Interesting eBay auction

Upon the miasma of midnight, a darkling spirit identified as Dr Curious
<[email protected]> gently breathed:

>If instead you use tinyurl -
>then unlike with qurl and makeshorterlink you don't
>get a redirect screen in the middle. Which is neat.

It's anything but neat - it's a massive security hole. With the other
two you get a chance to find out where the link is going to take you
before you are actually sent there and thus have a chance to back out if
the real URL looks "dodgy", "non-work-safe", "not in front of the kids"
or whatever.

With services which don't warn you where you're going first there's a
huge risk of being maliciously directed to a scam, hardcore pr0n site,
or just about anything else.

>But is probably also why relatively people see to know
>about tinyurl.

Members of one of the groups I read actively discourage people from
using it for the reason's I've outlined above.

NP: Manowar - Call To Arms.
- Pyromancer Stormshadow. <-- Pagan Gothic Rock! <-- Electronic Metal! <-- The Gothic Revival.
Pyromancer <[email protected]> writes:
> Upon the miasma of midnight, a darkling spirit identified as Dr Curious
> <[email protected]> gently breathed:
> >If instead you use tinyurl -
> >
> >
> >
> >then unlike with qurl and makeshorterlink you don't
> >get a redirect screen in the middle. Which is neat.

> With services which don't warn you where you're going first there's a
> huge risk of being maliciously directed to a scam, hardcore pr0n site,
> or just about anything else.

Or indeed something which would attract the attentions of the
law. That would be unpleasant.

> >But is probably also why relatively people see to know
> >about tinyurl.

> Members of one of the groups I read actively discourage people from
> using it for the reason's I've outlined above.

Indeed, I'd only click it with people I trust.

Zog The Undeniable [email protected] opined the following...
> Jon Senior wrote:
> >
> > 3688720388&rd=1
> >
> > Even if the frame is sh*t, if the price doesn't rise too much it'd be a
> > good way to buy a 105 groupset.

> But it will...all the serious bids come in the last 30 seconds.

I know but it's worth watching none the less. I'd be interested myself
but I've already got the same groupset on what is (I suspect) a better
frame! Between that and the auction for a Giant TCR frameset you could
potentially get a high quality road bike for considerably less than the
actual item normally costs.

Dr Curious [email protected] opined the following...
> Even if what you suggest were true, how exactly can telling people
> how other people view them, be considered hurtful?

Walk up to the next overweight person that you find and tell them that
you find their physique revolting. If you wouldn't do this, then don't
do it here. Simple.

Jon Senior <jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> writes:

> Dr Curious [email protected] opined the following...
> > Even if what you suggest were true, how exactly can telling people
> > how other people view them, be considered hurtful?

> Walk up to the next overweight person that you find and tell them that
> you find their physique revolting. If you wouldn't do this, then don't
> do it here. Simple.

They'd actually have to be pretty overweight before I found them
revolting, mind. Still, I wouldn't do it.

And as for being resentful of people who don't live from metaphorical
hand-to-mouth in terms of getting enough food inside the body and
digested, I'd never go up to anyone overweight and tell them how lucky
they are. Although the next person to tell me it's 'holy' not to eat
will find their nose broken in double quick time.

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:27:42 +0100, "Dr Curious"
<[email protected]> wrote in message
<[email protected]>:

>> > I'll tell you something though Nankerville, originality doesn't
>> > exactly appear to be your strong suit somehow, does it?

>> Said the man who apparently thinks deliberately spelling others' names
>> wrongly is original...

>Its my little "joke of the week", actually Guy.

How thay all laughed. Nearly.

>And a sight more original that trailing the same sig around
>behind me for more than five years, I'd imagine.

Who cares. A sig is just a sig.

>But then for someone without the courage to ever actually say what
>they mean, it would be something of a necessity I'd have thought.
>Even on a cycling group.

I'll say what I mean if you like: you're a ****wit.

>> > First up you simply repeated parrott fashion everything MacClancey
>> > said about me. That I'm a "****wit" and that I'm "paranoid"

>> But did he say anything contentious?

>But Ambrose did apologise.
>So are you claiming Ambrose was wrong to aplogise then ?

Ambrose can do what he wants.

May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington University
Dr Curious [email protected] opined the following...
> Nope. All the minions who are otherwise unsure of themselves
> address their posts through you. And you reward them with a
> reply. It's quite noticeable.


> Whereas as always, the more independantly minded posters are
> a law unto themselves and may stay aloof, or form shifting
> allegiances.


> But the support of the minions is vital in the end.

This is a newsgroup, not a warzone. My "allegiances" lie with anyone who
isn't currently arguing with me. That can (and does) change within the
course of single thread. This does not mean that I dislike people who
disagree with me, just that from the point of view of "debate" I cannot
logically be "allied" to them.

I doubt that that makes me very different from anyone else here who has
ever argued the toss.

