A Lesson from Florida: It's Time for Regime Change!

* Mike Vandeman <[email protected]>:
> On 8 Sep 2004 10:10:50 -0700, [email protected] (JD) wrote:
> .Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> .<snip rant>
> .> Please vote for John Kerry!
> .
> .A glowing recommendation from a truly outstanding member of society. HA
> .
> .JD
> So you're voting for Bush? Idiot.

I think its a choice between to idiots, bush and kerry but if someone
like you is voting for one that's an excellent reason to vote for the
other as the one you like could be as insane as you are.

"Scott Burley" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<ipT%[email protected]>...
> Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:p[email protected]...
> > On 8 Sep 2004 10:10:50 -0700, [email protected] (JD) wrote:
> >
> > .Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message

> news:<[email protected]>...
> > .<snip rant>
> > .> Please vote for John Kerry!
> > .
> > .A glowing recommendation from a truly outstanding member of society. HA
> > .
> > .JD
> >
> > So you're voting for Bush? Idiot.

> Where did he say that? Or are you so entrenched in the 2-party system that
> you're blind to alternatives?

He's blind to everything, except his own pathetically small(minded)
world. Here's what I wrote in another forum that asked which
candidate (of the lameo two party system) had the better bike:

"I beg to differ. Dubya should have a custom Moots, or other
high-zoot American bike instead of that trek garbage. Though it's a
road bike and the rider looks like a jacked-up Herman Munster, the
Serotta "gets my vote". As far as candidates go, I'm writing in Paul
Reubens. At least he's an admitted jerk-off."

Jeff Strickland wrote:

>In the mean time, the crocs will stay put as they
>have for thousands of years.

Dunno as Florida has any crocs - outside of zoos & the like.

>You take such a narrow view of time ...

MV has such a narrow view of everything.

Pete H

Either everyone has rights or some have privileges.
It's really that simple.
Walt Kelly
PMH said:
Jeff Strickland wrote:

>In the mean time, the crocs will stay put as they
>have for thousands of years.

Dunno as Florida has any crocs - outside of zoos & the like.

Bizarrely enough there is a croc in the keys native to florida i think it also inhabits some of the everglades.
On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:11:22 -0700, "Jeff Strickland" <[email protected]> wrote:

.."Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
..news:[email protected]...
..> On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 11:08:04 -0700, "Jeff Strickland" <[email protected]>
..> .
..> ."Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
..> .news:p[email protected]...
..> .> To the Editor:
..> .>
..> .> The hurricanes in Florida teach an important lesson: there are some
..> .where
..> .> humans should not live! We are arrogant enough to believe that the
..> .Earth
..> .> belongs to us, and that we have the right to go anywhere and do
..> .that we
..> .> wish. But so far we haven't been smart enough to learn how to live
..> .sustainably.
..> .>
..> .> Humans can't live in Florida without massive aid from out of state.
..> .in
..> .> the desert Southwest can't survive without sucking whole rivers dry.
..> .> Americans' lifestyles depend on a supply of fossil fuel from halfway
..> .around the
..> .> world. And the ultimate in unsustainable living is space travel!
..> .>
..> .> George W. Bush's goal seems to be to prolong this profligate
..> .> living-beyond-our-means as long as possible -- at least long enough for
..> .and
..> .> his rich friends to profit from it, and leave the nation holding the
..> .the
..> .> largest debt in our nation's history! For promoting nuclear weapons and
..> .the
..> .> destruction of our environment, he represents the greatest living
..> .to life
..> .> on Earth. We need to get rid of this usurper before he does any more
..> .damage!
..> .> Please vote for John Kerry!
..> .>
..> .> For more information, see http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande
..> .>
..> .
..> .
..> .Where people want to live is not an issue of Presidential agenda, and
..> .are going to live where they want no matter who is occupying the Oval
..> .Office. You are mixing apples and oranges here, and the sauce it creates
..> .not appealing to anybody.
..> .
..> .You can make the statement that Bush is promoting nuclear weapons, et al,
..> .but this has nothing at all to do with living in Florida or the desert
..> .southwest, or anyplace else for that matter. The ONLY lessons from
..> .is that it gets windy sometimes, and they don't know how to vote.
..> Think a little. Both are unsustainable.
..Then people will stop living there when conditions become such that it
..becomes too unbearable.

