An experiment to prove the helmet law proponants RIGHT (or wrong)

Tamyka Bell wrote:

> Gee Ed, I thought that, given your great disregard for the world's major
> religions, you would not appreciate the name Sara.


Tom Sherman - Near Rock Island
In article <[email protected]>, Tom Sherman
<[email protected]> wrote:

> Tamyka Bell wrote:
> > Gee Ed, I thought that, given your great disregard for the world's major
> > religions, you would not appreciate the name Sara.

> See
> <>.

Excellent stuff!
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, Edward Dolan wrote:

> "Tamyka Bell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Edward Dolan wrote:

> [...]
> >> And I think we can all agree that a name like Tamyka is foolish, weird,
> >> nonsensical and idiotic. Parents should look up something about the
> >> history
> >> of names before they go off and just name their children any old thing
> >> that
> >> pops into their stupid heads. I feel very sorry for Tamyka who was
> >> saddled
> >> with a name that should not even be inflicted on a cat.
> >>
> >> Your Sara, the girl in London who you so admire, is perfectly acceptable
> >> as
> >> a good name. I mean it is nihil obstat, unlike Tamyka.
> >>
> >> Aren't you glad there are great souls in this world like me who can
> >> pronounce on the most profound matters in the universe like proper names.

> >
> >
> > Gee Ed, I thought that, given your great disregard for the world's major
> > religions, you would not appreciate the name Sara.
> >
> > T

> Oh ye of the capital T, I wonder who has the bigger ego, you or me. I would
> never sign myself just E, but that is because I have a brain in my head and
> have not wasted my life studying the minutiae of science like you have. Nor
> have I run myself ragged in those stupid triathlons that you just love to
> crow about. Scribble, scribble scribble! As if anyone is ever going to read
> anything you have ever written.

Oh Ed, I surely have the bigger ego, the difference between us being that
I can back it up.

> As for Sara and religion, Hells Bells, practically all the names in
> Christendom come out of the Bible. You have to have a name like Judas or
> Jesus before anyone questions it. But nevertheless, I am very much opposed
> to Old Testament names being used these days. Names like Joshua and Jacob
> and Abraham for instance. There is such a thing as running current with your
> culture and odd and unusual names are the opposite of that.

Ha ha ha ha ha you are a funny guy. In a sad, sad way.

> Tamyka, I recommend that you change your name to something more sensible.
> After all, you are a human and not a cat or a parrot. I don't blame you for
> your name, but I do blame your parents. They played a cruel joke on you.
> They must have been sadists.

My name has gorgeous meanings - I am the child of the people (Japanese), I
am the princess of the island (Polynesian), I am perfect (Hebrew) - so
basically it's a great name.

Edward Dolan said:
"hippy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]
> <snip more disturbed drivel>
> You had your **** kicked by a girl, didn't you?
> Did she take your lunch money and make you
> wet yourself in front of the whole school?
> Get some help.
> hippy

Tamyka Bell tells me that you have a sense of humor and that is how I should
have taken your above post. But we both know better, don't we. However, on
reflection I have decided to give your post the answer that it doesn't
deserve. Just another occasion for me to wax poetic. Tamyka, being a poet
and a scholar, will surely appreciate my words of wisdom.

It has always amazed me all of my life who it is that women date and most
especially who it is that they end up married to. That is what has led me to
believe that women are essentially brainless. They will go every time for
men who are basically slobs - crude and stupid. I for instance am not only
extremely handsome, but also extremely intelligent as anyone can plainly see
who can read my words. My charm is not on the surface, but goes much deeper
than that. Yes, I am a bit cranky at times, but so are all great souls. We
Great Ones do not suffer fools gladly. Yet, for some strange reason, women
are not attracted to me. It is one of the supreme mysteries of the universe.
By rights, they should be falling at my feet and worshipping the ground I
walk on. Where did I go amiss?

Now that I am going to be departing this veil of woes for oblivion in the
not too distant future, I bid farewell to the fair sex for all eternity.
They have forever remained a mystery to me. I can only conclude that they
were not worthy of me. Well, it has been their loss. If only women had the
intelligence of men, but apparently nature did not want it that way. Nature
wanted women to be dumkopfs and blockheads when it comes to choosing men. So
be it. Thus spake Zarathustra.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Not only are you a cranky old fart, but you have psychotic delusions of grandeur as well!

