Somehow No One Seems To Think

In article <>,
Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:

> Thanks Mr Rove.

Right. You know, you've been on "the Left" for ages and that one post did explain
a lot of what's eating you about it. You said that the left had decided that "decent,
hard working, poor people" were the enemy and that you weren't sure why. When I said
that wasn't true you claimed I said that your grandparents were liars. Well, I'll
take it out of the realm of argument by assertion.

The reason there is a middle class in America is because of the policies of people
like FDR and Truman, aided by unions and other progressive organisations. After WWII,
the rise of unions saw huge raises in the pay of all workers (and it wasn't limited
to just union workers - everyone got more pay and benefits because business saw doing
those things as a means of keeping their workers). There were unprecedented levels of
home ownership due to that. Other things like labor standards and working conditions
improved. We also have a variety of things that have helped improve the lives of
Americans like Social Security, Medicaire, Medical, the Voting Rights Act - the list
goes on and on.

Bill, those things are aimed at the "decent, hard working, poor people" you claim
that liberals have made "the enemy." That stuff wasn't done by conservatives - it was
done by liberals and progressives.

You seem focused on the stuff that groups like Ruckus or ALF do and have
frequently conflated them with *all* of "the left." You've said that you don't think
that the majority of "the left" are bad people, yet you keep condemning all those
people that you say aren't bad by that conflation. So you can call me "Rove" all you
want - it won't change that fact that a big part of your core premise is flawed.


Whatever happened to
Leon Trotsky?
He got an icepick
That made his ears burn.

remove YOUR SHOES to reply, ok?
On Apr 3, 10:16 am, "Tom Kunich" <cyclintom@yahoo. com> wrote:
> "Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > I've actually had
> > interaction by e-mail with Hannity, or one of his flunkies and his
> > "patriotic" BS is just that.

> I hate to point this out but Hannity is a RADIO PERSONALITY. He isn't a
> politician and he isn't very bright either. That he has a radio show that is
> popular doesn't make him an expert in anything.
> > Limbaugh is like a lot of
> > the rest of the visible conservative talking heads; some good points,
> > and a ton of vitriolic BS that's totally one sided.

> Now this I have to wonder about. Since reading all this sort of **** I
> started listening to Limbaugh and for the life of me I've heard NONE of what
> you're talking about. He doesn't poke fun at Democrats upon occassion and
> often when necessary (you explain to ME Hillary running for President!) but
> "a ton of vitriolic BS that's totally one sided" is so far out in left field
> that I have to wonder if you've ever actually listened to him.

We're gonna disagree. I think he occasionally makes some good points,
but overall he's a little more civil than Coulter, but not a whole
lot, and I can count the number of times I've heard dissenting
opinions on his show on the fingers of one hand. I haven't listened in
a few years so he may have changed.

> > O'Reilly is a little better, but you've got to be a paying member to
> > actually even get a question answered. I like the fact the he is friends
> > with, and will put on people like Farrell, Wrangel,Sharpton, etc

> Now there's a real recommendation - he's FRIENDS with AlSharpton- the man
> who wants all white people murdered.

Tom, I assume you're talking about his relationship with Khallid
Muhammad. That's totally screwed, but I don't think Sharpton believes
in that ****. The point was that it's a great thing to have friends
with totally different views IMO.
Bill C
"Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> We're gonna disagree. I think he occasionally makes some good points,
> but overall he's a little more civil than Coulter, but not a whole
> lot, and I can count the number of times I've heard dissenting
> opinions on his show on the fingers of one hand. I haven't listened in
> a few years so he may have changed.

Wait a minute Bill, why would he HAVE desenting opinions? He is a
Conservative explaining the conservative position. Though I have to admit I
don't much like the way he tends to support non-conservative Republicans,
perhaps he figures that better them than the alternative.

> > Now there's a real recommendation - he's FRIENDS with AlSharpton- the
> > man
> > who wants all white people murdered.

