Did You Ride Today?

13 miles with 2015 ft of gain on the mountain bike. Average temp says 95 on my Garmin and yes, I wore an under layer under my jersey! :D
13 miles with 2015 ft of gain on the mountain bike. Average temp says 95 on my Garmin and yes, I wore an under layer under my jersey! :D

I suppose we are all jealous except the hellacious 155 feet/mile climb. It must have been 7% up and 7% down deal.

21F here this morning. I think I need a road trip to warmer roads. Hope to have the MoJo to ride today. I need to do intervals, maybe I'll just do the trainer thing and do some testing.
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I had 27° this morning, but it's going to get above 60° this afternoon. If I can beat the rain I'll get another short ride in.

The forecast for Saturday is a high of 32° with...snow. I give up. Tennessee, here I come.
Average temp says 95 on my Garmin and yes, I wore an under layer under my jersey!

Most Garmin's read 'low' in relation to real world air temps...

How the Hell does anyone climb in a base layer and jersey in 95° heat? Let alone push it up 2000' of climbing in under 10 miles of riding? I would be soaked with sweat and delirious from the heat stroke I was suffering if I wore that. And on a mountain bike going up at off road slow speeds and getting less cooling by convection? The sweat running in my eyes would blind me and I would ride off a cliff and they would never find my pulverized body after the 400' fall into rocky vegetation that would hide my remains from even the vultures.

I understand why Arabs wear robes and turbans in the desert, but those cats ain't usually climbing Baldy on scree covered trails going 7-15% straight up.
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I suppose we are all jealous except the hellacious 155 feet/mile climb. It must have been 7% up and 7% down deal.

21F here this morning. I think I need a road trip to warmer roads. Hope to have the MoJo to ride today. I need to do intervals, maybe I'll just do the trainer thing and do some testing.

Exactly 7%. I checked the segment on Strava and the climb is exactly that. The same ride I do a couple times midweek just to get some fitness.

I had 27° this morning, but it's going to get above 60° this afternoon. If I can beat the rain I'll get another short ride in.

The forecast for Saturday is a high of 32° with...snow. I give up. Tennessee, here I come.

Most Garmin's read 'low' in relation to real world air temps...

How the Hell does anyone climb in a base layer and jersey in 95° heat? Let alone push it up 2000' of climbing in under 10 miles of riding? I would be soaked with sweat and delirious from the heat stroke I was suffering if I wore that. And on a mountain bike going up at off road slow speeds and getting less cooling by convection? The sweat running in my eyes would blind me and I would ride off a cliff and they would never find my pulverized body after the 400' fall into rocky vegetation that would hide my remains from even the vultures.

I understand why Arabs wear robes and turbans in the desert, but those cats ain't usually climbing Baldy on scree covered trails going 7-15% straight up.

Ha ha ha! I'm lucky that I am not a big sweat type of person. A lot of my ride partners tell me they think I have a built in radiator. My mother laughs when she hears I wear long sleeves in the heat, She said I was always that way as a kid too. Always played outside night and day, never got cold and never got hot.

I get a few sweat drops in my eyes on the first loop. Always tough warming up on a climb. But by the second loop I seem to cool down after my body acclimates.

On some of the rides it does average 107. On a 45 miler even on the flat trails I feel fatigue in my shoulders on the ride. That is when I feel the heat but the Garmin tops out at 114 on those rides. :eek:

This was a few years back. 4th of July Climbed GMR, about 4000 ft. Don't remember the temp but I was wearing an under layer! :D

Took the TT bike out for a very cold hard ride after work today. Temp. was 38 with a tough side wind on my 7.5 mile out a back route. The first half it was trying to push into traffic, and off the road on the way back. Whatever breakdown lane I had was all salt and sand from the snow storm the other day. These are the day's that make for a fun time riding with my tri spoke a disc wheel. Once the ride was done gave the baby a good cleaning.
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Holy ****! Dat white stuff!!!

Shades of last Winter and the Winter before that one! And your bike...there's lots of pieces parts missing!

I remember when Alsop came out with the 'Beam Ride' (whale ****) bikes and when Zipp bought them for the technology. They must have been well made because I see them still being ridden on the forums.
Ha ha ha! I'm lucky that I am not a big sweat type of person. A lot of my ride partners tell me they think I have a built in radiator.

I was going to mention something about a radiator...

I used to race crits on 90 degree days in a long sleeve team jersey, but that was for road rash protection...what little protection a layer of Lycra would provide. As long as I kept the sleeves pushed halfway up my forearms I could deal with the heat buildup for 45 minutes.

It was 65 degrees this afternoon when I rode in short sleeves...yeah, this being America I have the right to Bare Arms! Sorry...couldn't resist!

Under threat of rain from the starting gun, I headed off North and West towards the ever blackening sky. I could see rain from the top of the first hill just before I made my first turn to the West and into the approaching storm front.

I tucked low on the drops and powered as hard as could into the 16 to 23 MPH wind with gusts above 30 MPH. Twice the wind slowed me to about 10 MPH with big frontal gusts. I made the turn back South and East and kept the RPM's up and the pressure on like the Devil was chasing me. I felt a few drops the last mile of the ride as the front was moving faster than I was!

Threw the bike in the back seat and jumped behind the wheel just as those first big rain drops hit the windshield.

It was only a 12-mile blast, but it was fast and furious (Ohio Drift!) 18.3 MPH with 325' of climbing. It's fun to beat the weather and get home dry.
Holy ****! Dat white stuff!!!

Shades of last Winter and the Winter before that one! And your bike...there's lots of pieces parts missing!

I remember when Alsop came out with the 'Beam Ride' (whale ****) bikes and when Zipp bought them for the technology. They must have been well made because I see them still being ridden on the forums.

