Lance Armstrong Won't Fight Usada Charges

/img/vbsmilies/smilies/smile.gif Hi everybody !

"never doping !" /img/vbsmilies/smilies/eek.gif :

and in a few hours, the biggest liar of sport will say the opposite things that he wanted we trust..... during a sequence cinema, a special movie, very well prepared and settled, in the word near, in the grin near !!!.

"I believe it's mentioned in The Secret Race that Betsy is Irish and very Catholic. Her faith is strong and committed."

Simply incorrect. But not at all surprising on this forum.

"Andreu: Where do I start? A little background here—my mom's parents were from Slovakia. I remember my grandparents being so docile, truly wonderful people. My dad is from Serbia, his father being Croatian and his mom being Serbian."

Hmmmm...explains Sloveniandude's infatiation, but how others drool all over her plain Jane clue. No wonder the entire region is at each other's throats with ancestry like that. Serbs...Croates...Kosavars...Bosnians...Albanians...

So...unless they've relocated Ireland...

"Hence, I think the Serb blood dominates my veins."

Cool! You know, Clinton baacked the wrong side over there and I was hoping you could get me a few autographs!

"A quick googling didn't reveal anything,..."

0.16 seconds.

Your Google-foo is as weak as everything else you attempt.
I think it's the jawline, just like Angie Jolie's except that dames lips are about 10 times the size.
Originally Posted by oldbobcat .

Decades ago, when USA Today first came out, we used to disparage it as mediocre, middlebrow, and fearful of taking a stand. News McPaper, we called it.

Not so. Over the years I've grown to respect this paper for its excellent reporting, editing, and courage in taking well-reasoned stands. Christine Brennan's analysis of this affair is outstanding.
Yeah, I thought it was kinda cheesy too way back when. Looking back, it kinda revolutionized "the news" though with its gloss-over and short snippet of information from each state - a jack-of-all trades, master of none approach. It has certainly grown up.
Originally Posted by jpwkeeper .

So said another way, what could Lance do, either via this interview, some other interview, or something else, that would soften your stance toward him? Try to exclude what you think he's trying to do now; I want to know what you WANT him to do, not what you think he is actually doing.

This question has importance that goes WAY beyond Lance himself as it speaks to how anyone can get redemption or forgiveness in our lives. And no I'm not talking religion here, I'm talking redemption among our fellow humans.
a bit of deeper thought on your question, as done by several of those most directly and deeply harmed by armstrong's actions.
Originally Posted by limerickman .

Very interesting link, Tony.

Stapleton's firm charged the charity fees/img/vbsmilies/smilies/redface.gif for services rendered.

You had foxes guarding the henhouse for all these many years, and those foxes got very fat. Now the hounds have them on the run...

edit: Good to know the Feds have (finally) pulled their head out and are pursuing getting some of their $30+ million in Postal (taxpayer) money back. That was a point of contention awhile back in one of my posts, but nevertheless...
to state the obvious, lance armstrong sucks...

blood apparently. who knew?
Originally Posted by slovakguy .

to state the obvious, lance armstrong sucks...
Thanks for clearing that up. LOL!
I'd like to see him sit in his own self-created cesspool for awhile before there's any substantial discussions on his "redemption". He needs to demonstrably suffer like so many others he's actively sought to destroy over the years.
First 5 questions and he has admitted in all 5 answers that he doped.

The Uniballer lied all along.

Game over.
Watching 'the interview'.
If he would've came out with this some time before August of last year, I could've cut him slack. Now, after all of his legal wrangling and shenanigans in the subsequent months - WAY too little, WAY too late...
Originally Posted by tonyzackery .

Watching 'the interview'.
If he would've came out with this some time before August of last year, I could've cut him slack. Now, after all of his legal wrangling and shenanigans in the subsequent months - WAY too little, WAY too late...
He's dead in the water.

His lies have undone him.
Lim, it's 0245 Friday morning for you......hope you're finding it's worth missing sleep! I think it's a good interview so far, much more than I expected.
Originally Posted by dhk2 .

Lim, it's 0245 Friday morning for you......hope you're finding it's worth missing sleep! I think it's a good interview so far, much more than I expected.
Yeah it's 02.45 here.

I want to see him admit his guilt. I raced with Emma's brother and I consider the O'Reilly family as friends.
This liar tried to intimidate Emma and others when they spoke the truth.
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