Photos and video from a tour of Santa Barbara.

"Bill Wheeler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 10:46:16 -0800, "Chris Glidden"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>"JD" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>news:[email protected]...
>>> "terminaut" <[email protected]> wrote in
>>> message news:<[email protected]>...
>>>> "JD" <[email protected]> wrote in reference to am-b denizens:
>>>> > However, there are those who do know and have ridden
>>>> > with me on several occasions here who know I'm not a liar.
>>>> Did you tell these imaginary people that you're not a liar or did they
>>>> tell
>>>> you?
>>> It would seem that our new friends thinks I have only ridden with
>>> "imaginary" people on am-b and that I am some kind of compulsive liar.
>>> Let's hear what am-b has to say about it.
>>> JD

>>Liar? I say nay. Brutally honest? Maybe. There are just some people
>>get intimidated by open expressions of strong opinions. Too bad for them.
>>BTW, how the hell are you Jerome?

> I've never ridden with JD....but I'm sure I could hang with him if I
> did that's a lie.
> Peace,
> Bill

I'm sure your speaking for yourself right?
"R.White" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> [email protected] (JD) wrote in message
> news:<[email protected]>...
>> "terminaut" <[email protected]> wrote in
>> message news:<[email protected]>...
>> > "JD" <[email protected]> wrote in reference to am-b denizens:
>> > > However, there are those who do know and have ridden
>> > > with me on several occasions here who know I'm not a liar.
>> >
>> > Did you tell these imaginary people that you're not a liar or did they
>> > tell
>> > you?

>> It would seem that our new friends thinks I have only ridden with
>> "imaginary" people on am-b and that I am some kind of compulsive liar.
>> Let's hear what am-b has to say about it.

> Asshole? Maybe. Liar? No.

He might be a liar, but who would know...who really cares?
On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 08:00:51 -0500, Dave W <> wrote:

..On 3 Nov 2004 10:29:51 -0800, [email protected] (JD) wrote:
..>"terminaut" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
..>> "JD" <[email protected]> wrote in reference to am-b denizens:
..>> > However, there are those who do know and have ridden
..>> > with me on several occasions here who know I'm not a liar.
..>> Did you tell these imaginary people that you're not a liar or did they tell
..>> you?
..>It would seem that our new friends thinks I have only ridden with
..>"imaginary" people on am-b and that I am some kind of compulsive liar.

You're a mountain biker, aren't you?

..> Let's hear what am-b has to say about it.
..WHO R-U?

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
"JD" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "terminaut" <[email protected]> wrote in

message news:<[email protected]>...
> > "JD" <[email protected]> wrote in reference to am-b denizens:
> > > However, there are those who do know and have ridden
> > > with me on several occasions here who know I'm not a liar.

> >
> > Did you tell these imaginary people that you're not a liar or did they

> > you?

> It would seem that our new friends thinks I have only ridden with
> "imaginary" people on am-b and that I am some kind of compulsive liar.
> Let's hear what am-b has to say about it.
> JD

Hypocrite...most definitely
Good Father.......BBBWWAAAHHHAAA
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 22:15:43 -0500, "TBF"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>> I've never ridden with JD....but I'm sure I could hang with him if I
>> did that's a lie.
>> Peace,
>> Bill

>I'm sure your speaking for yourself right?

I would never speak for such a Real Man like you Oh Great TBF.

"Bill Wheeler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 22:15:43 -0500, "TBF"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> I've never ridden with JD....but I'm sure I could hang with him if I
>>> did that's a lie.
>>> Peace,
>>> Bill

>>I'm sure your speaking for yourself right?

> I would never speak for such a Real Man like you Oh Great TBF.
> ...zzz,zzzz,zzz,
> bill

That's a good attitude to have Wheeler. Don't look farther than you can
stretch, which is usually the distance to JD's ass.
"Bill Wheeler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 22:15:43 -0500, "TBF"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> I've never ridden with JD....but I'm sure I could hang with him if I
>>> did that's a lie.
>>> Peace,
>>> Bill

>>I'm sure your speaking for yourself right?

> I would never speak for such a Real Man like you Oh Great TBF.
> ...zzz,zzzz,zzz,
> bill

That's a good attitude to have Wheeler. Don't look farther than you can
stretch, which is usually the distance to JD's ass.
Mike Vandeman wrote:

>.>It would seem that our new friends thinks I have only ridden with
>.>"imaginary" people on am-b and that I am some kind of compulsive liar.
>You're a mountain biker, aren't you?

if mountain bikers are imaginary people, you should be glad - you can
stop your tirades already.



