Doping in Olympic Track 100M

ad9898 said:
Come on guys, just try and enjoy it. You maybe right but you can never prove a negative. This thread and others like it could go on forever, though generally people get bored and it slips off the first page, only to be replaced a few days later.

There are always people in sport who cheat, its in some peoples nature to win at any cost, even if it threatens their life (60% heamocrit for instance) and a especially with the money involved these days. Trying to second guess who is or who isn't is a lesson in futility.

There are freaks of nature out there and its always enjoyable to watch these people in their own field. Indurain, Phelps, Bolt... they may or may not have been on something but it always good to watch the genetically gifted unless they get busted for something then it obviously taints your view on them but until then I just enjoy.

For instance Stage 17 in 2006 TDF, A lot of people really enjoyed the live experience of watching Landis do an "Eddy Merckx" on that stage, ok now we know it was "enhanced" and we see it differently but it won't stop me enjoying a similar "move" if I see it in the future... I will just enjoy watching it.
For cycling you can do this (as long as the performances are not too outrageous) because a doped riders looks just like a clean rider--aside from a possible lower body fat for the doper. There are many Olympic sports that you cannot miss what is going on.

I have never been able to get into the Olympics. Every time I flip on the TV there are little girls pretending to be older, male gymnasts who are 5'4" and have the upper body of Arnold Schwarzenegger, female slabs of muscle built with steroids. There is a level o ludicrousness that cannot be overlooked. It's like watching pro baseball these days; the hitters look like cartoon characters. I just cannot take it seriously.
Crankyfeet said:
I think the world records have more to do with it being a fast pool and it being the first major international meet at which the new Speedo swimsuits are being used. It's hard to imagine that some new PED has come out that everyone is suddenly using (everyone across the board is swimming faster than normal it seems).
I think you are right there. One swimmer did claim earlier this year that drugs were a major factor in other people going faster than him (or something to that effect)

but then remembering some guitar related comments he once made i dont regard him as making calm and level-headed comments:rolleyes:
Anticyclone said:
Asafa Powell isnt happy at receiving the Ricco treatment. At least the Athletic authorities are doing a lot of testing

it IS really stupid to be testing 100m runners at this time... the time was in earlier in the year when they were actually in the gym building bulk... they are not taking anything now (maybe the odd stimulant).. there's no point now... this is proof positive that WADA is still out to lunch... what a waste of resources!
doctorSpoc said:
it IS really stupid to be testing 100m runners at this time... the time was in earlier in the year when they were actually in the gym building bulk... they are not taking anything now (maybe the odd stimulant).. there's no point now... this is proof positive that WADA is still out to lunch... what a waste of resources!

Total waste of time. They haven't listened to the balco bloke who siad that only the stupid fail drug tests especially when competing. The testing is probably just PR for the general journos and public.

Can you still get away with missing two tests before being banned. Also you have to look at the Jamaican federation, think of the money they will make if they get a one-two and WR at the olympics. Michael Johnson said it was the most unbelievable thing he has seen, Bolt jogging 9.92.
The Jamaican federation do not have an out of competition testing program. I think that is all anyone needs to know about Powell and Bolt.
alvynmcq said:
The Jamaican federation do not have an out of competition testing program. I think that is all anyone needs to know about Powell and Bolt.
Bolt just jogged 9.85, no doubt the world record will go in the final. I am guessing he is going to put in a sub 9.7 which is unbelievable.
alvynmcq said:
Bolt just jogged 9.85, no doubt the world record will go in the final. I am guessing he is going to put in a sub 9.7 which is unbelievable.
No just 9.69... by stopping his effort 15-20m before the finish line!
Under 9.6 was attainable for him today.

The new Flo-Jo? I don't want to compare him with ben Johnson because he is very gifted since his first race... At 14 he was already unbelievable, that was not true for Flo-Jo or Ben Johnson. But I doubt that all of this was done clean.

The 200 WR is under a serious threat!
poulidor said:
No just 9.69... by stopping his effort 15-20m before the finish line!
Under 9.6 was attainable for him today.

The new Flo-Jo? I don't want to compare him with ben Johnson because he is very gifted since his first race... At 14 he was already unbelievable, that was not true for Flo-Jo or Ben Johnson. But I doubt that all of this was done clean.

The 200 WR is under a serious threat!

