Doping in Olympic Track 100M


New Member
Aug 19, 2004
Among the sprinters at the 2008 Olympics who run the 100M there will not be one who is not doped. According to Angel Heredia in an interview by ‘Der Spiegel’. The Mexican is the principal witness for the prosecution by American authorities against Marion Jones. “In the 100M finals there will not be anyone clean because- says he who was at one time the supplier of epo to the ex superstar from the USA, who is now retired after being mired in scandal- the difference between 10 seconds and 9.7 is made by doping”. Heredia admits to having helped Maurice Greene, three years after his Olympic victory at Sydney. "I supplied him", he says. "We collaborated in 2003 and 2004. If he says that he was clean, I can only say that it is a lie". According to Heredia, “epo is in style, but it is only half as potent without also the supplementation with iron in the blood”. Then goes on to say how the so called “epo boost” that he developed can provide performances 10 times better than epo classic.

The Mexican tells that as an athlete he himself began to dope “ because everybody was doing it” and he remembers: “ athletes that he had beaten previously were tossing the discus 10 meters farther than him. I also wanted to qualify for the games”. He maintains that he knows of doping substances that can not be found by controls. “We have used crèmes that leave no trace, but keep a higher level of testosterone constantly in the body” he explains. He goes on to say that athletes even with lesser economic resources take steroids hoping not to be caught, “but if someone is able to spend $100,000, I can get him substances that cannot be discovered by tests” “It is enough for me to modify a pair of molecules at the end of a chemical chain, and the whole structure slips by the control.”
ilpirata said:
Among the sprinters at the 2008 Olympics who run the 100M there will not be one who is not doped. According to Angel Heredia in an interview by ‘Der Spiegel’. The Mexican is the principal witness for the prosecution by American authorities against Marion Jones. “In the 100M finals there will not be anyone clean because- says he who was at one time the supplier of epo to the ex superstar from the USA, who is now retired after being mired in scandal- the difference between 10 seconds and 9.7 is made by doping”. Heredia admits to having helped Maurice Greene, three years after his Olympic victory at Sydney. "I supplied him", he says. "We collaborated in 2003 and 2004. If he says that he was clean, I can only say that it is a lie". According to Heredia, “epo is in style, but it is only half as potent without also the supplementation with iron in the blood”. Then goes on to say how the so called “epo boost” that he developed can provide performances 10 times better than epo classic.

The Mexican tells that as an athlete he himself began to dope “ because everybody was doing it” and he remembers: “ athletes that he had beaten previously were tossing the discus 10 meters farther than him. I also wanted to qualify for the games”. He maintains that he knows of doping substances that can not be found by controls. “We have used crèmes that leave no trace, but keep a higher level of testosterone constantly in the body” he explains. He goes on to say that athletes even with lesser economic resources take steroids hoping not to be caught, “but if someone is able to spend $100,000, I can get him substances that cannot be discovered by tests” “It is enough for me to modify a pair of molecules at the end of a chemical chain, and the whole structure slips by the control.”
Oh no, it is only cycling that is doping.....I keep watching these amazing performances by swimmers and weight lifters and 10 year old Chinese girls parading around as 16 year olds, and I just wish so much that cycling could be as clean as those sports....
thoughtforfood said:
Oh no, it is only cycling that is doping.....I keep watching these amazing performances by swimmers and weight lifters and 10 year old Chinese girls parading around as 16 year olds, and I just wish so much that cycling could be as clean as those sports....
The 16 year old Chinese gymnasts are a joke. What do they take us for? Idiots?
How about the Dana Torres 41 year old woman swimmer from the USA who swam the fastest leg ever in the other night in the women's IM. No performance enhancing drugs involved. Right

Crankyfeet said:
The 16 year old Chinese gymnasts are a joke. What do they take us for? Idiots?
obxbes said:
How about the Dana Torres 41 year old woman swimmer from the USA who swam the fastest leg ever in the other night in the women's IM. No performance enhancing drugs involved. Right
Yeah, I read a magazine interview with her recently...and I was already thinking...41? And she made this big deal about how she volunteered for some testing protocol to prove she's clean, blah blah...they're just using something you can't detect IMO...or they think can't be detected. Time will tell. But you don't break records at 41. Sorry, Dana. I'll never believe the swimmers are clean...
obxbes said:
How about the Dana Torres 41 year old woman swimmer from the USA who swam the fastest leg ever in the other night in the women's IM. No performance enhancing drugs involved. Right

Not ruling anything out of course, BUT, both Phelps and Torres are voluntary participants in a pilot program by the USOC to "supertest" a group of athletes. They are tested twice a week (throughout the year) and their data is collected to established "baseline" date along the lines of a longitudinal study (this is of course irrelevant for Torres, who will presumably retire, again). Not that this proves they are clean, but it's likely more testing than any other country is doing. However, there are only 12 athletes involved.
kennf said:
Not ruling anything out of course, BUT, both Phelps and Torres are voluntary participants in a pilot program by the USOC to "supertest" a group of athletes. They are tested twice a week (throughout the year) and their data is collected to established "baseline" date along the lines of a longitudinal study (this is of course irrelevant for Torres, who will presumably retire, again). Not that this proves they are clean, but it's likely more testing than any other country is doing. However, there are only 12 athletes involved.'s irrelevant for the person bragging about doing it. She claims it does prove she's clean. And we all know there are ways to avoid detection and substances for which there are no tests. But the average person reading a People magazine article doesn't know that.
Crankyfeet said:
The 16 year old Chinese gymnasts are a joke. What do they take us for? Idiots?
I think the womens'--err, girls'--gymnasitics is sickening. The whole sport is based on child abuse. The raised age limits make things even worse because now the competitiors need to do whatever is necessary to add a couple of years to the time they are physically suitable for peak performance.
Bro Deal said:
I think the womens'--err, girls'--gymnasitics is sickening. The whole sport is based on child abuse. The raised age limits make things even worse because now the competitiors need to do whatever is necessary to add a couple of years to the time they are physically suitable for peak performance.
Yeah your right. Like the Italian choir boys who are castr... It hurts even to say it. Maybe they will be doped with anti-testosterone and anti-estrogen.
kennf said:
Not ruling anything out of course, BUT, both Phelps and Torres are voluntary participants in a pilot program by the USOC to "supertest" a group of athletes. They are tested twice a week (throughout the year) and their data is collected to established "baseline" date along the lines of a longitudinal study (this is of course irrelevant for Torres, who will presumably retire, again). Not that this proves they are clean, but it's likely more testing than any other country is doing. However, there are only 12 athletes involved.
They also have pledged to leave their blood for new tests anytime in the future.

