Hate to say I told you so


New Member
Jul 7, 2006
(VeloNews.com): An associate of Tour de France winner Floyd Landis, who tested positive on his way to victory in this year's race, was reported Tuesday to be under suspicion of hacking into the computer system at the French national doping testing laboratory (LNDD) of Chatenay-Malabry near Paris.


Originally Posted by helmutRoole2 said:
Landis paid someone to hack into the system to fall shortly after his interview with the French media, who, btw, are a bunch of hairy, nasty baboons.

Originally Posted by helmutRoole2 said:
Shizzle... I called that one: http://velonews.com/race/int/articles/11201.0.html

Next prediction: Landis will hire -- if he hasn't already -- Carl Rove as his adviser.

Just goes to show that if you sling enough crazy theories one is bound to stick. And, I have to say, another scoop for VeloNews.com
tcklyde said:
Haha. God these riders are completely morally bankrupt. But not only that, apparently they are also idiots.
Yeah. His buddy was probably all, "How did they find me?"

And his friends name? Anyone like to guess? I don't know, but I bet it starts with a Lance... tee hee.
I know quite a bit about computer security, hacking, etc. Nothing in those articles indicates exactly what was done. Seems to me that it could be an SMTP spoofing issue.

Given the "quality" of hackers available for higher out of Russia, etc., you'd think that with millions of dollars at stake, any real conspiracy could afford to hire a few "experts".

Personally, I'd like to see some concrete statements as to what exactly was done and by whom.
Serafino said:
I know quite a bit about computer security, hacking, etc. Nothing in those articles indicates exactly what was done. Seems to me that it could be an SMTP spoofing issue.

Given the "quality" of hackers available for higher out of Russia, etc., you'd think that with millions of dollars at stake, any real conspiracy could afford to hire a few "experts".

Personally, I'd like to see some concrete statements as to what exactly was done and by whom.
That's all slated to come out once the OP investigation is over. UCI can only conclude one investigation at a time.
Serafino said:
I know quite a bit about computer security, hacking, etc. Nothing in those articles indicates exactly what was done. Seems to me that it could be an SMTP spoofing issue.
...meaning you haven't left your bedroom since 1991. SMTP ! LOL ! Not IMAP ? Not x400 ? Not POP3 ? you **** ! does anyone use SMTP ?
whiteboytrash said:
...meaning you haven't left your bedroom since 1991. SMTP ! LOL ! Not IMAP ? Not x400 ? you **** !
****? Why you gotta call him a ****?

And, once again, let me take this opportunity to state that: I CALLED THAT ONE!

Here's how it went down:

11 a.m.: I read about the aforementioned e-mail.
11:05: I made my "crazy" conspiracy allegation.
11:40: Went to the fridge for a beer and some pizza.
11:41: Finished heating the pizza and finished the beer.
11:45: Sat down to eat the aforementioned pizza.
Noon: tuned into VeloNews where, of course, no surprise, I read about my American hero Landis up to some half baked republican dirty tricks.

Lance has taught him well. But well enough? We'll see if his friend has a fall back position. Something like: (AP): Floyd Landis, disgraced ToD none-winner, said today that he didn't know that his best friend was behind the hacking of computers at the French lab that tested his now famous urine.

And then they'll get his friend up there and he'll claim he was so distraught about the doping test and bla, bla, bla. Then bobke will somehow rise to his defense...
Serafino said:
Personally, I'd like to see some concrete statements as to what exactly was done and by whom.
Wouldn't we all. But in the meantime, let's kick back and enjoy the pure speculation.
helmutRoole2 said:
****? Why you gotta call him a ****?

And, once again, let me take this opportunity to state that: I CALLED THAT ONE!

Then bobke will somehow rise to his defense...

Good call. I think what actually happened is the L'Equipe reporters held a gun to Landis's friend's head and made him hack into the computer. It makes total sense!
tcklyde said:
Good call. I think what actually happened is the L'Equipe reporters held a gun to Landis's friend's head and made him hack into the computer. It makes total sense!
I know. But seriously, does it get any better than this? It reminds me of the time Lance (no relation) was reading a letter from his buddy from home about Disney Land in the swift boat during Apocalypse Now and he reads out loud "Lance, can it get any better than this?" And Lance looks around and says, "Yeah. It's here, man. I found it."

That's the way I feel about pro cycling sometimes.

This sport is awesome!
wow if this was really a friend of Landis that did this - what a dumbass !!

