recumbent seating position

In article <[email protected]>, Edward Dolan
<[email protected]> wrote:

> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Mark Leuck wrote:

> [...]
> >> How many recumbents have you had over the years?

> >
> > I only have two now that I intended to buy - the others came into my life
> > looking for new homes.

> That is the way it is with me too with stray cats. They come over here to my
> house looking for a new home and I have to take them in, the poor little
> creatures. I have created a cat heaven for them and they repay me by purring
> and purring whenever I even look at them. Don't ask me how many I have. I am
> too embarrassed to tell anyone anymore. Suffice it to say, I have quite a
> few.
> My main worry in life is what is going to happen to all my cats when I die.
> Will they have to die too? My recumbents will get hauled out to the local
> dump, but I would like to think that my cats could go on living even if I am
> not here to care for them.

Ahh it all makes sense now. Your a crazy old woman with too many cats.
"Slugger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:231020041529436535%[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, Edward Dolan
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> >
>> > Mark Leuck wrote:

>> [...]
>> >> How many recumbents have you had over the years?
>> >
>> > I only have two now that I intended to buy - the others came into my
>> > life
>> > looking for new homes.

>> That is the way it is with me too with stray cats. They come over here to
>> my
>> house looking for a new home and I have to take them in, the poor little
>> creatures. I have created a cat heaven for them and they repay me by
>> purring
>> and purring whenever I even look at them. Don't ask me how many I have. I
>> am
>> too embarrassed to tell anyone anymore. Suffice it to say, I have quite a
>> few.
>> My main worry in life is what is going to happen to all my cats when I
>> die.
>> Will they have to die too? My recumbents will get hauled out to the local
>> dump, but I would like to think that my cats could go on living even if I
>> am
>> not here to care for them.

> Ahh it all makes sense now. Your a crazy old woman with too many cats.

That should be you're for you are. Your is an adjective.

Main Entry: your
Pronunciation: y&r, 'yur, 'yOr, 'yor
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English Eower; akin to Old English
Eow you -- more at YOU
1 : of or relating to you or yourself or yourselves especially as
possessor or possessors <your bodies>, agent or agents <your contributions>,
or object or objects of an action <your discharge>
2 : of or relating to one or oneself <when you face the north, east is
at your right>
3 -- used with little or no meaning almost as an equivalent to the
definite article the <a trait... that sets him apart from your average
professor -- James Breckenridge>

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Any man who does not like, nay love, cats is an insane son of a ***** who
does not deserve to live. When a cat deigns to love you back, then you know
you have arrived and are entitled to live on this earth.

Men who do not like cats are the worst sort of scoundrels and ought to be
taken out and stoned to death. What is there not to like about cats? They
are just like us, only infinitely better because they are more honest. I
would like to come back in another life as a cat. But preferably as a big
cat so I could give the likes of Slugger his just deserts.

Cats are such noble creatures compared to the human scum (like Slugger) who
pollute and infest the earth with their loathsome presence. Truth be told,
we humans are like cockroaches and/or rats. We are basically pests. The
ancient Egyptians had it right. Cats are to be worshipped as the incarnation
of the gods.


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mark Leuck wrote:
> > "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > ...
> >>And in term of active safety, these cars with their numb, slow steering,
> >>pitiful brakes, and softly sprung, under-damped suspensions, and poor
> >>tires were significantly inferior to even a modern full-size SUV.
> >>
> >>Fortunately, most of the **** Detroit produced in this era has gone to
> >>the junkyard and been recycled. Today, even the worst cars and trucks on
> >>the US market are decent vehicles (thanks to Mr. Honda, the Toyoda
> >>family, et al).

> >
> >
> > As a former owner of 3 Chevette's we both agree on this[.]...

> Why, after the experience of one "Shove It", would anyone buy a second
> and third? And why admit to such folly in a public forum?

I considered a Chevette the "Bic" lighter of cars. Buy it cheap, use it for
2 or 3 years then throw it away

Worked rather well, they were junk but I don't regret buying them
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Any man who does not like, nay love, cats is an insane son of a ***** who
> does not deserve to live. When a cat deigns to love you back, then you

> you have arrived and are entitled to live on this earth.
> Men who do not like cats are the worst sort of scoundrels and ought to be
> taken out and stoned to death. What is there not to like about cats? They
> are just like us, only infinitely better because they are more honest. I
> would like to come back in another life as a cat. But preferably as a big
> cat so I could give the likes of Slugger his just deserts.
> Cats are such noble creatures compared to the human scum (like Slugger)

> pollute and infest the earth with their loathsome presence. Truth be told,
> we humans are like cockroaches and/or rats. We are basically pests. The
> ancient Egyptians had it right. Cats are to be worshipped as the

> of the gods.

