Contador : No Giro 2009, No Vuelta 2009


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2004
This morning the BBC is reporting that Alberto Contador has said that he will not be riding either the Giro or the Vuelta in 2009.
Contador says that he "wants to concentrate solely on riding the 2009 TDF".
limerickman said:
This morning the BBC is reporting that Alberto Contador has said that he will not be riding either the Giro or the Vuelta in 2009.
Contador says that he "wants to concentrate solely on riding the 2009 TDF".
Now that Contador says he will not ride the Giro, will Armstrong come out and say he's not riding the Tour? This would surely clear the way for Armstrong to be the main man for the Giro and Contador main man at the Tour, so avoiding any messy internal politics in the Astana camp...
Tor said:
Now that Contador says he will not ride the Giro, will Armstrong come out and say he's not riding the Tour? This would surely clear the way for Armstrong to be the main man for the Giro and Contador main man at the Tour, so avoiding any messy internal politics in the Astana camp...
There's no question Armstrong will be Astana leader in Giro. The question is will he make agreement with ASO for the Tour.
limerickman said:
This morning the BBC is reporting that Alberto Contador has said that he will not be riding either the Giro or the Vuelta in 2009.
Contador says that he "wants to concentrate solely on riding the 2009 TDF".
He's saying to Brunyeel and Armstrong through the press that he's the leader for the Tour. Easier than waiting for the discussions at the January training camp. And besides, it might look a bit suspect if he was to race and win all three grand tours next year. Winning two this year was dodgy enough, three would be greedy, and a little obvious.
If Lance is in shape and as good as before he will and should be the man in the tour. Sorry Alberto, life sucks.
azdroptop said:
If Lance is in shape and as good as before he will and should be the man in the tour. Sorry Alberto, life sucks.
as before what?
Before his cancer ? He was a rider who didn't finish his 2 frst TDF, the third he was around 1H30 behind the winner, losing at least 15-20mn each mountain stages and 5-6 mn at a long ITT.

With no PED, EPO and blood he will never win a TDF.

With the same pharma as Contador and the Astana boys... maybe.
poulidor said:
as before what?
Before his cancer ? He was a rider who didn't finish his 2 frst TDF, the third he was around 1H30 behind the winner, losing at least 15-20mn each mountain stages and 5-6 mn at a long ITT.

With no PED, EPO and blood he will never win a TDF.

With the same pharma as Contador and the Astana boys... maybe.

Proooobably he means the time before he quit. It's true that without PEDs he won't (probably) win the Tour, though you can't say for certain because you can't be certain about anything in cycling nowadays...
Tor said:
Now that Contador says he will not ride the Giro, will Armstrong come out and say he's not riding the Tour? This would surely clear the way for Armstrong to be the main man for the Giro and Contador main man at the Tour, so avoiding any messy internal politics in the Astana camp...

When you think about it, Armstrong won't have to do any public announcements. They've probably arranged all the things man-to-man with Bruyneel. Might be so that Contador doesn't even know what's coming in 2009 and that's why he's making all these announcements so that the team couldn't plan anything for him.
I'd say no matter what Armstrongs race plans are, Contador will race the Tour with the aim to win it even if Armstrong does end up riding it (with the majority of team support behind LA).
Trev_S said:
I'd say no matter what Armstrongs race plans are, Contador will race the Tour with the aim to win it even if Armstrong does end up riding it (with the majority of team support behind LA).
Whole this speculation about Armstrong and Contador in the Tour is little bit strange to me. Contador will kick Armstrong's ass if they're on same program in July, so he should ride for himself no matter what Bruyneel says.
Second, they're not the only two contenders for the win. I'll cheer for Andy Schleck (if a doper has to win - let it be a doper with talent and lieutenant experience).
Third, it's not certain Armstrong will start the Tour.
I tend to think Contador will be better at the Tour than Armstrong, plus it's not a given that Contador will win it anyway as there are others who will also be competative.

I think most of the focus being around Contador/Armstrong for the simple reason that Contador couldn't race the Tour in 08 but went on to win the Giro and Vuelta, so is seen as the strongest grand tour rider at the moment and Armstrong simply because it's Armstrong, his name always creates lots of noise.
It sort of generates a Contador v's Armstrong.
Andrija said:
Whole this speculation about Armstrong and Contador in the Tour is little bit strange to me. Contador will kick Armstrong's ass if they're on same program in July, so he should ride for himself no matter what Bruyneel says.
Second, they're not the only two contenders for the win. I'll cheer for Andy Schleck (if a doper has to win - let it be a doper with talent and lieutenant experience).
Third, it's not certain Armstrong will start the Tour.
I'm not saying they're the only 2 contenders but the politics in the Astana camp and the continual rumours as to who's doing what make it interesting, if maybe pointless, to speculate on what's going on in there just now.
And if we're declaring allegiances, I'll be cheering Andy Schleck too.