'From Lance to Landis'


New Member
Jul 10, 2007
Have any of you guys read this book?

If not, i recommend you get a copy over the internet and read.

Granted all the evidence is 'circumstancial and seeing that LA was never caught red handed with a needle in his arm, or a with a 'clear cut' positive test result there is always that shadow of uncertainly around everything, however at the back of the book there is a transcript of a MSN conversation between Vaughters and Andrei, if i get the time i will post this whole conversation up here, but this is the sleeping bomb that (IMO) says with certainty that LA and his team were on some incrediably well planned and well funded blood doping programme.

2 friends chatting about how glad they are that the LA era is over and that the bulls**t can now stop.. they go on to describe how the dope prog works, how controlling LA is etc detc...

Go get a copy and read it, then make your own mind up.

Finally... .can someone please track down LA's ex g/f and find out from her, plus... his ex-wife has gotta know the score...
I'm reading it now..... about half way through.... I actually find some of the doping stories funny.... especially when Livingstone and Hincapie rode for Cofids and Garmount and co. are off their nuts injecting Pot Belge and partying till 7am in the morning....... its actually very well written and Walsh does praise Armstrong a lot…… he does a very good job of linking all the doping stories into actual events and the way Lance rode on each stage……..

LaarsX said:
Have any of you guys read this book?

If not, i recommend you get a copy over the internet and read.

Granted all the evidence is 'circumstancial and seeing that LA was never caught red handed with a needle in his arm, or a with a 'clear cut' positive test result there is always that shadow of uncertainly around everything, however at the back of the book there is a transcript of a MSN conversation between Vaughters and Andrei, if i get the time i will post this whole conversation up here, but this is the sleeping bomb that (IMO) says with certainty that LA and his team were on some incrediably well planned and well funded blood doping programme.

2 friends chatting about how glad they are that the LA era is over and that the bulls**t can now stop.. they go on to describe how the dope prog works, how controlling LA is etc detc...

Go get a copy and read it, then make your own mind up.

Finally... .can someone please track down LA's ex g/f and find out from her, plus... his ex-wife has gotta know the score...

nice one.. i agree, appears very well written and well thought out and planned.

So come back when you've finished and lets have a chat about it.... the bits where they go through the whole blood doping process are just nasty, nasty nasty....
LaarsX said:

nice one.. i agree, appears very well written and well thought out and planned.

So come back when you've finished and lets have a chat about it.... the bits where they go through the whole blood doping process are just nasty, nasty nasty....

What I have found interesting is that you couldn't survive as a bike rider in the 90's without r-EPO..... regardless of what your roll was you couldn’t ride in the pro peleton without it....... I don’t really care what people think of Armstrong but the overwhelming evidence was that if you wanted to be in the top 50 you had to dope….. EOS.... some of the stuff they are doing is scary……. Another point I found interesting is that the UCI bloods tests should pick up anyone who has testicle cancer due to the usage of doping product or that the athlete has cancer….. Armstrong was never picked up…… hmmmmmm………. 3 other athletes were detected and their lives were saved because of this……

The apparant 'acceptance' of it as the norm is worrying... very worrying as you can kinda understand the thought process of these guys.. 'i have done nothing wrong because EVERYONE i race against is doing it, therefore this is normal and acceptable..' If you live in that closed bubble for several years then you do accept that jacking up daily is just part ofthe daily routine and preparation of being a pro rider.
Was also wondering how the tests that LA was subjected to failed to pick up on the major hormone changes that his body would have been going through as a result of the cancer, i mean his Test. levels must have been like a rollarcoaster, and this was never picked up... it does mention that LA has been and talked about this to the UCI but the contents of that dicussion were confidential and have never been released.
Another thing that really got to me was that there is hell of a lot of people who have come out with claims against him, but nothing appears to come of any of them... now thats either a lot of 'disgrutled' ex-employees / riders who all have decided to throw the same allegations against LA inspite of the fact that none of the previous claims have stuck, or else its an amazing co0-incidence... or perhaps, just perhaps, there is something in these claims.
I found the phone conversation near the end between Vaughters and Andreu rather entertaining.

Actually in my opinion... the book really makes Tyler Hamilton look the worst of all of them.
LaarsX said:
Have any of you guys read this book?

If not, i recommend you get a copy over the internet and read.

Granted all the evidence is 'circumstancial and seeing that LA was never caught red handed with a needle in his arm, or a with a 'clear cut' positive test result there is always that shadow of uncertainly around everything, however at the back of the book there is a transcript of a MSN conversation between Vaughters and Andrei, if i get the time i will post this whole conversation up here, but this is the sleeping bomb that (IMO) says with certainty that LA and his team were on some incrediably well planned and well funded blood doping programme.

2 friends chatting about how glad they are that the LA era is over and that the bulls**t can now stop.. they go on to describe how the dope prog works, how controlling LA is etc detc...

Go get a copy and read it, then make your own mind up.

Finally... .can someone please track down LA's ex g/f and find out from her, plus... his ex-wife has gotta know the score...
And you should have read "LA Confidential" and "LA officiel" from the same author...
He seems to be making a career out of writing LA centered books. Maybe paying for his retirement. How does he quote the now admitted EPO user Frankie (who never mentioned a thing while being holier than thou prior to his outing and firing by Toyota-United).

Cynically, if almost all of the top 50 riders were on EPO, what's the problem. A level playing field of sorts.

Bad move in terms of a riders health, but lets face facts. At least one team (Telekom/T-Mobile) had a team wide doping regime.