The Bush to call cow tracks & Jeep trails: Highways ??

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On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 01:29, Andy Weaks wrote about: Re: The Bush to call cow tracks & Jeep trails:
Highways ??

>- Anyway, it is FEDERAL LAND and I would guess that all Americans
>- should have a say what goes on on OUR land. It isn't just fat

>- country what should occur on MY land.

I find it kinda amusing that the ORVers here have been so well trained by Wise Use & Co that they
just follow in lock-step, -- seemingly without any thought,-- that the loss of their guarenteed
right to useage of currently thousands of miles of fed government roads and "cowtracks" should just
be ****** away in the hopes that private property rights in the few off-limits areas might swing
their way.

No, property rights owners never puts up KEEP OUT! gates. No. Most signs say COME ON IN!

That's what I call optimism! And one hell of a gamble. --Doug
scrape at mindspring dot com wrote
>- On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 10:39:03 GMT, (Doug Bashford)
>- wrote:

>- >So the real answer to yer question is,
>- >ain't life a *****, ya can't have a perfect
>- >world, deal with it as best ya can. In my
>- >opinion, the blame & hate game is a sorry
>- >excuse for that.
>- Nah, that ain't the "real" answer.
>- That's the "real sidestepper".

As I said, there's crybabies on both sides. Check out the negotiating table. They sure do raise a
stink. Seen any solutions lately? --Doug
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 09:09:31 GMT, [email protected] (Doug Bashford) wrote:

>>- >So the real answer to yer question is,
>>- >ain't life a *****, ya can't have a perfect
>>- >world, deal with it as best ya can. In my
>>- >opinion, the blame & hate game is a sorry
>>- >excuse for that.
>>- Nah, that ain't the "real" answer.
>>- That's the "real sidestepper".
>As I said, there's crybabies on both sides. Check out the negotiating table. They sure do raise a
>stink. Seen any solutions lately?

The only "solutions" I've seen lately are like the man says. "Forest

Dirt bikes? Ban 'em. ATVs? Ban 'em. 4WD? Ban 'em. Mountain bikes? Ban 'em.

Did I miss anyone?
Michael Rothwell <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> Shaun Rimmer wrote:
> >>We're all still waiting for your examples. But I guess that they would be hard to produce.
> >>
> >>Michael
> >
> >
> > "Oh, do your own googling, you lazy *******."
> >
> >
> > Shaun aRe - IDGAF if you want to keep your head up your ****, but maybe
> > should worry. ',;~}~
> >
> See, that's the problem. I ask for facts, you tell me to find them myself. I've been trying to
> find "facts" for several years, but they just don't exist. Google searches will just produce left
> wing lies that are fairly easily proved incorrect.
> Call me names if you want, but don't act like a spoiled child when I ask for proof of something
> that doesn't exist.
> Michael.
> btw - I'm not worried about the location of my head - it's thinking quiet clearly.

Heheheh - oh this has been just too damned funny for words, heheheheheh!

Have a good day Michael ',;~}~

Shaun aRe
scrape at mindspring dot com <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 13:14:16 +0100, "Shaun Rimmer" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> >> The point that sails safely untouched over your head may have been wasted on you personally,
> >> >> but hardly wasted altogether.
> >> >
> >> >The irony in that stamement of yours is truly astounding,
> >heheheheheh.......
> >>

> >> truly that miniscule?
> >
> >Hit a nerve did I? Did something fly right over your head yet again? Or
> >it that your one o those poor folks that just cannot comprehend irony? -
> >vote all three apply to you.
> Inasmuch as "hitting a nerve" is what you're trying to accomplish - sorry, you failed again. You
> have, however, accomplished painting yourself as truly boring.

Ah, I see you have been persuaded by my genius manipulations to give up the pedantic nonsense now,
or surely, you would have pointed out to me that I used 'your' when I should have quite obverously
used 'you're' - thanks ',;~}~

As for painitng myself as 'truly boring', WTF is wrong with green, yellow, blue and mauve diagonal
stripes with the odd random speckle of red? Some peeps is always pissing on my bonfire ;-(

> >> Message? If you say so. The whole sentence made no sense. "Infinate" (sic) is a slight
> >> "exageration" (sic)?
> >
> >So? Couple of typos and I 'quoted' one of them - BFD. Being pedantic is
> >last resort of a weak mind.
> Youi attempted to quote one of them. You changed "infinate" to "infinately".

