Patrick Lefevere

Very interesting interview with Maarten Michielssens (who broke the PL story).

VN: You have also used information from a source that reportedly is a current member of the Quick Step team. Explain what he has told you.

MM: Yes, another thing we have is a cyclist from Quick Step who says that the doping system that was used at Mapei is still active today in the team of Quick Step. It's the team doctor, Ivan Van Mol, who gives these products and programs to riders. You pay 20,000 euros a year and Van Mol provides you with everything - products included. These drugs are EPO, IGF and human growth hormone. There are also real drugs like ecstasy, cocaine and speed. The top cyclists of Quick Step are on these drugs and Ivan Van Mol is aware of this. For that reason he has to call a friend of his at the UCI, and the guy at the UCI tells him in this week or that week there will be some doping controls in Belgium. Then Ivan Van Mol can say to his cyclists you can't take any ecstasy of whatever. Then [the anonymous rider on Quick Step] says that Ivan Van Mol has to pay 10,000 euros for the information from this one guy at the UCI.

VN: You say that the anonymous rider from Quick Step claimed that top cyclists on the team were using drugs? Did he name them?

MM: He gave me seven names but I did not release them because this guy is anonymous himself. I did not think it was honest to release the names of the cyclists.

VN: How did you come in contact with the Quick Step informant?

MM: He called me the morning we published the first stories with the eight witnesses. Then Patrick Lefévère gave a statement that he did not know anything and that he would sue for 50 million euros. Then this guy called me and said you are right about the story except one thing. The case of Marc Lotz did not go like your witness said. But all the other accusations are correct and then he told me his stories.

VN: How did you verify that he was a member of Quick Step and what he was saying was true?

MM: He called me and we arranged a meeting. I saw him for over one hour.
Is anyone here starting to get the feeling that it's the DS's and the journalists that are on drugs, but they are trying to divert attention away from themselves?
I love this.... "I didn't think it was honest to release the names of the cyclists !" Translation: I'm not sure if this guy is bullshitting or not so I don't want to sued for his ****..... but hey I'll print it anyway !

Just for the record: 7 of George Bush's close aides haven taken e's everynight for last seven years.... however it wouldn't be honest to name them.... there you go.... take down George and name no one ! Perfect use of libel !

PS 10,000 euro's is an expensive night out on the gear !

Serafino said:

Very interesting interview with Maarten Michielssens (who broke the PL story).

MM: He gave me seven names but I did not release them because this guy is anonymous himself. I did not think it was honest to release the names of the cyclists.
Funny WBT how you bash anything related to LA, Landis, Basso, JU, etc., but now seem intent on defending "The Bungler" Pat Lefevre. He must be innocent since he throws accusations at Lance, DC, et al., ... is that you point of view?

It just might be the beginning of the end for Lefevre if he's shown to be the peloton's King Hypocrite.

If the accusations in this case come from a QS rider (current) then I thing big trouble lies ahead. The journalist openly attended PL's press conference and they don't seem to fear a law suit. Could be that PL is merely bashing his chest, huffing, puffing, and praying for a retraction solely based upon his threats of legal action.
Serafino said:
Funny WBT how you bash anything related to LA, Landis, Basso, JU, etc., but now seem intent on defending "The Bungler" Pat Lefevre. He must be innocent since he throws accusations at Lance, DC, et al., ... is that you point of view?

It just might be the beginning of the end for Lefevre if he's shown to be the peloton's King Hypocrite.

If the accusations in this case come from a QS rider (current) then I thing big trouble lies ahead. The journalist openly attended PL's press conference and they don't seem to fear a law suit. Could be that PL is merely bashing his chest, huffing, puffing, and praying for a retraction solely based upon his threats of legal action.
Which could explain the figure of 50 million Euros. That is a lot of cash.

If you're going to bluff you need to bluff well, to make sure that the person you are bluffing too, has a good long hard think about his own hand.