How many of you carry a gun as part of your cycling equipment?

bucfan471 said:
Just one of the many freedoms that make this country great.
Freedom? Americans can't even travel a few miles to Cuba. And don't forget G Bush initailly saying that there is no monitoring of Americans' phone calls only to say after the leak, "Oh, I was talking about the FBI, not the NSA". As much as I love the country, "freedom" is an illusion.
Are you guys really that scared or do you live your lives like the films ? In europe carrying the extra weight would mean you'd lose the race !
Fradbut said:
Are you guys really that scared or do you live your lives like the films ? In europe carrying the extra weight would mean you'd lose the race !
I live in a lower crime state, but people still get wacked. Just going about their
daily business.
Upstroke said:
I live in a lower crime state, but people still get wacked. Just going about their
daily business.
As do I. Case in point, kid got shot on a DATA bus this weekend in Durham. If kids, thugs, and general bad guys have guns, well, Im not bringing a knife to a gunfight if you get my point....
Wow... I haven't read this thread in months. (I was the rider hit in the head with the full coke can last summer.)

I don't know how the "debate" has degenerated quite so far, but browsing back through several of the comments about my original statement, I need to clarify (again) what I really said.

First, I do not own a gun so the idea of carrying it when I ride is moot. I have no plans ever to own a gun, so the hypothetical situation is also moot. All I said was that on the day that I was hit, I was ****** off enough that the idea of carrying a gun ran through my head.

Having the idea in the heat of anger and actually acting on it are miles apart. How we got from there to a debate on national health plans, Hadrian's Wall, and ostriches, I'm still trying to piece together.

Long before guns were invented people were killing people.
When people discovered they could shape and sharpen objects and hold, throw or project them by other means these objects became tools to acquire food and to fight off attacks of animals and other peoples, to attack other peoples and also used for sport.
Someone said you could not shoot someone without a gun. WRONG! you can shoot them with an arrow or a dart from a blow gun or a rock or other hard object from a sling shot etc.
Fire arms take out the size and physical characteristics from the fight.
The smaller in stature, the physically weaker the elderly the sick all can defend them selfs from the predatory elements of society with firearms.
Some on here say to run. Well when you run from criminals eventually the criminals will run over you.
Some say to lay down your arms. Well when you lay down your arms sooner or later someone will come along to bury you under where those arms once laid. All you have to do is look at the history of the world to see that where people were disarmed genocide has eventually taken place.
Your government may be kind and benevolent today but who knows what the future holds? Someone once said a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it away.
If you choose to go through life at the mercy of the criminal element and of government that is your choice. Neither one is all forgiving. To disarm the law abiding only gives the advantage to the criminal element. I and others choose not to give them any advantage.
The large majority of shootings if not all of them have occured where no one was armed except the criminal and therefore no one could stop them.
If guns caused violence than there would be shootouts in police stations,gun clubs, hunting parties etc. With approximately 80 million gun owners in the US if guns caused violence than deaths from firearms would be in the 10's of millions not approximately 30,000 half of which are suicides and most likely would happen anyway and then a portion of the rest are criminals killing one another and the rest are innocent people who were either caught unaware or were unable to defend themselves. Inanimate objects are not the cause of violence. People and only people are responsible.
When lawful people are disarmed you have a disparity of force which emboldens the criminal and tyrant.
If you are one of those people that fears they would kill someone at the slightest provocation than don't carry a gun but also don't project your fears on those that choose to take responsibility for themselves and their loved ones.
To those who say we'd be better off without guns I leave you with the words of the Author John Ross:
"So, you want to institute a system where the weak and elderly are at the mercy of the strong, the lone are at the mercy of the gang. You want to give violent criminals a government guarantee that citizens are disarmed. Sorry that's unacceptable. Better we should require every citizen to carry a gun."
6fhscjess said:
Long before guns were invented people were killing people.
"So, you want to institute a system where the weak and elderly are at the mercy of the strong, the lone are at the mercy of the gang. You want to give violent criminals a government guarantee that citizens are disarmed. Sorry that's unacceptable. Better we should require every citizen to carry a gun."
that's why we have Police. That way citizens don't need guns. You should travel to some other countries and see how some societies are alternatively organised.
ProfTournesol said:
that's why we have Police. That way citizens don't need guns. You should travel to some other countries and see how some societies are alternatively organised.'re wrong !!!!
We had Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans this year. The police couldn't protect anyone. Armed bands of murderous looters ran the place. There few police to protect anyone. To top that off the Chief of Police issued a statement that citizens could not own firearms. At a time when people needed firearms the most, Jack Booted Thugs of police confiscated arms from private citizens in their own homes leaving them defenseless from the bad guys.

As far a other Countries or Society's, it is inevitable that in these scenarios the
bad comes out in a percentage of people, and that isn't going to change because it is human nature.
Upstroke said:'re wrong !!!!
We had Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans this year. The police couldn't protect anyone. Armed bands of murderous looters ran the place. There few police to protect anyone. To top that off the Chief of Police issued a statement that citizens could not own firearms. At a time when people needed firearms the most, Jack Booted Thugs of police confiscated arms from private citizens in their own homes leaving them defenseless from the bad guys.