So? 'Youi' isn't a word either, but I don't think you're a ******** for typing it. I think you're a
******** anyway.

> What are some of the middle resorts? What is the first resort?

Trying to sound clever and failing miserably.

> Which is your favorite resort?

Well, it's not Bournmouth.

> >> You had a tough time in a lot of your classes, didn't you?
> >
> >Heheheheheh - classic! You're easier meat than a free lunch. If I wasn't having so much fun
> >watching you become increasingly foolish, I'd give you
> >break (you obviously need it - tired often are you?).
> Evertime

Ohh, can I be pedantic now please? I wanna be just like you mister!

> I read your garbage,

And all that time, there's me thinking it was cats.

> I can't help but picturing Dim from "A Clockwork Orange" writing it.

You need therapy! Heheheheh ',;~}~

> <the rest of your mastabatory **** snipped>


Hell fire, I should get involved in these stupid threads more often - you people are just too damned
funny, hehehe.

Shaun aRe - Have a nice day now y'all, ya hear? ',;~}~
In <[email protected]> On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 12:15, "Matt" wrote
>- "scrape at mindspring dot com" wrote
>- > On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 10:39(Doug Bashford) wrote:

>- > >The problem here, and it's a huge one, is
>- > >that one guy is saying "you enviros" want it
>- > >all, and another says just as silly, "you ORVes"
>- > >want it all. That's BS.
>- > >
>- > >Fact is, some enviros want it all, yes.
>- > >Fact is, some ORVers want it all, yes.
>- > >And they are whackos. Tiny insignificant
>- > >minority whackos.
>- Doug, I wish that were true. Unfortunately, characterizing
>- the percentage of those in the environmental movement
>- who want to eliminate OHV access altogether as
>- "insignificant" is absolutely ludicrous. Whackos, yes,
>- but "insignificant?", no way.

I disagree, but for the sake of argument I will not challenge that, nor the below. I'll say "could
be." Instead, I'll just try to put some context on that "fact" -- one you may not have noticed.

>- A quick peek at pretty much anything the supposedly
>- mainstream Sierra Club has to say on the subject makes it
>- very clear they will be satisfied with nothing less than a total
>- ban,

Did you read: <[email protected]> On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 07:21:39 GMT,(Doug Bashford)
wrote about: Background: Why many Dirtbikers are so anti-environmental

Also see:

In <[email protected]> On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 08:32:14 GMT, (Doug Bashford) wrote
about: the same thread.

...I just posted it. Some of what it says:
>- ....First off, do not attack the Forest Service head on.
>- Get the name of the ranger ....Call him...
>- ....Next, find out where the ranger lives. This is easy.
>- Just follow him home.
>- .... Get a large group together and make some
>- outrageous signs. Do not use profanity in the signs,
>- as the media will then not show them. Call the
>- press (local TV, radio and papers)
>- and inform them that there will be a massive
>- demonstration in front of Ranger Smith's home and....
>- ... Make up some simple one page sheets explaining in lurid
>- terms what a rat Ranger Smith is, and how he's in the clutches
>- of the local Nature Nazi eco-group and that this is only the
>- first step in the entire forest being shut down to everyone
>- but hikers.
>- ....
>- If you really want to be creative, have some one dressed up
>- in a ranger-style outfit dart out from the side of the house and
>- push one of your people down. Get it on video tape; just make
>- sure you can't see the face of the "ranger".
>- ...
>- ...Plan B, wherein you send a heavily edited
>- version of the video tape to the head of
>- the Forest Service, the Governor, a select few
>- conservative congressmen, the head of the Dept. of the....
>- Even if you don't succeed in getting the land in question
>- re-opened for use, chances are high that the ranger will get
>- transferred to some remote place and spend the rest of his...
>- ==================
>- The above is By Rick Sieman of DIRT BIKE mag, and
>- founder of Sahara Club, July 6, 1994.

==============end insert

That's just one dirty trick. Breaking fingers and kneecaps is one mentiond, Sieman brags about
making one boy "**** himself" in terror. As in true terrorism. Read both those posts.

