Piti goes down ! Finally !

thunder said:
I think Cancellara is ****ed. He is classicomano Luigi from my information.
I would have bet on Bettini. Especially since he said he would retire rather than give a DNA sample.

I would assume Cancellara probably started working with Fuentes before 2006 when he won P-R. What did Cancellara win before 2006 which would have given him the code name "classics man"?
Bro Deal said:
I would have bet on Bettini. Especially since he said he would retire rather than give a DNA sample.

I would assume Cancellara probably started working with Fuentes before 2006 when he won P-R. What did Cancellara win before 2006 which would have given him the code name "classics man"?
Luigi Cecchini is Cancellara's doctor. Cancellara came 4th I think, in about 2004 Roubaix.

Baggy won the sprint, Hammond and Hincapie were in the finale, four came to the velodrome together, and Cancellara opened up the sprint from about a lap out but had no legs.

Might be wrong.

Anyway, you don't have to have won a classic to be a classicomano. Cancellara always talked about Roubaix.

Luigi was his coach and doper extraordinaire, not of Bettini since I think the Bartoli era. Think Bettini moved on to a different doctor when he fell out with Bartoli. But feel free to correct me.
thunder said:
Luigi Cecchini is Cancellara's doctor. Cancellara came 4th I think, in about 2004 Roubaix.

Baggy won the sprint, Hammond and Hincapie were in the finale, four came to the velodrome together, and Cancellara opened up the sprint from about a lap out but had no legs.

Might be wrong.

Anyway, you don't have to have won a classic to be a classicomano. Cancellara always talked about Roubaix.

Luigi was his coach and doper extraordinaire, not of Bettini since I think the Bartoli era. Think Bettini moved on to a different doctor when he fell out with Bartoli. But feel free to correct me.
Makes sense.

Which bags belong to Sastre?
Bro Deal said:
Makes sense.

Which bags belong to Sastre?
dont know.

Menchov has his bags there. So does Dekker. This was from Cyclingheroes.

The Rabo guys, sans Dekker, moved on to the Austrian bank. So Mench has now about 4 bags in two different clinics.

I don't know where Sastre's gear is. But I think he either gets a refill at the Tour, or is on something else. He always get stronger. Evans is pretty even. I reckon he only gets that testo that Leukemans got. Maybe a transfusion and epo to boost prior to the prologue. Cyclingheroes had him admitting he worked with Ferrari back at Telekom. Managed by Rominger.

Bruyneel knew Armtrong was not going to win last year, when any rational view of his tt would assess a better than average likelihood of Evans winning. I think Bruyneel knew that Sastre was getting a blood bag on the eve, or some artificial hemaglobin, and Evans was not getting much help during the Tour.

I did not think Sastre had it in him, the tt performance. The doping one, yeah, he had every bit of gear in him. He is Riis' charge. I would be happy for Saxo to implode on the eve of the Tour this year, because those *****es, the brothers Schleck are cross matched to Puerto.

As Simoni said about Andy Schleck's performance at the 2007 Giro "so much for the new clean generation". No **** Gibo, those two Luxembourgish cnuts need to have their heads banged together. They them the brothers *****es.
thunder said:
Anyway, you don't have to have won a classic to be a classicomano. Cancellara always talked about Roubaix.

Luigi was his coach and doper extraordinaire, not of Bettini since I think the Bartoli era. Think Bettini moved on to a different doctor when he fell out with Bartoli. But feel free to correct me.
I don't mean to sound pedantic but 'classicomano' translates as 'classic hands' so it could be anyone.
No doubt but that practically the entire CSC team is involved, didn't Basso testify to CONI that, he, Riss and Frank Shleck visit Fuentes in Madrid in December 2005, and almost anyone named so far was a Cecchini client.
Moller said:
I don't mean to sound pedantic but 'classicomano' translates as 'classic hands' so it could be anyone.
No doubt but that practically the entire CSC team is involved, didn't Basso testify to CONI that, he, Riss and Frank Shleck visit Fuentes in Madrid in December 2005, and almost anyone named so far was a Cecchini client.
not true.

Checchini's clients are not multiple.

Hamilton, Jaksche, Dekker, Cancellara, Ullrich.

They (OP riders) are not all with Ceccho. All Luigi's clients, indeed, are with Fuentes however.
Moller said:
maybe thats what I meant:p
yeah, so, you are throwing Ullrich, an old Hamilton bag, Jaksche, and the others. Most of those other guys had code names already allocated.
thunder said:
yeah, so, you are throwing Ullrich, an old Hamilton bag, Jaksche, and the others. Most of those other guys had code names already allocated.
Did you ever read the story that was in a spanish paper (can't find the linK) about how Fuentes had a transfusion 'clinic' in a hotel room on the first rest day of the 2004 tour. Pascal Herve was the 'go-between' between Fuentes and his clients. Interestingly Herve's mate Virenque won the next day after a stage long break.
Moller said:
Did you ever read the story that was in a spanish paper (can't find the linK) about how Fuentes had a transfusion 'clinic' in a hotel room on the first rest day of the 2004 tour. Pascal Herve was the 'go-between' between Fuentes and his clients. Interestingly Herve's mate Virenque won the next day after a stage long break.
no, missed that, actually, may have read that. I did read that program.

But, forget what I was gonna say. Damn.

Yeah, here. I thought I read, it takes a few days, for the body to absorb and react to the new o2 capacity.

That is. This would suggest it is not possible to transfuse morning on tts, and get the benefit. Have you heard this theory?
just clarifying. Bot does not absorb the o2. It was metapohr. The new capacity. The body needs to adjust to use it.

