Weight Lifting & Cycling?? (Off Topic) Lactate Shuttle and Low Carb diets

Originally posted by ricstern
in some cases, people are 'religious' about their diets due to their belief system (e.g. muslim people who eat halal meats, jewish people who eat kosher and vegetarians, vegans who don't wish to eat food products that have come from living creatures). i'm not however, suggesting that being vegetarian (etc) is a religious belief system though (such as e.g., judaism, christianity, etc).

on the other hand 'fad' diets such as Atkins, Sears, etc. are neither (religious or moral beliefs) and are really just errr fads.


Sorry, yes, I'm not suggesting that there's anything wrong with religion per se. There are coherent arguments for all sorts of religious systems and their accompanying dietary regime. Reliogious philosophy is actually an area I'm pretty interested in, and I don't mean any disrespect to anyone's particular moral and religious way of viewing the world. I'm just suggesting that there is a cult-like fervour involved in certain fad diets. Religious is probably the wrong word.