No wonder chicks don't dig you

M "only the US could produce such an introverted curmudgeon" H
Sara Kirk wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>, dave <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>>>My evil ex Jennene. ( The mug copper from hell) was supposed to be
>>>>called Janine..but her dad was ****** when he filled out the forms. Mind
>>>>you that name works but I guess thats how the weird name syndrome thingy
>>>And how long ago is it now? Let go of it man, for heaven's sake!

>>For f sake... We are talking about names.. and she still has the same
>>name... well same first name anyway. Sheesh

> So just describe her as "My ex Jennene". Honestly - how long can your
> shoulder carry that chip?

All my exes are by definition evil
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Sara Kirk" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:230120051941506536%[email protected]...
>>In article <[email protected]>, dave <[email protected]>

> Don't the two of you have email for this purpose? It is embarrassing for a
> pilgrim like myself to stumble across this kind of personal correspondence.
> The least you might do is to eliminate ARBR from the newsgroup heading.
> After all, we here on ARBR are gentlemen and scholars. Please, have some
> regard for the rest of us.

Still riding and alive. Only close call wasa cop who I avoided like
the plague (can't tell the good from the bored).
"DiscoDuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Still riding and alive. Only close call wasa cop who I avoided like
> the plague (can't tell the good from the bored).

Hey, DiscoDuck, you old son of gun, I mean you stupid jackass - still at it
I see. Hells Bells, you do not ever need to wear a helmet as your skull is
most likely made of tempered steel just like your brain.

It seems no one will respond anymore to my totally outrageous posts, so I
will see what I can dredge up on all those groups you are posting to. We
here on ARBR are way too smart for numskulls like you, but it may be that
these other groups that you are posting to are NOT composed of idiots like
you. I think we all know by now know that bc.cycling can't be much, but the
uk and nyc can't be as stupid as you are. Aus.bicycle has proven to be a
disappointment to me (they all violate their helmet laws and think nothing
of it), but then nothing can began to compare to ARBR, a newsgroup that is
composed of mature and wise cyclists (with a few exceptions) par excellence
who obey the laws even when they disagree with them. What a scofflaw and a
totally reprehensible human being you are.

Why are most Canadians so incredibly stupid? Has the North frozen their


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Sara" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:240120051536314162%[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, Tom Sherman
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Tamyka Bell wrote:
>> > Gee Ed, I thought that, given your great disregard for the world's
>> > major
>> > religions, you would not appreciate the name Sara.

>> See
>> <>.

> Excellent stuff!

No, it is just Mr. Tom Sherman doing his thing. We here on ARBR are used to
him and we do not regard his shenanigans as anything exceptional, just
another boring day on ARBR.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Tamyka Bell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:p[email protected]...
> My name has gorgeous meanings - I am the child of the people (Japanese), I
> am the princess of the island (Polynesian), I am perfect (Hebrew) - so
> basically it's a great name.
> Tamyka

Well, now I am confused. I have never heard of a Japanese Jew or a
Polynesian Jew either for that matter. Is your Hebrewness racial or merely
religious. If it is racial, then why aren't you living in Israel instead of
slumming in Australia. Of course, anyone can claim to be a Jew. Even Sammy
Davis Jr. wanted to be a Jew. Apparently, having two strikes against him
wasn't enough (being a small ugly Negro and married to a big white Swede).
No, he wanted that third strike, being a Jew. In other words, the full
catastrophe as Zorba the Greek would put it.

By the way, I am glad you like your stupid name. But where it comes from is
still a mystery. Is it Japanese, Polynesian or Jewish? Sounds Japanese to me
now that I think about it. So why isn't your last name Japanese also? Are
you a mixed up mess? How did you come to be a Jew?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
DiscoDuck wrote:
> Actually it means a lot. It means the risks have been blown
> waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion.
> According to proponents, I should be dead by now or at least suffered a
> severe head injury. OR at least see legions of victims lying on the
> side of the road on a daily basis.
> How many people do you know that have suffered head injuries as a
> result of cycling?

