An experiment to prove the helmet law proponants RIGHT (or wrong)

Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Tamyka Bell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> ne
> You editied the previous messge too severely. I have taken many members of
> ARBR to the proverbial wood shed for commiting this very greivous sin. Here
> is what you left out and what my message was all about:
> Dave wrote:
>>What was that 1 in 4 congressmen in the US has a passport? Explains the

> sophisticated world view.
> Now my response should began to make some sense. Reading well is even more
> important than writing well.
> Dave was trying to make the point that Australians have a more sophisticated
> view of the world than do Americans because some American congressman do not
> even have passports. How totally absurd.

> I was of course saying it was irrelevant whether or not American congressmen
> have passports or not (for all I know they may travel about the world
> without needing any passport)

Hence the words "Diplomatic passport"
What they do have pretty much is free travel. Sooo one in 4 go
abroad... with free travel.. Ahhuh. Now we begin to understand the
sophisticated nature of American foreign policy

because Americans are found in large numbers
> all over the world. That is not true of Australians because Australia is a
> second rate power.

First rate special forces tho.

Then I noted that there do seem to be some Australians
> who run up to Thailand and other near by countries for their vacations. If
> that is true, then I guess we can conclude that Australia is not exactly the
> paradise vacation spot of the world. I also implied that it is not
> sophisticated to go to Thailand for the sex to be found there if that is why
> they are going there.
> It is hilarious how the rest of the world thinks Americans are naive and not
> sophisticated in the ways of the world. Nothing could be further from the
> truth. Americans left all that behind a century ago at least, thanks to the
> European penchant for getting the entire world involved in their civil wars
> (WWI and WWII).

MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Japan.. Pearl Harbour. Macarthor winding up
in...Melbourne.. Seems to me the US was somewhat involved in that
little tiff... and had very little choice.

We are at war now.. and some consider the Americans dragged us in.
> Elementary, my dear Watson!

Yup. The killfile is looking pretty good.

Richard wrote:
> dave wrote:
>> That would be magpie strikes... maybe taps from branches. A mate
>> got in a fight one.. in which his helmet was clobbered... and in fact
>> fell appart..

> In which case it failed. Helmets are designed to absorb impact by
> plastic deformation of the polystyrene inner, not brittle fracture. It
> absorbed far less energy in the latter mode.

Richard they will ALL fail if belted. You produce the helmet and I will
demonstrate :) Its why I have little faith in them :)

But my friend considers it saved him some damage.. So he considers it

How is printer :)

Edward Dolan wrote:
> "dave" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>Edward Dolan wrote:
>>>"dave" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>news:[email protected]...
>>>>Edward Dolan wrote:
>>>>>Dave, the solution to all your problems with legislation is to become a
>>>>>law giver yourself, provided you have the brains to win an election.
>>>>>Once you are a legislator you will soon discover just how smart you have
>>>>>to be in order to stay on top of things. Even run for City Council. That
>>>>>is a good place to start.
>>>>>When you are sitting in a seat of power the very first thing you will
>>>>>discover is that there is a history to every law under the sun and that
>>>>>there are good and sufficient reasons for every bit of legislation.You
>>>>>will have to think twice and more before you start to change anything.
>>>>>You will be humbled by what it takes to be a legislator.
>>>>>Best of luck to you in your new career as a law giver.
>>>>What was that 1 in 4 congressmen in the US has a passport? Explains the
>>>>sophisticated world view.
>>>Americans, like Australians, occupy a continental size country. We are
>>>not like England and all those tiny European nations. Funny you don't
>>>appreciate that fact. But then it is my understanding that Aussies are
>>>all the time running up to places like Thailand for the sex pots there.
>>>Hells Bells! Maybe if I were stuck in Australia I would want to run off
>>>to some other country too.
>>>America is the New Rome whether you like it or not. Americans are to be
>>>found all over the world in rather large numbers. Try to control your
>>>envy as that is one of the least attractive vices.

>>Envy? Oh Ed I don;t envy you. I promise you that.

> Not me you dunderhead - America and Americans and the fact that we are a
> first rate power in the world and Australia is a second rate power in the
> world, sort of on the level of Costa Rica. That is what you need to control
> your envy about.

Still no envy Ed. Sorry.
> But I sure do agree with you about one thing: you stay in Australia and I
> will stay in America and may we never meet this side of Hell!