Cats look much nicer with a 357 hollow point between the eyes
"James S. Prine" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> >Materialism already exists and is the official religion of the United
> >States.

> That is uncomfortably close to the truth, though people in many
> countries...especially the young...are also infected with it.
> No wonder the Islamic fundamentalists hate the West.

But that is only because they can't do it themselves
>> No wonder the Islamic fundamentalists hate the West.
>But that is only because they can't do it themselves

A good point. The terrorists who hijacked the airliners certainly didn't mind
disobeying their religious edicts and thoroughly enjoying themselves before
committing their heinous acts.

James S. Prine

"No Moore Lies"
"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Mark Leuck wrote:
>> > "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> > news:[email protected]...
>> > ...
>> >>And in term of active safety, these cars with their numb, slow
>> >>steering,
>> >>pitiful brakes, and softly sprung, under-damped suspensions, and poor
>> >>tires were significantly inferior to even a modern full-size SUV.
>> >>
>> >>Fortunately, most of the **** Detroit produced in this era has gone to
>> >>the junkyard and been recycled. Today, even the worst cars and trucks
>> >>on
>> >>the US market are decent vehicles (thanks to Mr. Honda, the Toyoda
>> >>family, et al).
>> >
>> >
>> > As a former owner of 3 Chevette's we both agree on this[.]...

>> Why, after the experience of one "Shove It", would anyone buy a second
>> and third? And why admit to such folly in a public forum?

> I considered a Chevette the "Bic" lighter of cars. Buy it cheap, use it
> for
> 2 or 3 years then throw it away
> Worked rather well, they were junk but I don't regret buying them

Mr. Leuck epitomizes the very worst aspects of Western consumer society.
Every car (not many) I have ever gotten lasts me about 20 years at which
point they end up in the auto grave yard. Mr. Leuck is the typical American
HOG who consumes and consumes with never a thought to the rest of human

No one should ever buy anything which is designed for throw away. Excuse me
while I go to the smallest room in my house and throw up at this latest
outrage from Mr. Leuck. God will surely reserve a special place in Hell for
consumers like Mr. Leuck.


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Any man who does not like, nay love, cats is an insane son of a ***** who
>> does not deserve to live. When a cat deigns to love you back, then you

> know
>> you have arrived and are entitled to live on this earth.
>> Men who do not like cats are the worst sort of scoundrels and ought to be
>> taken out and stoned to death. What is there not to like about cats? They
>> are just like us, only infinitely better because they are more honest. I
>> would like to come back in another life as a cat. But preferably as a big
>> cat so I could give the likes of Slugger his just deserts.
>> Cats are such noble creatures compared to the human scum (like Slugger)

> who
>> pollute and infest the earth with their loathsome presence. Truth be
>> told,
>> we humans are like cockroaches and/or rats. We are basically pests. The
>> ancient Egyptians had it right. Cats are to be worshipped as the

> incarnation
>> of the gods.

> Cats look much nicer with a 357 hollow point between the eyes

I wouldn't mind putting a bullet through your thick skull. Anyone who messes
with my cats is courting instant death. My rage would be such that I could
strangle you with my bare hands about your neck if I could ever stand to
come that close to your odious person.

Screw you and **** you all the way to Hell and back!!! You God Damn Scum

****ing Regards,

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:

> ...
> Any man who does not like, nay love, cats is an insane son of a ***** who
> does not deserve to live. When a cat deigns to love you back, then you know
> you have arrived and are entitled to live on this earth.
> Men who do not like cats are the worst sort of scoundrels and ought to be
> taken out and stoned to death. What is there not to like about cats? They
> are just like us, only infinitely better because they are more honest. I
> would like to come back in another life as a cat. But preferably as a big
> cat so I could give the likes of Slugger his just deserts....

Can we stone landlords who prohibit tenants from having cats?

Tom Sherman - Curmudgeon and Pedant
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> ...
>> Any man who does not like, nay love, cats is an insane son of a ***** who
>> does not deserve to live. When a cat deigns to love you back, then you
>> know you have arrived and are entitled to live on this earth.
>> Men who do not like cats are the worst sort of scoundrels and ought to be
>> taken out and stoned to death. What is there not to like about cats? They
>> are just like us, only infinitely better because they are more honest. I
>> would like to come back in another life as a cat. But preferably as a big
>> cat so I could give the likes of Slugger his just deserts....