Er, me?

The hospital, I'm sure, has me down as "unhelmeted cyclist, head
injuries". Fortunately the human skull is made of sterner stuff than
polystyrene hats and, scarring and a short mid-road kip aside, I'm fine.
"Not Responding" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> DiscoDuck wrote:
>> Actually it means a lot. It means the risks have been blown
>> waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion.
>> According to proponents, I should be dead by now or at least suffered a
>> severe head injury. OR at least see legions of victims lying on the
>> side of the road on a daily basis.
>> How many people do you know that have suffered head injuries as a
>> result of cycling?

> Er, me?
> The hospital, I'm sure, has me down as "unhelmeted cyclist, head
> injuries". Fortunately the human skull is made of sterner stuff than
> polystyrene hats and, scarring and a short mid-road kip aside, I'm fine.

You bet! As if a helmet wouldn't have given you some protection. But Hey! Go
ahead and continue to ride your bike without wearing a helmet and maybe next
time you will get your just deserts - death. Anyone as stupid as you who
does not learn from experience does not deserve to live, let alone to be
posting your nonsense to ARBR.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Edward Dolan ranted hysterically:
> You bet! As if a helmet wouldn't have given you some protection. But Hey! Go
> ahead and continue to ride your bike without wearing a helmet and maybe next
> time you will get your just deserts - death.

So - lets get this clear - someone who does not die deserves death as
their just reward for living. Right.

Anyone as stupid as you who
> does not learn from experience does not deserve to live, let alone to be
> posting your nonsense to ARBR.

Whereas someone as stupid as you: too clue-proof to understand any of
the the various studies that have been cited; any of the evidence that
is available; any of the conclusive demonstrations of the very limited
difference it makes to anyone's survival chances if they strap a feeble
lump of expanded polystyrene on top of their head; you are the shining
example and authority we should follow. Yeh, right.

Joe * If I cannot be free I'll be cheap
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Not Responding" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>DiscoDuck wrote:
>>>Actually it means a lot. It means the risks have been blown
>>>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion.
>>>According to proponents, I should be dead by now or at least suffered a
>>>severe head injury. OR at least see legions of victims lying on the
>>>side of the road on a daily basis.
>>>How many people do you know that have suffered head injuries as a
>>>result of cycling?

>>Er, me?
>>The hospital, I'm sure, has me down as "unhelmeted cyclist, head
>>injuries". Fortunately the human skull is made of sterner stuff than
>>polystyrene hats and, scarring and a short mid-road kip aside, I'm fine.

> You bet! As if a helmet wouldn't have given you some protection. But Hey! Go
> ahead and continue to ride your bike without wearing a helmet and maybe next
> time you will get your just deserts - death. Anyone as stupid as you who
> does not learn from experience does not deserve to live, let alone to be
> posting your nonsense to ARBR.

Damn. Just noticed that this is being crossposted all over the shop.
Including the land of the once-free across the pond.

But in response to your obviously knee jerk reaction:

Sure, a helmet would have protected me from the minor injuries I
received. But then, had I been prohibited from cycling without a helmet,
I would have been in the car anyway. Minor injury free myself, but a
liability in terms of public safety.
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Not Responding" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> You bet! As if a helmet wouldn't have given you some protection. But

Hey! Go
> ahead and continue to ride your bike without wearing a helmet and

maybe next
> time you will get your just deserts - death.

I have been riding without a helmet for over 30 years Edward boy.
Again you are wrong, and proved by my riding of a bike without a helmet
and millions of others.

Wrong wrong wrong again Edward. Don't you get tired of being wrong so
often? Let me guess you are going for a record.
"JLB" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan ranted hysterically:
> [snip]
>> You bet! As if a helmet wouldn't have given you some protection. But Hey!
>> Go ahead and continue to ride your bike without wearing a helmet and
>> maybe next time you will get your just deserts - death.

> So - lets get this clear - someone who does not die deserves death as
> their just reward for living. Right.

Pure gobbledygook!

