Gov Jim McGreevey of NJ resigns over gay affair

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New Member
Aug 1, 2003
I assume most fo you have seen the news by now about this.
What do you think?

FTR I have lived in NJ for two years now, absolutely hated it (mostly because I miss my home of Philadelphia where I lived for 42 years prior)....but after hearing Gov McGreevey give his resignation speech, I can finally say, after two long years, I am a New Jerseyan. He had more balls and courage in coming out to the entire world than I have seen in most str8 men in a long time.
HellonWheels said:
I assume most fo you have seen the news by now about this.
What do you think?

FTR I have lived in NJ for two years now, absolutely hated it (mostly because I miss my home of Philadelphia where I lived for 42 years prior)....but after hearing Gov McGreevey give his resignation speech, I can finally say, after two long years, I am a New Jerseyan. He had more balls and courage in coming out to the entire world than I have seen in most str8 men in a long time.
What does sexulity of person have to do with his ability to his job. I just wish all governer's had his courage. He should not resign!!!
Courage? He cheated on himself, his wife and his family. He harassed his employee(s), he violated state employment rules(nepotism or otherwise), knowingly hired a person unqualified based on security clearance, citizenship and experience, he openly exposed himself to blackmail from these actions and he tried to ignore it.

No, he needs to go NOW.

Give me a break on the stupid "gay-American" baiting. He wanted to secure protection under the hyphenated-Americans clause. Give it up. Just for that, I will call myself a heterophilic-American so you morons won't attack. But that's whistling in the dark.
Courage? Here's a guy strictly in damage control mode. He comes clean before the news can be brought forth. If he had real courage, he would step down immediately, before Nov 15 so a special election can be held. So typical to cast himself as a victim, this is all to try and deflect from the fundraising scandals that he is under investigation for.

a few choice paragraphs from the Washington Times.....

But Mr. McGreevey has been dogged by several scandals involving fund raising.
Among those caught up in recent scandals were his first chief of staff and former counsel; a top Democratic fund-raiser and former high school classmate; and real estate developer Charles Kushner, Mr. McGreevey's biggest campaign contributor.
Mr. Kushner was charged with trying to thwart a federal campaign-finance investigation by luring a grand jury witness — his own brother-in-law — into a compromising position with a prostitute and sending video and photos to the man's wife.

This Kushner character seems like a real beaut, eh? Sends a skank to his brother-in-law to get pics and vids to send to his own freakin' sister. What a swell guy.
I didn't agree with his politics at all, esp. on abortion...I'm a mostly conservative Republican. But having once faced a situation a little like his (on the gay issue and coming out), I KNOW the balls it took to tell the whole world of his sexuality. I'm not talking about anything else, only the courage it took him to come out.
HellonWheels said:
I didn't agree with his politics at all, esp. on abortion...I'm a mostly conservative Republican. But having once faced a situation a little like his (on the gay issue and coming out), I KNOW the balls it took to tell the whole world of his sexuality. I'm not talking about anything else, only the courage it took him to come out.
If I were to assign courage to someone, I would go with his wife who stood beside him during his announcement. This must be very hard on his family.
Jakebrake said:
If I were to assign courage to someone, I would go with his wife who stood beside him during his announcement. This must be very hard on his family.

I definitely agree there. But you know, its hard for a person who lives in a gayhating society as we have usually lived in, to come out. People often say, Why did he get married, wait so long to come out, etc. LOOK at what our society does to gay ppl and says about them...if you were in his shoes wouldnt YOU have stayed closeted as long as he did? Things are getting better now, but for DECADES gay ppl had to risk losing their families, their jobs, EVERYTHING. FEAR kept him closeted, you know when I watched his speech I could alsmost see the RELIEF on his face, the relief that he can finally be OUT.
Azulene said:
What does sexulity of person have to do with his ability to his job. I just wish all governer's had his courage. He should not resign!!!
Sexuality has nothing to do with sexual harassment :rolleyes: Are you saying you wish all governors sexually harassed employees?
zapper said:
Sexuality has nothing to do with sexual harassment :rolleyes: Are you saying you wish all governors sexually harassed employees?

Oh, to further this story, the victim of the Governor's indiscretion is claiming to be STRAIGHT!

So, if the governor would have been straight and tried to seduce a lesbian on his staff, after providing this lesbian a job of homeland security, a job that former FBI Director Louis Freeh had been recommended for but the governor turned Director Freeh down...

I bet the governor would have been hanged from the nearest tree before sundown.
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