Clydesdale Community Challenge

6825.6 + 14.7 = 6840.3

LOVING my new frame!
:D I think my wolfdog is even happier about it than I am? :cool:
6840.03 + 11.1 = 6851.13 miles

still very humid. Rode with my 17yo daughter...she hardly ever rides.
6851.13 + 14.82 = 6865.95

Ah, good to be back on the bike. My favorite quote is "it never gets easier, you just go faster"; after life got in the way, it just got harder and I go slower. Dammit.
6865.95 + 118 = 6983.95
As of 28-July.

Did my first (sprint) triathlon ever last Sunday. Swim (just started learning the crawl) and run were kind of weak, transitions were worse but my cycling was strong. Did 21.5 miles in 57 minutes, I probably could have gone faster but I held back a bit since I lost my lunch after the swim and wanted to have some left in the tank for the run.

My wife raced too, it was a great experience. I will work on the swimming over the winter so I am good to go next year.
6983.95 + 13.2 = 6997.15 miles

Nothing special tonight, except for fact that I've been finding plenty of time to ride after work. Gotta like that.
6997.15 + 33.68 = 7030.83

Family is out of town, first chance in a while to get some "real" miles. Felt GREAT!
7048.73 + 25.6 = 7074.33
That's only two days. School has been murdering my saddle time.
7206.67 + 8.1 = 7214.77

(that's right, two short rides in a day - one was my commute, and wasn't sure if I'd get another in but took my daughter to the playground)