Road safety watchdog calls for 30kmh limits

> This is a non sequitur. The argument for 30kph relates to roads where
> there is a high likelihood of pedestrians wandering onto the streets --
> ie, suburban "back" streets. On a major arterial or freeway, the
> likelihood is *much* lower: people are aware that they're major roads,
> that traffic moves quickly, and there's a lot of vehicles on them, so
> they just won't walk out onto them without checking carefully first.
> Children? Parents should be with them in such situations.
> Don't confuse the arguments for reducing the speed limit in side streets
> with arguments that apply across the board. The balance of probabilities
> works towards lower speed limits on back streets: fewer vehicles,
> travelling shorter distances (until they reach a main street), with a
> higher proportion of pedestrians => strong case for protecting the
> pedestrians by slowing down the vehicles. This argument does not, and is
> not intended to, translate to major arterials.

One thing I have noticed is that where speed limits have been brought down
to 40kph through busy shopping areas is that quite a few pedestrians seem to
take it as absolving them totally of the need to watch where they're going.
I've nearly clouted several inadvertantly and have actually hit one on the
bike. No injuries but I seriously knocked her sideways.
geoffs said:
I'd like to see a road safety official come out and say "Australian drivers are sh!t. From today, you have 12 months to be trained properly and get a new licence. Otherwise, you are off the road"
I've got to agree with this. Unfortunately Sydney drivers are the worst and most aggressive of the bunch.

No way. Adelaide has the most aggressive and stupid drivers. Sydney may be busy but at least they know how to murge, indicate and let people in.

Cycling in Adelaide was dangerous on the good days and suicidal the rest.
Luckly I now live in Canberra, its like heaven here in comparison.
jcjordan <[email protected]> wrote:
> No way. Adelaide has the most aggressive and stupid drivers. Sydney
> may be busy but at least they know how to murge, indicate and let
> people in.

here here

Peter McCallum