Xes - Message Board

Jacques Dupont said:
Well my last sponsor in France way back in 1975 was Gan Mercier. The pink bike was unfortunately stolen:eek: (in between time it had been to Martinique and came back on a banana boat), the jersey may be knocking around somewhere but as amateurs we had no pink bits on the sleeves, just blue and white, but I still have the tracksuit top and sometimes wear it!!!
Can't you get HK to give us some input on this forum?
Oh well mines got the pink bits on, a Pony logo, and is made out of superb material which stretches sideways and never rides up my back.
I had my CA jersey, but someone stole it. I'm sure that one of my sons mates nicked it out of the house.
I speak to HK at least once a week, and tell him to join us, he's out every night doing something, but he works from home now making his crowns and bridges. I tell him he's got no excuse. I'll get him one day.
FredC said:
Oh well mines got the pink bits on, a Pony logo, and is made out of superb material which stretches sideways and never rides up my back.
I had my CA jersey, but someone stole it. I'm sure that one of my sons mates nicked it out of the house.
I speak to HK at least once a week, and tell him to join us, he's out every night doing something, but he works from home now making his crowns and bridges. I tell him he's got no excuse. I'll get him one day.
I think the pony may be "chocolat poulain".
In 1965 AT, PC and myself had matching pink Pennines built my JM.
bikeriderfrance said:
La Marmotte is one of the toughest one-day cycling events in the World. "Only" 174km, but almost 17,000 feet of climbing. The event goes over the col de la Croix de fer, col du Telegraphe, col du Galibier and finishes at the top of one the most famous Tour de France climbs; Alpe d'Huez!

now then mi mateys, that one big event.....looking forward to it... must say its the last one i will do like this, next year i am doin the bordeaux/paris, 680 kms non stop, its only like a 12 hour tt isnt it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!whenis it, its on the 9th of july,, (( hey just had a look its on the 8th **** nearly missed it.)),i have put in no special training, just using my natural talent off climbing tempo, ie slow.. will bang on a 26 back sprocket with a 38 front ring.. should get me up emmm... hope so....

oh i think my TT trial training is going well, dropped mrs BRF this morning, on the last 20k back home,, she was still onmiweel at 32kph, **** i had to bang it in the 12 to get eroff... still thats progress.

still getting a few in, last week had a good week 440kms, this include a tourist randonnez on sunday, its mrs BRF touring club, **** there were loads of OLD men hanging around, and after a couple of coffee's and bread an pate' sarnies, we were off, 110 kms, 3 big climbs and bobs yer uncle,,, **** it was like a RR, still managed to work em over, teamed up with a blonde amazon, all legs and silver hair,, we outjumped the OAP's, up the last conk.. and got back first.. then rode another 20 kms home... so year to date 6675kms...bon courage. :):):) ps its mighty hot here, pool water is at 28c....pps :confused::confused::confused: pump i put in has packed up, it appears that industrial steel pumps used for fresh water do not like swimming pool water, its disolved all the rubber seals,,, so it down to le shop and a massive 285 euros for a proper SW pump.:confused::confused::confused::confused:.. **** that hurts....see ya.

Good stuff BRF : you're an example to us all.

I put in a very hard week last week 387 miles : and then i did the Ring of Kerry cycle last Saturday which was 112 miles.
That's 499 miles in eight days.

A lot of the guys who trained us when we were kids, are still pedalling.
I spotted Seamus O'Hanlon, Peter Crinnion on the Ring of Kerry : they both said hello and Crinnion said to say a big hello to Fred C!
It took a few minutes to connect the dots but he said that he recalled Fred C.
Seamus O'Hanlon (4 times winner of the RAS and as good a racer as Shay Elliot) is 65. A god in irish cycling terms. He climbed K2 two years ago. Amazing.

I'm still targetting Paris -Brest - Paris for 2007.

I've read about La Marmotte : not for me !
I know me limits.

