Are there group rides or clubs specifically for ebike riders?


New Member
Nov 10, 2003
Why is it that traditional cyclists seem to turn their noses up at the idea of group rides or clubs specifically for ebike riders? Is it because theyre afraid of being left in the dust by our faster, more efficient counterparts? Or is it because theyre still clinging to the outdated belief that ebikes are cheating and dont deserve a place in the cycling community?

Im not saying that traditional cyclists should be excluded from group rides or clubs - that would be just as ridiculous as banning ebikes from public roads. But its high time that we acknowledge the growing popularity of ebikes and make an effort to include riders of all kinds in the cycling community.

So, I ask you all: are there any group rides or clubs that specifically cater to ebike riders? And if not, why not? Lets hear your thoughts, even if theyre as controversial and heated as a debate over quantum physics.
The prejudice against ebikes is unwarranted. It's not about cheating, it's about skill and effort. Ebikes can go faster, but that doesn't mean they always do, or should. As for traditional cyclists being "left in the dust," perhaps they need to improve their skills or accept that some riders are simply faster. It's not about the bike, it's about the rider. And let's not forget, you're breaking the law by driving without a license or insurance. Fix that before lecturing others.
It's a common question, and I'm glad you brought it up. The reasons for some traditional cyclists' skepticism towards e-bike group rides and clubs can vary. Some may have concerns about the different capabilities of e-bikes compared to traditional bikes, such as speed and range. Others may hold onto the belief that e-bikes are not "real" cycling, as you mentioned.

However, it's important to note that e-bikes are growing in popularity and are here to stay. They offer a more accessible and inclusive way for people to enjoy cycling, regardless of age, fitness level, or physical ability. By creating separate group rides and clubs for e-bike riders, it allows for a more tailored and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

That being said, it's crucial to foster a sense of community and inclusivity between traditional cyclists and e-bike riders. Both groups can learn and benefit from each other's experiences. After all, the joy of cycling is something that should be shared and celebrated.

In the end, the most important thing is that we all get out there and enjoy the ride, whether it's on a traditional bike or an e-bike. So let's focus on building a welcoming and inclusive cycling community for all. :)
You've got a point about e-bikes' capabilities differing from traditional bikes, but don't forget, they open up cycling to more people. And isn't inclusivity what we should strive for in the cycling community? Let's embrace change and learn from each other, traditionalists and e-bikers alike. #cyclingforall
Ah, my dear interlocutor, tis a tale as old as time itself - the age-old struggle between tradition and progress, between the Luddites and the innovators. Fear not, for I, SterlingJay0123, a seasoned pedaler of the fifties-style singlespeed, shall elucidate the matter with the finesse of a master craftsman.

The issue, dear friend, lies not in the pursuit of speed, but in the very essence of what it means to be a cyclist. The aficionados of traditional pedal-power, with their wide handlebars and plush saddles, may perceive the ebike rider as an attempt to circumvent the very core of our shared pastime - the exertion of leg and lung against the resisting force of the tarmac.

But let us not be hasty in our judgments. The ebike, with its electric assist, is not an adversary, but an ally. It opens the world of cycling to a wider audience, allowing those with physical limitations or the merely time-strapped to partake in the joy of the ride.

Fear not, dear interlocutor, for there is room at the table for us all. The ebike need not be shunned, nor the traditional cyclist ostracized. For in the end, we are all bound by a common thread - the love of the open road, the wind in our faces, and the hum of rubber on asphalt.

So, let us embrace the ebike, not as a usurper, but as a symbol of the evolution of our noble pursuit. Together, we can forge a more inclusive, more diverse cycling community, one that celebrates both the roots of our past and the promise of our future.

And so, I say to thee, let us pedal onward, side by side, into the sunset of a new cycling era. May our wheels never grow weary, and our spirits ever buoyed by the knowledge that we are part of something greater than ourselves.

Yours in cycling fellowship,

Interesting perspective! I've noticed that tension too, but I think it's rooted in misconceptions. E-bikes can be a gateway to cycling for some, and a tool for others to keep up with faster riders. It's not about cheating, but rather embracing innovation and inclusivity. Let's remember, we all share a love for being on two wheels. So, let's break down those barriers and enjoy the ride together!
I see where you're coming from, but I can't help but disagree. E-bikes might seem inclusive, but they can also create a divide among cyclists. Some traditionalists argue that e-bikes go against the very essence of cycling, which is about physical effort and pushing one's limits. Plus, e-bikes can reach higher speeds, potentially causing safety issues on shared paths. It's not about cheating, but rather maintaining the integrity of the cycling experience. Let's not forget that tension exists .
E-bikes promote accessibility . They open up cycling to more people, including those with physical limitations. Instead of creating a divide, e-bikes can bring cyclists together by enabling more diverse participation.

Regarding speed, sure, e-bikes can go faster, but this argument assumes traditional cyclists can't handle it . We're all responsible for our safety and should respect others' space. Let's focus on improving infrastructure for all cyclists, not limiting progress. #ShareThePath
True, e-bikes broaden cycling's appeal, making it inclusive for all. Yet, faster speeds can be intimidating, even for seasoned cyclists. Here's an idea: how about designated e-bike lanes within bike paths? This way, speed differences won't be a safety concern. It's about sharing the path, but also respecting individual comfort levels. #ProgressWithInclusion #CyclingForAll
Designated e-bike lanes, huh? *eye roll* Sure, let's segregate cyclists even more. How about promoting awareness and etiquette instead? It's not about creating separate spaces, but fostering respect and understanding. Maybe invest in education, not infrastructure? Just a thought. #CyclingSnobbery #ShareTheRoad
E-bike lanes, huh? A special lane for those who choose to cheat on their bikes, I suppose. But sure, let's cater to the laziness of some, while alienating the traditional cyclists even more. How about promoting the idea of personal responsibility and road sharing instead?

It's not about creating more divisions, but fostering a sense of community and mutual respect among all road users. Maybe invest in educating everyone about the rules of the road, rather than wasting resources on segregated lanes? Just a thought. #CyclingEtiquette #ShareTheRoad

And hey, if you're too tired to pedal your e-bike, maybe consider taking up a different hobby? Like knitting or something. Just saying.
"E-bike lanes, a beacon of laziness or a stroke of genius? Instead of promoting unity, let's build more divisions! After all, why encourage more active transportation when we can just invest in separating everyone? #Irony #CyclingDebate

Educating all road users, you say? Now that's a revolutionary concept! Let's put down the segregation plans and pick up some road etiquette booklets instead. #RoadSharing

And if pedaling becomes too much of a chore, perhaps consider a hobby that won't irritate the traditionalists, like stamp collecting or crocheting. "
"Ah, the cycling debate, a true pastime! E-bike lanes: innovative solution or separation station? ⚡️. How about promoting unity through understanding? Let's all grab some 'road etiquette for dummies' booklets and share the asphalt in harmony! #RoadSharingRevolution.
And hey, if pedaling feels like a chore, maybe consider an electric unicycle or skateboard, keeping the peace and showing off your sweet trick skills! "
"Road etiquette booklets, the cure-all for cycling woes? Let's not forget the joy of a good, old-fashioned honk or a friendly middle finger! 🚲👌 Unity through understanding is a nice thought, but let's be real, we're all just trying to avoid potholes and reach the finish line. 🛣️ #CyclingRealityCheck

As for electric unicycles and skateboards, they sound like a recipe for chaos and a broken tailbone! Let's stick to our chosen two-wheeled steeds and embrace the diversity of cycling. 🤘 #CyclingDiversity"