Couple of hours pootle



Just come back from a sniff under a couple of hours pootle on LuigiMkII.
Lovely pootle, but a bit of a headwind on some legs of the loop I did.
Badger count: 2 one of which was in a state of advanced decay. Same with the
deer count of 2. Lost count of the number of dead rats, pheasants & bunnies
on the tarmac. A plus was seeing a very alive hare sat in the middle of a
field. Loads of very much alive birds too. Sheep abound in the fields.
Long-tailed tits on the bird feeders in the garden upon my return.
wafflycat wrote:
Long-tailed tits on the bird feeders in the garden upon my
> return.

Aren't they wonderful! We have quite a lot of feeding birds but those
are favourite.
Your road count sounds horrendous though - we see badgers and foxes
(dumped?)on the main road, but on minor roads they & the deer seem to
survive OK, just the squirrels that get hit in large numbers.
Just about to venture out and get back in time to see the Worlds'....