CAMPBOB this bike came with a 70,000 mile / 7 year warranty back in 1993. I have 2 in my stable that were bough by sponsors back in the day. This one has over 63,000 mile on it, and is on it's 5th paint job. I used this bike for ultra marathon racing and time trails before it got band, just love this machine. It's hard to explain the feeling I still get when I throw my leg over this rocket.
I was going to mention something about a radiator...

I used to race crits on 90 degree days in a long sleeve team jersey, but that was for road rash protection...what little protection a layer of Lycra would provide. As long as I kept the sleeves pushed halfway up my forearms I could deal with the heat buildup for 45 minutes.

It was 65 degrees this afternoon when I rode in short sleeves...yeah, this being America I have the right to Bare Arms! Sorry...couldn't resist!

Under threat of rain from the starting gun, I headed off North and West towards the ever blackening sky. I could see rain from the top of the first hill just before I made my first turn to the West and into the approaching storm front.

I tucked low on the drops and powered as hard as could into the 16 to 23 MPH wind with gusts above 30 MPH. Twice the wind slowed me to about 10 MPH with big frontal gusts. I made the turn back South and East and kept the RPM's up and the pressure on like the Devil was chasing me. I felt a few drops the last mile of the ride as the front was moving faster than I was!

Threw the bike in the back seat and jumped behind the wheel just as those first big rain drops hit the windshield.

It was only a 12-mile blast, but it was fast and furious (Ohio Drift!) 18.3 MPH with 325' of climbing. It's fun to beat the weather and get home dry.

I did my best racing when it was hot and humid !
Man. I see the dried 'salt line' on the road in your picture, Z2001. We've finally had a few rains down here and the salt is almost all gone. They did use some more grit on the last 1/2"-1" snow and I was cursing it this afternoon as I was crushing those power plant cinders to dust.
I did my best racing when it was hot and humid !

Warm, moist air is less dense than colder, drier air. Faster. I always feel fastest on an early summer morning at sunrise with dew hanging in the cool air of say 60F. Warm and damp enough to be fast and also enough to keep the body cool. I had a 400K Brevet in around 13 hours last year but the first part of it was special with the cool air with mist rising off the cranberry bogs and that colorful sunrise that only comes from polluted skies. I wish I had your machine for a 400 or 600K!! It is a beauty.
i did an easy 20 miler today in the rain on the fendered bike decked out in wool. Not bad. I thought I was going to do a Crit Saturday but it is supposed to snow or have freezing rain and alls I can think of is that 120 degree turn at 30 mph with manhole covers and crosswalk paint with sleet on it. Maybe I'll drive down to Virginia for a Brevet. I need a hard workout......
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Warm, moist air is less dense than colder, drier air. Faster. I always feel fastest on an early summer morning at sunrise with dew hanging in the cool air of say 60F. Warm and damp enough to be fast and also enough to keep the body cool. I had a 400K Brevet in around 13 hours last year but the first part of it was special with the cool air with mist rising off the cranberry bogs and that colorful sunrise that only comes from polluted skies. I wish I had your machine for a 400 or 600K!! It is a beauty.

Used my Zipp's for all the Brevets I did, but I always hated that they would start up in early April. Most years in New England early April is filled with cold raw rainy weather, and would see a lot of riders tap out (DNF). I would suffer threw the early ones only to really enjoy the longer ones in the warmer weather.
Used my Zipp's for all the Brevets I did, but I always hated that they would start up in early April. Most years in New England early April is filled with cold raw rainy weather, and would see a lot of riders tap out (DNF). I would suffer threw the early ones only to really enjoy the longer ones in the warmer weather.

I rode some NE brevets in 90's before RUSA.

They used to do very fast times up there but not anymore. I have always wondered why. There used to be tons of 11-12 hour 300K times but it seems 16-19 hours is more the norm not only in NE but in most areas of the country and paradoxically, most Brevets have a lot more support these days such as meals and lodging all inclusive especially on longer ones. It drives me bananas to stop for 20-30 minutes to eat 20 miles into a 200K.
15 miles today 2500 ft gain on the MTB. Stopped for some posing ha ha! Got a little bit of rain.


Hard rain and 44 degrees for a high yesterday afternoon (Thursday). Then it cooled down and the rain turned to ice. I went out and replaced three locust posts in the woods and the ice was coming hard and fast enough to feel like I was out in the open. Hide got ripped up on the barbed wire. Typical. Oiled up the tools when I finished and changed for a short session on the trainer.

It alternated between rain and ice while I worked out and it's currently 36 degrees with the wind going a steady 22-25 MPH with gusts around 30 MPH. Sucks.

I kept it fast and pounded out 35 minutes with the Garmin Dashboard app's heart rate speedometer needle in the red for most of the time.

If you have a Garmin 520...and I'm guessing the app runs on some of the other Garmin Edge devices...check out the Dashboard app. You can turn one of your screens into a car-like dashboard with speedometer and tachometer type 'dials'. It's all configurable and can display 6 display fields total. Pretty cool. Download it from the Garmin app store for free. Can't beat that price.

We got a dusting of snow and ice overnight and I heard something about an inch of snow in the forecast for Saturday and a little more Sunday. That's supposed to be mixed with rain and I'm hoping the weekend isn't a total wipeout for riding. I need some longer efforts and the weather isn't cooperating in the least.
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Been way too windy here. Hard to keep a car on the road but aside from that I won't be on the road for a few days regardless.
The New Impending Global Ice Age Global Warming© warning starts tonight. I hope I can beat the rain and ice and snow that's coming and get a short ride in this afternoon. The next couple of days are going to totally suck if the weather dudes are on the money. My computer is lighting up with so many weather warnings that it makes me want to run off to Tennessee for a few days.