> Tom, I assume you're talking about his relationship with Khallid
> Muhammad. That's totally screwed, but I don't think Sharpton believes
> in that ****. The point was that it's a great thing to have friends
> with totally different views IMO.

Let's be clear on this Bill - your OPINION doesn't overrule Sharpton's

And while we're at it - this isn't a personal attack Bill, it's a comment on
your weird wandering path between conservative and liberal points of view
which would be fine if you didn't seem to take the opposite position from
Tom Kunich wrote:

> And while we're at it - this isn't a personal attack Bill, it's a
> comment on your weird wandering path between conservative and liberal
> points of view which would be fine if you didn't seem to take the
> opposite position from others.

That's unusual, but it's also kind of refreshing. Bill's the only man in
America who doesn't have everything all figured out.
"Bill C" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> On Apr 4, 10:41 pm, "Tom Kunich" <cyclintom@yahoo. com> wrote:
>> Wait a minute Bill, why would he HAVE desenting opinions? He is a
>> Conservative explaining the conservative position. Though I have to admit
>> I
>> don't much like the way he tends to support non-conservative Republicans,
>> perhaps he figures that better them than the alternative.

> Tom from that standpoint I agree. If you take the program with the
> understanding that he's a salesman for the hard-line conservative
> position, and that that the show is not a discussion of the issues
> then he's great at it.

Firstly, he supports the middle position Republican and NOT Conservative.

Secondly, he isn't trying to "sell" anything. He is expressing his opinion -
something you're doing right here. Because someone is paying him to do so
doesn't make him any more of an authority than you. The question therefore
is why are you making him an authority?

> If he's supporting moderate Republicans these
> days, that's got to be the reason.

Look at the alternative - a loony lady and a racist black man trying to hide
his racism and get elected via the color of his skin and white guilt.
Howard Kveck wrote:
> In article <>,
> Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:


>> As TK has pointed out a lot of Clinton
>> officials were making a lot of the same arguments before Bush came in.

> Yes, and lots of people have pointed out again and again, that, in spite of the
> comments by Clinton and Clinton associates, they didn't believe it rose to the level
> of invading Iraq. Looks like they were right.


"The sky is blue."

"The sky is blue. It's a perfect day to rob a bank."

Pretty much the same.
Howard Kveck wrote:
>> Yes, and lots of people have pointed out again and again, that, in
>> spite of the comments by Clinton and Clinton associates, they didn't believe it rose
>> to the level of invading Iraq. Looks like they were right.

Fred Fredburger wrote:
> "The sky is blue."
> "The sky is blue. It's a perfect day to rob a bank."
> Pretty much the same.

"The sky is blue. It's a perfect day to kill 600000 people."
In article
Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:

> Tom, I assume you're talking about his relationship with Khallid
> Muhammad. That's totally screwed, but I don't think Sharpton believes
> in that ****. The point was that it's a great thing to have friends
> with totally different views IMO.

What Sharpton believes in?
He continues to stone wall his participation
in the Tawana Brawley fraud.

Michael Press
On Apr 5, 6:31 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article
> <>,
> Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Tom, I assume you're talking about his relationship with Khallid
> > Muhammad. That's totally screwed, but I don't think Sharpton believes
> > in that ****. The point was that it's a great thing to have friends
> > with totally different views IMO.

> What Sharpton believes in?
> He continues to stone wall his participation
> in the Tawana Brawley fraud.
> --
> Michael Press

Heh heh! I like the juxtaposition of that with "The sky is blue. It's
a perfect day to kill 600000 people."

Some frauds pale to insignificance beside other frauds.
On Apr 5, 11:56 pm, "Paul G." <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 6:31 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > In article
> > <>,
> >  Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:

> > > Tom, I assume you're talking about his relationship with Khallid
> > > Muhammad. That's totally screwed, but I don't think Sharpton believes
> > > in that ****. The point was that it's a great thing to have friends
> > > with totally different views IMO.

> > What Sharpton believes in?
> > He continues to stone wall his participation
> > in the Tawana Brawley fraud.

