Does Lance have a chance in the TDF?

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New Member
Apr 2, 2005
As a casual cycling fan and not being able to watch any of the giro here in the U.S.A. I was wondering how Lance performed?

Does he have any chance at winning the Tour? Like I said...i do not know the sport well. And I am not looking for a bunch of wise cracks...but it seems a lot of people on this board know the sport quite well.

Just looking for your opinion on whether lance could be a factor in winning the tour this year?

steve26 said:
As a casual cycling fan and not being able to watch any of the giro here in the U.S.A. I was wondering how Lance performed?

Does he have any chance at winning the Tour? Like I said...i do not know the sport well. And I am not looking for a bunch of wise cracks...but it seems a lot of people on this board know the sport quite well.

Just looking for your opinion on whether lance could be a factor in winning the tour this year?

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