Doping in Olympic Track 100M

ad9898 said:
Now, in IMO for what its worth, your arguments were put far better in this post than your previous one, I understand now that your enjoyment is "lessoned" which is a point I definately accept, I agree with that to a point, however I just put it to the back of my mind unless real evidence is presented, it has to be like this otherwise anything other than mediocre performances would just be dismissed out of hand.

It would be great to go back to the days, say in the mid 90's where we thought that most performances were clean, unfortunately Pandora's box is open and it can't be closed.
This is the first Olympics I have watched with more knowledge on the extent of doping in sport. It has diminished it for me. But I can still enjoy it somewhat based on the assumption that they're all doing it. Even though there is bound to be some clean competitors. If you really think that doping in cycling doesn't go far beyond those that test positive... then how do you explain the "omerta"... if only a minority are doing it? And how do you explain why anyone would even consider doping if the majority of dopers are caught?

I still enjoy watching competition. It would be much better if I had confidence everyone was clean. What I don't understand is why the IOC can't do more to eradicate it in international sport? Olympic sports at least. I mean... they clear over a billion dollars each Olympics... and give 92% of that to vague "investments in Olympic sports worldwide". Why not ramp up WADA even more and supertest everyone year round. It's a joke leaving it up to national federations IMO. Notwithstanding the conflict of interest... some countries just can't afford it. Eventually you may have the top athletes moving to non-testing countries like Jamaica.

I remember watching the Ben Johnson positive and being so disappointed. That 9.79 100m was one of the most thrilling races I have ever witnessed. For me... Carl Lewis was the clean hero... with the incredible physique... and the moral fortitude. Now many years later... I find out that Lewis was a doper and the US authorities kept it quiet. Wonderful.
It was the most amazing 100m Ive ever seen. Doping in sprinting is much easier than in cycling. In sprinting you don't need to dope in competition.

What I found most interesting was the interview with Powell & the other Jamacian Carter after the race. Both them inferred Bolt was on the juice & gave him nothing in the way of congratulations. Bolt will be busted within the year.

ad9898 said:
I had to come on here after Bolts 100m win. I thought, here we go it will be.... he's on something..blah blah, dramatic improvement...blah blah, too big a distance to win by..blah..blah

I thought it was an astonishing run and unless he's busted for dope(which he hasn't), I will continue to think that was one of the most extraordinary feats I have ever seen.

I know with comments I have just made I'm pissing in the wind on this forum, but hey free thought, speech etc..

Just on a side note, when I logged on today a well respected forum member on here had sent me a private message saying basically were giving up posting here has the cynicism was reaching epidemic proportions, not only is every thread made up of something to do with "doping in cycling" but its now gone over to Track and Field in the Olympics.

What I don't understand and like this guy said who sent me the message, if you think everyone is cheating why bother to watch it, let alone start threads on it. :rolleyes:
Crankyfeet said:
This is the first Olympics I have watched with more knowledge on the extent of doping in sport. It has diminished it for me. But I can still enjoy it somewhat based on the assumption that they're all doing it. Even though there is bound to be some clean competitors. If you really think that doping in cycling doesn't go far beyond those that test positive... then how do you explain the "omerta"... if only a minority are doing it? And how do you explain why anyone would even consider doping if the majority of dopers are caught?

I still enjoy watching competition. It would be much better if I had confidence everyone was clean. What I don't understand is why the IOC can't do more to eradicate it in international sport? Olympic sports at least. I mean... they clear over a billion dollars each Olympics... and give 92% of that to vague "investments in Olympic sports worldwide". Why not ramp up WADA even more and supertest everyone year round. It's a joke leaving it up to national federations IMO. Notwithstanding the conflict of interest... some countries just can't afford it. Eventually you may have the top athletes moving to non-testing countries like Jamaica.

I remember watching the Ben Johnson positive and being so disappointed. That 9.79 100m was one of the most thrilling races I have ever witnessed. For me... Carl Lewis was the clean hero... with the incredible physique... and the moral fortitude. Now many years later... I find out that Lewis was a doper and the US authorities kept it quiet. Wonderful.
+1 Cranky.
Bolt ran 9.69without dope???? And he pulled up.....hmmmm....I don't understand anyone thinking he is clean...but they are all dirty, so...
thoughtforfood said:
+1 Cranky.
Bolt ran 9.69without dope???? And he pulled up.....hmmmm....I don't understand anyone thinking he is clean...but they are all dirty, so...
But the climate in Jamaica allows them to train outdoors all year round. And the women there run really fast... so guys have to run even faster to catch them from a young age. And it takes a while for fast cadence technology to filter from cycling to other sports. Ben Johnson just didn't know about fast cadence.