One final piece - I see Fiery Fred passed on last week.
Another great Yorkshire man.
Everything is going good, in the morning I'm off to alaska again for two weeks & this time w/ my bike. I should be doing well when I return b/c there's more than 1 cat 2-3 climbs, world class ****. It's right on the ocean & it's beautiful:) Several events when I come back, and I didn't get to race in ten. earlier this month but I'l fill you guys in on all that stuff later. O/T, I took my resting HR when I woke this morning & it got down to 48:cool: :cool: :cool:
bikeriderfrance said:
La Marmotte is one of the toughest one-day cycling events in the World. "Only" 174km, but almost 17,000 feet of climbing. The event goes over the col de la Croix de fer, col du Telegraphe, col du Galibier and finishes at the top of one the most famous Tour de France climbs; Alpe d'Huez!

now then mi mateys, that one big event.....looking forward to it... must say its the last one i will do like this, next year i am doin the bordeaux/paris, 680 kms non stop, its only like a 12 hour tt isnt it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!whenis it, its on the 9th of july,, (( hey just had a look its on the 8th **** nearly missed it.)),i have put in no special training, just using my natural talent off climbing tempo, ie slow.. will bang on a 26 back sprocket with a 38 front ring.. should get me up emmm... hope so....

oh i think my TT trial training is going well, dropped mrs BRF this morning, on the last 20k back home,, she was still onmiweel at 32kph, **** i had to bang it in the 12 to get eroff... still thats progress.

still getting a few in, last week had a good week 440kms, this include a tourist randonnez on sunday, its mrs BRF touring club, **** there were loads of OLD men hanging around, and after a couple of coffee's and bread an pate' sarnies, we were off, 110 kms, 3 big climbs and bobs yer uncle,,, **** it was like a RR, still managed to work em over, teamed up with a blonde amazon, all legs and silver hair,, we outjumped the OAP's, up the last conk.. and got back first.. then rode another 20 kms home... so year to date 6675kms...bon courage. :):):) ps its mighty hot here, pool water is at 28c....pps :confused::confused::confused: pump i put in has packed up, it appears that industrial steel pumps used for fresh water do not like swimming pool water, its disolved all the rubber seals,,, so it down to le shop and a massive 285 euros for a proper SW pump.:confused::confused::confused::confused:.. **** that hurts....see ya.
Well, what can I say, that's really impressive stuff! But what's with the shouting in colour?

Here at Team Bridgewood Castle we're right in the game though. Weekend before last me and Jan met upwith Jaques in Toulouse and, after setting up a base training camp in Lezat, went down to Tarascon to recce the Montagnole course at the L'Ariegeoise. a bit shorter than the Marmotte at 107kms (bet you do that before breakfast!) but over 2,000 taking part.
The training ride up the Port de Lers got off to a shaky start when Jaques forget to tell the team car to turn right in Vicdessos and Jan got bonk and had to abandon before the top of the col. Still it was all to come good on the day!
We arrived fresh and early for the start in Tarascon but got so stuck in to the free food in the square and watching the sadists start the big event, by the time we thought about going to our start we were about 2000 back from the front. As team leader I felt it my duty to set a positive example by taking a shortcut down the pavement to line up in about 1,950th place. Ten minutes after the start we started! The last we saw of each other till the finish.
Sparing you the details of the 3 cols and 35degree temp, by the finish two of us had smashed the Gold standard and the 3rd was only 5 secs outside his, this down to having dispensation from Jaques, our on the road Team Manager, to stop and kiss some admiring relatives. Quelle sacrifice!
Never assume that the man in front knows where he is going down the Col de Saraille, just because he's French. Having duly been wiped out on a hairpin, no bike damage, superficial injuries but lots of blood, the frenzied shouts of "Bon Courage" from the roadside were worth about 29 minutes which is exactly what I took out of Jaques. (Sorry, just had to slip it in!)
Jaques had his own personal battle with Thierry Marie who was heard to ********* "Sacre Bleu - was that not Jaques who just ****** me?" but in French.
The post race meal was all but over when Jan arrived, tired but happy, to complete our first outstanding team performance and victory. You should have seen him put his food away!
Would we do it again? You bet. Roll on the Marmotte and watch out BRF!
Want the actual results? You know the names, go to the website.

Jean Dubois said:
Well, what can I say, that's really impressive stuff! But what's with the shouting in colour?

Sparing you the details of the 3 cols and 35degree temp, by the finish two of us had smashed the Gold standard and the 3rd was only 5 secs outside his, this down to having dispensation from Jaques, our on the road Team Manager, to stop and kiss some admiring relatives. Quelle sacrifice!
Never assume that the man in front knows where he is going down the Col de Saraille, just because he's French. Having duly been wiped out on a hairpin, no bike damage, superficial injuries but lots of blood, the frenzied shouts of "Bon Courage" from the roadside were worth about 29 minutes which is exactly what I took out of Jaques. (Sorry, just had to slip it in!)
Jaques had his own personal battle with Thierry Marie who was heard to ********* "Sacre Bleu - was that not Jaques who just ****** me?" but in French.