It's ALREADY unbearable, for the wildlife.

In the mean time, the crocs will stay put as they
..have for thousands of years.
..You take such a narrow view of time ...
..> ===
..> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
..> humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
..> years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
..> http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 18:48:16 -0400, PMH <[email protected]> wrote:

..Jeff Strickland wrote:
..>In the mean time, the crocs will stay put as they
..>have for thousands of years.
..Dunno as Florida has any crocs - outside of zoos & the like.

You are right. Jeff Strickland is a (self-described) buffoon.
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On 9 Sep 2004 06:17:00 -0700, [email protected] (Parallax) wrote:

..Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
..> On 8 Sep 2004 13:04:04 -0700, [email protected] (Parallax) wrote:
..> [email protected] (Stephen Baker) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
..> .> MV blathers:
..> .>
..> .> >To the Editor:
..> .>
..> .> We don't have one of those around here. Or is that just to make us think
..> .> you've sent this to some erudite journal that wouldn't publish it at gunpoint?
..> .>
..> .> >The hurricanes in Florida teach an important lesson: there are some places
..> .> >where
..> .> >humans should not live!
..> .>
..> .> After all this time, and all your rhetoric, you still haven't grasped the
..> .> concept of "living with Nature", have you?
..> .
..> .Nobody can live in Florida without massive outside aid? My family has
..> .been in Florida since the 1840s and has never required any outside
..> .aid. Before the War tween the States, they raised cattle they sent up
..> .north, after the war, they first raised citrus and then strawberries.
..> .In this century, I sell x-ray equipment all over the world from
..> .Tallahassee, FL. However, none of my people has ever lived on the
..> .beach, we have better sense. Beach homes are for foolish yankees.
..> They have NEVER received federal aid for disaster relief? Oranges frozen?
..> Flooding? Unlikely.
..> ===
..> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
..> humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
..> years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
..> http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande
..Yes, Mike, I mean NEVER. Federal aid was not available in the 1880s.
..Never needed any aid in this century and do not expect any as I am not
..foolish enough to live on the beach or in a low area.

But my point was more general: you don't live sustainably.
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 08:30:02 -0500, "di" <[email protected]> wrote:

..> They have NEVER received federal aid for disaster relief? Oranges frozen?
..> Flooding? Unlikely.
..Phd's with worthless degrees are the experts at getting federal aid
..(sometime called Research Grants), so why are you complaining about
..someone's frozen Oranges in Florida? I would bet you have received a few
..yourself or at least applied for a grant or two.

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 15:54:38 GMT, "S o r n i" <[email protected]> wrote:

..di wrote:
..>> They have NEVER received federal aid for disaster relief? Oranges
..>> frozen? Flooding? Unlikely.
..> Phd's with worthless degrees are the experts at getting federal aid
..> (sometime called Research Grants), so why are you complaining about
..> someone's frozen Oranges in Florida? I would bet you have received
..> a few yourself or at least applied for a grant or two.
..Mikey is /currently/ seeking federal aid.
..Seems he's got shriveled grapes.

Those are usually called "raisins", dumdum, and they don't need to be granted..

..Bill "and he's nuts, so matched set" S.