> Can we stone landlords who prohibit tenants from having cats?

Most definitely! Cats are not the same as dogs or children. They are the
least offensive animals that creation has ever come up with. A landlord who
would not allow cats is lower than a skunk and should be told where to go


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"James S. Prine" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>>> No wonder the Islamic fundamentalists hate the West.

>>But that is only because they can't do it themselves

> A good point. The terrorists who hijacked the airliners certainly didn't
> mind
> disobeying their religious edicts and thoroughly enjoying themselves
> before
> committing their heinous acts.

Islamic terrorists remind me of children. They seem to have only half a
brain. I have always feared young adults because they do not have fully
developed brains with which to think. They eventually grow out of their
mental deficiencies, but the only solution to the Islamic brain deficiency
is to kill them dead. Can you imagine what they might be capable of if they
ever got their hands on nuclear weapons.


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
Edward Dolan wrote:

> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>Edward Dolan wrote:
>>>Any man who does not like, nay love, cats is an insane son of a ***** who
>>>does not deserve to live. When a cat deigns to love you back, then you
>>>know you have arrived and are entitled to live on this earth.
>>>Men who do not like cats are the worst sort of scoundrels and ought to be
>>>taken out and stoned to death. What is there not to like about cats? They
>>>are just like us, only infinitely better because they are more honest. I
>>>would like to come back in another life as a cat. But preferably as a big
>>>cat so I could give the likes of Slugger his just deserts....

>>Can we stone landlords who prohibit tenants from having cats?

> Most definitely! Cats are not the same as dogs or children. They are the
> least offensive animals that creation has ever come up with. A landlord who
> would not allow cats is lower than a skunk and should be told where to go
> forthwith.

I have been informed that skunks (raised domestically for pets) are much
like cats - other than that I agree with Ed Dolan [1]. Prohibiting cats
is the rule, not the exception in the US. :(

[1] Very rare words.

Tom Sherman - Curmudgeon and Pedant
"Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>Edward Dolan wrote:
>>>>Any man who does not like, nay love, cats is an insane son of a *****
>>>>who does not deserve to live. When a cat deigns to love you back, then
>>>>you know you have arrived and are entitled to live on this earth.
>>>>Men who do not like cats are the worst sort of scoundrels and ought to
>>>>be taken out and stoned to death. What is there not to like about cats?
>>>>They are just like us, only infinitely better because they are more
>>>>honest. I would like to come back in another life as a cat. But
>>>>preferably as a big cat so I could give the likes of Slugger his just
>>>Can we stone landlords who prohibit tenants from having cats?

>> Most definitely! Cats are not the same as dogs or children. They are the
>> least offensive animals that creation has ever come up with. A landlord
>> who would not allow cats is lower than a skunk and should be told where
>> to go forthwith.

> I have been informed that skunks (raised domestically for pets) are much
> like cats - other than that I agree with Ed Dolan [1]. Prohibiting cats is
> the rule, not the exception in the US. :(
> [1] Very rare words.

Mr. Sherman knows how to play with words better than anyone else on this
group. I lack this ability. I am always going for the jugular. That is why I
appreciate Mr. Sherman more than most. He has the effect of deflating one
and all and, more specifically, lowering my blood pressure, a not
inconsiderable accomplishment when it is always sky high when I come on this

If Mr. Leuck puts me into an early grave, I am going to have my estate sue
him for causing my death. Mr. Sherman I understand; Mr. Leuck I do not
understand. What is really weird is that I agree with Mr. Leuck much more
than I do with Mr. Sherman. Apparently, chemistry is everything.


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> If Mr. Leuck puts me into an early grave, I am going to have my estate sue
> him for causing my death. Mr. Sherman I understand; Mr. Leuck I do not
> understand. What is really weird is that I agree with Mr. Leuck much more
> than I do with Mr. Sherman. Apparently, chemistry is everything.

So whats to understand? My belief is the quicker a cat can stop breathing
the better
"Mark Leuck" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> If Mr. Leuck puts me into an early grave, I am going to have my estate
>> sue
>> him for causing my death. Mr. Sherman I understand; Mr. Leuck I do not
>> understand. What is really weird is that I agree with Mr. Leuck much more
>> than I do with Mr. Sherman. Apparently, chemistry is everything.

> So whats to understand? My belief is the quicker a cat can stop breathing
> the better [.]

Whats should be what's for what is.

And my belief is that the quicker assholes like you can stop breathing the

By the way, **** You and Screw You all the way to Hell and back - or did I
already say that once or twice before.

