Red light jumper gets short shrift.

Paul Boyd <[email protected]> wrote:
> You should try a newly installed one in Weston-super-Mare (by Asda, for
> the locals!). [...madness...] The council's response to my
> complaint was that it was all working as it should....

Please can you forward me a copy of that? I think it contradicts a
response I had, that it was awaiting correction by the constructors.
MJ Ray - see/vidu
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MJ Ray said the following on 26/05/2008 12:58:

> Please can you forward me a copy of that? I think it contradicts a
> response I had, that it was awaiting correction by the constructors.

I've just checked work email, and I don't have the response either here
or at home. This was not long after the lights were installed, and it
went something like "We'll get someone to look at it" followed a bit
later by "They're working properly".

TBH, I tend to do what everyone else does at these new-fangled crossings
- just cross when it's clear. I did think that being able to get caught
in the middle was not good (so no choice but to chance it when it looks
clear), but I didn't discover this until after the original emails, so
that wasn't part of the original complaint.

Paul Boyd

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