> > --
> > Michael Press

> Heh heh!  I like the juxtaposition of that with "The sky is blue. It's
> a perfect day to kill 600000 people."
> Some frauds pale to insignificance beside other frauds.
> -Paul

Yep, and unfortunately I don't think any charges will be brought
against Bush and Co. even after they are out of office. Maybe at the
ICC in Belgium even though we're not signatories. Though I'm still
waiting for anyone since WW2 to be charged or tried for torturing US
troops, or even the attempt made.
Sharpton is obviously not a model citizen, and part of the problem
IMO, but it's still cool that O'Reilly has friends and allows folks a
platform that have such a different view of things from him.
Hincapie's still upright in a classic? Can't last can it?
Bill C
In article
"Paul G." <[email protected]> wrote:

> On Apr 5, 6:31 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > In article
> > <>,
> > Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > > Tom, I assume you're talking about his relationship with Khallid
> > > Muhammad. That's totally screwed, but I don't think Sharpton believes
> > > in that ****. The point was that it's a great thing to have friends
> > > with totally different views IMO.

> >
> > What Sharpton believes in?
> > He continues to stone wall his participation
> > in the Tawana Brawley fraud.

> Heh heh! I like the juxtaposition of that with "The sky is blue. It's
> a perfect day to kill 600000 people."
> Some frauds pale to insignificance beside other frauds.

When you choose the lesser of two evils
you are choosing evil.

Michael Press
On Apr 4, 5:49 pm, Howard Kveck <[email protected]> wrote:

> The reason there is a middle class in America is because of the policies of people
> like FDR and Truman, aided by unions and other progressive organisations. After WWII,
> the rise of unions saw huge raises in the pay of all workers (and it wasn't limited
> to just union workers - everyone got more pay and benefits because business saw doing
> those things as a means of keeping their workers). There were unprecedented levels of
> home ownership due to that. Other things like labor standards and working conditions
> improved. We also have a variety of things that have helped improve the lives of
> Americans like Social Security, Medicaire, Medical, the Voting Rights Act - the list
> goes on and on.

What a bunch of utter ******** to say "things improved because of
'liberals.'" Things could only improve in spite of them. And to
claim the "policies of FDR" helped the "middle class" (the "common
man") is really beyond the pale.

I suppoze if one iz prezident and diez in office during a war, they
are automatically assigned sainthood.
Michael Press wrote:
> When you choose the lesser of two evils you are choosing evil.

Choose Mini-Me.
On Apr 6, 1:59 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article
> <>,
>  "Paul G." <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Apr 5, 6:31 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > In article
> > > <>,
> > >  Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:

> > > > Tom, I assume you're talking about his relationship with Khallid
> > > > Muhammad. That's totally screwed, but I don't think Sharpton believes
> > > > in that ****. The point was that it's a great thing to have friends
> > > > with totally different views IMO.

> > > What Sharpton believes in?
> > > He continues to stone wall his participation
> > > in the Tawana Brawley fraud.

> > Heh heh!  I like the juxtaposition of that with "The sky is blue. It's
> > a perfect day to kill 600000 people."

> > Some frauds pale to insignificance beside other frauds.

> When you choose the lesser of two evils
> you are choosing evil.

What about three? We're talking numbers and that is basic math: the
field of thinking things thru.

One of three senatorz will be the next prezident of the usa.

That's my no-candy-ass call.
In article
SLAVE of THE STATE <[email protected]> wrote:

> On Apr 6, 1:59 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > In article
> > <>,
> >  "Paul G." <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Apr 5, 6:31 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > In article
> > > > <>,
> > > >  Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:

> >
> > > > > Tom, I assume you're talking about his relationship with Khallid
> > > > > Muhammad. That's totally screwed, but I don't think Sharpton believes
> > > > > in that ****. The point was that it's a great thing to have friends
> > > > > with totally different views IMO.

> >
> > > > What Sharpton believes in?
> > > > He continues to stone wall his participation
> > > > in the Tawana Brawley fraud.

> >
> > > Heh heh!  I like the juxtaposition of that with "The sky is blue. It's
> > > a perfect day to kill 600000 people."

> >
> > > Some frauds pale to insignificance beside other frauds.

> >
> > When you choose the lesser of two evils
> > you are choosing evil.

> What about three? We're talking numbers and that is basic math: the
> field of thinking things thru.
> One of three senatorz will be the next prezident of the usa.
> That's my no-candy-ass call.

I would start by spelling everything properly.
When people do not respect what they have, they lose it.

Michael Press
On Apr 6, 4:59 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:

> When you choose the lesser of two evils
> you are choosing evil.
> --
> Michael Press- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Yep. That's a great approach if you can congratulate yourself on your
moral stance of doing nothing, rather than trying to make the
situation the least evil and damaging it could be. Maybe it ends up
that way, and maybe it ends up being a worst case scenario that you
could've had a hand in preventing.
Another bumper sticker I see around here all the time, and agree with
"If you're not part of the solution; Your part of the problem".
Bill C
On Apr 6, 3:20 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article
> <>,
>  SLAVE of THE STATE <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Apr 6, 1:59 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > In article
> > > <>,
> > >  "Paul G." <[email protected]> wrote:

> > > > Some frauds pale to insignificance beside other frauds.

> > > When you choose the lesser of two evils
> > > you are choosing evil.

> > What about three?  We're talking numbers and that is basic math: the
> > field of thinking things thru.

> > One of three senatorz will be the next prezident of the usa.

> > That's my no-candy-ass call.

> I would start by spelling everything properly.
> When people do not respect what they have, they lose it.

Yes! The power of the pen!

For a mere zecond I thought u were serious.
In article
SLAVE of THE STATE <[email protected]> wrote:

> On Apr 6, 3:20 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > In article
> > <>,
> >  SLAVE of THE STATE <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > > On Apr 6, 1:59 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > In article
> > > > <>,
> > > >  "Paul G." <[email protected]> wrote:

> >
> > > > > Some frauds pale to insignificance beside other frauds.

> >
> > > > When you choose the lesser of two evils
> > > > you are choosing evil.

> >
> > > What about three?  We're talking numbers and that is basic math: the
> > > field of thinking things thru.

> >
> > > One of three senatorz will be the next prezident of the usa.

> >
> > > That's my no-candy-ass call.

> >
> > I would start by spelling everything properly.
> > When people do not respect what they have, they lose it.

> Yes! The power of the pen!
> For a mere zecond I thought u were serious.

Think again. I am serious.

Michael Press
In article
<[email protected]>,
Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:

> On Apr 6, 4:59 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > When you choose the lesser of two evils
> > you are choosing evil.

> Yep. That's a great approach if you can congratulate yourself on your
> moral stance of doing nothing, rather than trying to make the
> situation the least evil and damaging it could be. Maybe it ends up
> that way, and maybe it ends up being a worst case scenario that you
> could've had a hand in preventing.
> Another bumper sticker I see around here all the time, and agree with
> "If you're not part of the solution; Your part of the problem".

I do not have a moral stance.

Michael Press
On Apr 6, 12:59 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article
> <>,
> "Paul G." <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Apr 5, 6:31 pm, Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > In article
> > > <>,
> > > Bill C <[email protected]> wrote:

> > > > Tom, I assume you're talking about his relationship with Khallid
> > > > Muhammad. That's totally screwed, but I don't think Sharpton believes
> > > > in that ****. The point was that it's a great thing to have friends
> > > > with totally different views IMO.

> > > What Sharpton believes in?
> > > He continues to stone wall his participation
> > > in the Tawana Brawley fraud.

> > Heh heh! I like the juxtaposition of that with "The sky is blue. It's
> > a perfect day to kill 600000 people."

> > Some frauds pale to insignificance beside other frauds.

> When you choose the lesser of two evils
> you are choosing evil.
> --
> Michael Press

That's sophistry, and only true if you're a glass-is-half-empty type.
Any time I can choose a lesser evil over a greater evil I consider
myself lucky to have avoided the greater evil.