What kind of saddle/shorts do you use?


New Member
Oct 3, 2003
I've tried several saddles and the Selle Italia Trans Am is what I have settled with. However, it breaks in too much and creates a sag in the middle. From there I can't get comfortable and have to keep replacing the saddle every 6 mths or so.

I recently tried this Fizik CP Vitesse http://www.fizik.it/Products_CP_Vitesse_Catalog.aspx
I've heard great things about this saddle. So, I bought one. It seems that my problem is, if it isn't cut out (as in NOTHING there) no matter how soft the material, it will cause rubbing in a place I don't care for it to. It also seems that the smaller the seam on the shorts, the less rubbing.

My question is.... if you gals don't experience this discomfort, what are you doing different. What shorts are you using with 'non-cutaway' saddles? Also, what saddles are you using for sit bones that aren't so wide, but wider than guys? I guess middle of the road width.

I just bought my bike about a month and a half ago. I have been on it for an hour at a time, nothing longer than that right now. I am using the saddle that came with the bike. It has a slit in the seat, but no real cut out. I haven't experienced soreness yet, don't know why. I am conscios of putting my weight on the back of the seat so that I don't get my "girlie parts" hurt! We'll see as time goes by, though.

The shorts I bought are from Academy Sports (a chain store). They were only $32 and I worried about the quality because they were so cheap. But, they've been great. The chamois cloth inside isn't pilling up or wearing out. I haven't had a seam problem yet.

What about everyone else?
My favorite shorts are from Sheebeast (they sell them on-line at Team Estrogen). I ride with a really inexpensive woman's seat from Nashbar. Is the most comfortable seat I've used. It's on sale now at nashbar.com for $16.95. I had a female friend recommend it. Before I used this, I had all kinds of problems with a sore bottom. And now I have practically none (and I ride alot - go for 65 mile rides and it doesn't bother me.)

good luck
Originally posted by kkees
I've tried several saddles and the Selle Italia Trans Am is what I have settled with. However, it breaks in too much and creates a sag in the middle. From there I can't get comfortable and have to keep replacing the saddle every 6 mths or so.

I recently tried this Fizik CP Vitesse http://www.fizik.it/Products_CP_Vitesse_Catalog.aspx
I've heard great things about this saddle. So, I bought one. It seems that my problem is, if it isn't cut out (as in NOTHING there) no matter how soft the material, it will cause rubbing in a place I don't care for it to. It also seems that the smaller the seam on the shorts, the less rubbing.

My question is.... if you gals don't experience this discomfort, what are you doing different. What shorts are you using with 'non-cutaway' saddles? Also, what saddles are you using for sit bones that aren't so wide, but wider than guys? I guess middle of the road width.


I use the trans am on my road bike and the vitesse on my mountain bike. This just shows how different everyone is.

Have you tried the Terry line? I hear lots of people like them - but I've never tried them myself.
i have no discomfort with the avocet O2 40W saddle . it's wide and you don't settle in squish and wear Castelli ypro3 (high end) shorts. they're WWWWAAAy overpriced, but pad is dense and narrow so it doesnt feel like a diaper.
I bought a Trek 1500WSD about a year ago and the saddle it came with. I expected to have to swap the saddle over as I've gone through a LOT of saddles through the years. Anyway, it's the best saddle I've ever used and I think they're about $50 retail! It's semi soft, has the middle cutout.... sorry - don't know which model it is but I believe Bontrager's womens range has a couple of different saddles. My mountain bike (a Trek 6700WSD) has a harder seat on it, with the center still intact, and it's crapola.
