little nerver racking for sure :)
Self supported, all around Europe with a friend for 4 months - starting in France and making it to Greece. Leaving in ten days... so excited it hurts! Have fun everyone...
6 days with Mel at tandemseast.com where we pick up the new tandem and go to the Kent County Spring Fair, then 5 and a bit weeks in France. We are landing in Nice then catching a train to just north of Tolouse. Riding up to the Dordogne where we meet up with some friends for a couple of days. Ride across through Orange and Avigon and across to Provence and Mt Ventoux. A sort of figure eight, finishing back at Nice.
Fly to Vienna,we we have 7 days to catch a train to Salzburg, ride up to the Danube canal and back to Vienna.
We are booking accomodation at the start and end of each leg but apart from that we will be camping. As we will be traveling in part of the peak season we dont wont to be stuck to a rigid schedule where we have to be at a certain place on a certain day.


This summer an environmental awareness charity tour travelling the length of Japan, north to south over about 7 weeks or so.

The ride is called BEE Japan (Bicycle for Everyone's Earth), see our website at www.beejapan.org
Starting in the beginning of June, I'll be heading out to BC to start a cross Canada tour. I'm picking up my new bike (Devinci Destination) today which I am really excited about. I'll post more info about what my gear will look like when I know. :)
OnYoLeft said:
I'll be doing the Lighthouse Tour in Nova Scotia at the end of June.

My wife and I will be in that area as well. We get off the train in Sackville, NB about June 27th and head for Charlottetown PEI and Canada Day celabrations, then on to Pictou, NS and Truro, NS. From there, we will do a "coastal loop" through Yarmouth, NS., ending back in PEI and home again to Ontario by train, about the middle of August. We are retired seniors.
We both have "True North" Touring bikes and red Ortlieb Panniers. It would be nice to cross paths with you out there.

Have a nice safe summer.

My girlfriend and I will be touring across NW Italy on canondales with red ortleibs from next week til mid july. Would love to meet up if anyone is about.

Rob & Sarah
Hey Fred,

This summer while I was out in Atlantic Canada, I met a couple from Ontario with RED PLASTIC BAGS in camp. I asked them naturally, "Are you FRED?" Nope! "Are you those people from the Internet?" I tried again, still not quite believing that they would not be from the Internet...

They were so old skool. And not you.

Hope your summer tour went well. I enjoyed the Maritimes, but I especially enjoyed Newfoundland. While I'm not rushing back to NS, or NB, I can not wait to get back to "The Rock". It was awesome.

byfred said:
The "Touring Season" for North America is quickly approaching. Have you planned your summer tour yet

I will just hit the roads around Perth, best touring roads in the world around here!
I'll be touring the Persian Gulf for six months this summer. Unfortunately I will be doing said tour on a Navy ship instead of a bike. Second summer in a row I will be deployed. :mad:
Hi, new here....we just found out we're moving to Italy (Sicily) in June. Steve, my wife's a Navy Nurse, we'll be at Sig!

We expect we'll be there 3 years...guess I'm going to learn to get my butt kicked on hills! :D
I am leading a group trip to the Slovenian Alps at the end of May. The trip starts and finishes in Trieste, Italy. During 8 days we will ride from hotel to hotel covering all major climbs in the Slovenian Alps, including the famous Vrsic pass with its cobbled hairpin turns. I am very excited about this trip as this is the only part if the Alps that I have not ridden in yet and I have read only great stories about cycling in Slovenia!

I know that there are still a few spots available on this tour. Check it out at Slovenia 2010
I'm hoping to ride from Caen, or around there, and just head as far south as I can go. I'd also like to do Calais and head south west and then south and see if I can make Spain somehow!

Need to find some good routes and stuff and read up on some more travel logs.
[lang=it]Un posto di lavoro in Grecia da aprila a ottobre è stato offerte a me. Se posso avere questo posto, vorrei fare un giro al fine del anno attraversa Italia. Ma, se io non lo ricevo, farà di applicare per un visto nuovo per Norvegia. Se non è possible a riceverlo, il mio piano è:

Andrò in bicicletta da Bergen nella Norvegia a Stoccolma nella Svezia attraversa Danimarca!!!!

Well I'm hoping to do the Northbend Rail Trail and the Greenbrier River Trail both in West Virginia, along with the C & O towpath and the GAP trail from Washington DC to Pittsburg PA.
Katy Trail in May, Ragbrai in July. Maybe one more tour in September, not sure.