Here's another trick:

When you attend some sort of public debate with eco-freaks, take a contingent of people with you,
prepared to raise some hell. Position your people all around the audience; don't just hang
together in a cluster. Then when the eco-freak starts to make his/her case, yell out long and loud
and call them names. "LIAR! LAND-GRABBER! NATURE-NAZI!" Make sure the shouts and yells come from
all around the room; this makes it seem like the entire room is against the speaker.


Reduce the meeting to a screaming yelling match. When it gets to that point, find the opposing
ringleaders and get right in their face. Spit in their face to make a point. ...Kick chairs over.

===================end insert

As the name "Sahara Club" suggests, the Sierra Club is a main target.

>- mainstream Sierra Club has to say on the subject makes it
>- very clear they will be satisfied with nothing less than a total
>- ban,

If that were true, then gee, I wonder why? What do you expect? Mr. Spock from Star Trek to go to
those negotiations? I am quite aware that it is not rational to portray all ORVers as Sahara
Clubbers, but what exactly about terrorism is rational? Zero?

I'm sure it's great fun squealing about and threatening and hating evil eco-freaks, but is it
possible that this attitude might be counter productive where it matters most?

>- and many of them would love to eliminate mountain bikes
>- as well. Barbara Boxer's Wilderness Bill would lock us
>- out of huge amounts of public land and she has total
>- support from every enviro group you could name (except
>- those who don't think her bill goes far enough!).

You are quite wrong pal. Cause you are talking to one. The Commetee to Save the Kings River. They
wanted to put Wilderness here in Fresno Co too, they had maps and everything. We took a vote, it was
unanomous. No. They smiled and went away. That's why there's no Wilderness in Fresno Co on Boxer's
bill. But there is something about saving the Kings River.

That's called power. You guys aught to try it some time. I guarentee you it feels a whole lot better
than crying and telling boogyman stories. It even feels good when sober.

And crying and and telling boogyman stories, and hating, has locked a whole lot of good people who
really do love nature out of the game. You guys are as much a dependent victims of DIRT BIKE Mag and propaganda, as any welfare queen was ever dependent on welfare.

>- Environmentalists have gained a majority number of the
>- seats on the state OHV commission and are using
>- every opportunity to close riding areas and deny funding
>- (OUR Green sticker money) to those areas they can't
>- close. I could go on.

And I'm sure sometimes you do. So what we have here is kind of a Catch-22 isn't it. Kinda circular.
You call them eco-freaks, and then they are not likely to be too helpful, are they?

Good ol Rick did a pretty good job letting Siera Club, etc know what you think of them.

Ya know, I've worked shoulder to shoulder with hunting clubs, fisherman clubs, 4WD clubs, Forest &
BLM rangers and biologists cleaning up meadows and doing forest restoration work. Never a
motorcycle club.

You guys may want to consider this thing called power. Beats whining every time.

>- ORVers don't want (or expect) 100% access or anything
>- even close, we just want more than the meager amount we
>- have now (or at the very least, not to LOSE any more). And the
>- losses over the last several years have been staggering.

And what have you done to earn it? Or anybody's respect? Threaten to spit on them, ruin their
carrer, marraige, bank account, break a few fingers? Call them eco-freaks etc?

>- Hikers have access to pretty much 100% of all public land
>- in California, they have *exclusive* access to the vast majority.
>- I can't locate a recent figure but I seem to recall that OHVs are
>- permitted on something like 4.7% of public land in this state
>- (or maybe it's 0.47%) and enviro groups have been (sucessfully)
>- chipping away at that number every year, using every conceivable
>- excuse. One site I found that is attempting to catalog and quantify
>- the losses can be found at:

What you say is reasonable. But your sport is very high impact. That's what makes the difference.

One problem you need to accept is that a bike tearing up a 60 degree grassy hill is like a bus of
people in the woods tossing litter out all the windows nonstop. You both leave ugly unatural tracks
which last for years, sometimes much longer. True or false?

But the difference between 100 buses doing that, and 100 bikes is, the bus litter just get uglier,
the bikes start doing damage. ya gatta limit where that can be done.

>- > Unfortunately, in the name of "compromise", I've seen lots of land
>- > made unavailable to the OHV community and none ever made available.
>- > For the most part, the OHV community is willing to compromise and the
>- > Sierra Club side is not.
>- THIS is the reality unfortunately.
>- There is NO parity between the two
>- sides on this issue.