Still quite sickly viewing. In a time where apparently performance should be levelling off i think 6 athletes under 10secs. Exactly the same as Marion Jones IMO way to big a margin in a final. Also his performances have dramatically improved over the last year so much so he could have still won if he had run two heats back to back while the others didn't. The Jamaican federation need to have a look at themselves in my book.
I had to come on here after Bolts 100m win. I thought, here we go it will be.... he's on something..blah blah, dramatic improvement...blah blah, too big a distance to win by..blah..blah

I thought it was an astonishing run and unless he's busted for dope(which he hasn't), I will continue to think that was one of the most extraordinary feats I have ever seen.

I know with comments I have just made I'm pissing in the wind on this forum, but hey free thought, speech etc..

Just on a side note, when I logged on today a well respected forum member on here had sent me a private message saying basically were giving up posting here has the cynicism was reaching epidemic proportions, not only is every thread made up of something to do with "doping in cycling" but its now gone over to Track and Field in the Olympics.

What I don't understand and like this guy said who sent me the message, if you think everyone is cheating why bother to watch it, let alone start threads on it. :rolleyes:
ad9898 said:
I had to come on here after Bolts 100m win. I thought, here we go it will be.... he's on something..blah blah, dramatic improvement...blah blah, too big a distance to win by..blah..blah

I thought it was an astonishing run and unless he's busted for dope(which he hasn't), I will continue to think that was one of the most extraordinary feats I have ever seen.

I know with comments I have just made I'm pissing in the wind on this forum, but hey free thought, speech etc..

Just on a side note, when I logged on today a well respected forum member on here had sent me a private message saying basically were giving up posting here has the cynicism was reaching epidemic proportions, not only is every thread made up of something to do with "doping in cycling" but its now gone over to Track and Field in the Olympics.

What I don't understand and like this guy said who sent me the message, if you think everyone is cheating why bother to watch it, let alone start threads on it. :rolleyes:

You know he won't get busted though, not anytime soon maybe prior to 2012. I find it quite weird how apparently this restores faith in the 100m and how short peoples memories are when celebrating these types of performances. I say it again gaps like this in elite sport shouldn't happen especially in an event lasting less than 10secs.
ad9898 said:
I had to come on here after Bolts 100m win. I thought, here we go it will be.... he's on something..blah blah, dramatic improvement...blah blah, too big a distance to win by..blah..blah

I thought it was an astonishing run and unless he's busted for dope(which he hasn't), I will continue to think that was one of the most extraordinary feats I have ever seen.

I know with comments I have just made I'm pissing in the wind on this forum, but hey free thought, speech etc..

Just on a side note, when I logged on today a well respected forum member on here had sent me a private message saying basically were giving up posting here has the cynicism was reaching epidemic proportions, not only is every thread made up of something to do with "doping in cycling" but its now gone over to Track and Field in the Olympics.

What I don't understand and like this guy said who sent me the message, if you think everyone is cheating why bother to watch it, let alone start threads on it. :rolleyes:
So you come here to ***** about the *****ing about doping???
Look, doping apologists like you have many places to post. I for one am sure that Bolt is doped to the gills....hell, some people believe Santa Clause wears Nomex underwear and can shrink himself to miniscule proportions. Some choose to believe that somehow a guy can run that fast without doping. You are free to think what you want. It is a big world with many people and lots of places. Why do you come here and waste your time with a bunch of people you see as losers? Do you need the ego boost? Hell, go buy and Porsche, some Viagra, and a ***** (she will tell you that you are the best screw she ever had if you tell her to) instead of slumming here to make yourself feel superior.
I dont know whether Bolt was doped or not but the lad is an astonishing talent. He 's been a prodigy since his very early teens, he has dominated every age group in national and international level and now he does it on the "big stage".
Dope or not amazing, just amazing. His height, his coordination, his stride frequency and length are just amazing. He can do 9,60 easily...

On the other hand, Michael Phelps makes Lance Armstrong likeable again. :D
As for the, so-called, "voluntary tests" as far as I know athletes can choose when to take them...
DV1976 said:
I dont know whether Bolt was doped or not but the lad is an astonishing talent. He 's been a prodigy since his very early teens, he has dominated every age group in national and international level and now he does it on the "big stage".
I couldn't believe his performance at the heats. He was doing the equivalent of soft-pedaling!!!
ad9898 said:
I thought it was an astonishing run and unless he's busted for dope(which he hasn't), I will continue to think that was one of the most extraordinary feats I have ever seen.