As far a other Countries or Society's, it is inevitable that in these scenarios the
bad comes out in a percentage of people, and that isn't going to change because it is human nature.

well, you've got me there. next time we have a hurricane that destroys the city and all public infrastructure I'll remember to take my gun with me when I go for a ride! I presume that you ride everyday and don't just save it for 'special occasions' like that?

You're right, the bad comes out in people all over the world, it is human nature, but why don't most people see the need to carry a gun with them whilst cycling?
ProfTournesol said:
that's why we have Police. That way citizens don't need guns. You should travel to some other countries and see how some societies are alternatively organised.

I have traveled to other countries. I've been to Scotland which I believe is considered to be one of the most violent places now, I've been to England which from what I've read in papers is experiencing a rise in violent crime since their gun bans. I've been to the Phillipines when they had martial law so I have seen other countries.

As far as your statement about the police go they rarely ever arrive in time to stop the crime. They get there in time to draw a line around your body if you've been killed and to notify your family and fill out the paperwork. You need to read a book called dial 911 and die. It gives actual cases in each state in the US.
Also the courts have ruled that the police are not obligated to protect us.
Also even though there are many good police there are also some very corrupt ones too. I don't want to put my life or the life of my loved ones on somebody else's shoulder.
As Upstroke stated the police in New Orleans were abusive towards people and there even is video of a police officer body slaming an elderly lady that was armed for her protection against the roving gangs and she wanted to stay in her home.
I saw a sticker on a mirror at a store I was in today that said you are looking at the person most responsible for your safety. How true!
Administrators!!!!!!!!!!!, are any of you out there??? When are you going to remove this utterly preposterous thread to the bloody soapbox?? Come on, enough is enough!
ProfTournesol said:
that's why we have Police. That way citizens don't need guns. You should travel to some other countries and see how some societies are alternatively organised.

That's why we have guns.... That way citizens can protect themselves from the police.
Guns are way overplayed in American society as a great threat. Many guns in society are used for sporting, which is a big thing in America with it's vast amount of rural areas. But I don't think most people other then vegatarians have any problem with that.
And in the "rougher" areas were guns are a real threat, cyclists should not be riding anyway. What are the gun laws in Australia? Curious.
You carry a gun in California while your riding you better have a CCW or be a cop. I can carry anywhere anytime (FEDERAL) and I do not carry while I'm riding. Even if you justify shooting someone, if you have the gun on you without a CCW you will be arrested. I know there are other states with stricter laws and not so stricter laws. Jus tbe carefule and use common sense. For the people in other countries, I worked in Europe (Munich) for 2 years, and you get caught with a gun....well I won't go there.
artemidorus said:
Administrators!!!!!!!!!!!, are any of you out there??? When are you going to remove this utterly preposterous thread to the bloody soapbox?? Come on, enough is enough!
Just don't come here. Turn the channel . :D
If I was carrying my pistol with me, I wouldn't tell you anyway. I do have a CWP in South Carolina, but I also buy a marijunia tax stamp every year too.
dhk said:
Actually, in a discussion with our local police recently about several instances of car/bike problems, the cop who is designated our cycling rep stated that he had heard "many cyclists carry". We took a poll of our club, and the answer was none. Even though several members have carry permits, and many more own handguns and hunting rifles, and participate in shooting sports, none think it necessary or prudent to arm themselves with a weapon when going for a bike ride. This includes our overnight camping trips to North Carolina mountains in bear country.

Just thought I'd offer another data point here from other US cyclists.
While I dont carry with me on a day to day ride, not arming yourself in bear country in the NC mountains is asking for trouble. I hunt in a fairly high bear population, and ALWAYS have some form of sidearm (usually 357 MAG) as well as my rifle. Bears can run faster than you, and generally dont back down if they feel threatened.
I live in the Rocky Mountains in Idaho. It isn't unusual it see a bear or a deer (or a 4-wheeler) using the trails. It's no big deal, we just wait till they're gone. But the thing the bicyclist in the area fear most is people with guns. Hunting season comes and all the riders are sitting at home on their trainers.
Honestly you guys all need to chill.

I'ts getting like a broken record The Americans being all self righteous about their right/need to carry a gun & everyone else getting self righteous about not carrying a gun.

I think everyone need to get a sense of humour over this. All the non-Americans should realise they will never get the American to see their point of view & the americans need to understand that the rest of the world is nothing like the states in respect of attitudes to guns.

Through my business I have lived & riden all over so have seen many different ways of doing things. I have also had many American friends.

Personally I'm pretty glad I currently live in rural Ireland (although I'm not Irish) & not even the police carry guns here.

But the USA is a different kettle of fish & the fact of the matter is that you are much more likely to be shot at in the states so there could be some justification for needing a gun there on your bike especially in the cities.

Although I wouldn't like to have a fall with one tucked down my shorts you blow your gonads off.
I take my SigSaur 229 everywhere I can legally, including on camping trips where I may go on bike rides...

sorry, but I think the 2nd amendment is about as clear as any part of the constitution.... heck if we can find abortion in there.. anything is possible. :confused: :rolleyes: