Contador - I Will Never Admire Armstrong

Well done to Contador, he performed well and its unfortunate to see that because he's a winner he's immediately a doper. Armstrong is a bit of a **** as when he was riding for Discovery it was all about him and screw everyone on the team. Contador has proven himself and was rightfully in the position to be team leader. Ole Armstrong just waltzes in demands the leadership position. Plain and simple, Contador outperformed Armstrong and deserved the win. Hopefully Caisse DS will pick him up, I'm sure he would be welcome there. Should also remember Lance maybe has 2 good years left at best. Those that join him will probably be out in the cold after Lance leaves just as before.
Contador has been all over the place. Only a few days ago he said all the stuff in the press about him and Armstrong was a lot of nonsense, but since his win has been official he keeps on attacking LA in the press. That is a bit sneeky in my view. I don't think it's wise; he should keep diagreements private or his future team mates won't trust him.

But it's no shock to me that Lance Armstrong is a tough guy who likes to get his own way. Nearly all great champions in every sport have that mentality, such as Michael Schumacher - it's a personality trait of the greats. You have to play hard and rally people to your cause, otherwise you end up like Cadel Evans and his crappy team mates that never help him.

I admire LA's attitude. He is never happy unless he is winning, which is what seperates him from the rest.
jimmypop said:
I love that technology gives adults an excuse to act like teenagers.

Well put Jiffypoop, I don't think it could have come from a more appropriate member of this forum, and the irony is just blinding.
leerobbs said:
Well put Jiffypoop, I don't think it could have come from a more appropriate member of this forum, and the irony is just blinding.

Glad you picked up on that.

But, let's not forget - I make it through my day without having some fancypants bike racer's c*ck in my mouth.

It's awfully nice that you DPF guys get a chance to leave your campaign for secrecy in doping to come and sh*t up someone else's forum for a few posts. Now that's irony.

Strange how you only show up to defend Armstrong. But you admire him for the greater good he does, like his philanthropy, and not because you need a hero to worship, right?

I don't know how a reasonable adult can conclude that Armstrong isn't a fraud.
jimmypop said:
Glad you picked up on that.

But, let's not forget - I make it through my day without having some fancypants bike racer's c*ck in my mouth.

It's awfully nice that you DPF guys get a chance to leave your campaign for secrecy in doping to come and sh*t up someone else's forum for a few posts. Now that's irony.

Strange how you only show up to defend Armstrong. But you admire him for the greater good he does, like his philanthropy, and not because you need a hero to worship, right?

I don't know how a reasonable adult can conclude that Armstrong isn't a fraud.

People who are into the sport of cycling will naturally respect great cyclists. It's a very tough sport that requires huge amounts of training, so for guys like Armstrong who trained harder than anyone else for his 7 tour wins there is naturally going to be huge admiration and respect.

Sports fans always have heros. It's not to do with having someone's **** in their mouth. If you don't like cycling then don't post here.
TheDangerMan said:
People who are into the sport of cycling will naturally respect great cyclists. It's a very tough sport that requires huge amounts of training, so for guys like Armstrong who trained harder than anyone else for his 7 tour wins there is naturally going to be huge admiration and respect.
Says who? Well Lance... And who else? And ...Lance... Any1 else? No just Lance. LAnce said that he trains the most so it is so, the other 200+ Pro Tour pros are lazy bastards that live on pizza and soft drinks, smoke cigars and train twice a week one hour at a time. On a turbo...
You people know **** about cycling except for what LA tweeter feeds you.
leerobbs said:
Well put Jiffypoop, I don't think it could have come from a more appropriate member of this forum, and the irony is just blinding.
Seriously you are over the line. Stop attacking other posters personally, it only shows that you dont have any counterarguments whatsoever. If you keep this on I will ask for you to be banned. We dont need another House in here.
DV1976 said:
Says who? Well Lance... And who else? And ...Lance... Any1 else? No just Lance. LAnce said that he trains the most so it is so, the other 200+ Pro Tour pros are lazy bastards that live on pizza and soft drinks, smoke cigars and train twice a week one hour at a time. On a turbo...
You people know **** about cycling except for what LA tweeter feeds you.

It's widely acknowledged by all professional cyclists that Armstrong rewrote the training manual for the Tour. It's now so difficult to win, thanks to Armstrong changing the rules on what to do to win it, that it will be the only three week Tour that most top contenders will try to win. If they do try to win another Tour, like Menchoff did this year at the Giro, they will come unstuck in France.

I'm sure even Contador would admit that Armstrong revolutionized the training and the intensity of what is required, which he himself has hugely benefited from. All true cycling fans have huge respect for what Armstrong has done.

I'm sure you've seen this doc on his training programme.....
[ame=""]YouTube - Lance Armstrong - The Road to Paris 1/11[/ame]
TheDangerMan said:
It's widely acknowledged by all professional cyclists that Armstrong rewrote the training manual for the Tour. It's now so difficult to win, thanks to Armstrong changing the rules on what to do to win it, that it will be the only three week Tour that most top contenders will try to win. If they do try to win another Tour, like Menchoff did this year at the Giro, they will come unstuck in France.

I'm sure even Contador would admit that Armstrong revolutionized the training and the intensity of what is required, which he himself has hugely benefited from. All true cycling fans have huge respect for what Armstrong has done.

I'm sure you've seen this doc on his training programme.....
YouTube - Lance Armstrong - The Road to Paris 1/11

You are not a smart man. You were born that way. Its ok. You be the best you can. You go girlfriend.

You are out of your depth around here tiger.
Bro Deal said:
Looking up to Armstrong stopped when Contador came out of his room to go to the Annecy time trial and found the team gone. The team vehicles that were supposed to have taken him to the start had been sent by Armstrong to an airport to pick up Armstrong's friends and family. Contador had to call his brother to get transportation to the race.

Then there was Armstrong not showing up at the team's post-Tour celebration. Heck, Armstrong refused to the drink the champagne toasting Contador's win. And then there was this classy performance on the podium in Paris.


That expression just says it all.

That expression came when The Tour organisers started to get ready for Rassmuchickens win next year and played the Danish national anthem instead.

Maybe you forget that Lance isn't being paid to ride for Astana... or that he WILL receive a paycheck from his new sponsors.


And you think that it's only Lance in the team that wasn't too happy with Contador? When was the last time you saw a yellow jersey rider crossing the line in Paris without any of his team mates next to him?


... even his chosen and supposedly 'faithful' Spanish team mate had fecked off...
swampy1970 said:

... even his chosen and supposedly 'faithful' Spanish team mate had fecked off...

I dont like it when people take pikchors out of context. Having said that I dont like pikchors being created with little to no contextual relevance.

To imply the whole astana team loved Lance and hated Contador to the point of avoiding him on the final stage is retarded. Relying on this image as proof is further retardation.
TheDangerMan said:
It's widely acknowledged by all professional cyclists that Armstrong rewrote the training

I see you're an American follower of Armstrong who jumped on the bandwagon after he started winning tours. That's cute.
TheDangerMan said:
It's widely acknowledged by all professional cyclists that Armstrong rewrote the training manual for the Tour. ]
No its not. As a matter of fact Kloeden in a Procycling interview in 2004 criticized Armstrong for this very reason. Because he makes it seems like he is the only one to train. Like he is the only one to do 6 hours rides or ride in the rain. Lots of pros do it, they just dont write books about it for the gullible. Boasson Haggen for example trains in the snow sometimes cos he leaves in Norway and when the roads get ice or its too far below 0 degrees he does cross county skiing instead. I dont think that Lance gets too much snow in Austin now does he? As for his so called revolutionary training, its not "his" its Ferrari's and Ferrari a) had other customers, b) followed very similar methods to Ceccini and both were students of Conconi who used to train Moser... So much for novelty... Read some instead of watchinh bull**** ad-videos. You may learn something...
TheDangerMan said:
[cycling's] a very tough sport that requires huge amounts of training, so for guys like Armstrong who trained harder than anyone else for his 7 tour wins there is naturally going to be huge admiration and respect. If you don't like cycling then don't post here.

sure it's tough to win for lance. he had to train harder than everybody else just to compete. i mean, look, how hard can it be to win a grand tour? contador came right off the vacation beach to pick up a giro d'italia victory. i guess lance is just ticked off because he'll now have to train 28 hours a day just to get to alberto's level of fitness.
swampy1970 said:
That expression came when The Tour organisers started to get ready for Rassmuchickens win next year and played the Danish national anthem instead.

Maybe you forget that Lance isn't being paid to ride for Astana... or that he WILL receive a paycheck from his new sponsors.


And you think that it's only Lance in the team that wasn't too happy with Contador? When was the last time you saw a yellow jersey rider crossing the line in Paris without any of his team mates next to him?


... even his chosen and supposedly 'faithful' Spanish team mate had fecked off...
The sour grapes among the Lance fanboys is hilarious - now you're trying to prove that Lance is more popular than Alberto? Is that all you have left?

Alberto won. Lance lost. But Lance fans - being Lance fans - are, of course, entirely unable to accept that Alberto was better than Lance, and so, like Lemond, Walsh, the Andreu's, Simeoni, etc etc etc, Contador must now be personally belittled and torn down.

Leafer said:
now you're trying to prove that Lance is more popular than Alberto?
He is more popular and respected than AC. You think 500k fans would have lined Ventoux without Lance? Without Lance, Astana probably would have folded a few months ago and puerto would have been crying and whining in Spain in July. He should be thanking Lance instead of criticizing him.
No_Positives said:
He is more popular and respected than AC. You think 500k fans would have lined Ventoux without Lance? .

Unless it was the "love" of the French for Armstrong that made them attend en masse... :D
LA hated in France, Spain, Germany and the list goes on...
LA is a very strange & I think profoundly unhappy man. He doesn't seem to derive any pleasure / enjoyment from his amazing success. He does appear to gain some transitory gratification by sewing discord & 'crushing' his perceived enemies. I used to admire LA a great deal (whatever else you can say about him he is one hellava good cyclist) during the early years of his T de F run but rapidly grew disillusioned as he became crazier & angrier with each passing year. With that in mind this LA vs AC 'feud' was entirely predictable. He was never going to be content slotting into the Astana set up as a domestique for AC - his vast ego just wouldn't tolerate it.
No_Positives said:
He is more popular and respected than AC. You think 500k fans would have lined Ventoux without Lance? Without Lance, Astana probably would have folded a few months ago and puerto would have been crying and whining in Spain in July. He should be thanking Lance instead of criticizing him.
As expected, you've completely missed the point and are proving it for me. ;)
DV1976 said:
Seriously you are over the line. Stop attacking other posters personally, it only shows that you dont have any counterarguments whatsoever. If you keep this on I will ask for you to be banned. We dont need another House in here.

If I promise never to post again will not report me?

Seriously, I have been called all sorts of names because I don't just go along with every mean thing that is said on here about riders. I don't blindly believe LA has not doped. I think based on everything it would be reasonable to think he has. I don't think that the constant ranting about it accomplishes anything. If he is caught and is banned then so be it. Until that happens lets talk about cycling and the races and leave the other mess alone. I just don't understand the way some on here are obsessed with LA and doping.