* enjoying the karma *
remove LKJSDFJSD from address to email
"TBF" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> "R.White" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > [email protected] (JD) wrote in message
> > news:<[email protected]>...
> >> "terminaut" <[email protected]> wrote in
> >> message news:<[email protected]>...
> >> > "JD" <[email protected]> wrote in reference to am-b denizens:
> >> > > However, there are those who do know and have ridden
> >> > > with me on several occasions here who know I'm not a liar.
> >> >
> >> > Did you tell these imaginary people that you're not a liar or did they
> >> > tell
> >> > you?
> >>
> >> It would seem that our new friends thinks I have only ridden with
> >> "imaginary" people on am-b and that I am some kind of compulsive liar.
> >> Let's hear what am-b has to say about it.

> >
> > Asshole? Maybe. Liar? No.

> He might be a liar, but who would know...who really cares?

His disciples care.
On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 08:11:36 -0500, "TBF" <[email protected]>

>> I would never speak for such a Real Man like you Oh Great TBF.
>> ...zzz,zzzz,zzz,
>> bill

>That's a good attitude to have Wheeler. Don't look farther than you can
>stretch, which is usually the distance to JD's ass.


TBF, you're an embarrassment. You're an embarrassment to men. You're
and embarrassment to women. You're and embarrassment to the human

Please crawl back into the hole from which you came and quietly and
peacefully just stop existing.

terminaut wrote:

> I guess I missed this post earlier.
> "JD" <[email protected]> wrote: in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>>Translation: "Where's the cavalry?!!!"

>>Another spin from the ballerina.

> Seriously, you out to have your projections of wanting to be humped by
> little ballerinas looked at.
>>Wondering if about 30 or so people
>>who post here enjoy being called "imaginary" and how many think that I
>>am a liar is not a call for anything other than an opinion.

> Well, if you're seriously trying to do an opinion poll let's go whole-hog.
> I ask you now, denizens of alt.mountain-bike. JD was interested in polling
> for your opinions, so let's hear them if you exist.
> 1.) Do you think JD is being "brutally honest" when he boasted he was
> "riding those trails" since 1986 in response to my mention of Holy Jim,
> Trabuco, and Bell Ridge trails? It's especially humorous since he seems so
> enthused to ride this: earlier this year. Keep in
> mind this is one of the most traveled trails in the mountains and that we
> hold races on it with hundreds of people participating. "Whodathunk?"

I've never met the man personally, but judging from his google past I
would believe it. Circumstantial evidence and related experiences are
very powerful.

> 2.) Do you think JD's stealing of copyrighted material is ok? I suppose in
> his mind it's just a "small theft", so it's ok. That's how people like him
> tend to rationalize.

Excuse me, but you used copyrighted music in your videos. {Cliche alarm
on} Two wrongs don't make a right, but isn't this the pot calling the
kettle black? {Cliche alarm off}

> 3.) Does JD's hypocrisy not startle you? He steals my photo (of which he has
> apparently has no background knowledge):
> then posts this: "The fact of the matter there is that no trail can be seen
> in that photo, so it makes one wonder just how responsible that individual
> is being."
> when in fact on his site you can find:
> Again, "The fact of the matter there is that no trail can be seen in that
> photo, so it makes one wonder just how responsible that individual is
> being."
> I think that's probably enough polling points for now.

Is there a poll question in number 3?

You should have taken my advice when I first gave it to you. You are
not going to win this.

o-o-o-o Ride-A-Lot o-o-o-o
"Ride-A-Lot" <"mitchel[nospam]"> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I've never met the man personally, but judging from his google past I
> would believe it. Circumstantial evidence and related experiences are
> very powerful.

NOT powerful enough to overcome claims of riding his bike in 1986 on trails
that just weren't there to ride. Which particular google past are you
looking at that leads you to believe otherwise?

If you want to be kind, call it an embellishment on his part of whatever
truth there might be in an attempt to make himself look impressive. I've
gotta admit it seems to have worked on you, though.

> Excuse me, but you used copyrighted music in your videos.

You're right about this and it has been a real quandary for me (although I
at least do own the CDs in the video). I've tried to avoid the problem by
putting together videos like the one below but people always comment that I
should add music so here we are. I'm not sure how Pete and others deal with
the issue.

> Is there a poll question in number 3?

Is he being hypocritical to make assumptions based on a picture with no
details about the location when he has pictures with similar content on his

> You should have taken my advice when I first gave it to you.

And as I've said, I'm just funning. Really, it's not a big deal to post
messages to newsgroups. Plus, these long threads make for great testing on
my site's usenet gateway.

> You are not going to win this.

