The doping shame of Disco/USPO/Armstrong

Doctor.House said:
Nice doping apology little Janie. But not accepted here.

Go find a sharps bucket to barf into. And save your lectures for your priest.
Apology?????? Ok I'll accept yours, thanks Dr House. :eek: :eek:

you have a lot of posts for someone who has only been on here for 3 months - I was only kidding about you not having a bike, but....hehehehehe:D
spot on Dr House..

did any of you guys know that RSR-13 can also increase an athletes VO2 Max?

So not only does it increase yr RBC count, make your RBC larger, and increases the efficiency and dispersion of O2 from the RBC... it also increases your VO2 Max.

hmmmmm, fcuk EPO i'd be on this stuff. Oh dear, one of the teams have already 'Discovered' this.
RSR-13 has been tested on dogs and has significant benefits for endurance athletes. Dogs, Lance. Anyone care to make the connection? C'mon WBT!
LaarsX said:
spot on Dr House..

did any of you guys know that RSR-13 can also increase an athletes VO2 Max?

So not only does it increase yr RBC count, make your RBC larger, and increases the efficiency and dispersion of O2 from the RBC... it also increases your VO2 Max.

hmmmmm, fcuk EPO i'd be on this stuff. Oh dear, one of the teams have already 'Discovered' this.
I apologize for being soft on the LAF, another huge fraud.

janiejones said:
Apology?????? Ok I'll accept yours, thanks Dr House. :eek: :eek:

you have a lot of posts for someone who has only been on here for 3 months - I was only kidding about you not having a bike, but....hehehehehe:D
doctorSpoc said:
but in the pro peleton a VO2max of low 80s is very, very common... that's the point this VO2max is not a differentiator... the guys with high VO2max are hinault 88, indurain 88, and the highest for a cyclist LeMond 92.5...
Floyds is/was 93.
Bike N Ski said:
If current research out of UC/Berkely is to be believed LA's low level's of lactic acid(6.5/7.5mM compared to teammates 9-14mM) means that he was using lactic acid as fuel in the cell mitochondria to produce more available usable energy than his peers. Unforunately for the losers, no known drug will work as a catalyst to facilitate this intracellular lactate shuttle. It appears that only a lot of training along with a genetic pre-disposition to maximize mitochondria growth will enable this process. Maybe the monk like approach to training that LA espoused 24/7 365 paid off more than the "rock star" euro approach(does anyone really know how many calls LA placed to his partying euro peleton friends from his bike on XMAS eve?). In any event, I personally would take the extra energy producing potential of bridging the glycotic/oxidative barrier over a slightly higher VO2max since he who converts the most amount of energy into muscular power and velocity dominants the podium most of the time. LA's accomplishment's are in the past and in the cycling record books for eternity anyways. Long live the pro peleton in whatever form it can continue to exist.
A) this is still a hypothosis... although a very compelling one..
B) you obviously just skimmed.. since the utilization of the lactate in this hypothosis is by aerobic means.. that's why it's so amazing... meaning that he who has the highest VO2max, would be he who has the highest capacity to utilize lactate in this way

but hey, if you want to keep believing the puesdo science **** sh!t out by LA's PR team be my guest... for everyone else know that there is a really good, easy explaination for LAs performance... the best dope money can buy, and a lot of it!! and yes, i would agree, lots of hard work and determination, great training regime... but, dope, and lots of it was an essential component.
doctorSpoc said:
A) this is still a hypothosis... although a very compelling one..
B) you obviously just skimmed.. since the utilization of the lactate in this hypothosis is by aerobic means.. that's why it's so amazing... meaning that he who has the highest VO2max, would be he who has the highest capacity to utilize lactate in this way

but hey, if you want to keep believing the puesdo science **** sh!t out by LA's PR team be my guest... for everyone else know that there is a really good, easy explaination for LAs performance... the best dope money can buy, and a lot of it!! and yes, i would agree, lots of hard work and determination, great training regime... but, dope, and lots of it was an essential component.
LOL - Put the Pot Belge away doc, it's doing it's job and altering you view of reality(plus it went out of style last century - there's better and less mind wasting cocktails around now.) Are you really that high to think that UC/Berkely is publishing "puesdo" science **** as part of LA's PR team? Your also missing the point doc, its the burning of the lactate in the cell mitochondria that produces the increased energy. Having a VO2max of 100 will not help if you don't have the mitochondria to burn the big lactate loads generated by intense exercise. But hey, if you want to believe that you could have beat LA if you just had access to the best drugs money could buy - be my guest.
Bike N Ski said:
LOL - Put the Pot Belge away doc, it's doing it's job and altering you view of reality(plus it went out of style last century - there's better and less mind wasting cocktails around now.) Are you really that high to think that UC/Berkely is publishing "puesdo" science **** as part of LA's PR team? Your also missing the point doc, its the burning of the lactate in the cell mitochondria that produces the increased energy. Having a VO2max of 100 will not help if you don't have the mitochondria to burn the big lactate loads generated by intense exercise. But hey, if you want to believe that you could have beat LA if you just had access to the best drugs money could buy - be my guest.
you don't know what VO2max is...
Lance Armstrong is a confirmed drug cheat, liar and sporting fraud.