Yes well a fine ride indeed. But seeing as you had to have a dig and "just slip it in!" lets have a closer look at the age related Golden standards where you were 1hr 1min 28sec inside and I was 1hr 2min 16sec inside or 48 secs less even though I did stay on me bike throughout the whole thing: no falling off or stopping to kiss admiring supporters!!
BRF should have ridden the Marmotte on Sunday; now that's an awesome challenge. I wonder what he'll have to say about that!!
And what's this about you finishing second in some obscure old man's National Championship, can we have more news about this?
But this being said just be very careful when you "slip it out again" please!!
hi there you guys, sorry for not telling U all about " le Marmotte", but i have just about recovered.
well here goes,, got there on thursday pm.. and it was pissing it down, rain sleet and SNOW on the mountains at the back of alpe du huez,, and a mind boggling 5c . but next morning i woke up to a misty drizzley day.. not put off i got out on mi bike and did a great ride.. AduHuez, col de sarenne (1750mtrs(, BIG drop down to mizoen), accross the barage (tour de france fame), down to B d O, beer and lunch, mmmmmmm mrs BRF had put up chicken sandwiches in fresh brown bread,, down the road and did the col de ornon, 1550mtrs. back to B de O, another beer THEN UP THE alpe du huez...i rode up at 10kph all the ways,, i had put on a triple chainset, with a granny gear of 30 teeth, please do not laugh, i used this all the way up on a 14x26 block..at the top i said to myself, "whats the problem " mmmmmmmmmmm. all in all i did 90 k on the friday,,, what a suberb day out..saturday event day .. up at 5.30 am, i rode down the alp to BdO for the 7.15 start, it was bloody cold again about 5/6c.. i got into the start pen and about 7.45 moved off. i rode the first col, col de glandon like a angle, no problem, 15kms, at around 20kph.. BUT when we got to the top, all HELL broke loose... the road going down was blocked by the gendarmes, 5 guys had crashed about 500 meters from the top on a hairpin bend, 2 had gone over the side and fell over 100 meters down.. hearsay was 1 was dead ,the other one in a very bad way... we had to wait about 1hr 50mins,,,me and about 3000 others...we finally got away and then we did the telegraph, very hard, very long, a real i want to pack it in climb... short drop down to a very fast main road...after about 35kms on this hiway, now full of holiday traffic, all getting very excited, we turned off left and started the climb to the galibier,,, on and on and on it went, i was F.....................D.. but saw on mi card that about half way up there was a feed station.got there. sat down and nearly passed out with cramp in both legs..i had to get going, so set off, was i glad of that 30 ring...a small group of us toiled up and then we went round a corner. i looked to my right and nearly fell off, way up in the clouds you could see the top..you could see the road going up there, its was manic, it was well insane, how do they do it in the tour.i kept going but cramp in both legs had me off the bike and WALKING, yes walking, i walked for about 500 mtrs, to a hairpin bend, sat down and after about 10 mins got going again.. very slowly i made it to the top, 2650 mtrs high.. i sat with about 2000 others for 10 mins or so, then set off, in my mind i had ONLY the alp du huez to do, i did it the day before, easy peeeeeeezzy,, well not on yor nelly..i got to the bottom and dropped it into 30x21, then 30x23 then 30x26, i could just about keep the gear turning, what amazed me was that i was passing guys,,, but at bend 17 (21 in all).ie i had done 4, i had to get off and sit on the wall for 2 mins.... i then rode to bend 11, (10 done), had to get off and have 2 mins...i then got to the last water stop at huez, 5 kms to go...2 mins and then away.4kms 3 kms 2 kms village 1kms round the corner and the finish was in sight... i had made it,,, completely shattered, i had nothing left, my computer said bang on 200kms av speed 20.1 kph time 9hrs 54 mins...i freewheeled down to the eating tent, wolfed down a salad pasta fruit drink and coffe...then went back to the hotel.. i just had a shower and sat there until it was time to go to sleep.....i did 14 hours....i had made it, BUT never again, it was the HARDEST bike ride ever!!!!!!!!!!!!..hey but its the first event of the 2nd half of the season on sunday,, now where was i,, yes must stuff that guy who did me in the regional champs.. mmm will have to burn him off mi wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bon courage....:cool:
bikeriderfrance said:
hi there you guys, sorry for not telling U all about " le Marmotte", but i have just about recovered.