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On 9 Sep 2004 14:28:57 -0700, [email protected] (JD) wrote:

.."Scott Burley" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<ipT%[email protected]>...
..> Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message
..> news:p[email protected]...
..> > On 8 Sep 2004 10:10:50 -0700, [email protected] (JD) wrote:
..> >
..> > .Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote in message
..> news:<[email protected]>...
..> > .<snip rant>
..> > .> Please vote for John Kerry!
..> > .
..> > .A glowing recommendation from a truly outstanding member of society. HA
..> > .
..> > .JD
..> >
..> > So you're voting for Bush? Idiot.
..> Where did he say that? Or are you so entrenched in the 2-party system that
..> you're blind to alternatives?
..He's blind to everything, except his own pathetically small(minded)
..world. Here's what I wrote in another forum that asked which
..candidate (of the lameo two party system) had the better bike:
.."I beg to differ. Dubya should have a custom Moots, or other
..high-zoot American bike instead of that trek garbage. Though it's a
..road bike and the rider looks like a jacked-up Herman Munster, the
..Serotta "gets my vote". As far as candidates go, I'm writing in Paul
..Reubens. At least he's an admitted jerk-off."

Take a look at Tom Tomorrow's cartoon today, about a dog (Bush) getting elected.
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 14:34:08 GMT, "rick etter" <[email protected]> wrote:

.."Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
..news:[email protected]...
..> On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 18:14:14 GMT, "rick etter" <[email protected]> wrote:
..> .
..> ."Paul Cassel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
..> .news:[email protected]...
..> .> Mike Vandeman wrote:
..> .>
..> .> > To the Editor:
..> .> >
..> .> > The hurricanes in Florida teach an important lesson: there are some
..> .places where
..> .> > humans should not live! We are arrogant enough to believe that the
..> .entire Earth
..> .> > belongs to us, and that we have the right to go anywhere and do
..> .that we
..> .> > wish. But so far we haven't been smart enough to learn how to live
..> .sustainably.
..> .> >
..> .> > Humans can't live in Florida without massive aid from out of state.
..> .People in
..> .> > the desert Southwest can't survive without sucking whole rivers dry.
..> .Most
..> .> > Americans' lifestyles depend on a supply of fossil fuel from halfway
..> .around the
..> .> > world. And the ultimate in unsustainable living is space travel!
..> .> >
..> .> > George W. Bush's goal seems to be to prolong this profligate
..> .> > living-beyond-our-means as long as possible -- at least long enough
..> .he and
..> .> > his rich friends to profit from it, and leave the nation holding the
..> .bag: the
..> .> > largest debt in our nation's history! For promoting nuclear weapons
..> .the
..> .> > destruction of our environment, he represents the greatest living
..> .to life
..> .> > on Earth. We need to get rid of this usurper before he does any more
..> .damage!
..> .> > Please vote for John Kerry!
..> .> >
..> .> You changed my mind. I'm voting and contributing money to Bush now.
..> .==================
..> .LOL So, mickey is going to vote for the billionare, that can live way
..> .beyond any of ours means.
..> .Money he gets from a company that produces a product that has no real
..> .'need', ketchup.
..> "Ketchup"? You are fantasizing again.
..So, as usual you have nothing, eh mickey? Come on little-boy, try to
..defend the vast waste of resources just to produce and deliver condiments.
..Defend your inane usenet postings, afterall, the continued increase in
..demand for power and communications are destroying more habitat, and killing
..more animals than biking does. Why are you a part of that? But then,
..you've already shown that it's not really about the environment, but about
..your vitriolic hate of others.
..> Talk about wasting energy importing and exporting around
..> .the world, billions of dollars worth of ketchup have to rank right up
..> ===
..> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
..> humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
..> years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
..> http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande
..PS Bob jumped....

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

In article <[email protected]>,
Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:
>On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 18:48:16 -0400, PMH <[email protected]> wrote:
>.Jeff Strickland wrote:
>.>In the mean time, the crocs will stay put as they
>.>have for thousands of years.
>.Dunno as Florida has any crocs - outside of zoos & the like.
>You are right. Jeff Strickland is a (self-described) buffoon.

You are apparently incorrect.

There _are_ crocodiles in Florida.

(This article is mysteriously merged with an irrelevent one but...)


It would appear that the crocs are pro nuclear power as well...