Sorry Ed.. got a mate in Minnasotta.
Not making you any promises. cept never to buy you a beer.

hippy wrote:

> You know, if you put as much effort into lobbying for better cycling
> conditions as you do writing usenet comedy, we'd all be better off.

Assuming he was just as successful, no we wouldn't, unless this is a
different use of the word "comedy" that implies no humorous content...

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
net [email protected]
"Peter Clinch" <[email protected]> wrote
> hippy wrote:
>> You know, if you put as much effort into lobbying for better cycling
>> conditions as you do writing usenet comedy, we'd all be better off.

> Assuming he was just as successful, no we wouldn't, unless this is a
> different use of the word "comedy" that implies no humorous content...

Ever watched a movie that was supposed to be taken
seriously, but was so ridiculous it was funny? If so, you
know what I'm getting at, if not, tough. :p

Edward Dolan wrote:
> "dave" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>Edward Dolan wrote:

> [...]
>>>It is hilarious how the rest of the world thinks Americans are naive and
>>>not sophisticated in the ways of the world. Nothing could be further from
>>>the truth. Americans left all that behind a century ago at least, thanks
>>>to the European penchant for getting the entire world involved in their
>>>civil wars (WWI and WWII).

>>MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Japan.. Pearl Harbour. Macarthor winding up
>>in...Melbourne.. Seems to me the US was somewhat involved in that little
>>tiff... and had very little choice.

> Who knows what Japan might have done or might not have done if a war had not
> been raging in Europe.

The moment the US blocked of the Japanese access to oil and other
resources.. the Japanese were going to war with the US. The evidence
is very strong. It was obvious to many people at the time that war with
Japan was coming.. The US pursuing very much an isolationalist policy
even tho Rosevelt himself was very much not in favour of such a policy
missed lots of clues. Probably its Senators should have traveled more.

> The wars of the past century caused Britain to lose her Empire. Europe too
> was no longer center stage after those wars. The US grew stronger and became
> a super power as a result of those wars. That is the difference.

Britain gained its empire as a result of previous wars. With Spain and
France. Who knows what the future holds.
>>We are at war now.. and some consider the Americans dragged us in.

> I give Australia and Great Britain a lot of credit for entering into the war
> on the side of the US. But I also know that most of the common folk of those
> two nations are not for the war.

The reason for this is that they want the
> US to carry the entire burden of maintaining law and order in the world. I
> guess that is what comes of being the sole remaining super power in the
> world.

Possibly true. Then again some of us are so unimpressed by the charm,
grace and intelligence of the american worldview.. we just dont like
> Yup. The coward's way out, whether here on AB or ARBR. Like I said in a
> previous message, people are everywhere the same.

Na. Just only so much time for silliness

Edward Dolan wrote:
> "dave" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>Edward Dolan wrote:

> [...]
>>>But I sure do agree with you about one thing: you stay in Australia and I
>>>will stay in America and may we never meet this side of Hell!

>>Sorry Ed.. got a mate in Minnasotta.
>>Not making you any promises. cept never to buy you a beer.

> Beer is for the young and uncultivated barbarians. Us civilized
> sophisticated gentlemen of the world prefer wine, the nectar of the Gods.
> Try to get up to speed why don't you?

Yeah yank beer is pretty ****
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "dave" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >> "Tamyka Bell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> news:p[email protected]...

> [...]
> >> Also, what kind of name is Tamyka? Sounds aborigine to me. Bell is

> >> but Tamyka is weird and freakish! Were your parents crazy or what?
> >>

> > sounds cute and sexy to me..
> > And since like you I care naught for anyone elses opinion.

> Still, it is big mistake to saddle one's children with a weird or a funny
> name. What is cute and sexy when you are a child or a teenager is seldom
> cute and sexy when you are full grown. I once knew a crazy woman who named
> her twin girls Dawn and Fawn. That was an incredibly stupid thing to do.

> have to imagine Dawn and Fawn as big fat ugly 30 year old ladies with

> like that. Children ought to be able to sue their parents for giving them

> bad name. Frankly, if I didn't like my name I would have changed it

> But David and Edward are classic names, so we never had anything to fear
> from the moment we were named. Thank God for sensible parents. Cute and

> is for the birds.
> --
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota

I can honestly say that Tamyka is one of the most amazing people I've met on
the internet.
Do a search on her and you'll discover she's a poet, a photographer, an
acrobat, an athlete, a soldier and a physicist.
What a wonderful person!
To name your daughter Tamyka would have to be one of the best things you can
do for her.