****ing Regards,

Ed Dolan - Minnesota
>Islamic terrorists remind me of children. They seem to have only half a
>brain. I have always feared young adults because they do not have fully
>developed brains with which to think.

Here in New Orleans, we've just had some sort of "hip hop" music concert which
was also used as a political plaftorm for the adolescents to rant about Bush
reviving the draft, etc.

I wonder where they get the idea that President Bush could single-handedly
"revive" the draft?

And, even if he could, after Jimmy Carter's draft-dodger amnesty back in 1977,
why would anyone seriously think that a draft would actually affect them? Just
wait it out and get automatic amnesty when the shooting stops and all the
heroes are buried.

James S. Prine

"JOhn KErry"
"James S. Prine" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> >Islamic terrorists remind me of children. They seem to have only half a
>>brain. I have always feared young adults because they do not have fully
>>developed brains with which to think.

> Here in New Orleans, we've just had some sort of "hip hop" music concert
> which
> was also used as a political plaftorm for the adolescents to rant about
> Bush
> reviving the draft, etc.
> I wonder where they get the idea that President Bush could single-handedly
> "revive" the draft?
> And, even if he could, after Jimmy Carter's draft-dodger amnesty back in
> 1977,
> why would anyone seriously think that a draft would actually affect them?
> Just
> wait it out and get automatic amnesty when the shooting stops and all the
> heroes are buried.

We are a huge nation and there is no reason for a draft ever again. This is
partly because the nature of warfare has changed forever due to newer
technologies. If there is ever a problem with not enough volunteers, all
that ever needs to be done is to increase the compensation. The old days of
mass draft armies are over. A professional military is the ONLY way to go,


Ed Dolan - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> "Tom Sherman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > Mark Leuck wrote:

> [...]
> >> How many recumbents have you had over the years?

> >
> > I only have two now that I intended to buy - the others came into my life
> > looking for new homes.

> That is the way it is with me too with stray cats. They come over here to my
> house looking for a new home and I have to take them in, the poor little
> creatures. I have created a cat heaven for them and they repay me by purring
> and purring whenever I even look at them. Don't ask me how many I have. I am
> too embarrassed to tell anyone anymore. Suffice it to say, I have quite a
> few.
> My main worry in life is what is going to happen to all my cats when I die.
> Will they have to die too? My recumbents will get hauled out to the local
> dump, but I would like to think that my cats could go on living even if I am
> not here to care for them.

Ed, this is very poetic, I love it. You should write books.
Edward Dolan wrote:

> All you ever have to do with an uncomfortable seat is to layer in some very
> high quality foam and you are in nirvana - provided you can get sufficient
> lay back in the seat.

And provided the base is big enough for you to start with and it will
take the foam you want to layer on. Not all designs will. Many will,
granted, but all is not the same as many. And provided your body is
happy in a recumbent pedalling position. Not all are.

> You can pile on foam forever and still not get any
> comfort with a saddle.

You'll probably take away comfort from it, because it's shape that
matters most. Many people have trouble because they assume padding will
mean more comfort, but often it just puts pressure on the places already
identified as not needing any.

> Recumbent seats are as expensive as they are because there is very little
> demand for them like the recumbents they are a part of themselves. This
> could all change drastically if recumbents ever became a mass market item.

But they'll still be physically bigger and thus require more basic raw
material, as well as more elaborate fitting than a seatpost bracket.
You mentioned very high quality foam just now. That doesn't come cheap.

> You should investigate these guys who do the RAAM. The ones who do it on a
> recumbent sitting on a seat do not have any problems with pain and injury.
> The ones who do it on uprights sitting on a saddle have nothing but.

If anyone who has ever ridden the RAAM on an upright can say they
weren't suffering from pain and injury 100% of the time due to their
saddles then that claim is clearly an invention. It is clearly an

> I have only been on ARBR for a little over a year, but I don't recall seeing
> your idiotic signature until very recently.

Usenet is not comprised solely of a.r.b.r, but then how could you
possibly be expected to realise that in your sad little Edcentric universe?

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
net [email protected]
"Peter Clinch" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:

>> I have only been on ARBR for a little over a year, but I don't recall
>> seeing your idiotic signature until very recently.

> Usenet is not comprised solely of a.r.b.r, but then how could you possibly
> be expected to realise that in your sad little Edcentric universe?

You mean you are infecting more than this Usenet site with your loathsome
signature? Have you no shame?


Ed Dolan - Minnesota