well here goes,, got there on thursday pm.. and it was pissing it down, rain sleet and SNOW on the mountains at the back of alpe du huez,, and a mind boggling 5c . but next morning i woke up to a misty drizzley day.. not put off i got out on mi bike and did a great ride.. AduHuez, col de sarenne (1750mtrs(, BIG drop down to mizoen), accross the barage (tour de france fame), down to B d O, beer and lunch, mmmmmmm mrs BRF had put up chicken sandwiches in fresh brown bread,, down the road and did the col de ornon, 1550mtrs. back to B de O, another beer THEN UP THE alpe du huez...i rode up at 10kph all the ways,, i had put on a triple chainset, with a granny gear of 30 teeth, please do not laugh, i used this all the way up on a 14x26 block..at the top i said to myself, "whats the problem " mmmmmmmmmmm. all in all i did 90 k on the friday,,, what a suberb day out..saturday event day .. up at 5.30 am, i rode down the alp to BdO for the 7.15 start, it was bloody cold again about 5/6c.. i got into the start pen and about 7.45 moved off. i rode the first col, col de glandon like a angle, no problem, 15kms, at around 20kph.. BUT when we got to the top, all HELL broke loose... the road going down was blocked by the gendarmes, 5 guys had crashed about 500 meters from the top on a hairpin bend, 2 had gone over the side and fell over 100 meters down.. hearsay was 1 was dead ,the other one in a very bad way... we had to wait about 1hr 50mins,,,me and about 3000 others...we finally got away and then we did the telegraph, very hard, very long, a real i want to pack it in climb... short drop down to a very fast main road...after about 35kms on this hiway, now full of holiday traffic, all getting very excited, we turned off left and started the climb to the galibier,,, on and on and on it went, i was F.....................D.. but saw on mi card that about half way up there was a feed station.got there. sat down and nearly passed out with cramp in both legs..i had to get going, so set off, was i glad of that 30 ring...a small group of us toiled up and then we went round a corner. i looked to my right and nearly fell off, way up in the clouds you could see the top..you could see the road going up there, its was manic, it was well insane, how do they do it in the tour.i kept going but cramp in both legs had me off the bike and WALKING, yes walking, i walked for about 500 mtrs, to a hairpin bend, sat down and after about 10 mins got going again.. very slowly i made it to the top, 2650 mtrs high.. i sat with about 2000 others for 10 mins or so, then set off, in my mind i had ONLY the alp du huez to do, i did it the day before, easy peeeeeeezzy,, well not on yor nelly..i got to the bottom and dropped it into 30x21, then 30x23 then 30x26, i could just about keep the gear turning, what amazed me was that i was passing guys,,, but at bend 17 (21 in all).ie i had done 4, i had to get off and sit on the wall for 2 mins.... i then rode to bend 11, (10 done), had to get off and have 2 mins...i then got to the last water stop at huez, 5 kms to go...2 mins and then away.4kms 3 kms 2 kms village 1kms round the corner and the finish was in sight... i had made it,,, completely shattered, i had nothing left, my computer said bang on 200kms av speed 20.1 kph time 9hrs 54 mins...i freewheeled down to the eating tent, wolfed down a salad pasta fruit drink and coffe...then went back to the hotel.. i just had a shower and sat there until it was time to go to sleep.....i did 14 hours....i had made it, BUT never again, it was the HARDEST bike ride ever!!!!!!!!!!!!..hey but its the first event of the 2nd half of the season on sunday,, now where was i,, yes must stuff that guy who did me in the regional champs.. mmm will have to burn him off mi wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bon courage....:cool:
Fantastic - Well Done!
Superb stuff BRF. It put's us all to shame, or at least it would have done.
We have run out of shame years ago. Now it's called 'WOW'. Wine Of the Week. Or 'BOGOF'. Buy One Get One Free.
FredC said:
Superb stuff BRF. It put's us all to shame, or at least it would have done.
We have run out of shame years ago. Now it's called 'WOW'. Wine Of the Week. Or 'BOGOF'. Buy One Get One Free.
BRF A live mention on Eurosport. Now I am impressed.
hi there, firstly yes old DH thinks i am a plonker and trouble maker.. must have touched a nerve.. now then.. today i rode my first race in the 1/2/3 cats, started like a hero, got into the brake with the 1st, but dropped back to the 2nd group with the 2nd/3rd cats, we blew 75% of them off the back, going like a train, dodgy straight road sprint, NO PROBLEM, well errr i did not hear the speaker tel us it was the LAST LAP... no bell, no lap board. yep you've guessed it, sat in the group thinking there was another lap to go.. no ****, the finish was there and i was calculating how much i would win by.. when it was all over...

