So what's the problem here?


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
In my entire life, I've never been negatively affected by any of the following:

1. Date-raped young women having abortions.

2. Same-sex couples in loving relationships getting married.

3. Impoverished people from Mexico coming here to toil hard for a better existence.

I know exactly where our problems originate. Every day, we're harmed by this country being run exclusively for the benefit of mammon-worshipping monopoly capitalists who routinely engage in the worst profits-before-people exploitation imaginable. Our entire culture is corrupted as a result.

Since we're doing things by the numbers, let's list three "qualities" conservatives invariably display:

1. Busting labor unions, thereby keeping workers in lousy jobs with rotten pay, nonexistent benefits, and dangerous shop-floor conditions.

2. Perpetually thwarting federal minimum wage hikes -- or an actual "living" wage -- which causes worsening American peonage that reactionary blame shifters are now trying to pin on undocumented immigrants.

3. Making sure profitable corporations and wealthy individuals don't pay fair taxes, thus forcing typical workaday souls to increasingly shoulder the cost of government, from fixing potholes to securing homeland defense.

Republicans are like depraved illusionists. They run siphon hoses from our wallets into corporate coffers. Then, on Fox News, they wave a wand and utter ridiculous incantations, hoping we'll think somebody else is stealing our money. Or making our lives and society harder, poorer, and less moral.
Wurm said:
In my entire life, I've never been negatively affected by any of the following:

3. Impoverished people from Mexico (or other 3rd world hell-hole) coming here to toil hard for a better existence (but who are not paying taxes, but ARE draining healthcare resources, receiving federal aid while working full-time jobs, and who do not integrate into our culture).
...of course, why would they integrate when they can come hear and get more benifits than a citizen but have none of the responsability?!

I agree with your other points; Same sex marriage and abortion are religiously fueled issues for those who oppose them, and I don't agree with that. I do support womens rights and gay rights...

... but this illegal immigration thing DOES affect me EVERY DAY. I work in the trades and work very hard, I might add. I pay for comprehensive and liability insurance from my own income, I CANNOT afford health-insurance, I pay my income tax, and I lose work to immigrants who DO NOT have insurance, get healthcare via welfare or some other 'charitable' means, and DO NOT pay their income taxes, so they can underbid my prices... and they DO! It is a problem many of the tradesmen and builders where I live are dealing with. It astounds me that so many honest, hard workers can be nearly drivin out of work by illegal immigration... and I live in a rural area in New England... nowhere near the borders.

don't let propaganda get to you: My first job was washing dishes in a restaraunt at age 16... many 16 yr. olds around this area would still do it if they could, but cannot... the jobs are taken. Illegal immigrants are NOT 'doing the jobs Americans are unwilling to do'; Illegal immigrants are doing the jobs Americans can't afford to do since American citizens have to pay their taxes!!! And they are moving into the bigger businesses... In this area the trades are the only type of employment a non-college educated man can do and make a decent living; and the trades are being OVERRUN by illegal immigrants.

I know 10 people off hand who have had to move to another state specifically to find work that has not been taken by illegal immigrants. I am contemplating it myself! I grew up here and in my short 32 years things have gone from good to BAD... and they are only going to get worse.

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a xenophobe... LEGAL immigration is FINE... but this whole euphomism about 'undocumented guest workers' is a complete crock. This is my HOME and I don't wan't to have to leave for not being able to afford to stay... all the while illegal immigrants are moving here in droves... it's goddamn sad.
They run siphon hoses from our wallets into corporate coffers.

thanks for your contribution. please work harder and contribute more. i'll be sure to install a larger siphon hose.
astroluc said:
...of course, why would they integrate when they can come hear and get more benifits than a citizen but have none of the responsability?!
Where/how are they supposedly getting all of these free gov't bennies? Or is this just another bogus "Welfare Cadillac" stereotype?

As for jobs for non-college educated Murkuns, they started to go away long ago, in the '70's right around the time of the oil "crisis", and when Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard. Those job losses were accelerated with Clinton & the Repigs' NAFTA and GATT treaties, and got even worse with Bu$hCo behind the wheel.

It's the race to the bottom ("globalization") that is the problem, not the people's - whether they're immigrants or citizens - that are scrambling for the few jobs left.