No need to write more media cover stories on behalf of $300 Nike sneakers.

Michael Vick, Marion Jones, Kobe Bryant all join Pharmstrong in crime.


steroid + insulin + testosterone + corticoids+ EPO + RSR-13 + cow blood = cheating

UC Berkeley cannot apologize for blood doping crimes here.

Bike N Ski said:
LOL - Put the Pot Belge away doc, it's doing it's job and altering you view of reality(plus it went out of style last century - there's better and less mind wasting cocktails around now.) Are you really that high to think that UC/Berkely is publishing "puesdo" science **** as part of LA's PR team? Your also missing the point doc, its the burning of the lactate in the cell mitochondria that produces the increased energy. Having a VO2max of 100 will not help if you don't have the mitochondria to burn the big lactate loads generated by intense exercise. But hey, if you want to believe that you could have beat LA if you just had access to the best drugs money could buy - be my guest.
Doctor.House said:
Only naive Nike consumers or dishonest frauds can wear a yellow bracelet after Tailwinds destroyed Le Tour with an aggressive freak show of media myth and Life Science cheating.

How about those who are wearing a yellow bracelet, not to symbolize Tailwind sports, cycling, or Nike, but to remind them of their own personal battle, or a loved one's battle with cancer?

And speaking of cancer, that is exactly what you are to these boards. 800+ posts and how many of them AREN'T in the anti-Disco/Postal/LA vein? Everyone knows your opinion on the subject, so stop beating the dead horse. We get it. You believe yourself to be the beacon of truth.

Now get over it.
eleven24 said:
How about those who are wearing a yellow bracelet, not to symbolize Tailwind sports, cycling, or Nike, but to remind them of their own personal battle, or a loved one's battle with cancer?

And speaking of cancer, that is exactly what you are to these boards. 800+ posts and how many of them AREN'T in the anti-Disco/Postal/LA vein? Everyone knows your opinion on the subject, so stop beating the dead horse. We get it. You believe yourself to be the beacon of truth.

Now get over it.

Amen to that.
Nope, they are duped doper promoters. No excuse for that ignorance after Lance's drug busts and numerous busted TDF teammates.

Wear black, green, blue or white---NEVER a cowardly Yellow Nike LIVE WRONG band symbolizing $300 sneakers made by children.

Quit protecting a Cancer Nike sneaker sales fraud. That cesspool must be cleaned up.

eleven24 said:
How about those who are wearing a yellow bracelet, not to symbolize Tailwind sports, cycling, or Nike, but to remind them of their own personal battle, or a loved one's battle with cancer?

And speaking of cancer, that is exactly what you are to these boards. 800+ posts and how many of them AREN'T in the anti-Disco/Postal/LA vein? Everyone knows your opinion on the subject, so stop beating the dead horse. We get it. You believe yourself to be the beacon of truth.

Now get over it.
Doctor.House said:
Nope, they are duped doper promoters. No excuse for that ignorance after Lance's drug busts and numerous busted TDF teammates.

Wear black, green, blue or white---NEVER a cowardly Yellow Nike LIVE WRONG band symbolizing $300 sneakers made by children.

Quit protecting a Cancer Nike sneaker sales fraud. That cesspool must be cleaned up.
Lance Armstrong =

Phamrstrong, seven flunked drug tests (corticoids & EPO in 1999 alone)
Cow blood and insulin possession confession Dec 2000
medical waste 160 spent syringes and IV supplies found
USPO busted teammates (benoit Joachim in 2000 TDF)
Andreu confession DQed Armstrong's 1999 TDF fruad
$300 Nike sneaker cheat
LAF rubber mask
SI's pharmaceutical freak of the year joker
LIVE WRONG legacy!
Nike's dog fighter swoosh award

jsull14 said:
Lance Armstrong =
eleven24 said:
How about those who are wearing a yellow bracelet, not to symbolize Tailwind sports, cycling, or Nike, but to remind them of their own personal battle, or a loved one's battle with cancer?

And speaking of cancer, that is exactly what you are to these boards. 800+ posts and how many of them AREN'T in the anti-Disco/Postal/LA vein? Everyone knows your opinion on the subject, so stop beating the dead horse. We get it. You believe yourself to be the beacon of truth.

Now get over it.
Leave the poor doc's along. LA has so totally dominated their psyche's that they're obsessed with him - they can't stop because they're not well. Like all losers, they live in the past.
eleven24 said:
How about those who are wearing a yellow bracelet, not to symbolize Tailwind sports, cycling, or Nike, but to remind them of their own personal battle, or a loved one's battle with cancer?

And speaking of cancer, that is exactly what you are to these boards. 800+ posts and how many of them AREN'T in the anti-Disco/Postal/LA vein? Everyone knows your opinion on the subject, so stop beating the dead horse. We get it. You believe yourself to be the beacon of truth.

Now get over it.
Leave the poor doc's along. LA has so totally dominated their psyche's that they're obsessed with him - they can't stop because they're not well. Like all losers, they live in the past.
Bike N Ski said:
Leave the poor doc's along. LA has so totally dominated their psyche's that they're obsessed with him - they can't stop because they're not well. Like all losers, they live in the past.
Swoosh (Nike) is terminating sneaker sales?

I had not heard that.