Iraq : A summary of the Bush Gov Lies

zapper said:
Look you dumbass, I thought I was dealing with men here not little sissies like you and peabody who whine about name calling. Further, I think I took

Ah, yet more name calling from the guy with the fighting talk who has no expectation of meeting up with the opposition.

zapper said:
it easy on peabody and his blatant attack on my wife. If you can read, you can clearly see I made no threats... However, I have never run from an opportunity to back up my opinion. So here is a challenge, not a threat...punk. If you would like to back up your accusation, feel free...Anytime you or the mutt with the glasses want to afford me an opportunity to back it up, please do so. If not, then I suggest you clean up your room or put away your toys or whatever else your mommy wants you to do..

Sure, I accept. Let me know when you arrive in the UK.

zapper said:
BTW, just a note to you. You actively participate in the "name calling" action so by your own words you are a *****...You're words not mine.

Sorry, I don't think I made myself clear. I am calling you a ***** because you are making threats that you never expect to have to back up. Making such threats over a thread on a message board is stupid. The chances are one day your bluff will be called and it might so happen that the guy who calls your bluff is bigger, stronger, faster and smarter than you.

I am very "generously" giving you the opportunity to back up your threat, just let me know when you arrive in the UK and I'll be quite happy to meet up with you.
darkboong said:
Ah, yet more name calling from the guy with the fighting talk who has no expectation of meeting up with the opposition.

Sure, I accept. Let me know when you arrive in the UK.

Sorry, I don't think I made myself clear. I am calling you a ***** because you are making threats that you never expect to have to back up. Making such threats over a thread on a message board is stupid. The chances are one day your bluff will be called and it might so happen that the guy who calls your bluff is bigger, stronger, faster and smarter than you.

I am very "generously" giving you the opportunity to back up your threat, just let me know when you arrive in the UK and I'll be quite happy to meet up with you.
You are making statements that you have no expectation to back up. I think by that definition(which is yours), you are a *****! Seems to be ridiculous to be making threats and boasts in a internet discussion.
darkboong said:
Sorry, I don't think I made myself clear. I am calling you a ***** because you are making threats that you never expect to have to back up. Making such threats over a thread on a message board is stupid. The chances are one day your bluff will be called and it might so happen that the guy who calls your bluff is bigger, stronger, faster and smarter than you. I am very "generously" giving you the opportunity to back up your threat, just let me know when you arrive in the UK and I'll be quite happy to meet up with you.
Well, to clarify the issue. #1 I never made a direct threat to anyone, although, in my opinion, I clearly had every right to do so. #2. Peabody lives in DC which is about 3 and 1/2 hours away from my location, so when you come to visit him let me know, I'll shoot you map quest directions...Or Peabody...if you want to chat, do same... #3 I've said before, don't mess with my family, or my money. So, yes, I don't give a rats ass who you are. You can call me whatever you want to but don't call my wife a dumbass! Who is more of a ***** here...Me? for defending my wife’s good name or the ***** with glasses who called my wife a dumbass? :mad:

Bottom line..You can assume all you want to but I don't make threats and I don't bluff and I'm not inclined to take any **** from you or your fleabag friend from dc.

The irony of this situation is you and the mutt talk of class and lies/deception and black helicopter theories yet, one has to stoop to calling ones wife a name? Very macho and indicative of the tactics of a little ***** and wreaks of effeminate behavior...So, to answer your question, I guess I’m NOT too concerned about how big, strong or fast my opponent is...What are you going to do, hit me with your purse? :rolleyes:

However, this is off the subject so if you have anything to add pm me….
zapper said:
Hey professor, you have lowered yourself to assail my poor defenseless wife? If I didn't have a sense of humor I would be inclined to beat you to a pulp, but I know that you are one of those dumbasses that you refer to in your post. So, knowing that you are a limp wristed lib, I'll let you slide on your remark. Consider it a gift....
I apologize zapper, my contention is that just because someone professes to be a democrat does'nt mean they have the exact same belief's as another democrat. That was my intention. I was & am upset after hearing Al Gore's live speech yesterday, from georgetown univ., assailing the administrations-shall i say-transgressions. It was a masterful speech.
zapper said:
Well, to clarify the issue. #1 I never made a direct threat to anyone, although, in my opinion, I clearly had every right to do so. #2. Peabody lives in DC which is about 3 and 1/2 hours away from my location, so when you come to visit him let me know, I'll shoot you map quest directions...Or Peabody...if you want to chat, do same... #3 I've said before, don't mess with my family, or my money. So, yes, I don't give a rats ass who you are. You can call me whatever you want to but don't call my wife a dumbass! Who is more of a ***** here...Me? for defending my wife’s good name or the ***** with glasses who called my wife a dumbass? :mad:

Bottom line..You can assume all you want to but I don't make threats and I don't bluff and I'm not inclined to take any **** from you or your fleabag friend from dc.

