Where to put your helmet...


New Member
Apr 6, 2004
when you're on a ride and are going up a long ascent, sometimes you want to take off your helmet and ride commando style. If so, where the heck do you put it? Ive seen people somehow tie it to the fron of their handle bars, but ive tried that found that my helmet hangs too losely and sways back and forth. any suggestions? (I know i know, you're supposed to wear the damn thing all the time)
Originally posted by JamLo21
when you're on a ride and are going up a long ascent, sometimes you want to take off your helmet and ride commando style. If so, where the heck do you put it? Ive seen people somehow tie it to the fron of their handle bars, but ive tried that found that my helmet hangs too losely and sways back and forth. any suggestions? (I know i know, you're supposed to wear the damn thing all the time)

Ive never done this ON a bike but, I ususally carry a mini pump in the middle pocket of my jersey and I will hang it off of there.
I hang mine off the front of the bars in similar situations all the time. The go is you have to wrap the strap around the stem once before u clip it together. this should take up enough slack to stop it moving around too much and/or hitting your front wheel. Hope that helps.