P.S. to others-Her first name is Dara, not Dana.
...and in other news, bears still **** in the woods and the pope is still Catholic.

It took over 20 years for the record to drop from 9.95 to below 9.9 and in the 16 years since then we've dropped it to 9.72? Give me a freakin' break.

And if you believe there is ONE contending weightlifter at the olympics NOT on steroids, you're fooling yourself.

Hell, I've got a friend who competed at the Athens olympics as a Kayaker who has confided in me that their sport is absolutely riddled with PEDs (sorry, not going to provide a sex or country - I wouldn't want them to catch any flack).

It's unfortunate that cycling catches the brunt. The world has a performance enhancing drug problem.

Yes...I'm still watching the olympics, I'm a sucker.
kennf said:
Not ruling anything out of course, BUT, both Phelps and Torres are voluntary participants in a pilot program by the USOC to "supertest" a group of athletes. They are tested twice a week (throughout the year) and their data is collected to established "baseline" date along the lines of a longitudinal study (this is of course irrelevant for Torres, who will presumably retire, again). Not that this proves they are clean, but it's likely more testing than any other country is doing. However, there are only 12 athletes involved.

if Roche (the manufacture of CERA) didn't volunteer to put a detectable substance in CERA the athletes using it would have actually been able to pass longitudinal testing...

if other athletes are using a designer version of this drug (basically the same thing with a few hydrogens or bonds moved here or there) then they WILL actually be able to pass the longitudinal testing...

truthfully i thought longitudinal testing was the answer, but now i fully understand that it's also a waste of money... the techniques for circumventing it are already here and the baselines are not even set yet...
obxbes said:
How about the Dana Torres 41 year old woman swimmer from the USA who swam the fastest leg ever in the other night in the women's IM. No performance enhancing drugs involved. Right
You mean her (or him). Lou Ferrigno is jealous of that arm.

Come on guys, just try and enjoy it. You maybe right but you can never prove a negative. This thread and others like it could go on forever, though generally people get bored and it slips off the first page, only to be replaced a few days later.

There are always people in sport who cheat, its in some peoples nature to win at any cost, even if it threatens their life (60% heamocrit for instance) and a especially with the money involved these days. Trying to second guess who is or who isn't is a lesson in futility.

There are freaks of nature out there and its always enjoyable to watch these people in their own field. Indurain, Phelps, Bolt... they may or may not have been on something but it always good to watch the genetically gifted unless they get busted for something then it obviously taints your view on them but until then I just enjoy.

For instance Stage 17 in 2006 TDF, A lot of people really enjoyed the live experience of watching Landis do an "Eddy Merckx" on that stage, ok now we know it was "enhanced" and we see it differently but it won't stop me enjoying a similar "move" if I see it in the future... I will just enjoy watching it.
If yesterday we could believe in some freaks of nature it's very difficult now. The level is incredible high and people have in many sports raise the human limits.
Human abilities are commonly represented by a Gauss curve. With worldwide sport, how is it possible to have a guy or a girl clearly stronger than others?
Because there is in all society around 10 or 20% of cheaters, how can the winners beat the dopers when their abilities are slightly increased by undectable PED?
de don said:
Phelps in the swimming clear? a new world record everyday?
I think the world records have more to do with it being a fast pool and it being the first major international meet at which the new Speedo swimsuits are being used. It's hard to imagine that some new PED has come out that everyone is suddenly using (everyone across the board is swimming faster than normal it seems).
Crankyfeet said:
I think the world records have more to do with it being a fast pool and it being the first major international meet at which the new Speedo swimsuits are being used. It's hard to imagine that some new PED has come out that everyone is suddenly using (everyone across the board is swimming faster than normal it seems).
I saw one swimmer spit into the pool, that must be it! :p
ad9898 said:
Come on guys, just try and enjoy it. You maybe right but you can never prove a negative. This thread and others like it could go on forever, though generally people get bored and it slips off the first page, only to be replaced a few days later.

There are always people in sport who cheat, its in some peoples nature to win at any cost, even if it threatens their life (60% heamocrit for instance) and a especially with the money involved these days. Trying to second guess who is or who isn't is a lesson in futility.

There are freaks of nature out there and its always enjoyable to watch these people in their own field. Indurain, Phelps, Bolt... they may or may not have been on something but it always good to watch the genetically gifted unless they get busted for something then it obviously taints your view on them but until then I just enjoy.

For instance Stage 17 in 2006 TDF, A lot of people really enjoyed the live experience of watching Landis do an "Eddy Merckx" on that stage, ok now we know it was "enhanced" and we see it differently but it won't stop me enjoying a similar "move" if I see it in the future... I will just enjoy watching it.
Thanks for helping to make sports a complete sham. Keep it up, champ; with any luck, we'll soon witness 21st-century gladiators beating each other to death with their bare fists.