Iraq : A summary of the Bush Gov Lies

davidmc said:
here's a film short, that is very well done on the quicktime or mediaplayer, which is quite informative on the reasons for & behind the rush to war in iraq.
""War corporatism" and a cabal of neo-cons drive U.S. foreign policy -- Bush is merely a figurehead. :eek: What is the Project for a New American Century? :confused: And who does it control? :mad: Watch and find out."- from film description

Hey davemc

Thanks for the link. I still have to ask why no-one in the mainstream US media seems to have covered PNAC. (I'm being slightly cynical when you consider what big business the mainstream media is -- its not that surprising.) For my Americans friends, if you haven't heard of or checked up on the PNAC thing maybe you should before you vote. Here's the link to their site.

and here's the link to the famous document "Rebuilding America's Defenses: strategy, forces and resources for a new century" in which need for a "new Pearl Harbor" (9/11 anyone) is sited as a means to gain public support for some of the sweeping changes Cheney, Wofowitz and co. have wanted to implement since the mid 90's. Those include many of the things now found in the patriot act, the development of low level, more usable nukes, and yes folks, regime change in Iraq. I think it was written in 1997

...and all this time you thought it was about terror.
Here is a quote from a long time ago that is quite chilling in its relevance to the 9/11 and Iraq situation:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

So declared Herman Goering during his war crimes trial at Nuremberg.
Julian Radowsky said:
Here is a quote from a long time ago that is quite chilling in its relevance to the 9/11 and Iraq situation:

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

So declared Herman Goering during his war crimes trial at Nuremberg.
does sound familiar, in that i've seen it in the past & it is appropriate here.
davidmc said:
does sound familiar, in that i've seen it in the past & it is appropriate here.

Nah not really. The people who need to appreciate it most will dismiss it with Godwin's Law and declare that they are above such treachery, then they will declare know what is right for all mankind too. Virtue and Glory in Ignorance is their Credo.
Today the media report that 350-400 tonnes of explosives, under US Armed Forces guard in Baghdad, has gone missing.

350-400 tonnes of explosives.

It is astounding that material held under guard by the so-called "best military in the world" could go missing, like this.

This latest issue highlights to me, at least, just what an incompetent lot have been sent to Iraq to fight the so-called "war on terror".

First we have US service men and women being killed by their own people - or to use the colliquial term "dying due to friendly fire".

Second, we have Abu Ghuraib, where US army personnel (and it's a moot point about whether they're reservests or not - they wear US uniforms), systematically tortured and sexually humiliated prisoners (of is the war on terrorism).

Then we have US servicemen mutinying (is there such a word), when they refuse to drive along a road used for target practice by insurgents (who weren't there under Saddam Hussein) in the Triangle of Death.

Finally, we have a request from the US Army to the British Army for support
in the triangle of death in Sunni-controlled Iraq immediately outside Baghdad.
The US claim that they do have the skills required to carry out operations in these locations and have requested the British to redeploy The Black Watch
regiment from Basra to this location.

While this whole distraction is taking place - Messrs. BinLaden and Mullah Omar are free to roam and to reconfigure Al Qaeda.
Meanwhile George Bush tells you that USA is safe.
limerickman said:
Today the media report that 350-400 tonnes of explosives, under US Armed Forces guard in Baghdad, has gone missing.

350-400 tonnes of explosives.

It is astounding that material held under guard by the so-called "best military in the world" could go missing, like this.

This latest issue highlights to me, at least, just what an incompetent lot have been sent to Iraq to fight the so-called "war on terror".

First we have US service men and women being killed by their own people - or to use the colliquial term "dying due to friendly fire".

Second, we have Abu Ghuraib, where US army personnel (and it's a moot point about whether they're reservests or not - they wear US uniforms), systematically tortured and sexually humiliated prisoners (of is the war on terrorism).

Then we have US servicemen mutinying (is there such a word), when they refuse to drive along a road used for target practice by insurgents (who weren't there under Saddam Hussein) in the Triangle of Death.

Finally, we have a request from the US Army to the British Army for support
in the triangle of death in Sunni-controlled Iraq immediately outside Baghdad.
The US claim that they do have the skills required to carry out operations in these locations and have requested the British to redeploy The Black Watch
regiment from Basra to this location.

While this whole distraction is taking place - Messrs. BinLaden and Mullah Omar are free to roam and to reconfigure Al Qaeda.
Meanwhile George Bush tells you that USA is safe.
Don't blame the soldier's. They're doing the best they can with what Bush & co. has allowed them to have.
Put the blame squarely on the shoulder's of the guilty party, namely, Bush/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Rice for inadequate planning, bordering on criminal misconduct/dereliction of duty. Vote the "keystone cop" administration out !!!
Have you actually been in the service?

davidmc said:
Don't blame the soldier's. They're doing the best they can with what Bush & co. has allowed them to have.
Put the blame squarely on the shoulder's of the guilty party, namely, Bush/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Rice for inadequate planning, bordering on criminal misconduct/dereliction of duty. Vote the "keystone cop" administration out !!!
iknowtest said:
What was your MOS? That's not classified.
You tell me why that has anything to do w/ my ability to take in info., from various media sources, on a summary of the bush gov't lies (the title of this thread) As a matter of fact, my mos makes me more qualified, than the avg. civilian; to determine the inadequacies of this administrations prosecution of this war, (the official war that was over a long time ago) yet, the casualties mount. I don't have to be an army vet to understand that when a high ranking general screams for month's, on end, for additional troops & supplies is met w/ a deaf ear by dubya/rumsfeld. It's readily avail. info & i speak & read fluent english so what does my mos has to do w/ anything, although as i have stated, it make me supremely capable. I gave you a hint- as to my job desc- op/intel.
So, you are a fraud. A PHONY. A Wannabe! YOU LIED ABOUT BEING IN THE SERVICE!