I'll rather join those dudes than believe Bolt is racing clean.
thoughtforfood said:
So you come here to ***** about the *****ing about doping???
Look, doping apologists like you have many places to post. I for one am sure that Bolt is doped to the gills....hell, some people believe Santa Clause wears Nomex underwear and can shrink himself to miniscule proportions. Some choose to believe that somehow a guy can run that fast without doping. You are free to think what you want. It is a big world with many people and lots of places. Why do you come here and waste your time with a bunch of people you see as losers? Do you need the ego boost? Hell, go buy and Porsche, some Viagra, and a ***** (she will tell you that you are the best screw she ever had if you tell her to) instead of slumming here to make yourself feel superior.

Ooo, steady on, I haven't *****ed, just stated a fact as of today. Secondly I don't think I said anyone here is a loser, Thirdly I don't think I'm superior, just that I obviously have a different opinion and outlook on life than you. Forthly, I already have a 911 GT2 but have little need for Viagra or a Ho :D. Lastly its kinda fun coming on here in a masochistic kinda way.

I mean I am correct aren't I that Bolt is the 100m Olympic champion as of today ?, and what is a "doper apologist" anyway, I take it is someone who supports the likes of Ricco, Casper, Vino or Ben Johnson..etc yeh ?, well I have shown no support for any of these people, just an appreciation of sporting greatness until its proved differently.

Otherwise whats the point of watching.
ad9898 said:
Ooo, steady on, I haven't *****ed, just stated a fact as of today. Secondly I don't think I said anyone here is a loser, Thirdly I don't think I'm superior, just that I obviously have a different opinion and outlook on life than you. Forthly, I already have a 911 GT2 but have little need for Viagra or a Ho :D. Lastly its kinda fun coming on here in a masochistic kinda way.

I mean I am correct aren't I that Bolt is the 100m Olympic champion as of today ?, and what is a "doper apologist" anyway, I take it is someone who supports the likes of Ricco, Casper, Vino or Ben Johnson..etc yeh ?, well I have shown no support for any of these people, just an appreciation of sporting greatness until its proved differently.

Otherwise whats the point of watching.
Nice Car!

My belief is that the feats being currently attained in sports are tainted considering the doping revalations of those who came before. I simply believe that it is probably worse than we imagine. I am not a "glass half full" or "glass half empty" kind of person; I am a "hey there is a glass with water in it" type. Armstrong didn't beat the **** out of people who were doping just by spinning faster or training harder, and Bolts isn't destroying the times of people who doped in earlier years because he is simply that superior. I just don't believe it. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching a good race. It does mean however that my enjoyment of the event is lessened. Bolts is talented, so is Phelps. Hell, they may be the most talented to have ever tried the sport; I don't know. I do know that events that have always had razor thin margins for world records are now being blown away. That suggests something more than talent to me. I just cannot ignore the totality of evidence in regards to doping.

We disagree, and you have a nicer car.
thoughtforfood said:
Nice Car!

My belief is that the feats being currently attained in sports are tainted considering the doping revalations of those who came before. I simply believe that it is probably worse than we imagine. I am not a "glass half full" or "glass half empty" kind of person; I am a "hey there is a glass with water in it" type. Armstrong didn't beat the **** out of people who were doping just by spinning faster or training harder, and Bolts isn't destroying the times of people who doped in earlier years because he is simply that superior. I just don't believe it. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching a good race. It does mean however that my enjoyment of the event is lessened. Bolts is talented, so is Phelps. Hell, they may be the most talented to have ever tried the sport; I don't know. I do know that events that have always had razor thin margins for world records are now being blown away. That suggests something more than talent to me. I just cannot ignore the totality of evidence in regards to doping.

We disagree, and you have a nicer car.

Now, in IMO for what its worth, your arguments were put far better in this post than your previous one, I understand now that your enjoyment is "lessoned" which is a point I definately accept, I agree with that to a point, however I just put it to the back of my mind unless real evidence is presented, it has to be like this otherwise anything other than mediocre performances would just be dismissed out of hand.

It would be great to go back to the days, say in the mid 90's where we thought that most performances were clean, unfortunately Pandora's box is open and it can't be closed.
ad9898 said:
It would be great to go back to the days, say in the mid 90's where we thought that most performances were clean, unfortunately Pandora's box is open and it can't be closed.
The bow was open during cold war with the ET women... followed closely by the men but that was less detectable.