"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 14:34:08 GMT, "rick etter" <[email protected]> wrote:
> .
> ."Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> .news:[email protected]...
> .> On Wed, 08 Sep 2004 18:14:14 GMT, "rick etter" <[email protected]> wrote:
> .>
> .> .
> .> ."Paul Cassel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> .> .news:[email protected]...
> .> .> Mike Vandeman wrote:
> .> .>
> .> .> > To the Editor:
> .> .> >
> .> .> > The hurricanes in Florida teach an important lesson: there are

> .> .places where
> .> .> > humans should not live! We are arrogant enough to believe that the
> .> .entire Earth
> .> .> > belongs to us, and that we have the right to go anywhere and do
> .anything
> .> .that we
> .> .> > wish. But so far we haven't been smart enough to learn how to live
> .> .sustainably.
> .> .> >
> .> .> > Humans can't live in Florida without massive aid from out of

> .> .People in
> .> .> > the desert Southwest can't survive without sucking whole rivers

> .> .Most
> .> .> > Americans' lifestyles depend on a supply of fossil fuel from

> .> .around the
> .> .> > world. And the ultimate in unsustainable living is space travel!
> .> .> >
> .> .> > George W. Bush's goal seems to be to prolong this profligate
> .> .> > living-beyond-our-means as long as possible -- at least long

> .for
> .> .he and
> .> .> > his rich friends to profit from it, and leave the nation holding

> .> .bag: the
> .> .> > largest debt in our nation's history! For promoting nuclear

> .and
> .> .the
> .> .> > destruction of our environment, he represents the greatest living
> .threat
> .> .to life
> .> .> > on Earth. We need to get rid of this usurper before he does any

> .> .damage!
> .> .> > Please vote for John Kerry!
> .> .> >
> .> .> You changed my mind. I'm voting and contributing money to Bush now.
> .> .==================
> .> .LOL So, mickey is going to vote for the billionare, that can live way
> .> .beyond any of ours means.
> .> .Money he gets from a company that produces a product that has no real
> .> .'need', ketchup.
> .>
> .> "Ketchup"? You are fantasizing again.
> .================
> .So, as usual you have nothing, eh mickey? Come on little-boy, try to
> .defend the vast waste of resources just to produce and deliver

> .Defend your inane usenet postings, afterall, the continued increase in
> .demand for power and communications are destroying more habitat, and

> .more animals than biking does. Why are you a part of that? But then,
> .you've already shown that it's not really about the environment, but

> .your vitriolic hate of others.
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .>
> .> Talk about wasting energy importing and exporting around
> .> .the world, billions of dollars worth of ketchup have to rank right up
> .there.
> .>
> .>
> .> ===
> .> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
> .> humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
> .> years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
> .>
> .> http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande
> .==========
> .PS Bob jumped....
> .
> .
> .
> "Ketchup"?

I see you cannot address the issue, eh stupid? Thanks for proving yet
again that you have nothing but your ignorant spew.

btw, how do you spell a condiment?

> ===
> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
> humans ("pure habitat").

No, you aren't. As long as you are posting to usenet, you are working on
destroying ever more of the environment, fool.

Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
> years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
> http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande
9 out of 10 Mike Vandemans agree:

> .> They have NEVER received federal aid for disaster relief? Oranges
> frozen? .> Flooding? Unlikely.
> .
> .Phd's with worthless degrees are the experts at getting federal aid
> .(sometime called Research Grants), so why are you complaining about
> .someone's frozen Oranges in Florida? I would bet you have received
> a few .yourself or at least applied for a grant or two.
> Never.

Yes, but the general point is that such research isn't sustainable.