Well there should be fairness. But can you see how opening up large tracks of quasi-pristine areas
to dirt bikes might ruin it for everyone else? Including the cattle grazers? Turn grass or duff
covered hills to bare mineral soil and growing erosion ruts? We've all seen these, I've seen some
five feet deep. ...And that by definition, it would kill it's quasi-pristine nature?

Regarding endangered species, what have you offered as mitigation? That what the local farmers often
do, regarding the Tipton kangaroo rat and the kit fox. --Doug
"scrape at mindspring dot com" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 09:09:31 GMT, [email protected] (Doug Bashford) wrote:
> >>- >So the real answer to yer question is,
> >>- >ain't life a *****, ya can't have a perfect
> >>- >world, deal with it as best ya can. In my
> >>- >opinion, the blame & hate game is a sorry
> >>- >excuse for that. -
> >>- Nah, that ain't the "real" answer.
> >>- That's the "real sidestepper".
> >
> >As I said, there's crybabies on both sides. Check out the negotiating table. They sure do raise a
> >stink. Seen any solutions lately?
> The only "solutions" I've seen lately are like the man says. "Forest

> Dirt bikes? Ban 'em. ATVs? Ban 'em. 4WD? Ban 'em. Mountain bikes? Ban 'em.
> Did I miss anyone?

You missed just about everyone.

P.S the real difference here is that Environmentalists tend to talke about the land as "our" land to
be preserved, which the ORVer tends to talk about it being 'public land' and he is 'public' so
it is HIS land to ruin. This is the basic problem. The ORVer does not care that he only has a
1/288,234th share of the ownership, but feels that access is power.
"Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:02ZTa.4056
> > Nope, but good guess. It's cow farts.
> Nope. Try learning something. You are probably confusing the issues of global warming and ozone
> depletion. Not very bright.

Ooh, I'm just soooooo stupid. Incidently, the ozone hole, which is a naturally occuring
oscillatory phenomenon, is closing back up these days. Don't see much about that on the news
though - it's just too dull.

On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 08:39:29 -0400, "Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote:

>> The only "solutions" I've seen lately are like the man says. "Forest

>> Dirt bikes? Ban 'em. ATVs? Ban 'em. 4WD? Ban 'em. Mountain bikes? Ban 'em.
>> Did I miss anyone?
>You missed just about everyone.
>P.S the real difference here is that Environmentalists tend to talke about the land as "our" land
> to be preserved, which the ORVer tends to talk about it being 'public land' and he is 'public'
> so it is HIS land to ruin. This is the basic problem. The ORVer does not care that he only has
> a 1/288,234th share of the ownership, but feels that access is power.

Once again, it seems you're posting from a Canadian ISP, and I could be wrong. Are you in Canada?
Just for clarity, because I am wonder if some of the eco-posters are seriously mis-informed or just
trying to mislead:

Are you assuming that all public lands/forests are available and open for riding?

Are you assuming that there has been an increase in land made available in the last five years for
off-road motorcycles (in the USA)?

If not, exactly what is your objective?


"Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "scrape at mindspring dot com" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 09:09:31 GMT, [email protected] (Doug Bashford) wrote:
> >
> > >>- >So the real answer to yer question is,
> > >>- >ain't life a *****, ya can't have a perfect
> > >>- >world, deal with it as best ya can. In my
> > >>- >opinion, the blame & hate game is a sorry
> > >>- >excuse for that. -
> > >>- Nah, that ain't the "real" answer.
> > >>- That's the "real sidestepper".
> > >
> > >As I said, there's crybabies on both sides. Check out the negotiating table. They sure do raise
> > >a stink. Seen any solutions lately?
> >
> > The only "solutions" I've seen lately are like the man says. "Forest

> > Dirt bikes? Ban 'em. ATVs? Ban 'em. 4WD? Ban 'em. Mountain bikes? Ban 'em.
> >
> > Did I miss anyone?
> You missed just about everyone.
> P.S the real difference here is that Environmentalists tend to talke about the land as "our" land
> to be preserved, which the ORVer tends to talk
> it being 'public land' and he is 'public' so it is HIS land to ruin. This
> the basic problem. The ORVer does not care that he only has a 1/288,234th share of the ownership,
> but feels that access is power.
"Jay C" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:p[email protected]...
> "Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:02ZTa.4056
> > > Nope, but good guess. It's cow farts.
> >
> > Nope. Try learning something. You are probably confusing the issues of global warming and ozone
> > depletion. Not very bright.
> Ooh, I'm just soooooo stupid.