Andrew Reddaway wrote:

> ...
> Seems to me that you'll [Ed Dolan] adopt whatever position you like, just to be
> controversial....

Hot Dog! We have a Wiener!

Tom Sherman - Near Rock Island
Edward Dolan wrote:

> ...
> Ever hear of original sin? Adam and Eve?...


Tom Sherman - Near Rock Island
What makes you think he knows anything about cycling? I seriously doubt he's
been on a bike in years if ever

"hippy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I see the comedian is still going...
> You know, if you put as much effort into lobbying for better cycling
> conditions as you do writing usenet comedy, we'd all be better off.
> hippy
"hippy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]
>> Still, it is big mistake to saddle one's children with a weird or a funny
>> name. What is cute and sexy when you are a child or a teenager is seldom
>> cute and sexy when you are full grown. I once knew a crazy woman who
>> named her twin girls Dawn and Fawn. That was an incredibly stupid thing
>> to do. You have to imagine Dawn and Fawn as big fat ugly 30 year old
>> ladies with names like that. Children ought to be able to sue their
>> parents for giving them a bad name. Frankly, if I didn't like my name I
>> would have changed it myself.
>> But David and Edward are classic names, so we never had anything to fear
>> from the moment we were named. Thank God for sensible parents. Cute and
>> sexy is for the birds.

> I see the comedian is still going...
> You know, if you put as much effort into lobbying for better cycling
> conditions as you do writing usenet comedy, we'd all be better off.

I am always being deadly serious. It is just that no one is accustomed to
hearing the truth, and so when they do hear it they can't believe what they
are hearing. Liberals especially are so into being politically correct about
everything that they do not know the truth even when it hits them full in
the face.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota

"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> What makes you think he knows anything about cycling? I seriously doubt
> he's
> been on a bike in years if ever
> "hippy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> I see the comedian is still going...
>> You know, if you put as much effort into lobbying for better cycling
>> conditions as you do writing usenet comedy, we'd all be better off.
>> hippy

Everyone in Australia please note the absence of a period at the end of
Leuck's last sentence. That is his hallmark - and it is the hallmark of an
idiot. When confronted with these types, it is best to just call them jerks
and slobs and idiots and let it go at that. However, he does occasionally
hold to some good conservative views, so I can't totally dismiss him as I
would a liberal idiot. But I will admit conservatives can be idiots too.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Marty Wallace" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "dave" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > Edward Dolan wrote:
>> >> "Tamyka Bell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> >> news:p[email protected]...

>> [...]
>> >> Also, what kind of name is Tamyka? Sounds aborigine to me. Bell is

> fine,
>> >> but Tamyka is weird and freakish! Were your parents crazy or what?
>> >>
>> > sounds cute and sexy to me..
>> > And since like you I care naught for anyone elses opinion.

>> Still, it is big mistake to saddle one's children with a weird or a funny
>> name. What is cute and sexy when you are a child or a teenager is seldom
>> cute and sexy when you are full grown. I once knew a crazy woman who
>> named
>> her twin girls Dawn and Fawn. That was an incredibly stupid thing to do.

> You
>> have to imagine Dawn and Fawn as big fat ugly 30 year old ladies with

> names
>> like that. Children ought to be able to sue their parents for giving them

> a
>> bad name. Frankly, if I didn't like my name I would have changed it

> myself.
>> But David and Edward are classic names, so we never had anything to fear
>> from the moment we were named. Thank God for sensible parents. Cute and

> sexy
>> is for the birds.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota

> I can honestly say that Tamyka is one of the most amazing people I've met
> on
> the internet.
> Do a search on her and you'll discover she's a poet, a photographer, an
> acrobat, an athlete, a soldier and a physicist.
> What a wonderful person!
> To name your daughter Tamyka would have to be one of the best things you
> can
> do for her.

Well, she may sit at the left hand of God Almighty (I sit at the right hand
of God Almighty), but it is still a stupid name. Or maybe it just the
spelling of it that is stupid.