The irony of this situation is you and the mutt talk of class and lies/deception and black helicopter theories yet, one has to stoop to calling ones wife a name? Very macho and indicative of the tactics of a little ***** and wreaks of effeminate behavior...So, to answer your question, I guess I’m NOT too concerned about how big, strong or fast my opponent is...What are you going to do, hit me with your purse? :rolleyes:

However, this is off the subject so if you have anything to add pm me….
I said "there are plenty of dumbasses on the street, look at the undecided's." Did your spouse's name or even an allusion to her appear? No. You're the one who started making it a family affair, by alluding to you're spouse in the first place, not me. And, as the others have pointed out, message boards are not the place to make threats. One can "block out" posts from any individual they want. You may or may not be aware of that fact but the feature is available. I contemplated doing that w/ you when you were throwing @ insults, last month, but i did'nt. I don't agree w/ you & other's a majority of the time but a spirited discussion is better than constantly hearing from like minded people or no discussion at all. Fightin's for younger folk. Violence never proves someone right or wrong only that they have more physical strength, cunning or weapons.
Bikerman2004 said:
You are making statements that you have no expectation to back up. I think by that definition(which is yours), you are a *****! Seems to be ridiculous to be making threats and boasts in a internet discussion.

Well no, because I fully expected him to follow it up his "challenge" because he knew I was in the UK when he made his "challenge". I accepted it figuring that he had some downtime planned over here. It's not my fault if the guy doesn't want to leave his backyard to back up his mouth. He can quit whining about people giving him the same treatment back or simply stop being an ass in the first place.

The same goes for you Bikerman2004, neither of you have any right to complain about the treatment you get from other posters.
zapper said:
The irony of this situation is you and the mutt talk of class and lies/deception and black helicopter theories yet, one has to stoop to calling ones wife a name?

You and Bikerman started the name calling, and there wasn't any need for it in the first place. There are plenty of posts littered with your insults. If you had a shred of integrity, you would either quit doing it or quit whining when people give you some back.

zapper said:
Very macho and indicative of the tactics of a little ***** and wreaks of effeminate behavior... So, to answer your question, I guess I’m NOT too concerned about how big, strong or fast my opponent is... What are you going to do, hit me with your purse? :rolleyes:

I didn't ask a question. I accepted your challenge and asked you to let me know when you arrive in the UK.

If you have something to say, say it. If you say something then be prepared to back it up. There is no need to ***** around with innuendo.

All that has happened here is that you "challenged", I accepted and then you whined.

zapper said:
However, this is off the subject so if you have anything to add pm me….

You have zero credibility on the "on-topic" posting front matey. All you post is personal insult, empty threats and evasion.

Darkboong vs. Zapper. Today, after class, behind the track oval. No snitching to the principal.

Be careful, Darkboong. Psychopaths make good fighters. Its hard to win against the crazy. Also, the assault weapons ban expired just a while ago, so be prepared.
darkboong said:
The same goes for you Bikerman2004, neither of you have any right to complain about the treatment you get from other posters.
I could care less what you say about me. I've never complained about any 'treatment'. Unlike you, I realize this is a anonymous discussion board where people can and do leave incendiary posts. Perhaps you should try and advance your arguments concerning this thread.
Saucy said:

Darkboong vs. Zapper. Today, after class, behind the track oval. No snitching to the principal.

Be careful, Darkboong. Psychopaths make good fighters. Its hard to win against the crazy. Also, the assault weapons ban expired just a while ago, so be prepared.

Zapper isn't crazy. He's refusing to waste $$$ on flying over to the UK to back up his mouth. That's good old-fashioned common sense in my book.

The assault rifle ban in the US wasn't really that effective. All it did was prohibit the sale of assault rifles made after 1986 (might have the date wrong).

To give you an idea of how useless that was, the StG44 (the often claimed to be the prototypical "assault rifle") was built by the million in WW2. I'd bet that several hundred million Assault Rifles were built around the globe between WW2 and 1986.

Then there is another point : how would a law enforcement officer distinguish between a pre-1986 weapon and a post-1986 weapon from a distance of 10 ft for example ?

That legislation was futile, a gesture rather than a real commitment to improve firearm controls. Personally I am in favour of restrictive firearm controls, but that was just silly.
Who is this Kerry Edwards, and what does she do?
Saucy said:

Darkboong vs. Zapper. Today, after class, behind the track oval. No snitching to the principal.

Be careful, Darkboong. Psychopaths make good fighters. Its hard to win against the crazy. Also, the assault weapons ban expired just a while ago, so be prepared.
here's a film short, that is very well done on the quicktime or mediaplayer, which is quite informative on the reasons for & behind the rush to war in iraq.
""War corporatism" and a cabal of neo-cons drive U.S. foreign policy -- Bush is merely a figurehead. :eek: What is the Project for a New American Century? :confused: And who does it control? :mad: Watch and find out."- from film description
Bring back the draft . . . and watch the gutless libs run to Canada, again.

davidmc said:
here's a film short, that is very well done on the quicktime or mediaplayer, which is quite informative on the reasons for & behind the rush to war in iraq.
""War corporatism" and a cabal of neo-cons drive U.S. foreign policy -- Bush is merely a figurehead. :eek: What is the Project for a New American Century? :confused: And who does it control? :mad: Watch and find out."- from film description
szbert said:
Bring back the draft . . . and watch the gutless libs run to Canada, again.

...Or in the case of the gutless Republicans join the TANG and fail to report for duty.
szbert said:
Bring back the draft . . . and watch the gutless libs run to Canada, again.
To fight for Cheney/Bush's or, rather in this one instance, Bush/Cheney's ill concieved war? I don't think so. If they wanted to engage in an illegal, pointless war they should have used mercenaries, not u.s. troops :D
davidmc said:
If they wanted to engage in an illegal, pointless war they should have used mercenaries, not u.s. troops :D
They did and still do. They're called military contractors. Look for Dyncorps, MPRI, SAIC, etc. I knew some former military associates of mine were working as contractors in Iraq and they were making $10,000+ a month before I lost contact with them.