Furthermore... training methods have significantly improved since 20 years ago. In 1988... an Olympic sprinter did't get of his couch potato **** typically until a few weeks before the Olympics. Sprinters would typically train by running once around the block... then playing a game of touch football. Today it is much different.
Crankyfeet said:
But the climate in Jamaica allows them to train outdoors all year round. And the women there run really fast... so guys have to run even faster to catch them from a young age. And it takes a while for fast cadence technology to filter from cycling to other sports. Ben Johnson just didn't know about fast cadence.
LOL.....however, there is also a price to pay when you do catch them..
whiteboytrash said:
It was the most amazing 100m Ive ever seen. Doping in sprinting is much easier than in cycling. In sprinting you don't need to dope in competition.

What I found most interesting was the interview with Powell & the other Jamacian Carter after the race. Both them inferred Bolt was on the juice & gave him nothing in the way of congratulations. Bolt will be busted within the year.
Good on British Eurosport after the race for saying something to the effect, "it was reminiscent of Ben Johnson..and we all know he cheated for years"
thoughtforfood said:
LOL.....however, there is also a price to pay when you do catch them..

The funny thing is wasn't Michael Johnson supposed to be the most gifted athlete ever nobody had ever seen anything like it and didn't expect to see anything like it again. You know have Bolts and also Warriner his protege closing in on both his WR's.
I remember as a young kid in the seventies watching a movie called "World's Greatest Athlete" or something similar. It was basically a Tarzan story... this ape orphaned kid in Africa comes back to civilisation and beats everyone at every event. I remember he won the 100m with a time in the 9.6's and it was meant to be a ridiculous time... only possible in a movie.
Ullefan said:
Good on British Eurosport after the race for saying something to the effect, "it was reminiscent of Ben Johnson..and we all know he cheated for years"
I hope upon hope that he's clean and simply a freak of nature; a 6'5 inch man with the turnover of a much smaller man allowing his freakish sprinting ability.

I doubt it, but it would be a nice change of pace.

Either way, I doubt he'll be busted. Precious few are.
Ava Marie said:
He reminds me of Flojo, without the one leg tights and nice ass.
The difference with Flo Jo (or Chalkia for that matter) is that this guy didn't appear from nowhere in his mid twenties, stayed on top for a couple of years and then disappeared again... This guy has dominated sprinting since his early teens and he is a prodigy. His physical characteristics are amazing.
As for Powell inferring that he was on the juice, it's not Bolt's fault that he has been underperfoming for the last couple of years neither it's his fault that he stayed 0.2secs below his personal best. Now dont get me wrong I do believe that anything we see below 10secs in 100m is dope induced but it's so hypocritical and pathetic when losers imply that the winner is dirty simply becase the were beaten.
DV1976 said:
The difference with Flo Jo (or Chalkia for that matter) is that this guy didn't appear from nowhere in his mid twenties, stayed on top for a couple of years and then disappeared again... This guy has dominated sprinting since his early teens and he is a prodigy. His physical characteristics are amazing.
As for Powell inferring that he was on the juice, it's not Bolt's fault that he has been underperfoming for the last couple of years neither it's his fault that he stayed 0.2secs below his personal best. Now dont get me wrong I do believe that anything we see below 10secs in 100m is dope induced but it's so hypocritical and pathetic when losers imply that the winner is dirty simply becase the were beaten.
He would have come fourth if Bolt tested positive anyway.
Either Bolts run was the greatest athletic achievement the world has ever seen...or he was doped. Nobody sets a world record like that. Thats like running a 3:30 mile and doing cartwheels for the last 100 m.
Crankyfeet said:
I remember as a young kid in the seventies watching a movie called "World's Greatest Athlete" or something similar. It was basically a Tarzan story... this ape orphaned kid in Africa comes back to civilisation and beats everyone at every event. I remember he won the 100m with a time in the 9.6's and it was meant to be a ridiculous time... only possible in a movie.

Jan Michael Vincent (Airwolf) running faster than a Cheetah....would be faster than 9.6 then, or???:D
The Balco effect continues, US athletes are running slowly than ever.

