Feedback on Lance's gut...

Doctor.House said:
Steroids + food - mileage = weight gain!
really? you're telling me that when you take steroids and eat and drink more and ride less miles you can gain weight? i wonder if the same thing can happen even if you don't take steroids. that would explain the mysterious bulge that appears on my belly every winter. hmmm....something to think about. thanks you've been a real help!

i'm surprised house didn't notice that LA had a camelbak AND two water bottles and make some outlandish doping claims because of that.
This thing has to be Photoshopped. Remember when Amstrong was dissing Lemond for being fat and saying that would never happen to him after he retired? He looks like he's been training for a beer drinking competition. Maybe he can show up in New York next July 4th and compete in the Nathan's hotdog eating contest. Those Japanese speed eaters need to be slapped down
cheapie said:
really? you're telling me that when you take steroids and eat and drink more and ride less miles you can gain weight? i wonder if the same thing can happen even if you don't take steroids. that would explain the mysterious bulge that appears on my belly every winter. hmmm....something to think about. thanks you've been a real help!

More jealous non-doping rumors. Don't believe it. Once a doper--always a doper.

Plenty of fat guys use drugs.
Doctor.House said:
More jealous non-doping rumors. Don't believe it. Once a doper--always a doper.

Plenty of fat guys use drugs.
what are you talking about? jealous non-doping rumors? that you can get fat just by eating more and riding less? i don't even know what your point is!
cheapie said:
what are you talking about? jealous non-doping rumors? that you can get fat just by eating more and riding less? i don't even know what your point is!
Trollboy doesn't have a point. His incomprehensible posting style make me suspect Doctor.House has been using some dope himself.
Bro Deal said:
This thing has to be Photoshopped. Remember when Amstrong was dissing Lemond for being fat and saying that would never happen to him after he retired? He looks like he's been training for a beer drinking competition. Maybe he can show up in New York next July 4th and compete in the Nathan's hotdog eating contest. Those Japanese speed eaters need to be slapped down
Genius Bro! Lance moves on to set up a team of crack lard-asses. He's got a few ex teammates without jobs who could help. Tyler and Roberto need fattening up anyway and Flandis could cover the booze competitions.
whiteboytrash said:
Looks big... sucking it in... arms have become huge... legs look like a cab driver's......
That's not Lance, it's David Hassellhof
Bro Deal said:
Trollboy doesn't have a point. His incomprehensible posting style make me suspect Doctor.House has been using some dope himself.
Many of my readers need Ritalin for their ADD.
Lance was on the colbert report not too long ago... let's just say I highly doubt it's possible for anyone to put that much weight on in so little time...
Tim Lamkin said:
It is photo chop

Yep agree with this, it is a photo shop, look at his neck on the right hand side as your looking at it, it goes a different colour :D , nice try but no cigar.
Doctor.House said:
More jealous non-doping rumors. Don't believe it. Once a doper--always a doper.

Plenty of fat guys use drugs.

Dear Doctor.House,

You're a does.

That is all.

As you were.

Actually he is a sad pathetic boy who’s childhood has revolved around lies and parents that don’t play with him, his mother used drugs and his dad is a dealer….so he cannot make up his mind what he wants to be, when and if he ever grows up :eek:
ad9898 said:
Yep agree with this, it is a photo shop, look at his neck on the right hand side as your looking at it, it goes a different colour :D , nice try but no cigar.
Amateur photoshoppers can never quite compensate for having to blow up the size of the inserted image to fully cover the backdrop. Armstrong has a huge ego, but even his head isn't that big.