Oh I don't know about that... I'll bet that the next time I mention some
trails in our local mountains JD won't be throwing out a brag about having
ridden them since 1986. Let's test this theory out with an easy and popular
one. "Foot Race". As you might imagine, this trail is sometimes used for a
foot race event and has some of the steepest trail sections anywhere.
terminaut says:


>> Excuse me, but you used copyrighted music in your videos.

>You're right about this and it has been a real quandary for me (although I
>at least do own the CDs in the video).

I believe (and maybe BB has info on this) that use of copyright material for
"personal purposes" (i.e. not for monetary gain) is allowable. i.e., if I put
up a page of "My All-Time Favourite Mountain-Bike Pics" and include yours, then
it should be OK - if I have a page selling mountain-bike parts or services, and
use your pic to enhance my page, then I am in the wrong. Providing a link to
copyright material on the CR-holder's page is never a problem.

"Bill Wheeler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 08:11:36 -0500, "TBF" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>> I would never speak for such a Real Man like you Oh Great TBF.
>>> ...zzz,zzzz,zzz,
>>> bill

>>That's a good attitude to have Wheeler. Don't look farther than you can
>>stretch, which is usually the distance to JD's ass.

> TBF, you're an embarrassment. You're an embarrassment to men. You're
> and embarrassment to women. You're and embarrassment to the human
> race.
> Please crawl back into the hole from which you came and quietly and
> peacefully just stop existing.
> Peace,
> Bill your own illustrious words...zzzzzzzz

lame man, how long has it been since you hardwired your brain to JD's?
"Stephen Baker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> terminaut says:
> <snip>
>>> Excuse me, but you used copyrighted music in your videos.

>>You're right about this and it has been a real quandary for me (although I
>>at least do own the CDs in the video).

> I believe (and maybe BB has info on this) that use of copyright material
> for
> "personal purposes" (i.e. not for monetary gain) is allowable. i.e., if I
> put
> up a page of "My All-Time Favourite Mountain-Bike Pics" and include yours,
> then
> it should be OK - if I have a page selling mountain-bike parts or
> services, and
> use your pic to enhance my page, then I am in the wrong. Providing a link
> to
> copyright material on the CR-holder's page is never a problem.
> Steve

God SB, you sound like my wife. Sure your not a lawyer ;-)
TBF says:

>God SB, you sound like my wife.

Not quite sure how I should take that, especially in the context of the rest of
this thread...

>Sure your not a lawyer ;-)

VERY sure. ;-)

"Stephen Baker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> I believe (and maybe BB has info on this) that use of copyright material

> "personal purposes" (i.e. not for monetary gain) is allowable. i.e.,
> Steve

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 08:57:49 -0500, "TBF" <[email protected]>

>"Bill Wheeler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 08:11:36 -0500, "TBF" <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>>> I would never speak for such a Real Man like you Oh Great TBF.
>>>> ...zzz,zzzz,zzz,
>>>> bill
>>>That's a good attitude to have Wheeler. Don't look farther than you can
>>>stretch, which is usually the distance to JD's ass.

>> TBF, you're an embarrassment. You're an embarrassment to men. You're
>> and embarrassment to women. You're and embarrassment to the human
>> race.
>> Please crawl back into the hole from which you came and quietly and
>> peacefully just stop existing.
>> Peace,
>> Bill

> your own illustrious words...zzzzzzzz
>lame man, how long has it been since you hardwired your brain to JD's?


You have a very good "internet" persona. You're fun to flame with.
In reality are you still and @sshole?.....

Do you argue face to face with people? If you do I wonder if they see
through you.

Do real people even like you?

Do they talk about you at the dinner table and ask themselves, "Wow
why do I associate with that guy, what a jerk?"

Your internet persona makes me think you're a shallow
person....shallower than most.

TBF, if you ever do emerge from your hole you should just shut up and

>> your own illustrious words...zzzzzzzz
>>lame man, how long has it been since you hardwired your brain to JD's?

> ROFLMAOA (A gain)
> You have a very good "internet" persona. You're fun to flame with.
> In reality are you still and @sshole?.....
> Do you argue face to face with people? If you do I wonder if they see
> through you.
> Do real people even like you?
> Do they talk about you at the dinner table and ask themselves, "Wow
> why do I associate with that guy, what a jerk?"
> Your internet persona makes me think you're a shallow
> person....shallower than most.
> TBF, if you ever do emerge from your hole you should just shut up and
> ride.
> Peace,
> Bill

Wow, that was a startling and passionate rant BW. What will rave about if I
call you a whining Nancy?
Bob R says:


Care to quote something, BR, or are we just supposed to believe you?