> Anyone as stupid as you who
>> does not learn from experience does not deserve to live, let alone to be
>> posting your nonsense to ARBR.

> Whereas someone as stupid as you: too clue-proof to understand any of the
> the various studies that have been cited; any of the evidence that is
> available; any of the conclusive demonstrations of the very limited
> difference it makes to anyone's survival chances if they strap a feeble
> lump of expanded polystyrene on top of their head; you are the shining
> example and authority we should follow. Yeh, right.

All those so-called studies are nothing but ****. Anyone with any common
sense knows that a helmet is going to afford some protection. You are too
stupid for me to waste time on. Get lost why don't you.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Not Responding" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "Not Responding" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>DiscoDuck wrote:
>>>>Actually it means a lot. It means the risks have been blown
>>>>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion.
>>>>According to proponents, I should be dead by now or at least suffered a
>>>>severe head injury. OR at least see legions of victims lying on the
>>>>side of the road on a daily basis.
>>>>How many people do you know that have suffered head injuries as a
>>>>result of cycling?
>>>Er, me?
>>>The hospital, I'm sure, has me down as "unhelmeted cyclist, head
>>>injuries". Fortunately the human skull is made of sterner stuff than
>>>polystyrene hats and, scarring and a short mid-road kip aside, I'm fine.

>> You bet! As if a helmet wouldn't have given you some protection. But Hey!
>> Go ahead and continue to ride your bike without wearing a helmet and
>> maybe next time you will get your just deserts - death. Anyone as stupid
>> as you who does not learn from experience does not deserve to live, let
>> alone to be posting your nonsense to ARBR.

> Damn. Just noticed that this is being crossposted all over the shop.
> Including the land of the once-free across the pond.
> But in response to your obviously knee jerk reaction:
> Sure, a helmet would have protected me from the minor injuries I received.
> But then, had I been prohibited from cycling without a helmet, I would
> have been in the car anyway. Minor injury free myself, but a liability in
> terms of public safety.

Totally illogical nonsense. I only suspected you were an idiot, but now you
have confirmed my suspicion. Congratulations!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:02:02 -0600, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>

>You bet! As if a helmet wouldn't have given you some protection. But Hey! Go
>ahead and continue to ride your bike without wearing a helmet and maybe next
>time you will get your just deserts - death. Anyone as stupid as you who
>does not learn from experience does not deserve to live, let alone to be
>posting your nonsense to ARBR.

Like I've said before, some people are not intelligent enough to
realise that common sense is sometimes lacking in all aspects save the
common part!

And as for cycling across the Sahara, I'm not sure if I'd get too hot
in a helmet.
"DiscoDuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "Not Responding" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> You bet! As if a helmet wouldn't have given you some protection. But

> Hey! Go
>> ahead and continue to ride your bike without wearing a helmet and

> maybe next
>> time you will get your just deserts - death.

> I have been riding without a helmet for over 30 years Edward boy.
> Again you are wrong, and proved by my riding of a bike without a helmet
> and millions of others.
> Wrong wrong wrong again Edward. Don't you get tired of being wrong so
> often? Let me guess you are going for a record.

You do not understand statistics. The reason you do not understand
statistics is because you are an idiot. I pray that you will get hit by a
motor vehicle and that you will get knocked on your stupid head. That is the
only way you will ever get any sense knocked into you.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Richard Bates" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:02:02 -0600, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>You bet! As if a helmet wouldn't have given you some protection. But Hey!
>>ahead and continue to ride your bike without wearing a helmet and maybe
>>time you will get your just deserts - death. Anyone as stupid as you who
>>does not learn from experience does not deserve to live, let alone to be
>>posting your nonsense to ARBR.

> Like I've said before, some people are not intelligent enough to
> realise that common sense is sometimes lacking in all aspects save the
> common part!
> And as for cycling across the Sahara, I'm not sure if I'd get too hot
> in a helmet.

You do not want to cycle across the Sahara; you want to trek across the
Sahara. We humans are designed for trekking, not cycling. Let us go then,
you and I, from Algiers to Timbuktu. No camels either. Just you and I
trekking across the Sahara. It has always been my desire to die in Timbuktu.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota