When will USADA sanction Roid Landis?


New Member
Jun 14, 2007
They held the trial. But now it is time for a proper hanging.

The admitted witness tampering alone is justification for a LIFETIME BAN.

On which date with the trap door open? Before or after David Walsh's book release on June 26?

Will Roid wear a yellow or black tie at his final press conference?

Or no tie?

The ties that bind.

'From Lance to Landis'
I believe it was said that the defense & prosecution had 3 weeks following the close of the hearing to file the documents of the their case and then it would take a further 3 weeks for the deliberators to go through it all and make their decision.

Which I think they said would mean this years TDF will have already started before a decision is made and the 06 version has an official outcome.

something like that, give or take a little I guess.
Doctor.House said:
They held the trial. But now it is time for a proper hanging.

The admitted witness tampering alone is justification for a LIFETIME BAN.

On which date with the trap door open? Before or after David Walsh's book release on June 26?

Will Roid wear a yellow or black tie at his final press conference?

Or no tie?

The ties that bind.

'From Lance to Landis'
I couldn't agree more. The last thing we want is due process.
seriouslydog said:
I couldn't agree more. The last thing we want is due process.
You meant 'UNDUE process'

Doping apology mythology delayed is justice denied!

Roid should have been BANNED for life after his Greg Lemond threat was posted on DPF website last November.

He has been granted a commercial stay of execution to sell his book---eight exhausting months!
Doctor.House said:
You meant 'UNDUE process'

Doping apology mythology delayed is justice denied!

Roid should have been BANNED for life after his Greg Lemond threat was posted on DPF website last November.

He has been granted a commercial stay of execution to sell his book---eight exhausting months!
Yeah, I'm going to stick with due process.

Do I think he's guilty? Yeah. But rushing the process isn't good for anyone. The guilty or the innocent. He's going to lose this battle, appeal, and lose that one too.
seriouslydog said:
Yeah, I'm going to stick with due process.

Do I think he's guilty? Yeah. But rushing the process isn't good for anyone. The guilty or the innocent. He's going to lose this battle, appeal, and lose that one too.
It should not take over a year to bust a steroid overdoser.
Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm sure you will anyway :p ) but it has taken a year because Landis would not accept his guilt and challenged the test results, taking it to a hearing/court etc. which of course takes loads of time, as per Hamilton. Where as Perez, Heras etc. didn't appear to make much noise and faded out of sight.

But yes I agree it should not take so long.
Doctor.House said:
It should not take over a year to bust a steroid overdoser.
A year isn't that long. Besides, it's not as if he's racing in the meantime. He's already been busted. Now he's exercising his right to call into question the findings. We may find this annoying as (I think we're in agreement here) he's g-u-i-l-t-y. But still, what about the odd occasion when a person is innocent? For this person/reason we have such safeguards.
Just seems like 'due process' is mosty a false pretense anyway.

The test results made Landis a steroid overdoser. It is a ZERO tolerance policy.

In the meantime Landis has confirmed his true nature as a cheat, bully and rotten egg by engaging in:

1) witness tampering (Greg Lemond)
2) switching out his yellow tie for a black one
3) wacky explanations of his steroid hormones (Jack Daniels, beer, conspiracy)
4) violated the agreed upon gag order by releasing his new book.

Floyd Landis, by his very own actions, has confirmed that he is a low life scoundrel. USADA did not make Floyd Landis a creep.

No USADA verdict is necessary. Landis confirmed his conduct for all to see.

Conduct unbecoming! A LIFETIME BAN is thus warranted.
seriouslydog said:
I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
Then you are well qualified for a top UCI or IOC executive position. If only you had a relative on the board.

Those crooks see no evil, hear no evil as well.

Blind eyes and Swiss Bank accounts is what TV sport has become.

'Due process' is whatever you sell the public. It is like the myth of integrity.
Doctor.House said:
'Due process' is whatever you sell the public. It is like the myth of integrity.
Again, you'll have to excuse me as I don't have a clue what you're trying to say here.

I'm pretty sure I'm done posting in this thread.
seriouslydog said:
Again, you'll have to excuse me as I don't have a clue what you're trying to say here.

I'm pretty sure I'm done posting in this thread.
Hein Verbruggen and I say: Bah bye now.

Please step around the sharps buckets on your way out.
tcklyde said:
You forget that Landis was a fluke too since Basso and Ulle were excluded.
And Basso and Ule were flukes too--since Marco Pantani died at age 34 and Lance Phamrstrong retired in 2005.
The hearing results are supposed to be announced Friday (US time).
Just in time for the start of the prologue for this years tour.

from cyclingnews.
Landis will know verdict Friday

According to Belgian website sportwereld.be, American Floyd Landis will learn about his fate Friday (local US time) by the American Anti-Doping agency (USADA). The year-long case will know a verdict on the eve of the next Tour de France.

Landis is accused of having used testosterone in last year's stage 17. If convicted he will lose his title of Tour de France winner. The French authorities will wait for the USADA outcome before continuing with their procedures, so even if found innocent by his country's agency the struggle for the Californian will not be over.

The timing of the announcement a year after the Tour is puzzling, prompting Tour head Christian Prudhomme's to react, "It already wasn't very logical that a positive sample from last July was only juristically dealt with in May this year in the United States."