So I read.
thunder said:
just clarifying. Bot does not absorb the o2. It was metapohr. The new capacity. The body needs to adjust to use it.

So I read.
Found it
The ex-cyclists who aided dope doctor

By C. Arribas and J.A. Hernandez

Eufemiano Fuentes, busted a year ago, used network of contacts to supply riders during races

A year ago today the cycling fans picked up their morning papers to read the dramatic news of a police bust against a suspected doping ring in Madrid. Among the five men arrested were then director of the Liberty Seguros team, Manolo Saiz, and the personal doctor to several top cyclists, Eufemiano Fuentes . Saiz was apparently caught in the act of paying the medic 60,000 Euros for services rendered.

A year after the initial May 23 Operation Puerto raid, with a number of leading names from the international peloton now either suspended by their teams and under investigation for their alleged involvement in Fuentes' doping ring, new details of the Spanish medic's modus operandi are still coming to light.

Fuentes' operational base was the Madrid apartment where the Civil Guard uncovered refrigerated blood bags, besides doping substances and files on his clients, but the Canary Islander also used an international network of contacts to assist riders competing in the sport's three great annual competitions: the Tour de France, Giro d'Italia and the Vuelta a España. According to the Civil Guard's probe, Fuentes had a list of "friends" who helped him transport his business and liaise with cyclists as the cycling roadshow moved around Europe.

Among these contacts two prominent ex-cyclists feature: a French rider implicated in his day in the so-called Festina Case which rocked the Tour of 1998; the other is said to be an Italian, the "number three" in Fuentes' filing system - Jan Ullrich and Ivan Basso occupying the first two positions - under the codename Sansone.

On July 12, 2004, the Tour was enjoying a rest day in Limoges with the rigors of the Pyrenean stages to come. Fuentes called his client cyclists, one by one, to a flat he told them he had been "lent by a friend" in the city. There, the riders received transfusions of their own blood, extracted before the Tour and stored in the apartment weeks before the appointed day.

One cyclist noticed a trophy cabinet in the flat, containing, among other items, the points cup from the 2000 Vuelta a Burgos. The Civil Guard looked into the annals of that race, and found the corresponding name of French rider Pascal Hervé, a Festina rider in the glory days of Richard Virenque and himself suspended for using EPO in the 2001 Giro. Hervé now lives in Limoges.

In Italy, prosecutors are investigating possible links between Fuentes and an Italian doctor, Luigi Cecchini. A key to the establishment of this connection is uncovering the rider codenamed Sansone in Fuentes' paperwork. The Civil Guard does not yet wish to reveal the identity of this ex-rider, but based on his competition/doping schedule from the 2002 and 2003 seasons, they suggest he was one of the best one-day "classic" race cyclists in the world before retiring in 2004. According to the 2002 planner, the cyclist spent 10 January days with Fuentes in the Canary Islands, undergoing a course of EPO and anabolic steroids before joining the Fassa Bortolo team.

Among the entries for 2003 in Fuentes' detailed file is a trip to the rider's home in Italy on the eve of the Milan-San Remo race. About the cyclist, a neighbor of Cecchini, Fuentes notes: "17/03/03: he paid for all the medication (1,153) and gave me 1,500 for José Luis [Merino Batres, ex-director of blood transfusions in the Madrid region] and 6,000 for me, as a down payment on the sum agreed. In total, he is going to transfer me 8,653 euros."

The rest day was on the Monday, Virenque actually won on the Wednesday and Basso won at La Mongie on the Friday.

Is it just me or is cycling more exciting with stories of doping espionage and the like ?

I have to admit I love this ****.
whiteboytrash said:
Is it just me or is cycling more exciting with stories of doping espionage and the like ?

I have to admit I love this ****.
+1 Its like Zoolander meets The Da Vinci Code.

whiteboytrash said:
Is it just me or is cycling more exciting with stories of doping espionage and the like ?

I have to admit I love this ****.
I agree with you totally, that particular story about him setting up in a hotel room, and riders calling individually is just unbelievable!

One thing I wondered, take the 2004 tour, Ullrich, Basso & Hamilton are rival contenders, does each one know that they are all seeing the same doctor as the other or do they think they have a big advantage over the other? it's laughable when you think of it.
Moller said:
I agree with you totally, that particular story about him setting up in a hotel room, and riders calling individually is just unbelievable!

One thing I wondered, take the 2004 tour, Ullrich, Basso & Hamilton are rival contenders, does each one know that they are all seeing the same doctor as the other or do they think they have a big advantage over the other? it's laughable when you think of it.
I think Fuentes was acting just as a supplier for many riders. It would be like two pros getting their dope from the same pharmacy. It probably did not bother them at all.

I do have to say the drama surrounding the doper is far more interesting than the racing. It is like a soap opera. You never know what will pop up. Just as it seems someone like Valverde has escaped Operation Puerto, you wake up one day to find out that he been boned by the Italians. A wrtier could not make this stuff up.
whiteboytrash said:
Is it just me or is cycling more exciting with stories of doping espionage and the like ?

I have to admit I love this ****.
It's the only reason I keep following cycling, well that and to ridicule the idiot fanboys who think their favorite rider or team is clean. The racing is dead. At this point I cheer for the guy who can dope the most and still get away with it.

I think it would be great for some rider to take an ungodly drug concoction as a sort of death match. Either you win or your heart explodes.

What about a reality show where they take a middling Cat 2 and put him on a 'program' for a year and document his improvement. Part of the program, of course, is to shave his head.