Who needs conspiracy theories when real life (or the media version of it) rears its ugly head in pro cycling. We have head of organisations seemlingly professional men *****slapping each other. We have a gynecologist running a doping clinic, we have a 'respected' DS running around Europe with loads of money, we have leaks coming from everywhere, and nationalistic, xenophobic theories popping up. WOW

I'm launching my theory again - the hacking was done by USA Cycling folks (under LA's orders) to discredit the Landis side so that Landis has to accept LA's hush money to keep quiet.
whiteboytrash said:
...meaning you haven't left your bedroom since 1991. SMTP ! LOL ! Not IMAP ? Not x400 ? Not POP3 ? you **** ! does anyone use SMTP ?
X.400 is archaic. POP3 and IMAP use SMTP to send mail from the client to the server. SMTP is used to communicate between servers.
helmutRoole2 said:
(VeloNews.com): An associate of Tour de France winner Floyd Landis, who tested positive on his way to victory in this year's race, was reported Tuesday to be under suspicion of hacking into the computer system at the French national doping testing laboratory (LNDD) of Chatenay-Malabry near Paris.
You have to wonder what kind of "associate" it will turn out to be. Will it turn out to be someone acting with Landis' knowledge or just some bozo who believes all the Armstrong/Landis consipiracy ********. I think I would bet on the latter, but it is really funny that a conspiracy turns out to orchestrated by the Americans and their supporters instead of the French.
Bro Deal said:
X.400 is archaic. POP3 and IMAP use SMTP to send mail from the client to the server. SMTP is used to communicate between servers.
Really? So how does xml figure into all this? I mean our SQL server uses... hey, wait, bro... you've hijacked this thread. That's not going to happen. This MY thread, my I TOLD YOU SO thread.

So come on, bro. I know the big Bro Deal's got something to say about Landis hiring a hacker to to save his cycling career so he can ride for disco because, hey, they're not worried about hiring on dopers, and so he can become the next great american stage racer and find his poster on the ceilings of many american cycling fans so they can make sexy time to his image.
helmutRoole2 said:
Really? So how does xml figure into all this? I mean our SQL server uses... hey, wait, bro... you've hijacked this thread. That's not going to happen. This MY thread, my I TOLD YOU SO thread.

So come on, bro. I know the big Bro Deal's got something to say about Landis hiring a hacker to to save his cycling career so he can ride for disco because, hey, they're not worried about hiring on dopers, and so he can become the next great american stage racer and find his poster on the ceilings of many american cycling fans so they can make sexy time to his image.
Oh. You already did. Disregard.
helmutRoole2 said:
Oh. You already did. Disregard.
If true Landis is takin the **** and making fools of all of us... we need to respect due process and Landis has used the public domain for some of his defence but this now represents what he thinks of all of us.... (complete fools) judging by the posts on this forum everyone is completely jack of the situation and can't be bothered with it all... it just gets more and more ridiculous....
helmutRoole2 said:
****? Why you gotta call him a ****?

And, once again, let me take this opportunity to state that: I CALLED THAT ONE!

Here's how it went down:

11 a.m.: I read about the aforementioned e-mail.
11:05: I made my "crazy" conspiracy allegation.
11:40: Went to the fridge for a beer and some pizza.
11:41: Finished heating the pizza and finished the beer.
11:45: Sat down to eat the aforementioned pizza.
Noon: tuned into VeloNews where, of course, no surprise, I read about my American hero Landis up to some half baked republican dirty tricks.

Lance has taught him well. But well enough? We'll see if his friend has a fall back position. Something like: (AP): Floyd Landis, disgraced ToD none-winner, said today that he didn't know that his best friend was behind the hacking of computers at the French lab that tested his now famous urine.

And then they'll get his friend up there and he'll claim he was so distraught about the doping test and bla, bla, bla. Then bobke will somehow rise to his defense...

HR2 - very well spotted and a great news story.
helmutRoole2 said:
Wouldn't we all. But in the meantime, let's kick back and enjoy the pure speculation.
I agree! Next up...Who's the hacker? I'm going with Dave Z.
stevebaby said:
This has got Martin Jackson written all over it. Jackson...hacks on.
I think Martin Jackson may have died. I haven't heard from him and there was recently a former Texas Longhorn and NFL football player who died from and overdose of dianabol. I'll post when I get more information.

He's not answering his cell.