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 14:56:33 GMT, Graeme
<[email protected]> wrote in message
<[email protected]>:

>Don't cancel the order, I'll have it. It'll do perfectly for my larger than
>life effigy. I needed something to provide just the right level of shine to
>the top of the head ;-) And don't get me started on all those walruses that
>I needed to slaughter to replicate that 'tache. :)

Whassat? Are you impyling I'm a slaphead? Not so!

May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington University
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:12:43 +0100, "Dr Curious"
<[email protected]> wrote in message
<[email protected]>:

>> Another Curiously clue-free assertion. Leader? I'm just
>> zis guy, you know?

>Nope. All the minions who are otherwise unsure of themselves
>address their posts through you. And you reward them with a
>reply. It's quite noticeable.

Hmmm. You really are a ****wit, aren't you?

May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington University
"Jon Senior" <jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Zog The Undeniable [email protected] opined the following...
> > Jon Senior wrote:
> > >
> > > 3688720388&rd=1
> > >
> > > Even if the frame is sh*t, if the price doesn't rise too much it'd be

> > > good way to buy a 105 groupset.

> >
> > But it will...all the serious bids come in the last 30 seconds.

> I know but it's worth watching none the less. I'd be interested myself
> but I've already got the same groupset on what is (I suspect) a better
> frame! Between that and the auction for a Giant TCR frameset you could
> potentially get a high quality road bike for considerably less than the
> actual item normally costs.

What's wrong with the kinesis frame it's already got?

Ambrose Nankivell [email protected] opined the following...
> Jon Senior <jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> writes:
> > Dr Curious [email protected] opined the following...
> > > Even if what you suggest were true, how exactly can telling people
> > > how other people view them, be considered hurtful?

> >
> > Walk up to the next overweight person that you find and tell them that
> > you find their physique revolting. If you wouldn't do this, then don't
> > do it here. Simple.

> They'd actually have to be pretty overweight before I found them
> revolting, mind. Still, I wouldn't do it.

It was the first example I could think of (Freud would probably have
something to say about that!).

> And as for being resentful of people who don't live from metaphorical
> hand-to-mouth in terms of getting enough food inside the body and
> digested, I'd never go up to anyone overweight and tell them how lucky
> they are.

I don't find it attractive, and do find the _grossly_[1] overweight

> Although the next person to tell me it's 'holy' not to eat
> will find their nose broken in double quick time.

Have you ever had that? Jesus! <oops>


[1] When the fat on their ankles has rolled down over the edge of their
shoes and trails on the floor. Yes... I've seen this!
Clive George [email protected] opined the following...
> What's wrong with the kinesis frame it's already got?

I've checked all the pictures and can't see any evidence that it's
actually a kinesis frame. I guess it could be a rebadged (OEM) frame. My
Giant OCR frame seems pretty respectable and the TCR that is currently
on offer is rated quite highly.

If the frame is good then it's even better value.

Jon Senior <jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> writes:
> Ambrose Nankivell [email protected] opined the following...
> > Although the next person to tell me it's 'holy' not to eat
> > will find their nose broken in double quick time.

> Have you ever had that? Jesus! <oops>

Indeed, I should have pointed out that I was much holier than him as I
managed two whole weeks without eating due to a kinked bowel. Fixed
itself without surgery in the end, but it was a nervous time.

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 19:13:07 +0100, Jon Senior
<jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> wrote in message
<[email protected]>:

>Walk up to the next overweight person that you find and tell them that
>you find their physique revolting. If you wouldn't do this, then don't
>do it here. Simple.

No problem- it's not like they stand much chance of catching me, is
it? :p

May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington University
"Jon Senior" <jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Clive George [email protected] opined the following...
> > What's wrong with the kinesis frame it's already got?

> I've checked all the pictures and can't see any evidence that it's
> actually a kinesis frame. I guess it could be a rebadged (OEM) frame. My
> Giant OCR frame seems pretty respectable and the TCR that is currently
> on offer is rated quite highly.
> If the frame is good then it's even better value.

Some of the detail looks similar to some of mine. I suspect it's a frame
suitable for the components it's got (ie a decent budget frame).

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 09:15:03 +0100, "Dr Curious"
<[email protected]> wrote (more or less):

>"Jon Senior" <jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> You may have to copy and paste the second line. I haven't got the hang
>> of these shorter link people yet so the link gets split over two lines.
>> OK. Not so difficult. Try this:
>> Jon

>If instead you use tinyurl -
>then unlike with qurl and makeshorterlink you don't
>get a redirect screen in the middle. Which is neat.

The redirect screen is elective with

>But is probably also why relatively people see to know
>about tinyurl.

Symbian/Epoc wiki:
Smalltalk links (harvested from comp.lang.smalltalk)
"Just zis Guy, you know?" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:eek:[email protected]...
> On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 19:13:07 +0100, Jon Senior
> <jon_AT_restlesslemon_DOTco_DOT_uk> wrote in message
> <[email protected]>:
> >Walk up to the next overweight person that you find and tell them that
> >you find their physique revolting. If you wouldn't do this, then don't
> >do it here. Simple.

> No problem- it's not like they stand much chance of catching me, is
> it? :p

Would one say 'fat chance'?


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