By the way, no one but no one reads poetry anymore. Furthermore, if she is
an athlete, a soldier and a physicist, she must be more male than female.
Why the hell don't women pursue womanly things and leave the manly things to
us men. Don't women know that their place is in the kitchen, the nursery,
and the church (but not as clergy of course). Jeez ... this is just all so


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Andrew Reddaway wrote:
>> ...
>> Seems to me that you'll [Ed Dolan] adopt whatever position you like, just
>> to be
>> controversial....

There is method in my madness. What at first appears to be an inconsistency
will on closer reflection reveal itself as being perfectly consistent. I
only seem controversial because I am speaking eternal truths, not the
political corruptness stuff that everyone else is into.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
On Fri, 21 Jan 2005, Edward Dolan wrote:

> "Marty Wallace" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> >>
> >> "dave" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> news:[email protected]...
> >> > Edward Dolan wrote:
> >> >> "Tamyka Bell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> >> news:p[email protected]...
> >> [...]
> >> >> Also, what kind of name is Tamyka? Sounds aborigine to me. Bell is

> > fine,
> >> >> but Tamyka is weird and freakish! Were your parents crazy or what?
> >> >>
> >> > sounds cute and sexy to me..
> >> > And since like you I care naught for anyone elses opinion.
> >>
> >> Still, it is big mistake to saddle one's children with a weird or a funny
> >> name. What is cute and sexy when you are a child or a teenager is seldom
> >> cute and sexy when you are full grown. I once knew a crazy woman who
> >> named
> >> her twin girls Dawn and Fawn. That was an incredibly stupid thing to do.

> > You
> >> have to imagine Dawn and Fawn as big fat ugly 30 year old ladies with

> > names
> >> like that. Children ought to be able to sue their parents for giving them

> > a
> >> bad name. Frankly, if I didn't like my name I would have changed it

> > myself.
> >>
> >> But David and Edward are classic names, so we never had anything to fear
> >> from the moment we were named. Thank God for sensible parents. Cute and

> > sexy
> >> is for the birds.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota

> >
> > I can honestly say that Tamyka is one of the most amazing people I've met
> > on
> > the internet.
> > Do a search on her and you'll discover she's a poet, a photographer, an
> > acrobat, an athlete, a soldier and a physicist.
> > What a wonderful person!
> > To name your daughter Tamyka would have to be one of the best things you
> > can
> > do for her.

> Well, she may sit at the left hand of God Almighty (I sit at the right hand
> of God Almighty), but it is still a stupid name. Or maybe it just the
> spelling of it that is stupid.
> By the way, no one but no one reads poetry anymore. Furthermore, if she is
> an athlete, a soldier and a physicist, she must be more male than female.
> Why the hell don't women pursue womanly things and leave the manly things to
> us men. Don't women know that their place is in the kitchen, the nursery,
> and the church (but not as clergy of course). Jeez ... this is just all so
> elementary!
> --
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota

Dear Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota

If women didn't pursue athletic activities, who would do the splits?

Richard wrote:
> dkahn400 wrote:
>> Richard wrote:
>>> A cotton t-shirt "reduces the damage" from a bullet, since it must
>>> absorb some energy as the bullet hits it. Do you think that a
>>> cotton t-shirt is adequate protection against being shot?

>> If you've not read Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin novels then you
>> don't know what you're missing. If you have then you will recall that
>> whenever Stephen "went out" with pistols he preferred to strip to the
>> waist as he knew all too well how difficult it was to clean a wound
>> where fragments of cloth had been carried in by the ball.
>> Another example of the wrongness of the idea that any protection,
>> however slight, must be better than nothing.

> Going completely tangential, however, I once came upon a report that
> suggested that the ancient Chinese used silk undergarments when
> fighting. The idea was that when hit by an arrow, the silk wouldn't be
> cut, merely deform and enter the wound. One could then remove both
> arrow and silk by gentle pressure, leaving a clean wound free of bits of
> crud, that would heal more quickly.
> R.

