Interesting ebay auction: Go One velomobile


Call me Bob

Just spotted this on ebay:

Nothing to do with me, don't know the seller etc, I just thought it
was a very interesting sale to watch.

I noticed he's listed a few modifications and extras he's added, which
include "matching yellow bike flag for extra visibility". If one of
those really needs help with visibility on the road, we might as well
all just give up.

I'd love to have a bid, but, checking my online bank statement,
"computer says no".



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On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:29:59 +0100, "Just zis Guy, you know?"
<[email protected]> wrote:


>Removed. Hmmm...

What? Eh? Bugger me, so it has.

How odd, it was only listed today and has gone again straight away,
that's a shame. It didn't look like a dodgy listing, none of the usual
warning signals.

I was looking forward to seeing what price it fetched, 2001 model, in
yellow with a few extras and seemingly good condition. Start price was
about 450 quid, I think.

Ho hum.



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On 29 Apr 2005 17:07:07 GMT, Ian Smith <[email protected]> wrote:

>Looked a bit strange that he was going to remove all bids by anyone
>that didn't make personal contact with him first.

Yes, but that on it's own didn't ring any alarm bells for me. It seems
a reasonable request when selling a high value item, particularly
given how many clowns there now seem to be on ebay. The rest of the
listing looked, at first glance anyway, to be kosher.

As it happens, it seems it /was/ a dodgy listing, as the user account
has also been suspended, not just the listing removed.

I also received this afternoon an automated email from some ebay
computer saying "you made contact with this user, watch out, he may be
a wrong 'un! Don't send 'im any money! Don't buy anything from 'im!"

So, that'll be me proffering the group url's for bogus auctions then.
Ahem. I'll go stand in the corner and think about what I've done.



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On Fri, 29 Apr 2005, Call me Bob <> wrote:
> I also received this afternoon an automated email from some ebay
> computer saying "you made contact with this user, watch out, he may be
> a wrong 'un! Don't send 'im any money! Don't buy anything from 'im!"

Ebay has some particularly panicky emails. I recently bopught
something, paid and they suspended teh auction about 6 hours after I
had apid, along with scary emails to teh effect of "don't geive them
any money, if you do your on your own, oh no, you haven't have you,
suppose you could try and talk to your credit card company".

The item arrived in teh post a few days later.

regards, Ian SMith

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