ANYONE who has been in the military would know, and say, immediately what their MOS was. There is NEVER anything classifed about an MOS - and every vet remembers theirs. You probably didn't know what an MOS was until you googled it.

You sir, have been exposed as a fraud.

Let all who read this know that 'davidmc' LIED about serving in the military and dishonors all those who do and have.

Don't bother responding as you will be ignored forever you liar.

I don't mind disagreeing with someone, but when that person LIES about serving their country, it's a disgrace.


davidmc said:
You tell me why that has anything to do w/ my ability to take in info., from various media sources, on a summary of the bush gov't lies (the title of this thread) As a matter of fact, my mos makes me more qualified, than the avg. civilian; to determine the inadequacies of this administrations prosecution of this war, (the official war that was over a long time ago) yet, the casualties mount. I don't have to be an army vet to understand that when a high ranking general screams for month's, on end, for additional troops & supplies is met w/ a deaf ear by dubya/rumsfeld. It's readily avail. info & i speak & read fluent english so what does my mos has to do w/ anything, although as i have stated, it make me supremely capable. I gave you a hint- as to my job desc- op/intel.
davidmc said:
Don't blame the soldier's. They're doing the best they can with what Bush & co. has allowed them to have.
Put the blame squarely on the shoulder's of the guilty party, namely, Bush/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Rice for inadequate planning, bordering on criminal misconduct/dereliction of duty. Vote the "keystone cop" administration out !!!

Let me be unequivocal here - I do blame Bush & Co.
The army only follow political orders.
Bush is supposedly the Commander in Chief, no ?

However, in making the incompetent series of decisions which the Bush goverment have thus far made, the military are being shown to be also incompetent.
davidmc said:
You tell me why that has anything to do w/ my ability to take in info., from various media sources, on a summary of the bush gov't lies (the title of this thread) As a matter of fact, my mos makes me more qualified, than the avg. civilian; to determine the inadequacies of this administrations prosecution of this war, (the official war that was over a long time ago) yet, the casualties mount. I don't have to be an army vet to understand that when a high ranking general screams for month's, on end, for additional troops & supplies is met w/ a deaf ear by dubya/rumsfeld. It's readily avail. info & i speak & read fluent english so what does my mos has to do w/ anything, although as i have stated, it make me supremely capable. I gave you a hint- as to my job desc- op/intel.

Quite frankly it is immaterial whether one serves in the military or not, to know whether something is right or wrong anout the war in Iraq and the War
on Terorism.

If you look at the "logic" of Iknowtest and others, it is flawed.
They presume that no one can have a correct view about Iraq unless they served in the military.
This analogous to saying that unless you can prove that the earth is flat, you cannot express the view that the earth is, in fact, flat !

Quite frankly, I am not suprised that the US has made a balls of Iraq - judging by the views expressed by Iknowtest and others, their lack of common sense and basic intellectual capacity proves their misguided points.
So, you are a fraud. A PHONY. A Wannabe! YOU LIED ABOUT BEING IN THE SERVICE!

ANYONE who has been in the military would know, and say, immediately what their MOS was. There is NEVER anything classifed about an MOS - and every vet remembers theirs. You probably didn't know what an MOS was until you googled it.

You sir, have been exposed as a fraud.

Let all who read this know that 'davidmc' LIED about serving in the military and dishonors all those who do and have.

Don't bother responding as you will be ignored forever you liar.

I don't mind disagreeing with someone, but when that person LIES about serving their country, it's a disgrace.

You're are a lying punk!


limerickman said:
Let me be unequivocal here - I do blame Bush & Co.
The army only follow political orders.
Bush is supposedly the Commander in Chief, no ?

However, in making the incompetent series of decisions which the Bush goverment have thus far made, the military are being shown to be also incompetent.
I don't use one's service in the military as a litmus test to validate their opinion. In a free society, we don't do such things.

But when someone LIES about it in order to attempt to validate their opinion, it is dishonorable to say the least.

And as to your point - suck my **** europeon.

limerickman said:
Quite frankly it is immaterial whether one serves in the military or not, to know whether something is right or wrong anout the war in Iraq and the War
on Terorism.

If you look at the "logic" of Iknowtest and others, it is flawed.
They presume that no one can have a correct view about Iraq unless they served in the military.
This analogous to saying that unless you can prove that the earth is flat, you cannot express the view that the earth is, in fact, flat !

Quite frankly, I am not suprised that the US has made a balls of Iraq - judging by the views expressed by Iknowtest and others, their lack of common sense and basic intellectual capacity proves their misguided points.
iknowtest said:
But when someone LIES about it in order to attempt to validate their opinion, it is dishonorable to say the least.

And as to your point - suck my **** europeon.

You're talking **** here, again.

You always manage to prove the point, Iknowtest.

And as for your nocturnal activities - I expect that your **** gets well sucked
by your relatives in the bayou, pal !
Yep, I hit nerve. You're a closet **** smoker.


limerickman said:
You're talking **** here, again.

You always manage to prove the point, Iknowtest.

And as for your nocturnal activities - I expect that your **** gets well sucked
by your relatives in the bayou, pal !
iknowtest said:
Yep, I hit nerve. You're a closet **** smoker.


We don't all live in a bayou, pal.
But live and let live - even if it is in a bayou.

Is it your turn on the banjo tonight ?