Just a little distracted maybe. Or just not paying attention. Maybe it is an attention deficit
disorder? If you have a medical excuse please accept my apology.

> Incidently, the ozone hole, which is a naturally occuring oscillatory phenomenon,

Well, the 'hole' goes beyond normal depletion so while the levels of ozone are a 'naturally occuring
cycle', the hole is an artificial exxageration of that. You really ought to read the Ozone Faq.

> is closing back up these days.

Nope. Actually the CFC decline is taking much longer than originally expected. Try again in 2050.

> Don't see much about that on the news though - it's just too dull.

Or you are.

> Jay
"PP" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> >
> > or maybe shortened to "Why Americans Are So Ignorant"
> >
> Spoken like a true politician.

Gee. I answer to Pundit, but if you want to call me a 'Statesman' who am I to argue?

Ah, well. Someone must speak the unpleasant truths.

However, this never gets them elected so your claim that I could become a politician is
somewhat unlikely.
"Ian St. John" <[email protected]> sez:

> cuz "Jay C" <[email protected]> sez:
> > Nope, but good guess. It's cow farts.
> Nope. Try learning something. You are probably confusing the issues of global warming and ozone
> depletion.<snip>

Er, is global warming increased or decreased if you light the cow farts (I recommend you use a match
on end of a looooooooooong stick)?

Good analysis to ya, VLJ
Take only pictures, leave only bullet holes.
"Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:hgcUa.8446>

> Well, the 'hole' goes beyond normal depletion so while the levels of ozone are a 'naturally
> occuring cycle', the hole is an artificial exxageration
> that. You really ought to read the Ozone Faq.

You really ought to do a little real research - or do you get all your information from internet
articles written by eco-extremists?

> Nope. Actually the CFC decline is taking much longer than originally expected. Try again in 2050.

Bzzzzzzzz. Wrong again (getting to be a habit with you, ain't it). I will completely agree with the
'fact' that CFCs are sill around and as prevalent as ever -- why not, it only serves to further
discredit you, which is becoming painfully easy. The ozone "hole" (which, BTW is now two smaller
holes) measured 6 million square miles last year - that compares with the 9 million sq. mile average
measured over the past 6 years. Hmmm, a 30% decline with little reduction in human-produced CFCs.
Whoops, there goes your whole argument. Darn.

> > Don't see much about that on the news though - it's just too dull.
> Or you are.

Read a book. Take some courses. Then kiss my black ass.

[email protected] (Doug Bashford) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> In a January poll conducted by Zogby International, 71 percent (including 51 percent of
> Republicans) said they believe that 10 percent or more of all U.S. lands should be preserved as
> wilderness, and that the current
> 4.7 percent isn't enough. Sixty-five percent of Americans support more wilderness in their home
> states.
> Daily Camera, Boulder CO, June 3,
> on building roads in national parks and wilderness areas:
> When is a cow track or foot path a ''highway''?
> When Bush's U.S. Secretary of the Interior Gale **Norton**, Colorado Gov. Bill Owens and
> Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources Greg *Walcher* - plus other
> like-minded Western officials - say it is.
> But on Jan. 6, *Norton* dove through a musty loophole in RS2477, ''disclaiming'' interest in
> federal lands - even National Parks and Wilderness Areas - and encouraging states and local
> governments to make their own right-of-way claims on ''highways.'' But under RS2477, a highway
> can be a cattle trail. The key is that it must have been considered a ''road'' at some point in
> the foggy past.
> Recently, the state of Utah reached a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the *federal
> government,* allowing counties to designate such ''highways.'' Utah counties already are laying
> claim to every bit of right-of-way they can find, so they will have wide latitude to manage
> these ''highways,'' potentially bulldozing and paving a craggy Jeep trail, even one that crosses
> public lands where vehicles now are banned.

And this was really a fraudulent arrangement. Norton essentially hinted to the Gov of Utah
that if they wanted to build a highway through every national park and wilderness area in the
state, they should go into federal court with a lawsuit demanding such permissions. They did.
Then instead of defending the law in court, Norton pulled up her dress and allowed herself to
be "raped" by approving the draft of the Memorandum of Understanding the State of Utah had
asked for.
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 11:45:18 -0400, "Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote:

Hmm. Andy Dragon is in Toronto. This twit is in Toronto. Andy hasn't been around much lately since
the last time he was posting under a different name trying to **** people off.