And Jamaique is magic!
Jeff Vader said:
Either Bolts run was the greatest athletic achievement the world has ever seen...or he was doped. Nobody sets a world record like that. Thats like running a 3:30 mile and doing cartwheels for the last 100 m.
I think they should make that an event... :D I mean, if they have dork walking for an event...why not?
ad9898 said:
Ooo, steady on, I haven't *****ed, just stated a fact as of today. Secondly I don't think I said anyone here is a loser,
I suppose "sad *****" is not the same as "losers"
ad9898 said:
Thirdly I don't think I'm superior, just that I obviously have a different opinion and outlook on life than you.
Yeah right...
ad9898 said:
Forthly, I already have a 911 GT2 but have little need for Viagra or a Ho :D. Lastly its kinda fun coming on here in a masochistic kinda way.
Nice spelling on "fourthly". I think you have already done the ego stroking thing by the looks of it. And haven't missed an opportunity to stroke it further in here.
ad9898 said:
I mean I am correct aren't I that Bolt is the 100m Olympic champion as of today ?, and what is a "doper apologist" anyway, I take it is someone who supports the likes of Ricco, Casper, Vino or Ben Johnson..etc yeh ?, well I have shown no support for any of these people, just an appreciation of sporting greatness until its proved differently.

Otherwise whats the point of watching.
I think your mindset... (that once you believe most are doping... then there is no point in watching).... may be the mental block that is affecting your powers of deductive reasoning. Whilst it is hugely disappointing that the sport (and other sports) allow dopers to be rewarded (let's face it... there would be no point in doping if the risk of getting caught was even one in ten... and guys like Basso, Ullrich etc. probably never would have been caught except for an external raid on their dope doctor's office)... it is still possible to enjoy it if you assume that all of the major contenders are doping. It doesn't mean that the results would be the same if they were all clean. It doesn't mean that you don't hate the fact that everyone is competing on not only physical capabilities, but also who's got the best dope, dope doctor, and response to dope. It doesn't mean that you don't want things to change so that doping is much more difficult to get away with.

It's a bit like politics. Whilst many of us realize that a lot of polticians are liars and corrupt... many of us still want to vote and are interested by the outcome of elections. I still enjoy watching top cyclists compete at 100%. I would just rather watch it with the confidence that everyone was clean (as unrealistic as that ideal may be). I also would like the sport not to pressure good cyclists to dope... because doping is their only chance of being able to compete.
Crankyfeet said:
I suppose "sad *****" is not the same as "losers"Yeah right... Nice spelling on "fourthly". I think you have already done the ego stroking thing by the looks of it. And haven't missed an opportunity to stroke it further in here.
I think your mindset... (that once you believe most are doping... then there is no point in watching).... may be the mental block that is affecting your powers of deductive reasoning. Whilst it is hugely disappointing that the sport (and other sports) allow dopers to be rewarded (let's face it... there would be no point in doping if the risk of getting caught was even one in ten... and guys like Basso, Ullrich etc. probably never would have been caught except for an external raid on their dope doctor's office)... it is still possible to enjoy it if you assume that all of the major contenders are doping. It doesn't mean that the results would be the same if they were all clean. It doesn't mean that you don't hate the fact that everyone is competing on not only physical capabilities, but also who's got the best dope, dope doctor, and response to dope. It doesn't mean that you don't want things to change so that doping is much more difficult to get away with.

It's a bit like politics. Whilst many of us realize that a lot of polticians are liars and corrupt... many of us still want to vote and are interested by the outcome of elections. I still enjoy watching top cyclists compete at 100%. I would just rather watch it with the confidence that everyone was clean (as unrealistic as that ideal may be). I also would like the sport not to pressure good cyclists to dope... because doping is their only chance of being able to compete.

Crank, you have outdone yourself, bravo. I am no match for your posting power :D, I havent even read the couple of paragraphs at the end of your post but I'm sure they make sense if you come from a certain point of view and I mean that sincerely.

The Olympics isn't everyones cup of tea which is fair enough, to me its entertainment that I enjoy watching. I don't care for analysing whether every sport I'm watching is clean or not, its not my job and to be honest I'm pretty sure no one on this forum is qualified in this line of science either. There are authorities out there who are doing the best they can to catch the cheats. As far as I'm concerned Phelps, Bolt etc are great athletes, my mind will be changed if they are found to have doped but until then...

As far as ego goes, cant say I have one really, if I did I wouldn't post as I have few friends here.... er make that no friends.:D or should that be :(, the reference to the Porsche if thats what your on about was bought up by thoughtforfood, I would never openly brag about any achievements or material possessions I have, its uncouth.