__ __ _ ___ ___
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[email protected]
9 out of 10 Mike Vandemans agree:

> .> Where did he say that? Or are you so entrenched in the 2-party
> system that .> you're blind to alternatives?
> .
> .He's blind to everything, except his own pathetically small(minded)
> .world. Here's what I wrote in another forum that asked which
> .candidate (of the lameo two party system) had the better bike:
> .
> ."I beg to differ. Dubya should have a custom Moots, or other
> .high-zoot American bike instead of that trek garbage. Though it's a
> .road bike and the rider looks like a jacked-up Herman Munster, the
> .Serotta "gets my vote". As far as candidates go, I'm writing in Paul
> .Reubens. At least he's an admitted jerk-off."
> .
> .JD
> Take a look at Tom Tomorrow's cartoon today, about a dog (Bush)
> getting elected. Nice.

How non-sensical. I'd elaborate, but Shakespeare beat me to the punch:
"It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying
nothing." Kind of describes most of your posts as well, doesn't it?

__ __ _ ___ ___
/ _|/ _/ |_ _|_ _|
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|__/\__\_/|_| |_|

[email protected]

PS: Thank you for wasting 5 minutes of my time trying to find your
cartoon online: http://tinyurl.com/4vwfz

PPS: Also, thank you for drawing the connection between the dog and Bush.
I'd have never figured it out on my own.

PPPS: The above post-scripts are sarcastic in nature.
Scott Burley said:
How non-sensical. I'd elaborate, but Shakespeare beat me to the punch:
"It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying
nothing." Kind of describes most of your posts as well, doesn't it?
Ah good old shakespear, that is a great qoute and does seem to sum up Mr Vanderman's posts.
"claudel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:
> >On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 18:48:16 -0400, PMH <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >.Jeff Strickland wrote:
> >.
> >.>In the mean time, the crocs will stay put as they
> >.>have for thousands of years.
> >.>
> >.Dunno as Florida has any crocs - outside of zoos & the like.
> >
> >You are right. Jeff Strickland is a (self-described) buffoon.
> >===

> You are apparently incorrect.
> There _are_ crocodiles in Florida.
> http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Science/2004/06/08/490801-ap.html
> (This article is mysteriously merged with an irrelevent one but...)
> http://www.belleville.com/mld/belleville/news/nation/9115984.htm
> It would appear that the crocs are pro nuclear power as well...
> Claude

I suppose it is my fault he is so confused. I should have said, "Large
lizard-like animals with jaws that close like a clamp and like to swim ..."
On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 02:47:18 GMT, [email protected] (claudel) wrote:

..In article <[email protected]>,
..Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:
..>On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 18:48:16 -0400, PMH <[email protected]> wrote:
..>.Jeff Strickland wrote:
..>.>In the mean time, the crocs will stay put as they
..>.>have for thousands of years.
..>.Dunno as Florida has any crocs - outside of zoos & the like.
..>You are right. Jeff Strickland is a (self-described) buffoon.
..You are apparently incorrect.
..There _are_ crocodiles in Florida.

The author must be mistaken. Only ALLIGATORS are native to Florida.

..(This article is mysteriously merged with an irrelevent one but...)
..It would appear that the crocs are pro nuclear power as well...

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 05:34:00 GMT, Scott Burley <[email protected]> wrote:

..9 out of 10 Mike Vandemans agree:
..> .> Where did he say that? Or are you so entrenched in the 2-party
..> system that .> you're blind to alternatives?
..> .
..> .He's blind to everything, except his own pathetically small(minded)
..> .world. Here's what I wrote in another forum that asked which
..> .candidate (of the lameo two party system) had the better bike:
..> .
..> ."I beg to differ. Dubya should have a custom Moots, or other
..> .high-zoot American bike instead of that trek garbage. Though it's a
..> .road bike and the rider looks like a jacked-up Herman Munster, the
..> .Serotta "gets my vote". As far as candidates go, I'm writing in Paul
..> .Reubens. At least he's an admitted jerk-off."
..> .
..> .JD
..> Take a look at Tom Tomorrow's cartoon today, about a dog (Bush)
..> getting elected. Nice.
..How non-sensical. I'd elaborate, but Shakespeare beat me to the punch:
.."It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying
..nothing." Kind of describes most of your posts as well, doesn't it?

Only for people too dumb to understand them. Are you admitting that?
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