Math test complete.
"Jay C" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:D[email protected]...
> "Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:hgcUa.8446>
> > Well, the 'hole' goes beyond normal depletion so while the levels of
> > are a 'naturally occuring cycle', the hole is an artificial exxageration of that. You really
> > ought to read the Ozone Faq.
> You really ought to do a little real research - or do you get all your information from internet
> articles written by eco-extremists?

Actually the faq gives a short question and answer on the science of ozone depletion. It has been
'peer reviewed' by many knowledgeable posters with impeccable scientific credentials. You reall have
no reason to remain in ignorance.

> > Nope. Actually the CFC decline is taking much longer than originally expected. Try again
> > in 2050.
> Bzzzzzzzz. Wrong again (getting to be a habit with you, ain't it).

If you mean knowing the science ( even when you call it a 'wrong answer' from your political rant
viewpoint ), yes. It is what I do.

> I will completely agree with the 'fact' that CFCs are sill around and as
> as ever -- why not, it only serves to further discredit you, which is becoming painfully easy.

They actually have dropped but the reductions are slower than anticipated. I have a different view
of what amounts to 'painful' here.

> The ozone "hole" (which, BTW is now two smaller holes) measured 6 million square miles last year
> - that compares with the
> million sq. mile average measured over the past 6 years.

Year to year variations are expected and not an indicator of 'long term' decline. Nor have you met
your claim that there were 'natural holes' related to normal cycles. It may be possible but we have

> Hmmm, a 30% decline with little reduction in human-produced CFCs.

The levels in the stratosphere do not vary much from years to year while the size of the hole does.
Ooops. There goes your whole idiocy.

> Whoops, there goes your whole argument.

I have no arguments. Just facts.

> Darn.

Yes. Back to your knitting.

> > > Don't see much about that on the news though - it's just too dull.
> >
> > Or you are.
> Read a book. Take some courses. Then kiss my black ass.

I hear your pain.. You can alleviate it with education or even a good course of real science
publications at your nearest library. Try Nature and Science, etc.
"IRKurt" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> Just for clarity, because I am wonder if some of the eco-posters are seriously mis-informed or
> just trying to mislead:

P.S. are you still beating your wife? Gee. Am I misleading or trying to misinform? What a choice.
How to answer that without foul language..

I am doing neither. I am trying to get a rational discussion going here in the land of one
dimensional idiots.

> Are you assuming that all public lands/forests are available and open for riding?

My post did not use this as a 'assumption' now did it?

> Are you assuming that there has been an increase in land made available in the last five years for
> off-road motorcycles (in the USA)?

There are no assumptions in my post. It was merely a perspective on why the two sides are so at

> If not, exactly what is your objective?

You assume either a bias or an agenda. You are not interested in debate. End.

> Kurt
> "Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > "scrape at mindspring dot com" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > > On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 09:09:31 GMT, [email protected] (Doug Bashford) wrote:
> > >
> > > >>- >So the real answer to yer question is,
> > > >>- >ain't life a *****, ya can't have a perfect
> > > >>- >world, deal with it as best ya can. In my
> > > >>- >opinion, the blame & hate game is a sorry
> > > >>- >excuse for that. -
> > > >>- Nah, that ain't the "real" answer.
> > > >>- That's the "real sidestepper".
> > > >
> > > >As I said, there's crybabies on both sides. Check out the negotiating table. They sure do
> > > >raise a stink. Seen any solutions lately?
> > >
> > > The only "solutions" I've seen lately are like the man says. "Forest

> > > Dirt bikes? Ban 'em. ATVs? Ban 'em. 4WD? Ban 'em. Mountain bikes? Ban 'em.
> > >
> > > Did I miss anyone?
> >
> > You missed just about everyone.
> >
> > P.S the real difference here is that Environmentalists tend to talke
> > the land as "our" land to be preserved, which the ORVer tends to talk
> about
> > it being 'public land' and he is 'public' so it is HIS land to ruin.
> is
> > the basic problem. The ORVer does not care that he only has a
> > share of the ownership, but feels that access is power.
> >
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