Hmmmmmm. Well I have an 80 pound compound bow here.. I think that it
wont work but if you wanna set up the experiment. (I would suggest with
a sandbag) I think its a fable :)

"dave" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "hippy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]
>>>>Still, it is big mistake to saddle one's children with a weird or a
>>>>funny name. What is cute and sexy when you are a child or a teenager is
>>>>seldom cute and sexy when you are full grown. I once knew a crazy woman
>>>>who named her twin girls Dawn and Fawn. That was an incredibly stupid
>>>>thing to do. You have to imagine Dawn and Fawn as big fat ugly 30 year
>>>>old ladies with names like that. Children ought to be able to sue their
>>>>parents for giving them a bad name. Frankly, if I didn't like my name I
>>>>would have changed it myself.
>>>>But David and Edward are classic names, so we never had anything to fear
>>>>from the moment we were named. Thank God for sensible parents. Cute and
>>>>sexy is for the birds.
>>>I see the comedian is still going...
>>>You know, if you put as much effort into lobbying for better cycling
>>>conditions as you do writing usenet comedy, we'd all be better off.

>> I am always being deadly serious. It is just that no one is accustomed to
>> hearing the truth, and so when they do hear it they can't believe what
>> they are hearing. Liberals especially are so into being politically
>> correct about everything that they do not know the truth even when it
>> hits them full in the face.

> half right.
> No one can believe what they are hearing
> and David is a great name.
> So thats two things right.

And I think we can all agree that a name like Tamyka is foolish, weird,
nonsensical and idiotic. Parents should look up something about the history
of names before they go off and just name their children any old thing that
pops into their stupid heads. I feel very sorry for Tamyka who was saddled
with a name that should not even be inflicted on a cat.

Your Sara, the girl in London who you so admire, is perfectly acceptable as
a good name. I mean it is nihil obstat, unlike Tamyka.

Aren't you glad there are great souls in this world like me who can
pronounce on the most profound matters in the universe like proper names.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "Tamyka Bell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:p[email protected]...
>>On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, Edward Dolan wrote:
>>>The Iraqis are reaping what they have sown via their former tyrant,
>>>Hussein. I never entirely excuse a people for the kind of governance they
>>>have. If the Arabs had more love of freedom and democracy and less love
>>>tyrants and autocracy, maybe they wouldn't always be so miserable. But
>>>very first thing they have to do in order to enter the present century is
>>>reform their Muslim religion which is an abomination.

>>How much do you know about Islam? I mean, in contrast to what you
>>hear about extremists on the television. It is no more of an abomination
>>than any other faith. Or are you merely athiest?

> What is there to know? All you have to do is take note of their behavior in
> the world. They are nothing but trouble wherever they are found. The reason
> they are trouble is because of their religious beliefs. Muslims can only
> live with other Muslims - where only they can appreciate all the preying
> that goes on among themselves.
> If you are a Christian or a Jew, why not go to a Muslim country and try to
> live there and see how they treat you. Trust me on this - you won't like it.
> You will most likely be murdered. But that is ever the case with stupid
> Christians and Jews and others who think Islam is just another peaceful
> religion. It is actually a war like religion par excellence.
> Better yet, tell a Muslim that you are an atheist and you will most likely
> be dead before you hit the ground. You can only live in a Muslim country as
> a Muslim. If you decide to do this, you will enter the Middle Ages which the
> West left behind many hundreds of years ago. Lots of luck on your new
> adventurous life in Saudi Arabia.
> By the way, any Muslims in Australia?

But there must be more in america
Hell there are probably more in NYC.. driving cabs.
> Also, what kind of name is Tamyka? Sounds aborigine to me. Bell is fine, but
> Tamyka is weird and freakish! Were your parents crazy or what?

sounds cute and sexy to me..
And since like you I care naught for anyone elses opinion.


Richard wrote:
> dave wrote:
>>> Going completely tangential, however, I once came upon a report that
>>> suggested that the ancient Chinese used silk undergarments when
>>> fighting. The idea was that when hit by an arrow, the silk wouldn't
>>> be cut, merely deform and enter the wound. One could then remove
>>> both arrow and silk by gentle pressure, leaving a clean wound free of
>>> bits of crud, that would heal more quickly.

>> Hmmmmmm. Well I have an 80 pound compound bow here.. I think that
>> it wont work but if you wanna set up the experiment. (I would suggest
>> with a sandbag) I think its a fable :)

> Yes - hence my careful use of language ;-) Although I can see it
> working for low-energy impacts - the sort that weren't going to kill you
> outright anyhow. (And how do you 80lb pull guys ever get the arrows
> out of the straw? :)
> R.

Its like getting a 215 kg motorcycle onto its centrestand. It takes
strength and there is a trick to it. Mind you its been a while.