safe to say i am sulking but mrs BRF has baked me lemon meringue pie. mmmmmmmmmm alls well now.must say i was going well, the guys in the group knew it, but its a small price to pay as you get old....poor tour this year,, bon courage.
Well done BRF you foolish old man
What a horrific event, some of us never learn
BRAVO and BRAVO again, you did it and thanx for the info I'll keep well away from it myself:p
bikeriderfrance said:
hi there, firstly yes old DH thinks i am a plonker and trouble maker.. must have touched a nerve.. now then.. today i rode my first race in the 1/2/3 cats, started like a hero, got into the brake with the 1st, but dropped back to the 2nd group with the 2nd/3rd cats, we blew 75% of them off the back, going like a train, dodgy straight road sprint, NO PROBLEM, well errr i did not hear the speaker tel us it was the LAST LAP... no bell, no lap board. yep you've guessed it, sat in the group thinking there was another lap to go.. no ****, the finish was there and i was calculating how much i would win by.. when it was all over...

safe to say i am sulking but mrs BRF has baked me lemon meringue pie. mmmmmmmmmm alls well now.must say i was going well, the guys in the group knew it, but its a small price to pay as you get old....poor tour this year,, bon courage.
Don't agree about the tour best one we've had for 7 years now that boring old Armstong has gone and its not over yet!!!
Jacques Dupont said:
I think the pony may be "chocolat poulain".
In 1965 AT, PC and myself had matching pink Pennines built my JM.
I had one of those as well if you can still remember that far back. You never told me it was pink you b***ard, you said it was Magenta!!!:mad:
Jacques Dupont said:
But seeing as you had to have a dig and "just slip it in!" lets have a closer look at the age related Golden standards where you were 1hr 1min 28sec inside and I was 1hr 2min 16sec inside or 48 secs less even though I did stay on me bike throughout the whole thing: no falling off or stopping to kiss admiring supporters!!

I guess you've just come round from Bastille Day celebrations given the long silence while BRF's been carrying the flag!
So I still don't know what you came in your age category at the "Big Soup" Much more of an indicator than 48seconds and no crashes!!;)
Jean Dubois said:
I had one of those as well if you can still remember that far back. You never told me it was pink you b***ard, you said it was Magenta!!!:mad:
It's bloody pink. Have a look at the current Lampre jerseys. He must have got mixed up with Magenta de Vino. Mind you he was very lonely at the time.
FredC said:
It's bloody pink. Have a look at the current Lampre jerseys. He must have got mixed up with Magenta de Vino. Mind you he was very lonely at the time.
Lonely?? Not with a bike that colour parked up outside the Hazel Grove toilets!!
bikeriderfrance said:
hi there, firstly yes old DH thinks i am a plonker and trouble maker.. must have touched a nerve..

So today old DH let drop that he used to sit on the back of East Bradford training rides on a mountain bike, but he couldn't come through because of his Knobbly tyres!!!
Jean Dubois said:
Lonely?? Not with a bike that colour parked up outside the Hazel Grove toilets!!
HK, who knows about these things reckons the toilets shut years ago, and respectfully suggests that you should do your cottaging elsewhere. Perhaps Anal treet in Manchester. For foreigners this started off as Canal Street, until the signs were modified.
:)Well I didn't use to like Landis but what he did yesterday was phenomenal
And his personal life story is very interesting and comes through in his riding
This is the best tour I can remember watching and its not finished yet
Which just goes to prove once again that the tour is mightier than any of the individual riders and that less doping makes sport better and more interesting to watch and good riddance to boring old Armstong (will he sue me for saying that?):)